DIRECTORy.l - HERTFORDSHIRE. TRING. 237 Aston Olin~n, Weston Turville W d . ~ Cross & Prmces Bisboro', 8.50 a . Lendover, Butters - PUBLIC OFFICERS. 0 London & North &; South of' E~gla~~ 0:;?3 a.m. : I Certifying Factory Surgeon, Admiralty Surgeon, Medical London, 2 p.m.; London, Berkhams~d &;5~p.m., I Officer &; Public Vaccinator, Aldbury District, Berk- South of En~land, 3.25 p.m.; AIdbury & Astona~~:~ hamsted Union, J~es Brown M.B., C.M:. 23 High st ton, 4 p.m., London & North & 'South of E I d I Clerk to the GuardIans &; Assessment Committee of 8.15 p.m.; London & all parts 10 pm' d l~g a~ " "Berkhamsted Union &; to Berkham~ed Rural District sundays ai a . di teh' " • e IverIes C '1' +·h lVi'II' . , 7 .m., spa _ ed, sundays at .m ' ounCI , ArV u: 11 lam VaIsey, Western road. Town Sub-~ost, M. O. 0., S. R &; Annuity l f Inspector of NUIsances to Berkhamsted Rural DIstrIct Office, Kmg street.-Thomas Howlett sub ~sur~nce I Council, William Henry Thomas Market house Letter Box cleared 8.55 a.m. & 12';5 &; -po: mas er: Re.g:istr.ar of Births, Deaths & Ma;riages for Tring Sub- sundays, 6.45 p.m 7· 5 p.m., DIstrIct, Berkhamsted DistI'li.ct, WaIter Edwd. Wright, Post &; M. O. 0., ,~. B. & A. &; I. Office N M'll W~stern road; deputy, James Clark, jun. Frogmore st Mrs. Mary. oManmngton, sub-postmistr~ss ew L Itt'- :\'[ed1Ca~ Officer, Tring District, Berkhamsted Union, through Trmg. Letter Box cleared at 7'45 e er~ Edwm Joseph Le Quesne L.R.C.P.Lond., M..H..U.S.Eng. 5.25 i& 7.10 p.m.; sundays 11.45 a m T '. a.m·· Elm house · t t . th '" rIng I mlle R li . d·IS an , lS e nearest telegraph office ' e .evIng &:; Vaccination Officer &:; Collector to the Guar- WalJ Boxes: Chapel street, cleared at 8 So a m dlans for Berkhamsted Union, John Cook, Springwell 1.50 &:; 7. 10 p.m.; sundays, 6.4 p.m.·. H: h' ~2.2~, villas, Western road 0 e cleared at 8,40 a.m. 12.2$ &; 7.30 p.m." su~~a : r2 , Superintendent of Fire Brigade,Gilbert Grace,Western I'd p.m.; Akeman street, cleared at 7. 5 ;.m 12 y, .15 Vestry Olerk, Arthur Willia:m Vaisey, Western road 1 . .10, 1.55 &; 7.5 P..m ; sunday, 6·50 p.m.; Tring Station 8 5 &; 11·50 a.m. 2'40, 6·50, 9·30 &; II.IS p.m.; s~ndays, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. 9.40 a.m. &; 9·30 p.m.; Brook street, cleared at 7.55 SS. Peter &; Paul (Parish) Church, Rev. Henry Francis a..m. 12 noon & 7.20 p.m.; sundays 6 10 pm' T. M.A. vicar; Rev. Wilfrid '.Dhomas Stubbs M.A. Rev. Id" " rln 0' grove, c eare at 7. 10 p.m.; sundays, 6.10 p.m.; Long': DanieJ Frederic Slemeck M.A. & Rev. Thomas Leigh­ field road, cleared at 8 a.m. &; 6.15 p.m.• s 6 ton Leighton M.A. curates; 8 &; II a.m. &; 3 & 6.30 P.arcels Post.-Deliver~es daily (sunday ~xc:;ied~5~.';' p.m.; holy days, 8 &; 11 a.m. &; 5 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. 4& 6 p.m.; dlspatohes daily (sunday excepted) a.m. & 5 p.m. except wed. &; fri. II a.m. &; 5.30 p.m. 9·30 a.m. &; 2 p.li. (all parts), 6.30 p.m. (London b; & s'ervice~ are also held at the Chapel of Ease at 6 road), 8.15 p.m. (all parts), 10 p.m. (all parts) , p.m. & 1St SUll. 10.45 a.m. &; in the New Mill school room on sun. at IO.45 a.m. .& 3 p.m URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Baptist, Akeman street, Rev. L. Henry CoIls; 10.30 a.m. '}ffices, Weste.m road.. Meeting day, the first Tuesday & 2.'15 & 6 p.ro.; mono &; wed. 6.45 p.m Baptist (Ebenezer), Chapel street, by supply; 10.30 a.m. In every month at 6.30 p.m. & 2 &; 6 p.m.; wed. 6.45 p.m Members. Baptist, New Mill, Rev. J. Bayliss; 10.30 a.m. &; 6 p.m All. retire in April, 1910 Baptist Chapel, Western road, Rev. Charles Pearce; 10.45 ChaIrman, Richardson CaIT. a.m. &; 6 p.m.; mono 7.15 p.m . .vice-C~airman, Herbert Grange. Primitive Methodist, Langdon street (Berkhamsted Robert Wllha;n Alhson William Newman /Mead Circuit), Rev. Je'sse Wilsoon (supt.); II a.m. &; 6 Ben~ley ~sqU1th Rev. Charles Pearoe p.m.; wed. 7 p.m DaVld Bls,hop Hon. Lionel WaIter Roths- James Brown child ~LP Public Elementary 