BUY FROM ATTEND CONVO ADVERTISERS. BALL STATE NEWS WEDNESDAY. Vol. 22 No. 6 Z -186 BALL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, MUNCIE, INDIANA, OCTOBER 30, 1942 Price Five Cents Club Play' Eve Curie Describes People; Blue Key Defense Committee Bills Eight Visits Battlefronts of World Elects New By Myra Lou Williamson Has Sixth Meeting; Characters Giving her observations on mechanized warfare in Lybia, Russia, Frat Men Burma, China, and the South Pacific, Mlle. Eve Curie, distinguished French woman, talked before a large audience Wednesday evening at the Masonic Chairmen Report 'Night Must Fall" To Be Temple. This was the opening lecture of the Psi Iota Xi sorority winter Robert Barton Announces Presented—Marjorie Le- lecture series, benefiting philanthropical activities of the sorority. Selections—Five Seniors, TESTS TO BE GIVEN Boeuf Is Director. Mlle Curie, daughter of the famous Two Juniors Chosen. Robert Barton Announced Pierre and Marie Curie, physicists religion while India has a formidable Tuberculin tests will be giv- As Ex-Officio Member of who discovered radium and received problem in the irreconcilable Mos- Seven Ball State men have been en to all freshmen and trans- When the curtains part on the fall the Nobel prize, held the rapt atten- lems and Hindus. The speaker talked elected to Blue Key, national hon- fers on Monday, Nov. 2. The Committee — B e e m a n, production of the Spotlight Club play, tion. of the audience for nearly two of Nehru as "one of the most re- orary men's fraternity, and an- Health Service will remain DeMotte, Fitch Report on "Night Must Fall," at 8:15 o'clock hours as she described the battle- markable persons in the world." nouncement of elections was made open through the noon hour in next Thursday evening, Nov. 5, the fronts and the peoples thA she saw Gandhi, she found to be a profound by Robert Barton, president of the addition to the usual hours, 8 Sub-Committee Activities. audience beyond the footlights will last spring on her tour. pacifist and a very powerful man. oragnization, at the regular convo- o'clock to 4:30 o'clock. be entertained with something dif- The first test will be given Has Immense Pride In talking of the government that the cation held Wednesday morning, Oct. ferent from the realm of theatrical Indians wanted, she remarked that 21. on Monday, and every one test- Members for the college Defense In Russia, the speaker pointed out productions. they never gave a clear picture of ed must report Wednesday for Committee met for the sixth meet- that one feels there is no such thing Charles E. Waggoner, New Castle Behind the capable cast which in- the kind they desired. the second reading, at which as a front, for everybody is engaged senior, was one of the men selected ing since the organization of the com- cludes veterans of former Spotlight On the front in Lybia, Mlle Curie time the second test will be in warfare, and that Russia is nearer by the fraternity. Business manager mittee Thursday, Oct. 15. At that productions a n d Civic Theatre is was the first won-an to be permitted given for those whose tests to ultimate victory. The reason for for the 1942 "B" Book, he is a mem- time, Robert Barton, senior a n d Marjorie LeBoeuf, president of Spot- to spend some time at the head- were negative. The second test this feeling, the speaker went on to ber of Commerce Club, Y. M. C. A., light Club and director of the play. quarters of the British Eighth Army. will be read on Friday. president of the Student Executive say, is because in that country there and Alpha Phi Gamma, national hon- Miss LeBoeuf had considerable ex- She described the desert warfare and These tests are a part of the Council, was introduced as an ex- is an immense pride and a "mad will orary journalistic fraternity. He is perience this past summer while at- told of visiting with German and physical examination given to to win." a cabinet member of the "Y." officio member of the committee. tending the Plymouth Drama Festi- Italian prisoners of war, finding the all students every year, a n d The speaker told of the hard lives Chairmen of the various sub-com- val at Plymouth, Mass. Italians eager to talk while the Ger- Thrall Is Elected grades will be withheld until the people were living, saying that mittees gave reports on new devel- mans were disgusted wtih their Ital- Howard Thrall, Manilla senior, was they are completed. Tests must Cast Practices the food situation was difficult and opments since the last meeting. ian allies and sure of German vic- also elected to the -fraternity. A be read on Wednesday. that one would see long lines of Chairman of the Consumers Com- After several weeks of practice the tories. member of Delta