788 ME& • PRIVATE 'RESIDENTS. • (SUASEX. Meautys Thomas A., ~LA.. J.P. Ham- Mercier Thomas, jun. 30 Gwydyr man- Michell G.B.ll Sackville gdns.Hove,Brghtn monds place, London road, Rnr.gess Hill sions, Hove, Brighton Michell Misses, 11 Goldstone Tillas, Bcwe, Mecklenburg Frederick, 11 Glebe villas, Mercik Miss, 42 Grafton road, Worthing Brighton Portslade, Brighton Meredith Rev. Arthur E., M.A. Mording- Michie Jn. Bell rock, Aldwick rei. Bognor Mf'dctaft Miss. 134 Springfield road, ton east, Upper Bognor road, Bognor Micklewood George, 19 Clerm()nt terrace, Preston, Brighton Meredith G-eorge A. Abingdon, Balcombe. Preston, Bright1>n Medbnrst Mrs. 15 Belgrave place, Kemp Haywards Heath Micwhinney Mrs. liS Rutland gardena, town, Brighton Merilles de Colleville Mrs. 95 St.Leonard's Hove, Brighton Medland Miss, Beachfield, Brighton road, road, Portslade, Brighton Middleditch Henry Robert, 15 Fonthili Worthing Merk Frederick H .• M.A.Barnes A,Christ's road, Hove, Brighton Medley Misses. 7 Powis villas, Brighton Hospital, West Horsham Middlemiss Mrs. Aviemore, Myrtle n~ad', Medlycott Mervyn, HollandEfield, Funting-1 Merrell Capt. J".44 Elphinstone rd.Hastingi' Crowborough ton, Chichester i Merrett Wait. 42 Montpelier rd. Brighton Middleton Col. Herbert, West :Burton. Medlycott William, The Den, Aiding- Merricks Francis, Armadale, Church walk, Bury, Pulborough bourne. Chichester I Worthing Middleton E. E. 20 St. Matthew's gar­ Medwin H. 7 Lyndhur~t rd.Hove,Brig-hton Merrifield Fredk. 14 Clifton ter. Brighton dens, St. Leonards Mee Rev. Jn. Henry' M.A., Mus.Doc.Oxon. Merrifield George William, Penlee, Old Middleton Guv. 15 Kings!and rd. Broad­ The Chantry, Westbourne, Emsworth 1 Shoreham road, Brighton water, Worthing Mee 1\f:rs. Milend ho.Westbourne,Emsworth Merriman Miss, 50 West street, Chichester Middleton Henry, Mill house, Station rd. Meech Francis, Upway, Selsey, Chichester I Merriman Mrs. 17 Albany road, Bexhill J arvis Brook Yeech Thos. C.166 Tivoli cres.ntb.Brightn i Merritt Sidney, 162 Freshfield rd. Kemp Middleton Sholto F. Bydown house, Meek Rev. Joseph Thomas B.A. 3 town, Brighton Alfriston road, Seaford Raphael road. Hove, Brighton Merry Samuel George, 75 Florence road, Middleton Sholto Frede.rick, 4 Kedale rd_ MPek Edward Geor.ge, 9 Waldegrave road, Preston, Brighton East Blatching-ton, Seaford Preston, Brighton Merry William Joseph Collings M.A., Middleton William N. 9 Royal crescent, Meek Henry H. 19 Collier road, Hastings M.D. 2 Chiswick place, Eastbourne Kemp town, :Brighton Yeeking Miss, 1 Elvetham mount, St. 1 Merry weather Miss, Maeldune, Albert rd. Middleton-Kiel Georlle, 8 Palmeira court, John's road, St. Leonards , Bognor Palmeira square. Hove, Brighton Meen~ Miss Eug-ene, Ellaland, Valencia 1 Mertens Mrs. 1 Highton terrace, Elizabetl• Middleton-Powell John Hugh, 2 Courtenay road, West Worthing I. road, Worthingo terrace, Hove, Bri!?hton Meers Mrs. Rustington cottage, Hurst I Mertens Mrs. Whitmore, Ouckfield, Hay Middleweek Geo. 49 Old Steine, Brig-hton road, Horsham ·. I wards Heath Mid~rley L. Chelwood Corner,Nutley,Uckfld :Meeson Fredk. 