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SessionStu- egatesto the USS, to curtail recognize me {at the Board dent presidential race, have theelectionsoftheUSSChair. meetings], they're in violation forged an alliance, and they The election, which was to be ofthe Higher Education Law, are now working' together to heldOctober11, was re-sched- Section 6204." reform the UniversityStudent uled for November 8. , The law states' that there Senate. ,. HerellerWeisenhart .and must be consecutive student · Herelle, the DSSG presi- - otherdelegatesworkedtopost- representation atBoard meet­ dent as well .as Baruch's del- pone the electionbecause they ings. ThejobofChairis to vote . egate to the USS, said that, feel the USS should be re- and participateatBoardmeet­ Weisenhartwashisfirstchoice . formed. ings. The Chair is the only to be the alternate delegate. "We should be able to imple- student vote in CUNY "If we had to get anything ment reforms before the elec- Themajorityofthe delegates done in government this year, tions," said Herelle. wantreforrns"inordertoavoid the elections had to end," said The delegates are looking to the scandals of the previous Herelle, regarding the fiercely implementspecificguidelines, years,"saidQuatennan."We're contested race for D.S.S.G. which have notyetbeenset, to trying to change the image of president last year. avoid the scandal that sur- the USS before the elections. Herelle sai d he chose 'roundedlastyear's chairman, We want a clean slate." Weisenhart because, "Charlie Jean LaMarre. In 1991 One ofthe revisions the USS was involved last year in try- LaMarre was discovered to is looking to implement is a ingto work outthe USS consti- haveusedmoneyscollectedfor restriction offinancial account­ tution. He had the back- -the USS from the students of ability-. This means that in ground." CUNY for personal use such orderfora checktobe approved Herelle had not considered asrentinglimousines,a trip to it will need two signatures ­ anyone. else for alternate del- Africa for three and many those of the Chair and Vice egate because, "1 want to get other questionable expenses. Chair of Fiscal Affairs, 'said . the best people in positions - His eipenditures were later Weisenhart.. Charlie isone ofthem," found to be withinthe guide- Q1Jaterman plans to run for . The position ofDSSG Trea- 1in~of.CUNY.. the position of Chair ~n the 'CharlesWtesenhalt ancrSimon ....... ~was~fre,r.etiti9,~~i.seJ1hart _, --'~Il_,·~J$,t~~rti:J~~ae':.·~ ~~I~~~~t~!-~~Kil!~t,~-~-~~·~·,,~;.'·'>~·F"· __ ·:~~:" .~:~~~._:J_~<"'~_~~ .••~.~_~~~• .-.' ', •. - ".,-'4>_",',•... earlier in the semester~ egate from JOlin Jay College· the Hunter COllege delep.te FisCalAffairs,tbeposition-beld . tbemorm period ends on No- Wiesenhart refused the posi- and Vice Chair ofLegislative "and.LaMaITeTs unrecognized' . bylastyear's ~>PreSident,'"veniber'll,"added HeJ'ene. ,,~~~_~iting 8!l al:~ad>-: b~~>:__. _~~~_~fth~ US~~.~_vo~~_._...~p~oi~~, fo: gtai! upon his__ LaVonda J?avi~. cH:~rene h~s , ~or~ting~ theelections, __ .~ __ ~,_~_.. _ ,schedule.-:The...pOSltionof..trea- .by.his p,eer~.to . replace ... reSlgnat:io~.l~tabo~e~ete.clto, notyetde_Clde·difhe,lntends.to· We..1~h~,~d~Q.:ret}j8!'l,·: . ,. surer was vacated by the LaMarre,astheinterimchair. ' run. run. likely [QuatermanJ, Will be electedtreasurer,KarleneScot- Although he was legallyvoted Weisenhart plans to run for "1 would want to see how elected on the eighth. He's land, whocited personal reasons. in, the Board has yet to ac- the position of Vice Chair for manyreforms weremet before seen as a responsible person." Multicultural Debate Is Revived At Forum Goldstein they! compared his Chair of the Department of days at City College to today Black Studiesat City College. saying that when he attended He added that the resulting City College it was a predorni- friction between Jewish and nantly white male institution, black students over Jeffries thus everyone had the same lead to the creation ofa forum background and that manag- that allowed the students to ing.theinstitutionwasnoprob- air their grievances. 