E1308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 11, 2001 immediately and unconditionally release Li On Roll Call 208—I would have voted Yea Wayne Scott has served the State of Texas Shaomin and all other American scholars of on the Brown of Ohio amendment to HR 2330. for more than 28 years in the criminal justice Chinese ancestry being held in detention, and On Roll Call 209—I would have voted Yea field. His leadership in the fastest period of calling on the President of the United States to on the Brown of Ohio amendment to HR 2330. growth in the Texas Department of Criminal continue working on behalf of Li Shaomin and On Roll Call 210—I would have voted Yea Justice have made him well-known in the field the other detained scholars for their release. on the Engel amendment to HR 2330. of criminal justice not just in Texas, but across On Roll Call 187—I would have voted Yea f the country. The Texas Department of Crimi- in support of H Res 99 expressing the sense HONORING WAYNE SCOTT ON HIS nal Justice—and indeed, the entire state of of the House of Representatives that Lebanon, RETIREMENT AS EXECUTIVE DI- Texas—has been the beneficiary of his serv- Syria, and Iran should call upon Hezbollah to RECTOR OF THE TEXAS DEPART- ice, dedication, and leadership over the last allow representatives of the International Com- MENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE three decades. mittee of the Red Cross to visit four abducted f Israelis, Adi Avitan, Binyamin Avraham, Omar Souad, and Elchanan Tannenbaum, presently HON. JIM TURNER TRIBUTE TO EMILY STACK OF held by Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. OF TEXAS HILLSDALE, MICHIGAN, LEGRAND On Roll Call 188—I would have voted Yea IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SMITH SCHOLARSHIP WINNER in support of H Con Res 161 honoring the 19 Wednesday, July 11, 2001 United States servicemen who died in the ter- Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay HON. NICK SMITH rorist bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi tribute and to express the thanks of Texans to OF MICHIGAN Arabia on June 25, 1996. our friend Wayne Scott on the occasion of his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 26, 2001: retirement as Executive Director of the Texas Wednesday, July 11, 2001 On Roll Call 189—I would have voted Yea Department of Criminal Justice. His leadership on Approving the Journal. of the fastest growing agency in the State of Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, it is On Roll Call 190—I would have voted Yea Texas during years of difficult transitions have with great respect for the outstanding record on the motion to consider H Res 178. earned him the respect and admiration of all of excellence she has compiled in academics, On Roll Call 191—I would have voted Yea Texans. leadership and community service, that I am on agreeing to H Res 178 providing for the Wayne began his professional journey in proud to salute Emily Stack, winner of the consideration of HR 2299, Transportation and 1972 as a correctional officer at the Huntsville 2001 LeGrand Smith Congressional Scholar- Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY unit of the Texas Department of Corrections. ship. This award is made to young adults who 2002. While working there, Wayne Scott received his have demonstrated that they are truly com- On Roll Call 192—I would have voted Yea Bachelor of Business Administration from Sam mitted to playing important roles in our Na- on agreeing to H Res 166 recognizing disaster Houston State University in 1973. Making his tion’s future. relief Assistance Provided to Houston, TX way into the system, he became warden of As a winner of the LeGrand Smith Congres- after Tropical Storm Allison. the facility in 1984. In the following years, sional Scholarship, Emily is being honored for On Roll Call 193—I would have voted Yea Wayne served as regional director, deputy di- demonstrating that same generosity of spirit, on the Sabo amendment to HR 2299. rector for operations, and institutional division intelligence, responsible citizenship, and ca- On Roll Call 194—I would have voted Yea director. In 1996, Wayne Scott was promoted pacity for human service that distinguished the in support of HR 2299, the Transportation and to Executive Director of the Texas Department late LeGrand Smith of Somerset, Michigan. Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY of Criminal Justice, the largest agency in the Emily Stack is an exceptional student at 2002. state of Texas. It can be said that Wayne Lenawee Christian High School and pos- On Roll Call 195—I would have voted Yea began at the bottom of the ladder and climbed sesses an impressive high school record. on agreeing to the approval of the Journal. to the top through a firm commitment to hard Emily has received numerous awards for her On Roll Call 196—I would have voted Yea work, a willingness to make the tough deci- academic achievement, as well as receiving on agreeing to H Res 180, providing for con- sions, and a constant pursuit of the highest state recognition for her excellent oratory sideration of HR 2311; Energy and Water De- ethical standards for both himself and the de- skills. She is active in student government, velopment Appropriations Act for FY 2002. On Roll Call 197—I would have voted Yea partment. serving as President of her class for two With the responsibility of more than 40,000 on H Res 172 honoring John J. Downing, years. Emily has volunteered her time to var- employees and more than 150,000 felony of- Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford, who lost their ious community service projects, such as Big fenders, Wayne Scott has been recognized by lives in the course of duty as firefighters. Brothers Big Sisters and Project Build. On Roll Call 198—I would have voted Yea his fellow criminal justice professionals in the Therefore, I am proud to join with her many on HR 2213 to establish a commission for the American Correctional Association, the South- admirers in extending my highest praise and purpose of encouraging and providing for the ern States Correctional Association, and the congratulations to Emily Stack for her selec- commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Association of State Correctional Administra- tion as a winner of a LeGrand Smith Congres- Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of tors as an outstanding correctional adminis- sional Scholarship. This honor is also a testa- Education. trator. ment to the parents, teachers, and others June 28, 2001: Under Wayne’s leadership, the Texas De- whose personal interest, strong support and On Roll Call 199—I would have voted Nay partment of Criminal Justice confinement facili- active participation contributed to her success. on the Tancredo amendment to HR 2311. ties were accredited by the American Correc- To this remarkable young woman, I extend my On Roll Call 200—I would have voted Nay tional Association. The agency also received most heartfelt good wishes for all her future on the Tancredo amendment to HR 2311. Awards of Excellence in community service for endeavors. On Roll Call 201—I would have voted Nay its partnership with Habitat for Humanity, and f on the Hinchey amendment to HR 2311. for the nation’s largest correctional employee On Roll Call 202—I would have voted Nay training facility, the Edmundo Mireles Criminal IN TRIBUTE TO PERSIS ‘‘PERKY’’ on the Kucinich amendment to HR 2311. Justice Training Academy. While Executive Di- HORNER HYDE On Roll Call 203—I would have voted Nay rector, Wayne developed the Advisory Council on the Bonior amendment to HR 2311. on Ethics in order to aid the agency in the HON. SAM FARR On Roll Call 204—I would have voted Nay awareness of ethical issues and assure the OF CALIFORNIA on the Berkley amendment to HR 2311. execution of ethical behavior. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On Roll Call 205—I would have voted Yea Not only has Wayne Scott been a hard Wednesday, July 11, 2001 on the Davis amendment to HR 2311. working administrator, but he has also been a On Roll Call 206—I would have voted Yea leader in innovations for rehabilitation of prison Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise on final passage of HR 2311, the Energy and inmates. In 1996, he started the Inner Change today to honor Persis ‘‘Perky’’ Horner Hyde Water Development Appropriations Act for FY Freedom Initiative, which was the first faith- who passed away on June 15, 2000 of breast 2002. based pre-release program in a penal institu- cancer. During her lifetime, Mrs. Hyde was an On Roll Call 207—I would have voted Yea tion in the United States. Also, under Scott’s active community member and a dedicated on H Res 183, providing for consideration of leadership, the Texas Department of Criminal mother and wife. She is survived by her hus- HR 2330; Agriculture Appropriations Act for Justice has worked to modify the agency’s band of 52 years, Harold ‘‘Hal’’ Hyde, four F.Y. 2002. mission statement to assure justice for victims. children, one brother, and three grandchildren. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:00 Jul 12, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11JY8.019 pfrm04 PsN: E11PT1.
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