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Knight Massachusetts Association Foundation National Grid Theodore Edson Parker of REALTORS® Foundation MassMutual Financial Group Partners HealthCare Meketa Investment Group Trinity Financial Nellie Mae Education Merrimack Valley Economic Foundation major sponsors Tufts Health Plan Development Council Anonymous Public Welfare Foundation University of Massachusetts Northeastern University Citizens Bank State House News Service Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP lead sponsors Irene E. & George A. Davis Retailers Association of Foundation Anonymous contributing sponsors Massachusetts Foley Hoag LLP Barr Foundation The Architectural Team Seniorlink Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Beacon Health Strategies BNY Mellon Seven Hills Foundation IBM Blue Cross Blue Shield of Bingham McCutchen LLP Suffolk University Massachusetts Massachusetts Bar Children’s Hospital Boston Eastern Bank Association Clark University’s For more information on Gardiner Howland Shaw MassDevelopment Mosakowski Institute joining the sponsorship for Public Enterprise program call MassINC at Foundation Massachusetts Educational 617.224.1701 FALL 2013 $5.00 Massachusetts Teachers Financing Authority The Chief Executives’ Club of Boston 2013 FALL Association Massachusetts Medical Society PDFcommonwealthmagazine.org compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor BL13021_CM_7.75x10.75_FLO:Commonwealth Magazine, 7.75x10.75 3/8/13 10:56 AM Page 1 WE’RE Coverage from head to toe. TACKLING HEALTH CARE’s TOUGHEST CHALLENGES. LIKE Rethinking health care — and saving patients and HEALTH CARE businesses $345 million in the process. From doctors and nurses to researchers, technicians, COSTS. and administrators, the 60,000 problem solvers at Partners HealthCare hospitals and medical centers are on the front lines of the health care system. Case in point: Dr. Dean Xerras. Dean and his colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital led the way to our participation in the federal government’s Pioneer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Model. As a Pioneer ACO, we’re working to help create a better blueprint for Medicare and ultimately the entire U.S. health system — one that delivers better care that’s cost-effective for everyone. Our commitment to changing health care for the better is also why we’re working with the state’s largest insurers to help save consumers $345 million over the next four years. See how we’re changing health care for the better at Blue Cross Blue Shield for your health and dental. connectwithpartners.org With connected coverage from Blue Cross Blue Shield, your health and dental work together. It’s better, more coordinated protection that also helps you stay well and save money. Tolearn more about our health and dental plans for your company, talk to your consultant, broker or call 1-800-262-BLUE. And get connected. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor PART-CORP-Q7217 5-29-2012 11:34 AM Page 1 Client: Partners Live: 6.25” x 9.25” Art Director: Youssef Job Colors: CMYK Description: Tackling HC — ACO (M) Frame: N/A Studio Op: Van Riper Ink Name: Publication: Commonwealth Magazine Trim: 7.5” x 10.5” Username: Kyle Koenig Cyan Scale: 1:1 Bleed: 7.75” x 10.75” ProjectManager: Maiona Magenta Print Scale: None Gutter in Spread: N/A Production: None Yellow File Status: Mechanical Black Art Status: Approved Font Family: Resolution: 300 dpi Helvetica Neue LT Std, Rockwell Q7217_CM_FP_7-5x10-5_mg.indd Q7142_032912_38676_W_Dean_Mg.tif (images RO:Pp:Partners:DAM:Retouched:Q7142_Print_ACO_M:MagazineSWOP2006_ Coated3v2:Q7142_032912_38676_W_Dean_Mg.tif), Partners_Vert_LeftAlign_CMYK.eps (images RO:Pp:Partners:DAM:Brand Assets:1_ Logos:Partners Founded By Vertical:_NEW:Partners_Vert_LeftAlign_CMYK.eps) SPeCIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Commonwealth Magazine MP47656RECPR-FALL01-06 10/3/13 1:10 PM Page 1 The percentage of people who can even understand this problem is becoming a problem. America needs more engineers. Simple as that. And as a company that depends heavily on engineers, National Grid has invested more than three million dollars in our “Engineering Our Future” Program. Every year, we’re creating paid internships, mentoring programs, and job shadow opportunities that allow high school