32 Arnndel rd. Eastbourne · Mesho.m Mrs. R. B. 16 Hartington man­ Midgley MisR, 4 Arlington rd. Eastbourne Meetens Miss. 4 Sandfield villas, Wick, i sions, Eastbourne Midmer E. 25 Dudley road, Hastings Littleh<~.mpton 1 Messel Harold George. Danehurst, Uckfield Miell Rd. 25 Hove Park vils.Hove,Brightn Megaw Kennedy. '18 C:hesham road, Kemp 1 Messel L. N:vmans, Handcross, Orawley Millville Sir Waiter Frederick K.C.M.G., town, Brighton Messel Leonard M.A. Balcombe house J.P. 68 Wilbury road. Hove, Brighton Megaw M. G. 32 Carlisle rd. Ea.stbourne Balcombe, Haywards Heath Mieville Mrs. The Shack, Salvington, Megaw Mrs. Oakfield, Worth. Crawley Messenger Herbert Sydney, 37 Highdowr Worthing Meilan-Wilkinson MiRs, 57 Brunswick sq. road, Hove, Brighton Mifsud Joseph. Kenninghall, Shakespear~ Hove. Brighton Messenger Thomas Chas. Corsham, Mead road. West Worthing- Mein Col. Alexander Bowes, 65 Silver- road, Little Common, Bexhill Migeod Frederick William Hug-h, North­ dale road, Eastbourne Messent Daniel, 17 Albert road, Bexhill cote, Ch;ristchurch road. Worthing- · Meldrnm Mrs. Ranmoor, Christchurch rd. Messent J.42 Eaton pl.Kemp twn.Rrigbtor Milbank-Smith Harry James Milbank, WC}rthing Messent R. J. 29 Old Steine, Brighton Worthing lodge, Chapel road, Worthing Melhado Mrs. 5 Royal par. l'a. Eastbourne Messer Insp.-Gen. Adam Brunton R.N. Milburn Misses, Robin•croft, New Groom­ Uelhuish Miss F. Evereset, Ashburnham M.D. 24 Carlisle road, Eastbourne bridze, Tunbridge Wells gardens, Eastbourne Messe.r Miss,Point lo.Point hl.Playden,Ry• Milbume Maior C. F. A. Burton Rough, Ml'lhuish Mrs. 32 Brunswick terrace, Messer William .Alfred S. 8 Carlisle road Burton, Petworth Hove, Brighton Hove, Brighton Milchard Wm. 184 Ditchling rd. Bri!l'hton Melitus P. G. 16 & 17 Gwydyr mansions, Metcalf A. J. 279 Ditchling rd. Brighton Mildred Miss, Lalla Rookh, St. Peter's rd. Hove, Brighton Metcalf Henry, 13 Linton rQad, Hastings St. Leonards Mellersh E. L., B.A.The College,Ardingly, Metcalf Mrs. 4 Teville road, Worthing Miles Rev. Lionel Wi!Iiam M.A. New­ Haywards Heath Metcalfe Edward S. 20 Chanctonbury rd stead, Woodlea rd. W. Tarring,Worthing­ Mellersh Miss, Eversley. Ea.sebrne.Mldhrst Hove, Brighton Miles E. White house, Ferring, Worthing" Mellersh Miss, 1 The Uplands, Maze hill, Metcalfe Ernest. 15 Norfolk ter. Brightor Miles Edward, Rosetta, Ferndale road, St. Leonards Metcalfe Miss, Fairholme, Cantelupe road Burg-ess Hill Mellersh Mrs. Shirley, Heene road, West Bexhill Miles Frederick, Hill brow, Old Shoreham Worthing Metcalfe :Miss, 35 St. Michael's pl.Brightr road, Portslade, Brighton Mellish Miss,49 Rugby rd.Preston,Brightn Metc!!.lfe Misses, Oaklands, Bosham Miles Frederiok Samuel, 25 Highdowl1' Mello Adolphe Arnold Edward, Rosebank, Chichester road. Hove. Brig"hton Ninfield road, Sidley, Bexhill Metcalfe Mrs. 17 Chichester place, Kemr: Miles H. J. 3 York aven. Hove, Briorhton Melior Alfred Edwin, Elm Tree cottage, town. Brighton Miles Henry. Vine cottage, Rotherfield, Keymer, Hassocks Met<!alfe Mrs. Moodkee, Belle hill, Bexhil' Tunbridge Wells Melior Cha.s. W. 66 Stanford av. Brighton Metca.lfe Mrs. A. 43b, Dyke rd. Bri~;"hton Miles J. 70 St. Leonard's road, Port­ Melior John. Glenlyn, Silverdale road, \fetcalfe Wm. 4 Gore Park av. Ea~tbourn< slade. Brighton Hove. Brighton Meteyard Miss, Venezia, Woodlands vale Miles John, 173 High street, Lewes Mellor Jolin, Old Knowles, Ardingly, Hay- St. Leonards Miles Joseph Johnson, The Chalet, Lind:­ wards Heath Methetell John, 33 Montpelier rd.Brighton field, Haywards Heath Mellor Wm. Ferryholme, Ferry rd. Rye Methold Herbert Henry, Kingswood, St Miles Miss, 202 Bohemia rd. St; Leonard'l Melsome Miss, 3 Essenden td. St.Leonards Botolph's road, West Worthin!l' Miles Miss, Elmhurst, Station road:, Melville Col. Bruce H. 3 Upper Maze hill, Methold Miss. 75 Marine parade, Worthin? Burg-ess Hill St. Leonards Methven D. HollycrQft, Forest Row Miles Miss, 14 Gore Park rd. Ea•tbourne :31'elvill:J Mr~. Keston, Athelstan rd. West Meuter William, Casa Melita, Eton road, Miles Miss, 53 Stanford avenue, Brighton Tarrinl!'