691, 6 9 2 & 6 9 3 U l to be printed in the half-yearly volume : Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1935, Vol. LVI. Vol. 2. P a r t 1. The Monthly Journal of the INSTITUTE OF METALS and METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS JANUARY, 1935 Copyright] [,Entered at Stationers’ HalI EMPIRE 'AZ' BRAND C.C.R. BRAND CADMIUM SELENIUM 99-95% GUARANTEED THE BRITISH METAL CORPORATION LT-D PRINCES HOUSE, 93 GRESHAM STREET, ■Phon«: METROPOLITAN 0111. LONDON, E.C.2 BIRMINGHAM SWANSEA 'Phone: CENTRAL 6 4 4 1 . ’Pbon.: SWANSEA 3166. 4 Alda’ Welding Rods and Fluxes The B.O.C. stock only those materials which they have proved by test to be most suitable for customers’ requirements. Large or small quantities of any material can be supplied. • Alda ’ rods are in convenient lengths, packeted in different diameters from -jV' to The range comprises rods for almost all steels and irons used; rods for copper and alloys, brasses and bronzes, and aluminium and alloys. 4 Alda ’ fluxes are obtainable in £, and i lb. tins. For every type of 'A lda’ rod supplied there is a suitable flux stocked. Special fluxes for brazing, tinning, and hard and soft soldering are also obtainable. Catalogue Section 4 listing the range of ‘Alda’ welding materials (with H e a d O f f ic e s : V ic t o r ia St a t io n H o u s e , L o n d o n , S .W .i There are 41 B.O.C. factories in Great Britain and Northern Ireland and 23 factories in Australia? India and S. Africa. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 719/G The illustration shows one of the windows in the Taj Mahal Hotel, Bombay, where all glazing sections including the astragals are of aluminium alloy. The BRITISH ALUMINIUM Co.. Ltd. HEAD OFFICE: ADELAIDE HOUSE, KING WILLIAM ST., LONDON, E.C 4. TELEPHONE: MANSION HOUSE 5561 & 807^ (5 LINES) TELEGRAMS: CRYOLITE, BILGATE, LONDON LO N D O N W A R EH O U S E: 25-29, Pancras Rd., N .W .I. BIRMINGHAM 4: 2, Lawley St. MANCHESTER : Deansgate House, 274, Deansgate. LEEDS 3 : 66, Kirkstall Rd. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE I : Milburn House. G LA SG O W C.2: 113, W est Regent St. A iii For the economical production of tubes with absolutely uniform wall thickness we supply TUBE EXTRUSION PRESSES of vertical or horizontal type, also the required power water plants consisting of pressure pumps and accumulators, the latter of the electrically controlled, com­ pressed air loaded type without any pistons or floats, for which the H YD RAULIK Co. owns patents in all countries of the world. British Agents: Aabacas Engineering Co., Ltd., 10 Canning Place, Liverpool, I iv o r k t & a l t In addition to tubes, we manufacture rolled non-ferrous metals and extruded bar and sections. W e are the sole makers of DURALUMIN in various forms. (Regd. Trade Mark) JAMES B O O T H £ » COMPANY (1915) LIMITED ArgyleSt. YJorks.Nedtells. BIRMINGHAM,7. telephone:EAST/22KP.EEJ. ‘Jet&jramr-'Booth,Birmingham. Codes: Cieber's 5letter. A.R C bth.Edit ion. Bentley's Second Phrase. ELECTRIC FOR THE ■■■■ . View o f a G.E.C. Furnace installation fo r 5-TRłP IN IKON. the Grünewald process at the works of STEEL,COPPER the Hall Street Metal Rolling Co., Ltd., PHOSPHOR- BRONZE. ETC Birmingham. THE GRÜNEWALD PROCESS ENSURES A PERFECT ANNEAL —ATHO ROUGHLY UNIFORM AN­ NEAL—AND A PERFECT BRIGHT BRIG HT FINISH. ANNEAUNG- 8UT M O R E ,A G.E.C. experts are at your service THOROUGHLY to advise on the most suitable UNIFORM ANNEAL equipment for any melting or heat FOR ALL PURPOSES treatment operation. Manufacturers— THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Head Office: Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W .C.2. Branches throughout Great Britain and in all principal markets of the world. vi ELECTRIC FURNACES FOR TUBE ANNEALING with uniform heat radiation from all sides by means of embedded heating-elements in self-supporting thin-walled oval muffles. Multiple zone automatic temperature control. Heat-insulation practically exclusively by powder, dispensing with brick-work. Motor-driven door. WELDED CHARGING FRAME of light construction, 8— 12% dead weight. Note the double charging troughs, facilitating re-charging. Tube-Annealing Furnaces in a large Metal W orks; output 10— 15 cwt. per hour. Charge weight up to I ton. Useful dimensions : 23 feet x 28” X 12” and 23 feet X 35" X 12". Heat-loss when maintaining at 600'C.: 7 KW .; when at 480 C .: 4-8 KW. Tube Furnaces were recently delivered to four leading firms ; each of these four firms has now given a repeat order. J. L. BROOKLAND WATERLOO HOUSE, WATERLOO STREET, BIRMINGHAM, 2 'Phone: Midland 4242. ’Grams: 44Brookland, Birmingham.’' vii VITREOSIL FOR THE LABORATORY The properties of VITREOSIL are ideal for the electri­ cally heated muffles necessary for controlled heat treatment tests. VITREOSIL basins, crucibles