students in our region to get hands-on engineering experience. And with programs that build technology, science, and math skills, engineering feats like building smart grids and next generation delivery systems will be in very good hands. For more about what we’re doing, visit nationalgrid.com PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISIONFALL 2013 CommonWealth PDFCompressor1 MP47656RECPR-FALL01-06 10/3/13 1:10 PM Page 2 Commoh nWealt editor Bruce Mohl [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 105 “ I M A G I N A T I O N executive editor Michael Jonas IS MORE [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 124 senior associate editor Gabrielle Gurley [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 142 IMPORTANT associate editor Paul McMorrow THAN [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 155 senior investigative reporter Jack Sullivan KNOWLEDGE.” [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 123 —Albert Einstein art director Heather Hartshorn contributing writers Dave Denison, Colman M. Herman, Phil Primack, Robert David Sullivan washington correspondent Shawn Zeller TRANSFORMING RESEARCH editorial advisors Mary Jo Meisner, Daniel Okrent INTO REALITY interns Adam Sennott, Alyssa Martino, David Ullman, Yuxiao Yuan, Fritha Wright, Greta Musacchio Jim Gomes, Director (508) 421-3872 publisher Gregory Torres clarku.edu/mosakowskiinstitute [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 103 sponsorship, advertising & circulation Caroline Palmer [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 145 6HQLRUOLQNRIIHUVH[SHUWLVHLQPDQDJLQJFDUH IRUIUDLOHOGHUVDQGSHRSOHZLWKGLVDELOLWLHV DQGDQLQQRYDWLYHVHUYLFHPRGHO&DUHJLYHU > Full contents, as well as online exclusives, are +RPHVIRUWKRVHZKRQHHGFDUHFRRUGLQDWLRQ available at www.commonwealthmagazine.org DQGVLJQL¿FDQWKHOSZLWKDFWLYLWLHVRIGDLO\OLYLQJ 7KURXJK&DUHJLYHU+RPHV6HQLRUOLQN CommonWealth (ISSN pending) is published quarterly by the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth (MassINC), 11 Beacon St., Suite 500, 6HUYHVIUDLOHOGHUVDQGSHRSOH Boston, MA 02108. Telephone: 617-742-6800 ext. 109, fax: 617-589-0929. ZLWKGLVDELOLWLHVIURP&DSH&RG Volume 18, Number 4, Fall 2013. Third Class postage paid at Holliston, MA. WRWKH%HUNVKLUHV To subscribe to CommonWealth, become a Friend of MassINC for $75 per year and receive discounts on MassINC research reports and invitations to 6DYHVPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQIRUWKH MassINC forums and events. Postmaster: Send address changes to Circulation &RPPRQZHDOWK¶V0HGLFDLGSURJUDP Director, MassINC, 11 Beacon St., Suite 500, Boston, MA 02108. Letters to the E\SURYLGLQJKLJKTXDOLW\LQKRPH editor accepted by email at [email protected]. The views expressed in this DURXQGWKHFORFNFDUHDWKDOIWKH publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of MassINC’s FRVWRILQVWLWXWLRQDOSODFHPHQW directors, advisors, or staff. CommonWealth is a registered federal trademark. Education reporting in CommonWealth is sponsored in part by the (PSOR\VPRUHWKDQIXOOWLPH Nellie Mae Education Foundation. SURIHVVLRQDOVWDIIDQGSURYLGHVLQFRPH WRFDUHJLYHUVFRPPLWWHGWR MassINC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. The mission of FDULQJIRUDORYHGRQHRUSHUVRQ MassINC is to develop a public agenda for Massachusetts that promotes LQQHHG the growth and vitality of the middle class. MassINC is a nonpartisan, evidence-based organization. MassINC’s work is published for educational purposes and should not be construed as an attempt to influence any election or legislative action. 7ROHDUQPRUHYLVLWXVRQOLQHDW ZZZVHQLRUOLQNFRP PDF compression,2 CommonWealth OCR,FALL 2013 web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor MP47656RECPR-FALL01-06 10/3/13 1:10 PM Page 3 The CITIZENS’ CIRCLE The individuals who have joined the MassINC Citizens’ Circle help to ensure that the independent journalism of Common Wealth magazine and nonpartisan research of MassINC continue to raise pressing issues in the public interest, offering a neutral table for civic engagement and public debate. Anonymous (9) Gerard F. Doherty Joanne Jaxtimer Edward & Elizabeth Pattullo William Actmeyer Roger D. Donoghue C. Bruce Johnstone Randy Peeler Nicholas Alexos Philip J. Edmundson Hugh Jones Finley H. Perry, Jr. Tom & Marsha Alperin James & Amy Elrod
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