'V ♦:?---- i ’ " - -- 'K% : 'A^.W H - \ «• /r’ f;- m cB TbBK ernes SOUTH »IANCTBSTBR,*€OjKN.o TUBSOAY, JULY 15, 1930^ TWELVE FLOATING SALOON Train W recked^ Explosion GERMANY BACKS READY FOR RAGES GOiBSBOROUGH British Ship to Anchor Outside! U. S. OF EUROPE 12 Mile Limit and Sell I ISLOCATEDIN L iq u o r . w r a R E P L Y New York, July 15— (AP)— VERMWITWOWS Rumors that a ship flying the British flag plaps to dispense liquor to its passengers outside the 12 mile limit dtuing the in­ Noted Young FGer Crashed Safs We Entered lim itifiiie Favors France’ s Program ternational yacht races nmct Fourteen Are September have evoked a pro­ ^ e e m e n t When We test from the American Steam­ Into Moimtaiiiside— Com- Bat Wants Tnrke; and ship Owner's Associatic^ H. B. Walker, said the association In Alexandria Riot Were Mnch ' Rnssia hchded; AD Most would appeal to the commis­ pamon Seeks Help — Un- sioner of navigation. He said he had heard that the Rojral A Britain and Japm h xTau TJne planned to station the cOnipoiis When Foimd. "■ Alexandria, Egypt, July 15—(AP) predpit^ in Be C onned Equal • '/r Asaguaya on the race course off —^Fourteen persons of whOm' eight I •/// ‘ yA iSarj Ship*—Frar to Newport, R. L, during the day Benqington, V t, July 15.— (AP.) were Etoopeans, were kilted in riot­ gienetal strike bad been called. 'The Berlin, July 15— (AP)— The text and the trips outside the —^Eighteen hotvs after his plane ing dtulng a general strike. previous disorders followed **■“the of Germany's reply to Foreign Min­ 12 mUe limit at night Ratio Against U. whe" liquor would be available had crashed mto a mountato side Another .of many reports dreu- I of Premier Nahae Pa- ister Briand’s memorandum for a lated about toe dty adminletration sha, when. the King refused to sign— to the passengers.' The Ara­ m a dense fog, Frank Goldsbor- *■' .* ''M “United States of ’ Europe” was buildings was that 17 persons bad guaya, under the liquor treaty oxigh, 19, jtjnior transcontinental a bill which PariUment bad pass- Equal Witt Britak made public her« tpn^ht It answers with Great Britain is permitted been killed and 180 injured. This qd. Tbe.K^/diM olved Parliament record holder, was found alive m report mentioned no Europeans. favorably Prance’s suggestion for a to bring liquor into American but Nabas Paeha reedved a votel toe wreckage early today. Two senior police officers were Eiuropean. union but stresses the ob­ ports under seaL of confidence. WasUngtmi, July 15— (AP)*—Scb- He was badly mjured and un­ known to be wounded and a large jection that such a program could Wafd demitiee Senators, I g f Pennsylvania, a dde- conscious, and orders were sent \ ' number of lower grade police end succeed . on ly . ujkbj principles of w . down the five miles of tangled soldiers also were on toe casualty numDenng ~ sate ^to London, advocated the navalnavA full equality and. the same secmrity self-constituted National Assembly **** ^ ^ wooded mountain for a stretcher. • i list. I S p » e 4 readutlons against the treaty , to the Senate today in do*- for all pa^cipants. STEiUMER TO SELL Two or three horns were believed The situation tonight was some­ Most Admit Russia I F KlngF^ihibsequdit maetings of|ing debate for proponente o' f the necessary to get him down to meu- what quieter. Discrimination, against countries The pile-up of burning freight cars which followed the explosum of tbeae poUtical factions pdice inter argum ent. ical aid at Dimville Notch. or continents and exclusion of Eu­ a locomotive of toe Seaboard Air line Railway near Petersburg, Va., is in Alexandria fered -and violence resulted. Sixty members answered the ropean state not .members of the | UQUOR AT RACES Leonard Lawrence, a stage driv­ shown in this picture, taken immediatdy after toe aeddent Note the Today’s disorders opening roU-call, eight more than Lea^e of Nations, Wch as Russia i er, discovered toe wreckage at 6:30 smoke and flames arising from toe wreckage of toe 50-car train as rescue were present yesterday when the and Turkey, inust be avoided, the j a. m., after parties numbering more workers arrived at toe scene. Three men were badly scalded in toe other S e n a to r -D e le te — RobtosoaB reply stated. tbmi 100 had searched all last blast. « of Arkansas—argued for the European cooperation in the pro­ State Dept Says It Can Do night stoce Donald Mockler, Golds- Robinson is toe Democratic Leader. posed league, according to the Ger­ borougb’s flight companion, bad R U S H reinforcements Ree<h a Republican, said A m w iea man answer, should not be made de­ come out of toe woods with word entered the limitationa agreement pendent upon the creation of mili­ Nodimg V Withoat die of toe accident. to save herself from an