and beakers are heat and acid proof and are economical in use. THE THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD. VITREOSIL WORKS, WALLSEND-ON-TYNE London Depot: Thermal House, Old Pye Street, S.W.I STERLING M ETALS!" ELe kntc. no. 5tr ON A typical Elektron Rear SAND & DIE Axle Worm Casing CASTINGS Telegram s: Stermet Phone Coventry Telephones : 8035 (3 lines) for Melting Iron, Special Steels, and Non-Ferrous Metals, Is now built in England by who have acquired its sole manu­ facturing rights for Great Britain, the Dominions, and certain other countries .... a Furnace of World­ wide reputation in Modern Foundry and Ingot Making Practice now BIRLEC THE NAME SYNONYMOUS WITH PROCKSSS AND QUAlITt BIRMINGHAM ELECTRIC FURNACES LIMITED B irlec w orks. Tyburn road. Erdington. Birmingham ix a l l o y s , s l o u g -h Gram s: DEGAS Y A L U M IN IU M W ITH DEGASER No Eliminates Gases and Pinholes Produces Finer Grain, Cleaner Surfaces Increases Tensile and Elongation WE ARE MANUFACTURERS of a W ide Range of SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS For the treatment of Non-Ferrous & Ferrous 'W M E T A L S A To Produce Clean, Sound Castings f A Ig f o f e . DEGASING, DEOXIDISING, CLEANSING LONG ACRE, FOUNDRY NECHELLS, SERVICES, LTD. BIRMINGHAM, 7 X ¡SÉS IEME■NS-SCHUCKERT ELECTRIC PRE-HEATING FURNACES FOR w B K Ę Ü i l t t i SlSÄSS EXTRUSION 120 Kw. PRE-HEATING FURNACE FOR ALUMINIUM ALLOY BILLETS Electric furnaces are especially suitable for pre-heating non-ferrous metals prior to extruding. Uniform and yet rapid heating, automatic temperature control, absence of corrosive gases and consequent elimination of waste are features of the electric system. Advt.of Siemens-Schuckert (Gt. Britain Ltd.) 30/34 New Bridge St. London E.C.4. Phone Central 8461 XI A Guide to Your Journals ! C O N T E N T S list of lTS PUBLICATIONS WITH m jth o r 'N ° ex This Contents List, issued in a stiff cover, with an Author Index, will facili­ tate reference to the papers published in the Journal since the Institute’s foundation. It should be found most valuable pending the issue of the 10-year Index. Copies are obtainable from the Secretary. Price 2s. 7d. each, post iree. From our wide range we are able to supply refractory mat­ erials of high quality suitable for most industrial purposes. In our various works, which are modern in design and equipment, care is taken in every stage of manufacture to ensure that our products are maintained at a uniformly high standard. I'or fuller particulars, ask for our Pamphlet, No. 1. I BLUEBELL Jokit (¿.Stein ¿Co. Lid. J tHISTU j ; NETT L E. f’- 'IC S tc o ^BOW NyBRIDGE SCOTLAND xiii INDEX TO ADVERTISERS JANUARY, 1935 PAflK Aluminium Plant & Vessel Co., Ltd Hydraulik G.M.B.H. iv Amsler & Co., Alfred <J. I.C.I. Metals, Ltd. Association Technique do Fondorio Johnson, Matthey & Co., Ltd. Avery, Ltd., W. & T. Leit.z (London), E. Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. Bolton & Sons, Ltd., Thomas . McKechnie Bros., Ltd. Booth & Co. (1915), Ltd., James V Mctropolitan-Vickers, Ltd. British Aluminium Co., Ltd., The iii Mills, Ltd., Wm. British Metal Corporation, Ltd. The ii Murex, Ltd. British Oxygen Co., Ltd., The ii National Alloys, Ltd. Brooldand, J. L. vii Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd. Consolidated Tin Smelters, Ltd XX Pearson, E. J. & J., Ltd. Ebonestos Insulators, Ltd. Perfecta Gas Thermostats, Ltd Electric Resistance Furnace Co. Ltd. Pitman & Sons, Ltd., Sir Isaac Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd. Ratcliff (Metals) Ltd., J. F. XIV Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd. Siemens-Schuckert (Gt. Britain) Ltd. xi Elton, Levy & Co., Ltd. S.O.S. Patents Co., Ltd. Eyre Smelting Co., Ltd., The Stein & Co., Ltd., JohnG. XII1 Fordath Engineering Co., Ltd. Sterling Metals, Ltd. viii Foster Instrument Co. Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. Foundry Services, Ltd. X Thermal Syndicate, Ltd. Fry’s Metal Foundries, Ltd. xviii University of Birmingham General Electric Co.. Ltd. vi Watson & Sons, Ltd., W. High-Duty Alloys, Ltd. X Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltc Hilger, Ltd., Adam Zeiss (London), Ltd., Carl . might have been the first . no difference, every foot is the same . correctly tempered, exact width, splen­ did surface, clean edges, right gauge . very much cheaper in the long run to specif/ LUSTER Rolled Metal. • LUSTER ROLLED COPPER, BRASS DIPPING, GILDING AND CARTRIDGE METAL, PHOSPHOR BRONZE, ETC. J. F. RATCLIFF (METALS) LTD. NEW SUMMER STREET BIRMINGHAM xiv BaW l D Two Wild-Barfield Forced Air Circulation Furnaces for the Heat -Treatment of Aluminium Alloy Castings ELECTRIC FURNACES for ALL FORMS OF HEAT-TREATMENT A wide range of standard and special designs is available.
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