INDEX A Anglomania, 375, 380 Abreu, Felix Joseph de, 225, 227 Anglophobia, 374–375, 380, Acadia, 139 382–383, 399 Accarias de Sérionne, Jacques, 36, Anjou, Duc d’, see under Philip V, 212, 234, 245, 263 King of Spain See also Choiseul Anna Ioannovna, Russian Act of Settlement (1701), 326 Empress, 192 Adams, John, 212 Anne, Queen of Great Adelman, Jeremy, 403 Britain, 129–130, 132–133, 138, Adriatic, 360, 365–366 152–153, 173 Affry, Louis Auguste, Comte d’, 208 See also Treaty of Asiento; Treaty of Africa, North, 33, 337 Barcelona Agras, Francesco, 361 Annual ship (navío de permiso), and Alberoni, Giulio, 177, 179–181 British contraband, 25–26, 154, Alcabala (alcavala) sales tax, 162 156–158, 160–161 Alekseev, Ivan Ivanovic, 191 See also Treaty of Utrecht, Spain- Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond Great Britain, commerce d’, 231 (1713); Treaty of Madrid, Almansa, Battle of (1707), 152 Spain-Britain (1750) Amelot de Chaillou, Jean-Jacques, 250 Antilles, 165, 409 America, trade, North, 181 Anti-Machiavel, and Prussian Spanish (see under Spain) reform, 282, 296–301, 303–304 See also United States See also Frederick II; Voltaire Ammon, Christoph Heinrich von, 311 Antin, Antoine François de Pardaillan Amor de Soria, Juan, 165 de Gondrin, Marquis d’, 251 Amsterdam, 186, 188, 203, 210, 213, Antwerp, 198, 319, 364 311, 319, 341, 366 Aosta, duchy of, 321 © The Author(s) 2017 439 A. Alimento, K. Stapelbroek (eds.), The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53574-6 440 INDEX Arcot, 271, 285 French-Austrian Argenson, René-Louis de Voyer de rapprochement, 178 Paulmy, marquis d’, 251 its economy, 30 political influence at the French treaties with Barbary court, 298 Regencies, 360–361, 366 Argumosa y Gándara, Teodoro use of commercial treaties, 33 Ventura de, 165 See also Diplomatic revolution; Arkhangelsk, 175, 188 Spain, Family Compact; Arlington, Henry Bennet, 1st Earl Choiseul; Vergennes; Holy of, 96, 98 Roman Empire; Habsburg Armitage, David, 109, 408 Austrian Netherlands, 360 Arnould, Ambroise Henry, 398 Arrêt du conseil d’Etat du roi (1787), 384 B See also Treaty Eden-Rayneval Baker, William, 282 Asia, trade, 269, 275, 290–291 Balance of Power, 2, 6, 14, 16–19, See also under Company, Godeheu- 23, 27–34, 41, 43, 109, 128, Saunders Treaty (1754) 136, 141, 159, 176–179, 183, Asiento, 19, 22, 25–26, 196, 203, 205, 211–213, 239, 139, 151–170 244, 256–257, 262, 296–297, French company (1703–1713), 21, 334, 349, 372, 422, 437 152–153 Accarias de Sérionne on, 37 See also Treaty Anglo-Spanish Choiseul on, 35–37 commerce 1713 Dutot on, 277 Astrakhan, 188 in French Republican Atard, Vicente Palacio, 191 caricatures, 389 See also Perats Justi on, 303–304 Athens, 128 Mably on, 30, 42 Atlantic trade, in British trade in the Mediterranean, 33, 35 policy, 161–162, 166, 169–170 Melon on, 23, 243, 247–248 See also Macanaz; Campillo y Cosío Mirabeau on, 34 Atterbury, Francis Bishop of Postlethwayt on, 264 Rochester, 126 Silhouette on, 244 Aulic Council, 363–364 Balance of technology, 398 Austria, 9, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, Balance of trade, 12–15, 27–34, 41, 118, 120, 121, 130, 37, 43, 108, 113, 118–119, 142–145, 147, 151, 156, 157, 159, 166, 189, 300, 329, 350, 177, 