Four Delegates THE OCE Behind the Scenes Now in Eugene Activity of Many For PSPA Meet LAM RON Make Play Success The Pacific Student Presidents j '!._0_1_.3_s_,_N_o_._2_s __________________________________ Oregon College of Education_ A great deal of preparation Association (PSPA) will be con­ goes into a major play produc­ vening in Eugene May 7 through Soviet Union Film Set tion. Cast, director, stage crew, May 10. Headquarters of the con­ For Monday IRC Meet costume manager, prompter, sets vention are in the Eugene hotel. designer, must all work effective- OCE delegates to the meeting The International Relations Ily to produce a smoothly coordi­ are: H. T. Walters, ASOCE pres­ club will meet at· the regular nated play. For "The House of time, regular place . 7 p.m., ident; Don Hewig, publicity com­ 2 O 8 Administration building, Bernarda Alba,'' even more has missioner and newly ~lected AS­ next Monday evening. The pro­ been required. Special music has OCE president for next year; gram will feature a movie en­ been created by two faculty Gary Horning, assembly commis­ I titled, "The People of the Soviet I members for scenes in act two :-' s_ioner and newly elected first Union." and act three. The men of the '\ .. The movie is an authentic pic­ and Sue Kobay­ vice-president; , ture of the Soviet Union and choir have recorded one of these ashi, student council secretary. 1~1:Jt··. will show the life and cultures musical scenes to be played as I , .~·· ·.·· • · Discussion topics for the PSPA of the people from all parts of the song of the reapers is heard through the windows of the convention are the following: ,~y; , Russia. Last Monday's meeting which house. In another instance the purpose and responsibility of voices of a mob were recorded \~ was held in the Library lounge student government, administra­ was well attended and everyone from Mr. Robb's speech class to tion duties of the president, create a crowd effect. ; enjoyed hearing the experiences problems of incoming presidents, The cast, consisting of 10 ma­ ~ ;yi of Oregon's 1957 International orientation of new students, inte­ .. ·1 jor characters, several minor ;..;: ,J Farm Youth delegates who show­ gration and participation in ac­ ed sides and told of their exper­ speaking roles, and a mob scene, has scheduled a total of 30 prac­ tivities, public relations, student 1 iences. ~ole in college administration, Many students were happy to tices beginning April 1 and con­ financial operation of student renew acquaintances with Mari­ tinuing through April and May. government, a n d leadership lyn Neal who is an OCE gradu­ Three full dress rehearsals will camps. ate of 1957. She found Brazil a precede the two nights of per­ Students of Oregon colleges very interesting place to visit, formance, May 16 and 17. leading discussions include Don but she was not at all sure that Some of the costumes for the Pinnock of Lewis and Clark, she should like living there per­ play were borrowed from Wil­ lamette university. Others were Charlie Dunn of OSC, Steve manently. Johnson of EOC and Pete Grund­ found in our own wardrobe de­ partment and still others are be­ fossen of Portland State college. "By the Sea" Theme Others leading conferences in­ ing individually made by mem­ clude student leaders from the For Saturday Dance bers of the cast. The stage set following colleges and universi­ "By The Sea" is the theme for was planned by Allen Robb, di­ sies: San Jose State college, the the Saturday evening, May 10, rector, and is being built by Mr. University of California, USC, dance in Maple hall. The theme George Harding and his stage Sacramento State college, Mills has been set to correspond with crew class. college, Long Beach State col­ the Frosh beach trip. Committees wor-king on the lege, Scripps college, Arizona Queen Wanda Stevens, es<:orted by Gary Mitton, junior class pres­ Co-chairmen of the dance are play are: Jannette Wooden, make­ State college, Utah State univer­ ident, was crowned Saturday night to reign over the Junior-Senior Ann Anderson and Ginny Jack­ up; Cora Adams, props; Jack sity, Whittier colle~e, UCLA, Ari­ Prom. Selection of the queen from the three other competi!:lg son with Sandra Rossell in Little, sound; Barbara Elliot, zona State at Tempe, and Brig­ class princesses was done through student body balloting. She is charge of decorations and name costumes~ and construction and hah Young university. seen here walking up the aisle to receive the crown and sceptre. tags. lighting by the stage-craft class. The attire Will be sports Mary Lou Eyman is assistant stu­ Library Ed. Council clothes and the dance will begin dent director and Les Green is "Just Desserts". Theme of Banquet To Meet in Roseburg at 8 o'clock. stage