564 MED SHROPSHIRE. (KELLY'S • MEDICAL :BOTANIST. tDownes William, Wootton, Onibury, tMinshall James, Erwescob mill, Ifton PriceMrs.Mary,93Up.Galdeford,Ludlow Craven Arms R.S.O Rhyn, Ruabon tDuckett Elijah, Weston Rhyn, Ruabon *MOI'gan Wm. Lower Hordley Ellesmere MEMORIAL BRASS tEdwards Mrs. Hannah, Ditton mill, tMorrisJ.Broadstone,Mch.WenlckR.S.O ENG~AVERS. Cleobury Mortimer tMorris Thomas, New Hall mill, Eaton- Pratt Thomas & Sons, 22, 23 & 24 Tav1- tEdwardsJ. Whitcott,Bishop'sCstl. R.S. 0 under-Haywood,Church Strettn.R.S.O stock st. Co>ent garden, London w c tEdwards Matthew, Queen's Batch mill, tMorris W. Halford, Craven Arms R.S.O MERCHANTS. Minton, Church Stretton R.S.O tMytton James, Wbatmore, Tenbory Field's Mercantile Co. Lim. (Geo. Towns- tElcock Jn. Lye mill,,_Morv:ille,Hridgnrth tNagiPgton Mrs. Emily, Shakeford, Hin- end, mgr.), Castle forejl'ate, Shrwsbry tEmbrey Edward, Fltz_miJl, Sbrewsbry stock, Market Drayton . Howe William 6 Chester street. Smith- tEmbrey Thomas, Mill road, Abbey tNewton Isaac, Chesterton, Bndgnorth field rd. & Castle foregate, Sh~ewsbry foregate, Shrewsb~ry . !Page E. Bouldon, CravE'n Arms R.S.O Hurley c. & Co. Castle chambers, Castle tEm~rey Thomas Pr1ce, He1ghtley mdl, * tPeate~ndrw.&Alb_t.Mae~bury,Oswstry street, Shrewsbury. See advert Chubury R.S.O * Per~s Geo. Cambnan mills, O~westry J ones w m.&Co. 6Waterloo ter. Bridgnrth tEspGeo. Gretto~, 9hurchStretto~R. S. 0 tPhllpott Edward Samuel & Thomas, Lloyd Jas. Fredk. Highley, Hridgnortb :j:Ethelston W1lham, Llwynt1dman, Easthope, Much Wenloc~ R.~.O Pearse William, Lockley villa, Hinstock, ,Llanymynech, Osw,estry tPound Tho~. Hy. Barrett s mill, Woof- Market Drayton tFrancts Wm. Up.ho.Ciunton,ClunR.S.O ferton, Br1mfield R.S.O. (Herefordsh) PeateE. Hampton bank,Lineal,Ellesmere :j:F~ank Thomas, Cound arbour, Cound, tPowellEdwd. Buildwas,Ironbr~dgeR.S.O Shakeshaft Jn. Waters Upton Wellingtn ,Shr~wsbur~ :j:PO_W ELL E D WAR o, Rmdleford, ' lF urm ,·a!J. Dmgle ml. Trefnant, Shrws by Br1d gnorth MIDWIVES. tGilesWm.Crowsmill,Alveley,Bridgnrth tPowell Samuel, Bitterley mill, Ludlow Adams Mrs. E. 4 Trinity st. Shrewsbury *..:Goodall William Herbert, Wollerton tPratt Thos. Ash ford Carbonell, Ludlow Bryan Mrs. H. 7 Betton st. Shrewsbury mill, ~ark_et Drayton . P~ce George Hy. Farlow mill, Bewdley Elson Mrs. Elizh. 17 Church st. Wellingtn lGood wm Prwe, H urst mill, Clun R. S. 0 PriCeJ.Brook m!. Hampton wd.Ellesmre Mirron Miss Edoomond, Newport tGough John, Upper mill, Wentnor, Price John, Boraston mill, 'fenbury WeedonMrs.'A.WelshHampton Ellesmre Bishop's Castle R.S.O tPryce Wm. Stockton Cherbury R.S.O MILL BAND MANUF~CTRS tGrainger M.Down ml.Chetton,Brdgnth tRatcliff Thos. LittleNess, Shrewsbury · lGreen Richard, Rose Hill mill, Little tRoberts Geo. Sherrymill hi.Whitchurch India Rubber, ~u.tta Perch a & Telegraph Drayton, Market Drayton :j:Roberts Mrs. H. Hengoed, Oswestry Works Co. Limited, I eo & xo6 Cannon *tGregory Hy. P. Weston mill, Oswestry :j:Roberts Thomas, Moreton mill, More- street, London E c. See advert fUwilham J n. Eudon George, Bridgnorth ton Say, Market