1938 CO.NGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6015 WYOliUNG OKLAHOMA Mi!lnie C. Corum to be postmaster at Encampment, ·Wyo., Ralph D. Kester, Enid. in place of M. C. Corum. Incumbent's commission expired VERMONT February 1, 1938. Kenneth Alan Tudhope, North Hero. WYOllriiNG CONFIRMATIONS Jesse B. Budd, Big Piney. Executiw nomtnations confirmed by the Senate April 29 John F. Cook, Cody. (legiSlative day of April 20). 1938 Myra E. Geer, Cokeville. UNITED STATES MARSHAL Frederick W. Chamberlain, Greybull Neale D. Murphy to be United states marshal for the district Andrew Morrow, Kemmerer. of Rhode Island. Albert E. Holliday, Laramie. Allen T. Frans, Meeteetse. APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY Dorsey T. Shoemaker, Torrington. Walter Campbell Sweeney to be major general Daniel Van Voorhis to be major general. Walter SchuYler Grant to be major general. SENATE Ben Lear to be major general. Robert Charlwood Richardson, Jr., to be brigadier general. MOND4.Y, MAY 2, 1938 Francis Webster Honeycutt to be brigadier general <Legislative day ot Wednesday, Apnl 20, 1938) George Veazey Strong to be brigadier general. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration Irving Joseph Phillipson to be brigadier general. of the recess. Donald Cameron Cubbison to be brigadier general THE JOURNAL Charles Fullington Thompson to be brigadier general. Clarence Self Ridley to be brigadier general. On request of Mr.· BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, Henry Tacitus Burgin to be brigadier general. the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ Charles Macon Wesson to be Chief of Ordnance, with the endar day Friday, April 29, 1938, was dispensed with, and .rank of major general. the Journal was approved. Earl McFarland to be Assistant to the Chief of Ordnance, . MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT with the rank of brigadier general. A message in writing from the President of the United Charles Tillman Harris, Jr.• to be Assistant to the Chief of States was communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one Ordnance, with the rank of brigadier geperal. of his secretaries. Barton Kyle Yount to be Assistant to the Chief of the Air CALL OF THE ROLL Corps, with the rank of brigadier general. Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum, and ask APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY that the roll may be called in order to secure one. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Maj. Talley Dozier Joiner to Adjutant General's Department. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ Capt. Ralph Pulsifer to Adjutant General's Department. ·tors answered to their names: Maj. Archer Lynn Lerch to Judge Advocate General's Adams Clark Holt Overton Department. Andrews Connally Johnson, Colo. Pittman Maj. Harold Borden Bliss to Quartermaster Corps. Ashurst Copeland King Pope Austin Davis La Follette Reynolds Maj. Clare Wallace Woodward to Quartermaster Corps. Bailey Dieterich Lee Russell Capt. Carter Marton Kolb to Quartermaster Corps. Bankhead Donahey Lewis Schwartz Capt. Gervais William Triche! to Ordnance Department. Barkley Duffy Logan Bchwellenbach Berry Ellender Lonergan Sheppard PROMOTION IN THE REGULAR ARMY BUbo Frazier Lundeen Shipstead Bone George McAdoo Smathers Frank Eckel Taylor to be major, Judge Advocate General's Borah Gerry McCarran Smith Department. Bridges Gibson McGill Thomas, Utah Brown, Mich. Gillette McKellar Townsend · POSTMASTERS Brown, N.H. Glass McNary Truman · CALIFORNIA Bulkley Green Maloney Tydings Bulow Guffey Mlller Vandenberg Palmer C. Risley, Arrowhead Springs. Burke Hale Minton VanNuys Robert A. Clothier, Cotati. B~d Hrunoon Mwny Walsh B~nes Hatch Neely White Lillian F. Young, Desert Center. Capper Hayden Norris Edith A. Knudsen, Klamath. Caraway Herring Nye Xerxes Kemp Stout, La Mesa. Chavez Hitchcock O'Mahoney Myrtle M. Evers, Novato. Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from Delaware Charles A. Turner, Oceanside. [Mr. HuGHEs] and the Senator from Oregon [Mr. REAMEs] Spencer Briggs, Oleum. are detained from the Senate because of illness. Janet R. Carroll, Pebble Beach. The Senator from Alabama [Mr. Hn.LJ, the Senator from George W. Megrew, Rancho Santa Fe. New Jersey [Mr. MILTON], the Senator from Florida [Mr. Janet D. Watson, Tahoe. PEPPER], and the Senator from New York [Mr. WAGNER] are Richard M. Wood, Thermal. detained on Important public business. MICHIGAN I further announce that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. THOMAS], the Senator from Maryland [Mr. RADCLIFFE], and · George W. Hackney, M~unt Morris. the Senator from Montana [Mr. WHEELER] are unavoidablY llriiSSOURI detained·. Nettie Morgan, Camdenton. Mr. McNARY. I announce that the Senator from Cali­ Jesse A. Twyman, Triplett. fornia [Mr. JoHNSON] is necessarily absent from the Senate. Mahlon N. White, Warsaw. Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Massa­ NEBRASKA chusetts [Mr. LoDGE] is absent on official business. Ernest J. Kaltenborn, Waco. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an­ swered to their names. A quorum is present. NORTH DAKOTA Ronald Keeley, Hazen. SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-FOREST SERVICE (S. DOC. NQ. ~ 7 4) ·omo The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ Charles A. Kirk, Toledo. cation from the President of the United States, transmitting 6016 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD-SENATE MAY 2 a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Worces­ of Agriculture <National Forest Protectipn and Management), ter, Mass., remonstrating against the enactment of Sen­ fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, amounting to $500,000, which, ate bill 153, to prohibit the trade practices of "block book­ with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee ing" and "blind selling" in the motion-picture industry, on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. which was ordered t<? li.e o~ the table. REVENUE FOR THE VIRGIN ISLANDS REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter.from Mr. HATCH, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed which was referred the bill (S. 3010) to repeal and reenact legislation to provide revenue for the government of the Vir­ section 83 of the Judicial Code, as amended, relating to gin Islands, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred Federal court districts in the State of Kentucky, reported to the Committee on Territories and Insular Affairs. it with amendments and submitted a report (No. 1682) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILS, VIRGIN thereon. ISLANDS . Mr. LOGAN, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate three letters which referred the bill <S. 3417) for the relief of the State from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pur­ of Wyoming, reported it with amendments and submitted suant to law, copies of resolutions and ordinances passed by a report <No. 1683) thereon. the Municipal Council of St. Thomas and St. John and by Mr. SCHWARTZ (for Mr. WHEELER), from the Committee the Municipal Council of St. Croix which, with the accom­ on Interstate Commerce, to which was referred the bill panying papers, were referred to the Committee on Terri­ (S. 3502) to protect producers, manufacturers, and consum­ ers from the unrevealed presence of substitutes and mixtures tories and Insular Affairs. iii spun, woven, or knitted or felted fabrics and in garments REPORT OF GREATER TEXAS AND PAN AMERICAN EXPOSITION or articles of apparel or other articles made therefrom, and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from for other purposes, reported it with an amendment and sub­ the members of the United States Greater Texas and Pan mitted a report (No. 1685) thereon. American Exposition Commission, transmitting, pursuant to Mr. KING, from the Committee on Immigration, to which law, a report concerning the participation of the Government was referred the bill (H. R. 29) to declare that a citizen of of the United States in the exposition held in Dallas, Tex., in the United States who votes in a political election in a 1937, which, with the accompanying report, was referred to foreign state or who participates in certain voting abroad to the Committee on the Library. determine sovereignty of foreign territory shall lose United PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS States citizenship and nationality, reported it with amend­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a resolu­ ments and submitted a report <No. 1684) thereon. tion adopted by Lodge No. 1011 of the Steel Workers Or­ Mr. COPELAND, from the Committee on Commerce, to ganizing Committee, of East Chicago, Ind., favoring the which was referred the bill <S. 3744) to assert the jurisdiction President's recovery program, which was referred to the of the United States over certain portions of the Bering Sea Committee on Appropriations. and the submerged land thereunder, reported it without He also laid before the Senate a letter in the nature of amendment. a petition from William Edwin Sherman, of Hibbing, Minn., BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED praying for the deportation of all aliens unsympathetic with Bills and joint resolutions were introduced, read the first the constitutional form of the United States Government, time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, and re­ which was referred to the Committee on Immigration. f erred as fallows: He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the By Mr. BRIDGES: Commissioners of Judith Basin County, Mont., favoring the A bill <S. 3933) for the relief of Celina Groulx; to the enactment of House bill 4199, proposing to pay a maximum Committee on Claims. pension of $200 monthly to all persons reaching 60 years By Mr. HATCH and Mr. CHAVEZ: of age who thereafter retire from gainful employment, which A bill (S. 3934) to amend the act entitled "An act to stop was referred to the Committee on Finance. injury to the public grazing lands by preventing overgrazing He also laid before the Senate a resolution adopted by the and soil deterioration, to provide for their orderly use, im­ Central Trades and Labor Union of St.
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