21464 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 4, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HORROR IN THE FORMER late to semi a firmer messag·e-throug·h dip­ by his superiors for his excellent police work YUGOSLAVIA lomatic ultimatums, backed by the threat of in 10 separate incidents. Mr. Cullinan has armed intervention. Mr. Milosevic recognizes acted courageously both on and off duty, and only one lang·uage, military force; the rest of HON. BILL GREEN the world may soon have to speak it. thus, it is no wonder that he was chosen to re­ 01~ m:w YORK Serbian atrocities are one parallel with ceive this distinguished honor over approxi­ IN TH.8 HOUSI!: OF REPRESENTATIVES Nazi Germany. Another is Europe's peace at mately 300 officers nationwide. any price respon::;e. At Munich in 1938, Brit­ Mr. Cullinan's willingness to serve and dedi­ Tuesday , August 4, 1992 ain and France agTeed to a " peace plan·· that cation to duty are truly outstanding. It is re­ Mr. GREEN of New York. Mr. Speaker, for forced Czechoslovakia to surrender part of freshing to see that someone who has given its territory, the Sudetenland, to Hitler. over a year now, the world has witnessed Today, the European Community wants so much to the community is being so warmly daily horrors in former Yugoslavia. Since June Bosnia to agTee to a "political solution" recognized. It certainly makes me proud to 1991, Yugoslavia has broken into at least five that would surrender part of its territory to have a citizen of his caliber residing in my dis­ new states, with violent episodes leaving more Bosnian Serb forces loyal to Mr. Milosevic. trict and my home town. I congratulate Mr. than 50,000 dead, hundreds of thousands Europe brushes aside Bosnia's request for Cullinan, and I am pleased to share with my near starvation, and creating over 2 million ref­ international enforcement of a cease-fire as colleagues the following article from the Phila·· ugees. a precondition to political talks. Instead, delphia Inquirer that explains in greater detail Europe treats Serbian commandos as if they The war currently raging in Bosnia­ had the same legitimacy as Bosnia's elected his fine displays of heroism: Hercegovina is bringing with it new atrocities. government. Like their predecessors at Mu­ [From the Philadelphia Inquirer, July 26, Yesterday we heard reports of two orphans­ nich. Europe's negotiators proceed as if Ser­ 1992) a 14-month-old boy and a 3-year-old girl­ bia were negotiating in good faith, despite a HEROISM Is ALL IN A DAY'S WORK FOR killed by sniper attack on a bus attempting to string of broken promises and violated cease­ AMTRAK OFFICER OF THE YEAR seek freedom from the war for the children. fires. (By Marilou Regan) Even now, Mr. Milosevic might be con­ After the gun attack, 9 of the surviving 48 chil­ vinced to stay his terror squads by a credible When Amtrak Police Officer John Cullinan dren were separated, identified as Serbian, threat of force. Although Yugoslavia's rump spotted three men on a platform in North and prevented from traveling onwards as the army is Europe's third largest, and is fight­ Philadelphia in April 1991, he knew some­ savage and inhumane ethnic cleansing poli­ ing on favorable terrain, it is no match for thing was wrong. Train after train passed, cies of the Serbian government were carried the larger, high-tech forces of NATO or the but the trio never got aboard. out. West European Union. His instincts proved to be correct when he Yet Britain's Prime Minister, John Major, later saw the shattered station door. Today, Bosnian refugees are providing hor­ again rules out military action. His Foreign Cullinan drew his gun and called for backup rifying accounts of factories, schools, and Minister goes further, asserting that no on a burglary in progress. stores turned into prison camps where Muslim state would even consider using force against Long before his backup arrived, Cullinan and Croatian refugees are warehoused, tor­ Serbian aggression. had two 6-foot, 200 pound men in custody and tured, and killed. Stories are surfacing of atro­ Do Europe's leaders think that if Mr. the third trapped in the station. cious camp conditions, where disease is Milosevic gets what he wants in Bosnia, that About two weeks later, Cullinan was on pa­ rampant, water contaminated, and food ex­ will be the end of it? There can be little trol in North Philadelphia when he was doubt that he will pursue his "ethnic cleans­ flagged down and told there were two chil­ tremely scarce. ing" campaign in other parts of the former dren trapped in a burning house. Mr. Speaker, the world has stood silently by Yugoslavia, like Kosovo or Macedonia. Or He wet himself