almost tary considerations affording g^reat- Was Unconscions Ireland To Manchester “hopeless inferiority" to auxiltsey er security. Information sent down by a boy TO CANADIAN BORDQt ships as compared with Great ]M - Military consideration, the reply 12MQeLiinit. from toe party which foimd him tain and Jz^ian. He outlined to on urged, should not be placed in the said bis pulse was beating regu­ attentive audience the condition of By Motorboat, Is Plan toe. American fleet at the time the fore^und. • Washington, July 15 — (AP) — larly, although he was imconscious The reply made it clear that Ger­ and groantog badly. He was se­ London negotiations were opened Treasury amd State Departm ent o f- Bootleggers Concentratmg PRESIDENT SPURNS last winter. many welcomed the proposal and verely cut across toe head and flrfitiit showed little concern today The New Ratio ' favored discussion of the whole plan chest and his legs were probably Edward Jackson, Former Resident Here, Nnw at the next session of the League of over nunors that a British ship . He said Great Britain had a four planned to sell liquor outside the broken. On New York, Vermont Nations in September. Building 75 Foot Craft for Journey PRUSSIAN INVITE to one ratio against the United 12-mile limit off Newport, R. L, dur­ The two were flying from Buffa­ States and to commissioned cruiseia The reply points out that Europ­ ing September’s internationad yamht ean countries are far from being in lo, N. Y., to Keene, N. H., and had Across Ocean Next Summer. And Maine Boundaries; while Japan had a margin of two to a settled state. They are charged T&C6S* stopped at Schenectady, N. Y. Tak­ one. The Ldndon agreement pro^ \\-ith all kinds of tensions and antag­ Assistant Secretauy Lowmam, in ing off from there, mte^e fog was poses to establish a 10-10-7 ratio charge of, the Customs service at encountered withm 10 mtoutes, and A motorboat trip across toe At-^paper showing pictures of Jackson All Patrolmen Being Used. Von Hmdenbnrg Refuses to on cruisers.- onisms. the Treasury, sadd the United States No coimtry, the note continues, toe men became lost, crashing lantic Ocean to visit friends ' and at work on the motorboat. It is a ■ „ J p ■- I Leaders were more optimistic to- feels the faxilts of«the European would have no authdrity over a about noon. 75 foot craft and. will be of flat bot­ AlteDO f6SUYIU€S t€16- day of an early and successful vote foreign steamer’s activities outside relatives In South Manchester Is toe Washington, July 15— (AP)—^Ef­ state fabric more strongly than Ger­ Mockler was thrown free but plan of Edward Jackson, of Bann- tom construction. Jackson plans to on toe pact. ■ An informal imder- many. It adds 'that none has great­ the 12-mile lim it The Coast Guard was unable to pull wreckage off tnatAii twin engines in the ship when forts of bootleggers to smuggle considers all vessels alike, however, foot. Lurgan, Ireland, a resident of er interest in removal of these his companion’s body and, after au he has bti^lt it. liquor from Canada acrosa toe brattig Troop Eyacnaiioa in patrolling the coast inside the this town 20 years eigo. Jackson borders , of New York, Vermont and ^ faults, and that every country sees hour, started down the mountain plans bis venture for nsxt summer. Hazardous Trip peared to have cleared away toe its mission from its own standpoint, limit to prevent smuggling. No information has been received Maine into the United States re­ biggest fighting point. Not Interested side. He beacme lost and, after fol­ His boat is now being constructed a natural national attitude, the re­ here as yet wl^toer or not Jackson sulted today in toe Treasury order­ Berlin July 16 (AP)—* Venerable However, toe opponents were The opinion, was expressed at the lowing a small stream, arrived at on toe banks of Lough Neagh where ing a concentration of all avaflable ply argues. an'outlying farm house at 5 p. m. he lives. Intends to make toe trip alone. As \ busy today preparing new reaerva- France, so runs the German State Department that this govern­ far as is known no ocean voyager border patrolmen In that area. President von Htodenberg “ rew Treaty a^ocatep ment would, not protest to Great Searching parties were immediate­ Was Architect Here has ever attempted to cross toe Assistant Secretary Lowman an- aometbtog akin to a political bomb- j stand for none except Britain, should a vessel under the ly formed and airplanes were noti­ Jackson is an architect and build­ (Oontinoed on Page 2) Atlantic in a flat bottom boat ■Ven­ shril today when he notified toe tl^t of Senator Noriis, BepubUcan, British flag undertake the reported fied to fly over toe country.
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