director. The State System of Higher For Awards and Recognition Dinner Education Library Council will be meeting this week-end, May Campus Entertains 'Moms' Early "Just Desserts," has been se­ some student for outstanding S-lO, in Roseburg. lected as the theme for the an­ work or service are requested to Representatives from OCE at- w·thI Many sC h e d U led AC 1· IVI ·1· 1es nuaJ OCE Recognition Dinner, contact Pat Lloyd at the earliest tending the meeting will be Mrs. according to an announcement possible date. The dinner is slat­ Dessa Hofstetter and Miss Mar- Though people everywhere "Mother's Day at OCE." The made recently by Pat Lloyd, gen­ ed for the 28th of May and it garet Steiner. are paying homage to Mother some 65 mothers attending were eral chairman. will be necessary for the student During the conference librar- the day after tomorrow, OCE can :v,rovided with an event-filled This year's Recognition Din­ council to make final decisions ians throughout the state will boast of having honored "Mom'' day. ner will take place in the OCE as to awards, order of presenta­ discuss book binding problems, more than a week early and in Things started at 11 a.m. when gym and a dance in Maple hall tion and pr.ogram for the even­ how library development affects grand style. re~istration was held outside the will be the culminating event of ing prior to this date. the college library, and how sci- It was last Saturday that the Library lounge. The mothers the evening. If there are any questions or ence grants will affect college mothers of all Oregon College then dined with their offspring This year it has been requested recommendations concerning the library book buying. students were invited to attend at a special luncheon held in that a 11 persons presenting recognition dinner, Pat Lloyd Todd hall. Entertaining were the awards, limit their introductory should be contacted. OCE Girls' Sextet who sang. speeches to three minutes. It In the atfernoon, the mothers ·; was felt that a time limit had to Campus Calendar held a business meeting. At the .~ be established due to the num­ gathering local area chapters ber of awards to be presented. May 9, Friday­ made special reports and var­ The dinner will start at 5:30 OCE vs U of Portland, track, ious financial matters were dis­ . and all on campus students will here cussed. In addition, the group be served dinner in the gym OCE vs EOC, baseball, here elected and installed new offic­ rather than in the regular dining Hi-Fi Night ers. The new officers are: Ethel rooms. May 10, Saturday­ Willard, president; Amy Lov~t, All persons or departments OCE vs EOC, baseball, here first vice · president; Fauchan desiring to present an award to OCE vs U of Portland, tennis, Lappan, second vice-president; here t I Francis Eyman, secretary; and SOEA Sponsors Dance Sport Dance Lucille Kenison, treasurer. For Hungarian Student Frosh Beach Trip All too soon, it seemed, the May 11, Sunday­ ladies were forced to conclude The main feature of last Tues­ Mother's Day their meeting and adjourn to the day's SOEA meeting was the May 14, Wednesday­ Cottage close area where they nomination of candidates for OCE vs U of Portland, base­ were entertained with a talent next year's officer positions. Vot­ ball, there, 3 p.m. show. It was well worth watch- ing will take place today. May 15, Thursday­ ing. The mothers were introduc- :,:;,~;~··'·+~ Other action included the rati­ OCE vs PSC, t ennis, here j I ed to some of the latest in cam­ fication of the state SOEA con­ May 16, Friday­ pus wear on some very adequate ,stitution by the OCE chapter. Spring Term Play, "The House models. The Boys' Octet provid­ The group also decided to spon­ of Bernarda Alba" ed the music for the occasion May 17, Saturday­ sor a dance for Saturday, May _.... 1 and Bobbi Anderson served as 24, the proceeds to go to aid Ru­ Track, PSC Invitational, Port- mistress of ceremonies. dolph Sellei, the Hungarian stu­ land I It's Mom's Day at OCE as Mothers register for a full day of activ- The activities of the day were dent OCE hopes to sponsor. Pat Spring Term Play, "The Housel ities. From left to right are pictured: Mrs. Fred 0. Amell, Bev- coordinated by Nancy Butter­ Pitardi is in charge of the dance. of Bernarda Alba" erly Harris, Mrs. Rosie Lee Hopkins and Mrs. Essie Wood. field. Page Two THE OCE LAMRON Friday, May 9, 1958 THE OCE I_AMRON Published weekly during the school year by the Wagner Choraliers Organizations Pledge Associated Students of Oregon College of Education Monmouth, Oregon Captivate Audience For Hungarian Student e STAFF: OCE's possibility of having a etter~o Huge Gill coliseum rang Wed- Hungarian student attending Editor (advisory) .....
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