down with a hose and went for too long. The West seems to be at a loss that a successful pogrom in Bosnia will in­ in to try to save the children. for words and action. Europe, sadly and trag­ spire demagogues elsewhere in Europe to Only when he couldn't stand the heat and ically, has failed to lead. adopt the same tactics. Bosnia's Croats and smoke anymore did he come out. The chil­ As a longstanding member of the U.S. Holo­ Muslims, the Red Cross reports, already re­ dren were, it turned out, safe with some caust Memorial Council, I cannot help but re­ spond to Serbian atrocities with their own neighbors. call the similar horrors visited upon Jews, gross abuse of human rights. Cullinan, 33, of Aston, is modest about his Diplomacy has one last chance. Later this derring-do. To the five-year veteran of the Gypsies, homosexuals, and other minority month, an international conference on Amtrak force, it's all in a day's work. groups during Hitler's reign. I call upon Presi­ Bosnia convenes in London. Not just the Eu­ "I think it's all in the course of going to dent Bush to increase pressure in Europe to ropean Community, but also the U.S., Russia work and putting in my eight hours," he act decisively to end the Milosevic reign ofter­ and the U.N. will be represented. They need said. "I don't want it to seem like I'm the ror. I commend for my colleagues attention the to demonstrate that they have learned some­ Super Cop of the '90s." following piece from today's New York Times: thing from the tragic errors that led to the But Cullinan's superiors think he is super Second World War. Mr. Milosevic is only a [From the New York Times, Aug. 4, 1992) and have recognized him for his excellent po­ minor-league Hitler. The London Conference lice work in 10 separate incidents. MILOS~1V IC ISN'T HITLER, BUT ... must not become a minor-league Munich. Based on his impressive record, Cullinan " Greater Serbia." "Ethnic cleansing." Ci­ was named the Amtrak Police Department's vilians transported in sealed buses and rail­ Officer of the Year for 1991 over about 300 of­ way cars. And now, perhaps, concentration TRIBUTE TO JOHN CULLINAN ficers nationwide. He was honored at a camps. The chilling reports from Bosnia di­ luncheon last month. rectly evoke this century's greatest night­ HON. CURT WELDON "It's a pretty big deal, I guess," Cullinan mare, Hitler's genocide against Jews, Gyp­ OF PENNSYLVANIA said. "But if it wasn't for my training· and sies and Slavs. the help from my fellow officers, none of this The parallel, mercifully, is not complete. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would have been possible." Serbia's leader, Slobodan Milosevic, does not Tuesday, August 4, 1992 Cullinan's record reads like the diary of a directly threaten the entire European con­ Mr. WELDON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to super hero. tinent. He does not have one of the world's pay special tribute to one of my constituents, He put his fing·er into the gunshot wound largest economies at his disposal. His ag·gres­ of a man who had been shot in the chest and sive desig·ns are limited to the Balkans. John Cullinan, who was recently selected as kept it there until help arrived. He saved a But by standing aside while he implements Amtrak Police Department's "Officer of the man from choking· on fr·ench fries at 30th his version of the Final Solution, the world Year" for 1991. Street Station. He arrested five people in sets a frightening· precedent for a dozen Mr. Cullinan has spent the last 16 years in three separate flimflam incidents at 30th other areas of ethnic tension. It's not too law enforcement, and he has been recognized Street. He intervened when a drug dealer • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. August 4, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 21465 held a knife to the throat of another man on shoes. ancl coats. Dishes and blanket::; were The pace of change in these high-tech­ a train platform. also given out, and food, ::;uch as flour, sugar. nology fields is rapid. To stay at the forefront "It seems like every time I turned a1·otrnd and coffee. requires sustained support for innovative re­ These foolish people received some too. last year, something was happening·," search and development in hardware, soft­ Cullinan said. They heard the other people ::;ay "buttocks "I guess it was luck on my part." bag"' [pants were called llatsizis, "buttocks ware, and network technologies, as well as for But Cullinan's superior credits his actions bag·"], and they asked, "What is this bag· for? basic research and education in computer and to more than just luck.
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