1em. Thepresidentthen began Sue-PengChuaofA.S.A said discussing the, new Learning that she picturedAmericaasa laboratory( story on page_). bigmeltingpot,butdiscovered . When he completed his re- ittoreallybe a vegetable soup. markseachstudentleaderwas. Chuaaddedthattheforumwas givenanopportunitytopresent . taking place because it would an opening statement. help people to understandand Hillel Caplan of the J .S.A. not just tolerate each other. began: "Iwillkeepmyremarks The rest of the forum was briefbecause I believethatyou devoted to a group discussion can learn more from interac- by the audience focusing on tion." He described how he differentaspectsofracism and attended an all Jewish high how to combat racism. .The school inLong Islandand that general concensus ofthe audi­ he came to Baruch not only encewasthateducationingen­ because of its good: business~culturaleduea­ Kenly John, Hillele Caplan, Martha Par8des and Sue -Peng Chua program but because it would tion in particular would be the By Rafael A. Martinez .AmericanStudentsOrganiza- nizationtobringtogetherallof . give him a chance to interact firststepinresolvingtheprob- A forum on Cultural Diver- tion, theASianStudentsAsso- Barueh'e African American ,"thdift'erent cultures. ·lem ofracism by helping ev-, ' sity and Ethnicity took place _dation and BASS. .clubs. , KenIyJohn ofBASS, said eryone understand one an­ on October 22 to discuss how A£cording 'to eo-moderator Baruch President Mathew how happy he was to.see that other. far along Barueh College is Dawn Steele~ 'of the Evening Goldsteinwasthefirstspeaker ,things are happening at .-&ruch has helped get us· , moving in diversifyingitseur- SesSion Students Assembly, or the evening., He began by Baruch eoneerning out ofthe ghetto and iJ'l~ the multiculturaledueation. ',' ~. In the Hispanic ,' ricu1um. the forumWas'created to see commenting,on the ))NSiden- .\ The forum, wm4:h- wasspon- how far Baruch is' Jboving to- tia1 eleetion and said, "unless Johndescribedthehistoryof . communib', you have POvertY themultic:ul~forum unde~~--~ntf;-·' sored by the Barueh African warda ."diversified cmTicu- tbereisa~,cbrmpin1.be asbe- and- .. c •.. -:..-'- .-2 Student Senate, featured stu- tum. Steeleleadoft"themeet- govemmen~8po1ic:iestowards ingbroughtaboUt in response .Bareeh shows us that,we can dentspeakerstromtbeJewish . ing with 'the history and ,de- cities, we, are' doomed as a to a ~at Baruch by Pro- ,makeit .~ said Pai-edes~ .~/.~ ressorLeonard Jeftiies,then, Students Alliance,' Latin . seriptionofBASSas an c:n'P- people.- j . - - • ..0' '. ,'. ," • '. ."-...... ~. ~ ~ ':- .: 2 3 CJ) ::t 3: o Q) ~ z .(1) .... ... Q) z· .::s:- CD. o At. ~. Jazz Baruch -_.~-. t-- ----- - • • C\J (J') ,....0) ,..... -iCD -. C\J.... Q) - .J::J 0 -(.) 0 .IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! Photoscourtesy of Zelphia Phillips. ..LTRADE SOCIETY. .~,,~ .~c: ••••••• o' ' •••••••••••••••• , ••••,.,:.:,..'.t): ..•.. N SHOWAUDITIONS ne.. Juafiitao.H()ward,SingiDg "Au.tumnTime"with theJazz Premiere Concert Perfomanc TUES., NOVEMBER 3 Master of CeremoniesWynton Marsalis 26TH ST. RM 814 playing "Sweet Embraceable ~ou." . 1:00 - 2:40 PM The MiltHintonJ azzPerspective washeld on October 15, due to a generous gift. to the Baruch THURS., NOVEMBER 5 -'. CollegeFundfrom Aaron Silbermanofthe class ,,~"of'46~ .. 23RD ST. -AUDITORIUM..-. -. -.- .•.. -.-..__ . _.. _- ..... - - ~-tJtt]rer~m6Btet'S_-Hl~I:l4~-...Derek Smith and.... _ }'o Jay ·fi;Amlco· J on'-piano~-sel<i6ri ~P6we1t orrsax;': 1:00 - 2:40 PM Mike Walters on flute and Michael Grey on trombone. BuckyPi~arem(right),onguitar,accompanyingMilt "Judge" Hinton (left)on bass played to a packed house. SAT., NOVEMBER 7 26TH ST. RM. 814 Learning Lab for Baruch? helpthem wi th studenttalent, Rafael A. Martinez Reynoldsbroughttherequest By "If we increase business Baruch College President back to the presidents of the can 2:00 - 5:00 PM . success they will employ MatthewGoldsteinannounced CUNY colleges and the idea of people," added Goldstein. a proposal tocreate a learning small business learning Other CUNY campuses will laboratory in which Baruch laboratory was formed. be involved in the lab, but students will assist people in Goldstein said that many Baruch willbe the core, and small businesses, while small businesses fail because people in the community will receiving hands on experience the people starting them do haveaccessto Baruchstudents and getting involved in the nothavethe capital ormaynot have gone to Baruch, so they freeofcharge. Theexactdetails community. of the program -have not yet According to Teresa don't know business - fundamentals such as writing been worked'out pending the '. Karamanos,directorofCollege state's approval. 4 advancement, theproposalhas business plans. So why not. Editorials: 'RETAIL TRADE SOCIETY been submitted
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