178, 180, 182, 192, 200, 398, 422, 425 214, 245, 260, 261, 321, Accarias de Sérionne on, 36–37, 264 349–368, 432 Arnould on, 43 Austrian-Spanish rapprochement, 9 Choiseul on, 37 empire, 130 Dutot on, 249, 277 INDEX 441 Forbonnais on, 13, 32–33, 256–259 Bergeyck, Jan van Brouchoven, Gournay group on, 13, 243–244 Count of, 21–22, 26, 28, 204 Justi on, 303 Berlin, 298, 305, 309, 311, 313, in Mediteranean and Europe, 13 315, 345 Melon on, 32 Bertin, Henri, on commercial Mirabeau on, 34 reciprocity, 245, 260 Postlethwayt on, 264 Beuningen, Coenraad van, commercial Silhouette on, 25, 245 treaty negotiation with Baltic Sea region, 89, 174–175, 304 France, 85–86, 88 Bangor, County Down, 133 Bielfeld, Jacob Friedrich Barbary states, corsairs, treaties von, 220–221 with, 360–362, 365 Bilateral treaties, 248 See also Hénin; Saint-Pierre See also Melon; Véron de Barcelona, 26, 152–153, 177 Forbonnais Barère, Bertrand, 424, 426, 430, Bindon, David, 246 433–434, 437–438 Birch, Thomas, 282 Barrier Southern Netherlands, 351, Black Sea, 180, 188, 365 353–354, 357, 361, 366–368 Blancpain, François, 410 See also Treaty of The Hague Blutel, Charles Auguste Esprit (1709); Treaty of Utrecht, Rose, 428 Barrier (1713) Board of Trade, 129, 204 Basque Countries, 168 Bodin, Jean, 81, 97 Baudeau, Nicolas, reform of Bohemia, 301, 306 Compagnie des Indes, 290 Boisgelin, Jean de Dieu-Raymond Bavaria, 345, 364 de Cucé de, 382 Bayonne, 406 Boisguilbert, Pierre Le Pesant de, Becher, Johann Joachim, 364 and free trade, 248 Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 36, Boislandry, Louis de, 380 280 Bolingbroke, St. John, Henry reviving 1713 commercial treaty Viscount, 18, 126–132, with France, 281 136–139, 144–145, 147–149 Beklemishev, Petr, 181 Bombay, 108 Belgrade, 351 Bonaparte, see Napoleon Beliardi, Agostino Abbot, 263–264 Bonrepos (or Bonrepaus), François reform vision Bourbon trade, 35 d’Usson, Marquis de, 203 Belissa, Marc, 17 Bordeaux, 222 Bengal, 268, 271, 283, 288 Boreel, Jacob, 88, 197 Bentham, Jeremy, on commercial Boreel, Willem, 88, 197 treaties, 40–41 Borgo, Ignazio Solaro di Moretta, See also Lansdowne Marquis of, 329 Beretti-Landi, Lorenzo Vergiuso, Borré de la Chavanne, Count Marquis, 180 Giuseppe, 332 442 INDEX Bouchaud, Mathieu-Antoine, 219, C 230–233, 241 Cadiz, 19, 20, 154, 156, 158, 159, Bourbon, House of, 149, 343 161–163, 166, 177, 181–189, Bowood Circle, 39, 43 191, 192, 252, 357, 403 See also Lansdowne; Shelburne, Charles III of Austria court Earl of in (1705), Spanish America Boyer, Jean-Pierre, 418–419 trade monopoly, 35, 152, Brasset, Henri, 86 164, 167, 168, 169–171 Braudel, Fernand, 89 See also Mesnager; Helvétius Brazil, 107–108, 111, 113, 118–119, Cagliari, 336, 338 122–123, 324 Cahiers de Doléances, 376, 423 See also Pombal Caillières, François de, 197 Bredahl, Petr, 181–182 Calonne, Alexandre de, 11, 407 Bregante, Simon, 182–183 See also Treaty Eden-Rayneval Bremen, 190 (1786) Brewer, John, 39, 362 Cameralism, 352 Brienne, Étienne Charles de Loménie, See also Johann Joachim Becher Count of, 386 Caminet, Georges, 380 Brienne, Henri-Auguste de Loménie, Campillo y Cosío, José del, 159, Count of, on Dutch “freedom 166, 168, 170–171 of trade”, 86, 386 Campomanes, Pedro Rodríguez, Bristol, George