
The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity Edited by John Anthony McGuckin A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity Edited by John Anthony McGuckin A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication This edition first published 2011 ß 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley‐Blackwell. 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If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data The encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity/edited by John Anthony McGuckin. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4051-8539-4 (hardcover: alk. paper) 1. Orthodox Eastern Church–Encyclopedias. I. McGuckin, John Anthony. BX230.E53 2011 2810.503–dc22 2010029190 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is published in the following electronic formats: ePDFs 978144439253; Wiley Online Library 9781444392555; ePub 9781444392548 Set in 9.5/11pt Minion by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India 01 2011 BRIEF CONTENTS List of Entries vii List of Illustrations xiii Editors and Contributors xvii Preface and Acknowledgments xix Maps xxiv Eastern Orthodox Christianity A–Z 1–646 Appendix: Foundational Documents of Orthodox Theology 647 Index 772 LIST OF ENTRIES Afanasiev, Nicholas (1893–1966) Australasia, Orthodox Church in see Contemporary Orthodox Autocephaly see United States of Theology America, Orthodoxy in the Africa, Orthodoxy in Automelon see Idiomelon Akathistos Baptism Albania, Orthodox Church of Barlaam of Calabria Alexandria, Patriarchate of (ca. 1290–1348) Ambo Behr‐Sigel, Elisabeth (1907–2005) Amnos see Contemporary Orthodox Anagnostes (Reader) Theology Analogion Belarus see Lithuania, Orthodoxy Anaphora in; Ukraine, Orthodoxy in the Anastasimatarion Berdiaev, Nikolai A. (1874–1948) Angels Bible Anglicanism, Orthodoxy and Bioethics, Orthodoxy and Anointing of the Sick Blessing Rituals Antidoron Bogomils Antimension Bulgakov, Sergius (Sergei) Antioch, Patriarchate of (1871–1944) Apocalyptic see Eschatology Bulgaria, Patriarchal Orthodox Apodeipnon Church of Apodosis Caerularios, Michael (d. 1059) Apolysis Calendar Apolytikion Canon (Liturgical) Apophaticism Canon Law Aposticha Canonization Apostolic Succession Cappadocian Fathers Archdeacon Cassia the Poet see Women Architecture, Orthodox in Orthodoxy Church Catechumens Arianism Charity Armenian Christianity Chastity Artoklasia Cheesefare (Sunday of) Artophorion Cherubikon Asceticism China, Autonomous Orthodox Assyrian Apostolic Church Church of of the East Chorepiscopos Asterisk Chrismation viii LIST OF ENTRIES Christ Environmental Ethics see Ecology HHeiexraaptsikalomnoi Church (Orthodox Ecclesiology) Eothina Communion of Saints Ephymnion see Kontakion Confession Epiclesis Constantinople, Patriarchate of Episcopacy Contemporary Orthodox Theology Epitrachelion Coptic Orthodoxy Eschatology Council of Chalcedon (451) Estonia, Orthodox Church in Council of Constantinople I (381) Ethics Council of Constantinople II (553) Eucharist Council of Constantinople III Euchologion (680–681) Evangelism Council of Ephesus (431) Evlogitaria Council of Nicea I (325) Exaposteilarion Council of Nicea II (787) Exarch Cross Excommunication Cyprus, Autocephalous Orthodox Exorcism Church of Fasting Cyril Lukaris, Patriarch of Fatherhood of God Constantinople (1572–1638) Feasts Czech Lands and Slovakia, Filioque Orthodox Church of Finland, Autonomous Orthodox Deacon Church of Deaconess Florence, Council of (1438–1439) Death (and Funeral) Florensky, Pavel Alexandrovich Deification (1882–1937) Deisis Florovsky, Georges V. (1893–1979) Desert Fathers and Mothers Fools, Holy Diakonikon Georgia, Patriarchal Orthodox Divine Liturgy, Orthodox Church of Dormition Glykophilousa Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich Gnosticism (1821–1881) Gospel Doxastikon Grace Eastern Catholic Churches Great Week Ecology Greece, Orthodox Church of Ecumenical Councils Gregory of Cyprus see Lyons, Ecumenism, Orthodoxy and Council of (1274) Education Hades Eiletarion Hagiography Eileton Healing Ekphonesis Heirmologion Elder (Starets) Heresy Eleousa (Umilenie) Hesychasm LIST OF ENTRIES ix Hexapsalmoi Lampadarios see Music (Sacred) Hieratikon Lance Hodegitria Latvia, Orthodoxy in Holy Spirit Lithuania, Orthodoxy in Holy Trinity Liturgical Books Horologion Logos Theology Humanity Lossky, Vladimir (1903–1958) Hymnography Love Hypakoe Lyons, Council of (1274) Iasi (Jassy), Synod of (1642) Malankara Orthodox Syrian Iconoclasm Church Iconography, Styles of Mandorla Iconostasis Maronites Icons Marriage Idiomelon Maximus the Greek (1470–1555) Imiaslavie Meatfare see Cheesefare (Sunday of) Incarnation (of the Logos) Megalomartyr Saints Incense Melismas see Music (Sacred) Islam, Orthodoxy and Men, Alexander (1935–1990) Ison see Music (Sacred) Menaion Japan, Autonomous Orthodox Mesonyktikon Church of Metanie (Metanoia) Jeremias II, Patriarch (1572–1595) Meteora Jerusalem, Patriarchate of Meyendorff, John (1926–1992) Jesus Prayer see Contemporary Orthodox John Bekkos see Lyons, Council of Theology (1274) Military Saints Judaism, Orthodoxy and Miracles Judgment Mission see Evangelism Kalymauchion Moghila, Peter (1596–1646) Katavasia Moldova, Orthodoxy in Kathisma Monasticism Kathismata see Idiomelon; Monophysitism (including Kathisma Miaphysitism) Kazakhstan, Orthodoxy in Monothelitism Khomiakov, Aleksey S. (1804–1860) Mother Maria Skobtsova Klobuk see Kalymauchion (1891–1945) see Contemporary Kollyva Orthodox Theology Kollyvadic Fathers Mount Athos Kontakion Music (Sacred) Koukoulion see Kalymauchion; Myrobletes Saints Kontakion Mystery (Sacrament) Lamb see Lance; Proskomedie Name (Name Day) (Prothesis) Nativity of the Lord x LIST OF ENTRIES Nativity of the Theotokos Photogogika see Exaposteilarion Nestorianism Pilgrim, Way of the Neumes see Music (Sacred) Platytera New Martyrs Pneumatology see Holy Spirit Newly Revealed Saints Pokrov see Protecting Veil Nikephoros Blemmydes (1197–1272) Poland, Orthodox Church of see Lyons, Council of (1274) Pontike, Evagrios (ca. 345–399) Niptic Books (Paterika) Possessors (Joseph of Volotsk) Nissiotis, Nikos (1925–1986) Prayer see Contemporary Orthodox Prayer of the Heart see Jesus Theology; Ecumenism Prayer; St. Isaac the Syrian (7th c.); Non‐Possessors (Nil Sorskii) St. Paisy Velichovsky (1722–1794) Ode Priesthood Oktoechos Proimion see Kontakion Old Believers Prokeimenon Old Testament Proskomedie (Prothesis) Optina Prosomoia see Idiomelon Ordination Prosphora see Lance; Oriental Orthodox Proskomedie (Prothesis) Original Sin Protecting Veil Orthros (Matins) Prothesis see Proskomedie Ottoman Yoke Protodeacon Panagia Protopsaltes see Music (Sacred) Panikhida see Death (and Psaltes (Cantor) Funeral); Kollyva Psilanthropism Pannychis see Kontakion Psychosabbaton Pantocrator Icon Quinisext Council (Council Papacy in Trullo) (692) Paradise Relics Paraklesis Repentance Paraklitike Resurrection Parousia Rhipidion (Fan) Pascha see Calendar; Feasts Romania, Patriarchal Orthodox Passion Bearers Church of Paterikon see Niptic Books Rome, Ancient Patriarchate of (Paterika) Royal Doors Patristics Russia, Patriarchal Orthodox Pentarchy Church of Pentecost, Feast of St. Alexis Toth see United States Pentekostarion of America, Orthodoxy in the Penthos see Repentance St. Andrei Rublev (ca. 1360–1430) Perichoresis St. Antony of Egypt (the Great) Phelonion (ca. 251–356) Philokalia St. Athanasius of Alexandria Philosophy (ca. 293–373) LIST OF ENTRIES xi St. Augustine of Hippo St. Nicholas Cabasilas (354–430) (ca. 1322–ca. 1391) St. Basil
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