Drayton MILLERS. tHamarJn.Hrocton,LydburyNorthR.S.O tRoberts Thos. Tref-ar-Clawdd, Oswstry Marked thus • the mills are driven by Steam. tHammond Edwin,Kemberton, Shifnal tRogers Edwd. Donington, Wolverhmptn Marked thus t the m~lls are dr_iven by Wind. !Hampton Geo. High Ercall, Wellington tRogers Rog-er, High Hatton, Shrewsbry Marked thus: the mills are driven by Water. tHanmerMrs.Martha,Kinnerley,Oswstry :j:Rogers William, Victoria mills, Little :j:Allmand Mrs. Letitia, Penyllan, t Harding Geo. Chipnall, Market Draytn Drayton, Market Drayton Sweeney, Oswestry *:j:Harper Caleb, Farley, Much Wenlock tRooke J. Bach mill, Craven Arms R.S.O :j:Baldwin Charles,RramptonBrian R.S.O *Harrison Wm. Chetwynd end, Newport *Rowlands William, Evelith, Shifnal :j:Barber G.Furnaceml.CleoburyMortimr *Haycock John, Hadnall, Shrewsbury tRudd Jn. Harpsford,Oldbury,Bridgnth *tHather Frederick, Oswald road,Oswes- :j:HendleyJ.Showell ml.Sambrook,Newpt tihaw William, Hay la. Madeley R.S.O try & Morda mill, Weston, O.swestry tHiggs Richard, Longnor, Shrewsbury +sbeldon Josiah, Eardington, Bridgnrth *tHather Thomas, Maesbury, Oswestry :j:HillW.Mill ho.Bearstone,MarketDraytn Simon Thos. Tern hill, Market Drayton *tBatho Stepben, Prees, Wbitchurch :j:Hilton Thomas, Yeaton, Shrewsbury Smith John, Ratlinghope, Shrewsbury tHell Thos. Middleton Prwrs, Br1dgnrth :j:Hince Charles & Son, All Stretton mill :j:Spilsbury Edwn. Sutton mill, Bridgnth :j:Bevan Mrs. Elizabeth, Hucknell R.S.O & Church Stretton R.S.O tSpilsburyMrs.H.MonkHopton,Bridgnth :j:Hill Alfred, Hampton Load, Hridgnorth *:j:Hinton Hy. Wem mills, Shrewsbury *Squire Thomas, Manor mill, Shifnal :j:Bill Joel, Hem mill, Shifnal :j:Hodges James, Woolstaston, Shrewsbry tSteventon Thos. Sandford, Whitchurch tdishop Wi!liam, Tetstill mill, Neen *HollisJ.Steam mls. WestFelton,Oswstry *Stillgoe Hy. Chas. Clottley, Wellington Solars, Cleobury Mortimer *HornerThomasWilliam,TheCreamery, tTaylor R. S. & J. Longdon mills, Long- :j:Biake Edwd. Mytton mill, Shrewsbury Chinnel, Whitchurch don-upon-Tern, Wellington tBiakemoreBenj.Minsterley,Shrewsbury *tHughes & Son,Meole Brace,Shrewsbry :j:Tedstill John, Pinkham mills, Cleobury *tBlakeway R. & W. Great Hanwood :j:Instone Thomas, Callaughton, Much Mm·timer flour mills, Gt. Hanwood, Shrewsbry Wenlock R.S.O !Thomas Albert Henry, Bromfield R.S.O tBlaney William, Brockton, Shrewsbury pefferys Wm. Uffington mill,Shrewsbry :j:Thomas Mrs. Ann, Afcott, Felhampton, tBoddenham William, Silvington, Cleo- !Jeffreys Edwin, Stanton, Shrewsbury Church Stretton R.S.O burv Mortimer 1-JonesEdwardEIIis, Weston, Oswestry :l:ThomasonA1fd. Eardington,Bridgnorth *!Borough Jn.Chas.B.Sambrook,Newprt ;Jones G. Park mill, Hengoed, Oswestry tThomason Wm. Hopstone, Bridgnorth tBridgewater William, Prescot, Bewdley tJones George, Weston Rhyn, Ruabon tTomlinson John, Lee Gomery mill, Lee ;BromleyRichd.D.Yockleton,Shrewsbry tJones Thomas, Birches, Edicliff, Gomery, Wellington :j:Broughall George, Wortield, Hridgnrth Bishop's Castle R.S.O tTubb William Edmund, Plowden mill, tHrown Richard, New mill, Ruyton-in- *Jones