TWELVB FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29,1961: iHanrli^atpr lEa^ttin^ Average Dally Net Preea Run i . For. t te Week Ha6a* The Weather Dooember 28, 1881 Foreeoot of C; 8. Wootber About Town LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru l;RIDAY 1:10 P.M. - SATURDAY AT 11^10 A.M. GoahrsUy fair, quite eoM toutgkF 13,525 u d Sunday. Low toiUglit 10 t» H im * wUi not bo any meoUng Moinbor of the Audit tanlglvt o< tho CSiUdren’a Wing of Bareoa of Olrcnfaitioii. 16, near lero In rural vaOeyo, ttio llbnchoater Uttle Theater. M AIN STREET * High Sunday in uppor 20o. The next regular mooting will be Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm Friday, Jan. 5, at 6:1S p.m. in the MANCHESTER Side Roc. - VOL. LXXXI, NO. 76 "tTWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1961 Ml 3-41 ?3 (ClaaUfled Adverttitns on Pago 6) PRICE FIVE CENTS The executive board and mem­ bers of Ladies of St. James will meet tonight at 8 at the John F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. $2 Million a Year Center St., to pay reapecU to the ^61 Good State News late Joseph Vignone, whose wife la a member of the organisation. An open house will be held at To State Roundup the Polish American Club, H)6 HELCO Given De Gaulle Plan Builds Clinton St., on New Year’s Eve Sunday for members and guests. A buffet will be sen-ed and there Economy State Records will be dancing from 7 to 3 to the music of Walter Wojnarowics’s or­ First Holiday Hartford,. Dec. 80 {IP)— Rates Increase chestra. Connecticut is winding up Traffic Death Arthur Raymond Nielson, son of 1961 with the great majority Total operating revenue for the New Strife in Algeria Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nielson. 60 Hartford, Dec. 30 (JP)—Thet ENDOF-THtYEAR of its economic indicators up company with the new rates will New Haven, Dec. 30 UP)—A Spring St., has been elected aa- Hartford Electric Light Co. ' slstant secretary of Phi Sigma Nu over last year and several of (HELCO) has authority to be about $11 million, or about a 6.01 Wallingford man became the fraternity at Bryant CoUege, Prov­ them at record highs. per cent return on its bage rate. i first person to d i^ n a traffic idence. R. I. WOMEN'S, FAMOUS HEART SHAPED State Labor Commlisloner. Re- boost its electricity rates by The sum, the PUC Said, would j naito H. Rlcciutl said yesterday the 82 million a year. "afford the compamy sufficient! accident in Connwticut dur­ Miss Helen Magoon. a Junior and financial barom-eters standing at In permitting the IncreEUe yes­ earnings , to cover all necessary ing the long .New Year's Oran Riots English major at Saint Joseph Col­ ne'iv highs were bank debits, in- terday, however, the State Public costa of operations and have a rea­ weekend last night when his Utilities Commission turned down sonable return on property dedicat­ lege, West Hartford, is spending BRAND NAME SHOES duatrlal power sale*, and aver­ ed to public servdce.” car plowed into an empty au­ the Christmas vacation with her age weekly eaminga of factory the company’s original request for English Brass PLANTERS rates that would bring In $3.4 mil­ HEIAIO wag ordered by the PUC tomobile carrier. Put Down 3 parents. Mr. and "Itlrs. Lloyd Ma­ production workers. lion a year. to provide Uniform, simplified rates For piirpo.aps of counting fatali­ goon. 104 Greenwood Dr. Miss Ma­ The second highest mark.<i In The company provides electric throLighout its service area. Since ties. the weekend Is considered to goon. a 1959 graduate of Manches­ OFF! the state’s hlstoiy were made by the merger with the Connecticut have started at 6 p.m. last nlqht. ter High School, is active in the 1 /2 life insurance sales and total service for about 230,000 customers Queenes Companye dramatic club. in the Hartforl, New London, Tor- Power Co. In 1958, HELfO’g elec­ It will end Monday at midnight. By Troops I nonfarm employment. rington and Stamford Areas.' tric rates have generallv been During a similar 78-hour period reg. 6.99 to 19.99 Based on 1950 as the base year higher in outlying towns than in the over the Christmas weekend, seven By JOSEPH E. D’YNAN Daughters of Liberty. No. 125. 