. Worthing West Worthing Miles Miss, 7 Sudeley place, Kemp town, Melville-Brooks Mrs. 97 St. Leonard's rd. Mew Wm. Forest crest, Nutley, Uckfield Brighton Portslade, Brighton Mewett Miss A. 80 Willingdon rd.Easthrne Miles Mrs. 15 Bog-nor road, Chichester Mends Bowen, Shipton cottage, West Mews H. Whychcote, Portslade, Brighton Miles Mrs. 5 Canterbury road, West Tar- Itchenor, ChicheBter Mews Wait. Loxdale. Portslade, Brighton ring, Worthing- Mends Bowen Stilon, 21 Ranelagh villas, Meyer Bernard, 21 The Marina, Brighton Miles Mrs. 58 Portland rd. Hove, Brighton Hove, Bri~hton road, Worthing · Miles Mrs. C. 5 Cissbury rd.Hove,Brig-htn Mends William Fisher, Ohepstow, Wood- Mever Miss, Solvang, West Hoathly, Miles William, Bmeside, Lewes ro'ld, land Vale road. St. Leonards East Grinstead East Grinstead Menneer Sidney LL.D. The Cleeve, Old Meyer Misses. The Gables. Northiam Miles Willifml. Myrtle cottaore, Wester­ London road. St. Helen's, Hastings Meyer Mrs. Merrywood, Thakeham, Pul- gate, Aldin!l'bourne. Chicheeter Mennell. Zebulon. Heatherbank, Sea road, borough Milham Frank Archibald, 7 St. Swithun'~r Cooden, :Bexhill Meyerheim Rt. 7 Wimblehnrst rd.Horsham terraee, Lewes Yentzendorfl' Stanlev. 18 Palmeira court, Meyers H. O<~.rfax. Warwick !!dns.Worthn!2' Mill John Olifford, 53 Manor road. Bexhi!I Palmeira square, Hove, Brighton Meynell Wilfrid., Greatham, Pulborou!!'h Millais Jn. G. Compton's brow, Horsham :Menzie John, Hampden Lawns, Willingdon Meyrick Rev. Arthur M.A. Ashdown,Hart- Millar Mrs. Hillside, Summersdale road, :'depham Thomas, 45 Freshfield road, field. Tunbridl!"e Wells Chichester Kemp town, Brighton \ Meyrick Rev. Henrv Duffield M.A. The Millard George Williams, 20 Preston Park 'M:epham Thos. 17 St. John's ter. Lewes 1 Rectory, Ashurst, Rteyning avenue. Brighton )feroer Sir William He'IJWOrth K.O.M.G. Mevrick Ferdinand Richard Holmes B.A., Millard Herbert Williams, 29 Florence rd. Sunnymount, Wivelsfield, Haywarde Hth M.D. Sylvan hall, Up. Lewes rd.Brie-htn Preston, Brighton Mercer F. Clovelly, Alboume, Hassocks Mey.rick 'Mrs. 14 Cowper rd. We. Worthing Miller Lady, 4 Hova court, Hova villas, Mercer F. G. Brooklands, Kevmer.Hasscks I Me:vsey-Thompson Miss, New house, High Hove. Brighton Mercer Mis!!, 10 Marine av. Hove,Brighton Hurstwood, Uckfield Miller Capt.- Hugh, Oakwood, Daux aven. Mercer Miss, South End cottage, Ditch- Miall Derwent, Bleak house, Brighton rd. Billin!!'shurst ling, Hassocks Worthinl? Miller Rev.T. W. T. The Rectory,Kingston MPrcer Misses, St. Leonards, South road, Miall Sydney, 180 Sf>aside, Eastbourne lane, Elouthwick, Brig-hton Hailsnam Miall William G. Thornton :B, Christ's Miller A. 3 Burton viis. Hove, Brighton Me.rcer Mrs. 39 Grantham road, Preston, Hospital, West Ror8ham Miller Alex. 20 Colbourne· rd.Hove.Bri!!'htn Brighton Michael Sydnev Batchelor, Heathfield hall, Miller Alfd. G. 36 Eastcourt rd. Worthin~ Mercer Mrs. 19 Marine parade, Brighton Town Row, Tunbridg"e Wells Miller Boyd Archibald, IrvinP, Sutton Mercer S.
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