Thos. Chapel st. Dawley R.S.O Lydbury North R.S.O the-Eleven-Towns, Shrewsbury tJones T. Queen's head, Wootton, Oswstry tTurner George, Clee St. Margaret, tButtery T. Albrighton, Wolverhamptn tJones Watkin, Eyton-on-the-Weald Craven Arms R.S.O Clarke Samuel, Haughton, Shifnal Moors, Wellington tTwiss 'f. B. Lizard mill, Tong, Shifnal tCiee Aaron, Melling's Grove mill, tKey Philip, Coreley, Tenbury tVaughan E. Pen-y-bont,Bryn,Oswestry Llanvair Waterdine, Knighton tKnowles J. Borl mill, Highley, Bridgnth tVaughan James, Chapel lawn, Hope• tCooper Edwin, Stirts mill, Neen Solars, tKynastonT.EnglishFrankton,Ellesmere bendrid, Clun R.S.O Cleobury Mortimer :j:Kynaston T. Loppington, Shrewsbury tWall Geo. 'fugford, Craven Arms R.S.O tCraig Thomas & Francis, Hungerford, tLea J. We<;ton mill, Weston Rhyn,Ruabn :j:WallThs.RockhillMill fm.Greet,'fenbry Much Wenlock R.S.O :j:Lewis Edward, Hope mill, Shrewsbury :j:WardH.Newcastle,Aston-on-CiunR.S.O Cross W. Wood ml.Northwood,Ellesmre tLewis George, Eaton, Market Drayton tWard Thos. Henshall, Ellerton grange, Davies Aaron, Clun mill, Clun R.S.O *tLewis G. Peplow mills, Market Draytn Hinstock, Market Drayton +Davies Edward, Pontesford, Shrewsbry tLewis Richard, Habberley, Shrewsbury tWatkin John, Beachfield, Shrewsbury tDavies Mrs. Elizh. Hughley, Sbrewsbry :j:Littleford Wm. Burcote mill, Hridgnrth tWeaver William, Worthen, Shrewsbury :j:Davies J. Downes mill, Much Wenlock :j:Lloyd James, Cantlop mill, Shrewsbury :j:Wheeler James, Burford, Tenbury R.S.O tLioyd John William, Woodside, Leigh- :j:Wheeler William, Detton mill, Neen tDavies Owen, Benthall, Broseley R.S.O ton, Ironbridge R.S.O Savage, Cleobury Mortimer tDal'ies Tbos. Wm. Lit.Ness,Shrewsbury Lockley Wm. Harry, High st. Newport :l:WilliamsJ.Lowerml.Yeaton,Shrewsbry *tDavies Wm. Pontesford, Shrewsbury :j:Lucas Joshua, Morville, Bridgnorth tWilliams Thos. Wern, Selattyn, Oswstry tDavies William Skett, Harley, Much :j:McCartney Robert, Marsh water mill, tWilliams Thomas, Wern New mill, Wenlock R.S.O Felhampton, Church Stretton R.S.O Weston Rhyn, Ruabon !Davis Jn.Broncroft,Craven Arms R.S.O tMarston Brothers, Bull ring, Ludlow tWinwood Saml. Deuxhill, Brirlgnorth * DawsonJn.Brian's hl. Whixall, Whitchch :j:Marston Charles Bright & William, *Wycherley Brothers, Creamore mills, tDavis W. Brompton, Church Stoke Stoke St. Milborough, Ludlow Wem, Shrewsbury R. S.O. Mont tMason George, Red Hill mill, Nobold, tYoungG.J.Henleymill,Bitterley,Ludlw tDay Edwin, Teme side, Ludlow Shrewsbury tDeakin Henry & Benj. Walcot.Wellngtn *Pfason Thos. Vennington, Shrewsbury MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. *tDeakin Hetton,CrockMeole,Shrewsbry tMerrellA. Aston ml.Aston-on-ClunR.S.O Ab bott Mrs. E.6 Mill st. Wem,Shrewsbry *Donnington Wood Mill Co. Wrockwar- MeyrickT.Lydham,Bishop'sCastleR.S.O Abley Miss F. 26 Bernard's hi. Bridgnth dine Wood, Wellington MilesG.Beckjayml.Aston-on-ClunR.S.O Adams Mrs. Mary Ann, 14 Cle>eland tDorrellJ.Cleoburymls.CleoburyMrtmr Miller Ernest, Badger heath, Shifnal street, Shrewsbury .
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