1/3 OFF! vith an index of 100, the bank In­ In its order the PUC directed the Hartford area. traffic deaths were counted in has canceled its rehearsal for de­ dex hit 239,1, up 18.9 from 1960 elimination of an automatic fuel On Wednesday the PUC denied Connecticut. Paris, Dec. 30 UP)—Presi­ gree work tonight. The rehearsal and all-time high. Bank debits are adjustment clause, except in spe­ I a requested increase to the L'nlted The victim of last night's acci­ dent Charles de Gaulle’s plan has been rescheduled for Tuesday cial contract rates, and an end to Illuminating Co. of New Haven. at 7:30 p m. at Orange Hall. 6”. reg. 2.99. N O W .......................................................................1.99 all checks and cash withdrawn the lamp exchange service which dent was Lawrence L, Lanata. 41, to make peace with revolt- NOW 3 .4 9 to 9 .9 9 from bank accounts. cost the company about $250,000 an­ of 8 Doris St., Wallingford. Police torn Algeria as an independ­ About 70 members and friends In dollars, the year’s bknk turn­ nually. Under this plan, the com­ said his car apparently crashed ent nation touched off hew, attended a Holiday Record Hop 7”. reg. 3.99. N O W ................................................................... - 2.59 over was $31.7 billion. pany swapped new bulbs without No Herafld into the aiilomohile carrier as it sponsored by the Junior GOP troylings, veK'et .steps, air tred, accent, arpegg-ios, valenti’ne, The figure for industrial power charge for burned out ones brought was making a left turn at Water violence today by European ' Club of Manchester High School 8”, reg. 4.99. N O W .......... ............................................................ 3 .3 3 sales hit 2.9 billion kilowatt hours. in by its customers. On Monday and Hamilton St.s. settler.5 in the African terri­ at the Masonic Temple last night. fiancees, rhythm step, de liso debs, paramont, ultimo. The index reached- 176.4 up from About the fuel adjustment clause, tory . The hall w’a.*: decorated with New last year's 169. the PUC said, ”We are of the opin­ The Manchester Evenj Dies of Iniuries Two Moslems and a French po­ Tear’s Eve streamers and bal­ Average weekly earnings of ion that rate adjustments based on .Stamford. Dec. 30 .'./p. Mrs. Kl- liceman were killed in new dis­ loons. and refreshments were factory production rose $8.98 fluctuations in the cost of fuel or Herald \yill not piibli.«h M^i\ la Haviland. 77. died yesterday in orders In Oran, bringing to six the served. SPECIAL PURCHASE from iast December to $99.75, for other components of cost should flay, New Year’s Day. a private nursing home. She had number killed in that Algerian a new record. not be applied without/'* rate pro­ Drive carefullv. port in le.ss than 24 hours. City’s ceeding." been injured Sept. 22 when a light A. C. Taylor Jr., design engineer 100% ACETATE TRICOT Some 22,000 new Jobs were truck in which .she and her hus­ commercial life was paralyzed by for the Hartford Gas Co , will dis­ CHILDREN’S added during the year and un­ band. Austin Haviland, were rid­ a shutdown of shop.s and cafes by cuss "The Hartford Steam Plant Imported C U T CRYSTAL employment fell by 4,800 from ing collided with a heavier vehicle European owners. Story.” in conjunction with the 1960, Rlcciutl said. Haviland died within hours after H a rd ^ h a d De .Gaulle finished Hartford downtown redeveleop- The index for total pixxiuctlon First Reprisal the accident, hut his wife was not his speecH last night announcing meht at a meeting of the Kiwanis climbe<l from 123,3 in 1960 to told of his death. most of the French army will be Club of Manchester ’Tuesday at Washable S N O W SUITS PANTIE BRIEFS 125,1 this year. withdrawn from Algeria than riots noon at the Manchester Country This years mark represents an erupted in Oran. French troops, Club. PRICE! estimated net income from sales Theodore I'. Evans who sometime-s sided with tte 1 /2 by manufacturers during the year U*S, Bars Top Reds Kent, I>ec. 30 i.-Pi Funeral Europeans in the past, moved in Army 2nd Lt. Richard A. Mc- of $3.68 billion. services will he held Tue.sday at quickly to put down the riots. Oomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Life Insurance sales, which ex­ Kent School for Theodore F. Two young men and a French W. McComb Jr.. 11 Quaker Rd.. cludes group policies, hit 260.9 on Evans, who came to the school as Philippine President Dioadado Macapagal Is administered oath of office by Chief Justice Ce.sar marine were killed, authorities re­ recently completed the officer ori­ the index, a .shade below the rec­ a .student in 1908 and spent the Bengson in Manila ceremonies today. Looking on are .Macapagal’.s wife, Eva; her mother- and two ported, in a running fight between entation course at the Artillery set 8 salad plates, reg. 4.99.
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