Phi Sigma frater- cast of eight will be ready to take women standing while waiting for mittee, Miss Mary Beeman of the Before completing her tour, • Mlle. nity, he is also a member of Latin their rationed food. When supply home economics department, reported the stage next Thursday eve. Three Curie began to see Americans all over Club and Sigma Pi Rho, national main characters providing the action trucks, loaded with frozen meat go- that her committee is ready to begin Africa. honorary Latin fraternity. Thrall- is work getting ideas concerning proper for this psychological drama include ing to the front, would pass, the a scholarship student. Navy Wants Ray Condon, cast as the lovable but people would not even look at them. Should Be Thankful war-time diets to Ball State students Charles Bushong, Elkhart senior murderous Dan; Pauline Rohour as The men who fight must have every- Commenting on America and the and staff. and president of Pi Gamma Mu, na- Mrs. Bramson, a neurotic semi-in- thing. war, she said "Thank God you are tional honorary social science fra- College Men DeMotte Reports valid; and Rosemary Walter playing not fighting on your soil." She im- Talks With Russians ternity, was elected by the Blue Key Mrs. Sharley B. DeMotte, director the role of Olivia, Mrs. Bramson's pressed the audience with the op- "Only a country which fights the men. A member of Sigma Tau Gam- of publicity and chairman of the niece — serious, with a sparkle of po- portunity Americans have at home war on its own soil knows what war ma Fraternity, he is also a member City Celebrates Navy Day— Publicity Committee, reported that etry in her soul. to be efficient in war industries and is," the French woman said. "In the -- copies of the Ball State News are to support the armies. In conclusion, of Y. M. C. A., Library Council, and Procurement Officer De Supporting these characters will liberated zones, those taken by the Spotlight Club. He is a cabinet mem- being sent to former students who be Harley Ludington as Olivia's suit- she painted a picture of the united sires Graduates. are now in the armed forces. Germans and then retaken by the nations being far from united, and ber of the "Y." or; Mary Ann Babcock, the scatter- Russians, I talked to families who Copies of tabulation of ideas given brained maid; Jane Summers, cast said that it would take a united effort Bushong Is Chosen had been ejected from their homes so that "quoting from one of your Responding to a call for 1,800 col- the Conservation Committee by fac- as the housekeeper; John Morgan, by the Germans when the tempera- Also elected to the fraternity is Lee lege graduates under 28 years of ulty members were presented to the Belsize of Scotland Yard; and Nita great men, 'all these men should not Bushong, Kendallville senior, who is ture was 40 degrees below zero. They have died in vain.' " age to begin training in Class V-7 group by Dr. Harry N. Fitch, direc- Hrishuk playing the role of the nurse. told me how they fled to the woods president of both Navajo Club and of the naval training program, the tor of the Child Development Ser- Epsilon Pi Tau, national honorary Committees Named and dug trenches, and how first one U. S. Navy is making a nation-wide vice and chairman of the Conserva- child and then another would die." industrial arts fraternity. Secretary call for men to enlist in the military tion Committee. Committees appointed for the play In Russian factories during peace of "B" Club, he is also a member of ranks. Na v y Day, celebrated on include production manager, M a x Group Elects The Defense Committee was formed times, the speaker pointed out, the Industrial Arts Club. Tuesday, Oct. 27, came as a special Hunt; stage manager, Virgil Gray; at Ball State April 29, and is made women worked seven hours a day, One other senior was elected to event to emphasize this activitiy stage crew, Otha Easterday, DeLana up of 11 sub-committees. The com- five to six days a week. Now they the men's honorary. Ben Earley of Southard, Esther Walters, and Mary H. B. Allman Accelerate Program mittee is for the purpose of organ- are working eleven hours a day and Anderson, prominent on the Ball Thiesen; business manager, Floyd izing and establishing a campus vol- seven days per week and "liking it." State campus, served as assistant Through a newly accelerated of- Cooper, chairman, Ruth Atwater, unteer office, conserving materials Mlle. Curie also explained .that there business manager of The News for ficer training program, it is now pos- Charles Bushong, Ray Condon, and Ball State Professors Get vital to national defense, organizing were no bomb shelters in the fac- two terms.
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