Hervey 2nd earl Count of, 171 of, 330 Canada, 261, 265 British Merchant, 32, 112, 229, Cape of Good Hope, 268, 275 244, 256, 258, 302 Cape Horn, 170 See also Véron de Forbonnais Cape Passaro, Battle of (1718), 180 Brussels, 187, 319, 366 Caribbean, –Mexican region, 161 Buenos Aires, British Carnatic, 271, 287 factory, 156, 170 Carrrera de las Indias, its See also Tinajero reorganisation, 162 Bukhara, 188 See also Campillo y Cosío; Uztáriz Bull, John, 387, 394 Cartagena, see Tinajero Burnet, Gilbert Bishop, 131–132 Carthage, commercial treaty with Butel-Dumont, Georges-Marie, 257 Rome, 214–215 See also Navigation Act (English), Carvajal, Fermín Francisco de, 159, Navigation act (French) 165–166, 171 Butler, James 2nd Duke of Casa de Contratación, 156, 162, 164 Ormond, 129 See also Ulloa Buys, Willem, 198, 204 Caspian Sea, 187–188 Bynkershoek, Cornelius van, Castries, Charles Eugène Gabriel de La on neutral trade, on Croix de, creation Bayonne and contraband, 224, 226–227 Loirent free ports, 406–407 INDEX 443 Catalonia, entrepreneurs Charles XII, King of Sweden, 146, 180 defended, 152, 168 Charles X, King of France, 419 See also Proyectistas Chauvelin, Germain Louis, 250 Catherine of Bragança, Queen Chetwynd, Walter, 1st Viscount, of England, 108 on Franco-British-Piedmontese Catherine I, Czarina of Russia, 191, trade, 326 193, 236–237, 240, 342 Child, Josiah, 13 Catherine II (the Great), Empress translation Gournay, 13, 254, 302 of Russia, 193, 236–237, 240 China, 268, 317, 332 See also (First) League trade with Russia, 185, 188 of Armed Neutrality Choiseul, Étiene-François, Duke Cazalès, Jacques Antoine of, 35–38, 212–213, 245–246, Marie de, 383 260–265, 291, 382 Cellamare, Antonio del Giudice, on colonies, 36 Prince of, 178 and commercial treaties as Chambers of commerce, instruments of politics, 35 of Amiens, 373, 375 on commercial treaty with of Dunkerque, 33 Britain, 36 of Normandy, 11, 373–374 and diplomatic revolution, 35 of Rouen, 373, 375 on reciprocity, 35 and Eden treaty, 11, 373–375 See also (Third) Family Compact; See also Normandy Accarias de Sérionne; Raynal Chamillart, Michel, 19, 22 Chotek, Rudolf, 365 Channel (English), 336 Christian VII, King of Denmark, 345 Charles Emanuel II, Duke Churchill, Sarah, 142 of Savoy, 323 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 231 Charles Emanuel III, Duke of Savoy Cisalpine Republic, and French and King of Sardinia, 321, navigation act, 432, 434, 330–332, 334, 339, 342 436–437 Charles II of Habsburg, King of Clark, George, 222 Spain, 160 Clive, Robert, 271, 288 Charles III, King of Spain, and Cobden-Chevalier Treaty, commercial treaty Great Britain France-Great Britain, (1787), 343–344 commerce (1860), 10 Charles II, King of England, 85, 91, Code Noir (1685), 409 108, 357 Colbert, Charles Marquis de Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 141 Croissy, 96 Charles VI, Archduke of Austria and Colbertism, 276, 292 Holy Roman Emperor, Habsburg Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 22–23, succession candidate as Charles 77–103, 201, 250 III of Spain, 135, 142, 144, 147, negotiator of commercial 329, 351, 354, 361, 363 treaties, 80 444 INDEX Colbert, Jean-Baptiste
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