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Life Sciences Re-imagined. Amersham www.gehealthcare.com/lifesciences © 2006 General Electric Company All rights reserved. GE and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company. 05/22A CONTENTS Volume 313, Issue 5787 COVER DEPARTMENTS The fungus Neurospora crassa expressing 587 Science Online spores in a circadian rhythm, distorted 588 This Week in Science into a circle with four parts representing 592 Editors’ Choice the four stages of the cell cycle. 594 Contact Science Unanticipated interregulation links the 595 NetWatch circadian cycle with cell division through 597 Random Samples modulation of a cell cycle checkpoint 611 Newsmakers 691 kinase, as described on page 644. New Products 692 Science Careers Illustration: L. Larrondo EDITORIAL 591 The G8 on Energy: Too Little by Martin Rees NEWS OF THE WEEK LETTERS The Undisclosed Background of a Paper on a 598 Boycott of Israeli Academics Misguided M. Fainzilber 612 Depression Treatment Keeping Bandits at Bay? H. Scales et al. At Last, Methane Lakes on Saturn’s Icy Moon Titan— 598 Response T. P. Hughes et al. But No Seas Making U.S. Graduate Education More Diverse C. R. Barrera China Grapples With Seismic Risk in Its 599 Recognizing Computational Science J. Bland-Hawthorn Northern Heartland 600 Singapore-Hopkins Partnership Ends in a Volley BOOKS ET AL. of Fault-Finding 616 The Emotional Brain Weighs Its Options 600 An Argument for Mind >> Report p. 684 J. Kagan, reviewed by J. E. Grusec Hybrid Viruses Fail to Spread 601 POLICY FORUM SCIENCESCOPE 601 Resolving Mismatches in U.S. Ocean Governance 617 602 High-Temperature Superconductors Feel the Vibe L. B. Crowder et al. After All Physicists See Solid Helium Flow, But Not in the 603 PERSPECTIVES Most Exciting Way 619 >> Science Express Report by S. Sasaki et al. A New Class of Earthquake Observations F. F. Pollitz 620 NEWS FOCUS >> Report p. 658 620 Making Connections 604 Caving In to New Chronologies G. M. Henderson Looking for Patterns 622 Space Weather Forecasters Plan a Boost in 607 Solving Laplace’s Lunar Puzzle Surveillance Missions K. Innanen >> Report p. 652 Waiting for the Monsoon 608 How Do Aerosols Affect Cloudiness and Climate? 623 Congress Dials Back Research on 610 F.-M. Bréon Understanding Terrorism >> Report p. 655 Extinguishing a Cell Cycle Checkpoint 624 M. A. Hoyt >> Report p. 680 Timing the Sexual Development of Parasites 626 S. L. Hajduk >> Report p. 667 Sugar Determines Antibody Activity 627 D. R. Burton and R. A. Dwek >> Report p. 670 608 CONTENTS continued >> www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 313 4 AUGUST 2006 581 Systems Biology — Proteins and Proteomics Standardized solutions for proteins More reproducibility, streamlined crystallization* More proteins, purer, faster More peptide matches, more proteinhits Success with proteins —made possible by QIAGEN’s expertise! QIAGEN’s comprehensive protein portfolio will help you rise to the challenge of working with proteins. 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Ivanov The malaria parasite moves from liver to blood during infection by inducing liver Two young brown dwarfs, one with a mass 14 times that of Jupiter and the other 7 cells to die and, in the process, to bud off vesicles containing the parasite that times as massive, orbit each other, forming a binary system. cannot be detected by the immune system. 10.1126/science.1132128 10.1126/science.1129720 PHYSICS CELL BIOLOGY Superfluidity of Grain Boundaries and Supersolid Behavior Human IRGM Induces Autophagy to Eliminate Intracellular Mycobacteria S. Sasaki, R. Ishiguro, F. Caupin, H. J. Maris, S. Balibar S. B. Singh, A. S. Davis, G. A. Taylor, V. Deretic Experiments show that superfluid flow along grain boundaries in solid 4He may A small GTP binding protein, associated with innate immunity, is required for cells explain its supersolid behavior. to use large membrane-bound organelles to sequester and eliminate bacteria that >> News story p. 603 have invaded their cytoplasm. 10.1126/science.1130879 10.1126/science.1129577 TECHNICAL COMMENT ABSTRACTS BREVIA ECOLOGY BIOPHYSICS Comment on “Post-Wildfire Logging Hinders 615 Fibrin Fibers Have Extraordinary Extensibility 634 Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk” and Elasticity M. Newton et al. W. Liu et al. full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/313/5787/615a The fibrin fibers that support blood clots can be stretched to nearly Comment on “Post-Wildfire Logging Hinders three times their normal length without losing elasticity and up to six Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk” times before rupturing. B. N. Baird RESEARCH ARTICLES full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/313/5787/615b Response to Comments on “Post-Wildfire Logging PLANETARY SCIENCE 635 Hinders Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk” Spitzer Spectral Observations of the Deep Impact D. C. Donato et al. Ejecta full text at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/313/5787/615c C. M. Lisse et al. The nucleus of comet Tempel 1 is made of minerals and organic REVIEW compounds from throughout the proto–solar nebula. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY CELL BIOLOGY Netrins Promote Developmental and Therapeutic 640 The Primary Cilium as the Cell’s Antenna: Signaling 629 Angiogenesis at a Sensory Organelle B. D. Wilson et al. V. Singla and J. F. Reiter The netrins, developmental factors that guide axons as they find their targets, also direct the formation of new blood vessels. CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS The Neurospora Checkpoint Kinase 2: A Regulatory 644 Link Between the Circadian and Cell Cycles A. M. Preguerio et al. A fungal ortholog of a key regulator for the mammalian cell cycle links cell division with the circadian cycle, gating the ability of DNA damage to reset the clock. 629 CONTENTS continued >> www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 313 4 AUGUST 2006 583 LESS SMPL. MORE SORY. Sensitive and sensible, BioSource™ ELISA Kits deliver relevant data from as little as 50 μl. Orfewerthan10,000cellsifyou’reworkingwithphosphoELISA™ Kits.WeofferawiderangeofELISAand phosphoELISA™ Kits for measuring cytokines and phosphorylated proteins—with the exacting sensitivity and reproducibility you need. And faster incubation times. What are you waiting for? See how far your sample can go with BioSource™ ELISAKitsatwww.invitrogen.com/elisa. 2006 © Invitrogen Corporation. All rights reserved. These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses (see the Invitrogen catalog or our website, www.invitrogen.com).
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