'Schools. C~a~les C'happell Joseph Grout WiIliams J.P These schools are under the control o.f six :managers; Wllham Jame's Dawe WiIliam James Dawe, Windmill lane, correspondent I Officer>!. D. Whiting, Longfield road, attendance officer Clerk, Arthur Wimam Vaisey, solicitor, Western road West End (boys, girls &; infants), built in 1.840 &; en­ Treasurer, WaIter Butcher esq. J.P. (branch of Union larged in 1866, for 550 children; average attendance, 231 boy,s, 175 girls &; 90 infants; Frederic B. Fells, of.London &; Smiths Bank Ltd.), The Bank, High st master; Miss' Elizabeth Stone-r, mistress; Miss Sophia MedICal Officer of Health, William GTuggen L.Re.p.l., Elizabeth Jarman, infants' mistre.ss L.F.P. & S.'Glas., D.P.H.Camb. 67 Durban rd.Watford New (Mill (girls 0& infants), built in 1874, for 150 child­ Surveyor &; Inspector of Nuisances, WiIliam H. Thomas, Market house ren; average attendance, 60 girls & 60 infants; Miss Edmeads, mistress Collector, Michael Chadwick, Western road King street (infants), built in 1870, for 120 children; TERRI110RIAL FOROE. average attendance, 82; Miss Mary Florence Karn, Hertfordshire Battalion (F Company), Armoury, Western mistr-ess road; Oapt. & Hon. Major S. William. Jenney V.D.; Railway Station, Charles W. Bradley, station master &; Color-Sergt. George Ayres, drill instructor goods manager PUBLIC ESTA13LISH::MENTS. Conveyance.-Omn1bus starts from the 'Britannia inn,' Western road, calling at the 'Rose & Crown,' High Cemetery, Arthur William Vaisey, registrar street, to Tring railway station, several times daily Nur.sing Home, Station road, Miss F. C. Girardet, nurse in charge Carriers tOo:- Police Station, Church lane, Herbert J·ohn lBaldock, Aston Clinton-Read & Goodson, 'Rose &; Crown,' fri police sergeant Aylesbury-Crook, thurs Urban District Isolation Hosptital, Little Tring road, Hemel Hempstead-Crook, wed. returning thurs Edwin Joseph Le Quesne L.R.C.P.Lond., :M.R.C.S. London &; all parts, per L. &; N. W. R. daily' chief office Eng. &; James Brown M.R, C.M. hon. medIca. 1 H'19h street " officers; Miss 'C. F. Shepherd. matron Long Marston-Gregory, iri Vestry, at the side of the Church, Arthur Busby, keeper Puttpnham-Gregory, fri TRING. Butcher Frederick, Frogmore Glover Harry, Grange viI.Western I'd Butcher Frederick, jun. The Grove u-Iover Thomas. 4 Park street PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Butcher WaIter J.P. 20 High street Grace Frederick, 3 Park road .A.nderson William Ward M.R, RCh. Cannon Alfred, Ashburnham villas, Grace Mrs. IS Akeman street Western rOlld Western road' Griffen J ames, Langdon street Asquith Bentley, 27 Park road Carr Richardson, Home farm Gutteridge James, Chapel street Baggs Stanley Gifford, Hillside villas, Cato Miss, MisweIl lane Hartert Ernst. Belle Vue viI. Park I'd New mill Calls Rev. L.Henry (Baptist), Frams- Hedges Mrs. 55 Western road Batchelor George, Ivy ho. Park road den, Western road Hedges Robert, Parsonage place "Batchelo·r J obn,Hastoe viI. Western I'd Cosier Charles. Ashburnham villas. Honour James, Netherby, Grove "B~yliss Rev. J n. (Bapt.), Hillden villa Western road Hows Thomas, Newtown ho.New mill Bud Mrs. Western road Cosier Henry, Eversley, Western road Huckva1e Wm. Ardmore, Western I'd Bishop David, Longfield road Dawe Mrs. H. c; Park road Jolly Mrs. 54 Western road "Boyson Philip Ambrose, Grove lodge, Dawe William James, Miswell lane Jordan Carl D.Ph. Park road Station road Du Croz Mrs. Western road Knight Mrs. 85 Akeman street BradfOO'd Mrs. 'i8 Park road Elliman Mrs. Westcroft, Western road Le Quesne Edwin Joseph, Elm house. "Brow.n Arthnr M. Beech grove Emery George, I Park road Western road Brown Frank John, Okeford Francis Rev. Henry M.A. (vicar), Lewis Joseph, Elmwood, Western I'd Brown James. M.B., C.M. Harvieston Vicarag-e \ilackenzie Mrs. Aylesburv road "Brown Mrs. Beech grove Fyson Thomas Child, Western road Marcham Fdk.2 East croft,Langdon st.
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