Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-8-2005 Arbiter, September 8 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. :- I, . 1933 "'1(0." U H £ U ';'55U£ 8 Some felony charges dropped .agalnst BSUfootball player BY DUSTIN LAPRAY sentence of five years in prison. volved in the fatal accident, Mark the intersection aU-55 and Beacon Arbiter Staff Prosecutors also added a misde- Lazinka, remains charged with Light Road::·:\;',). ". meanor charge of reckless driving. three felony counts of vehicular Squires said Hall's' vehicle then Former BSU football safety Cam Hall has said that he would re- manslaughter. veered into' 'the oncoming lane Hall is now facing three fewer fel- main off of the BSUfootball team's Ada County Sheriff deputies say away from the Perfect'scar, which ony charges after the preliminary active roster until his "court pro- Hall and. Lazinka were engaged was stopped In the.·.~oadway to hearing on Sept. 1. The charges ceedings are resolved." in a "road rage" incident May 7, in avoid an accident. :Squlres testi- I' stem from what police termed a His current status with the team which they were driving in excess fied that moments later a "red blur" "road-rage" traffic accident that is unclear. of 100mph down Idaho 55. drove past his vehicle traveling took place on May 7. If Hali is not convicted of a fel- Tony Perfect pulled his car onto at about the same speed at Hall's , Ada County prosecutors dropped ony, he may rejoin the active ros- I-55 from Beacon Light Road, with. black Mustang. t . the three counts of vehicular man- ter once his court proceedings are his wife and infant as passengers, The "red blur" was Lazinka's pick- slaughter against Hall at the begin- completed. Should Hall be convict- as the pair of vehicles sped toward up following Hall's path through ning of the hearing, but would not ed of or plead guilty to a felony, he them, according to police. the intersection .. say why they made that decision. would lose his scholarship at BSU, Eyewitness Kelly Squires tes- As Tony Perfect pulled his car Hall is still faced with a felony according to Idaho State Board of tified at the hearing that as Hall forward to finish his left-hand turn charge ofleaving the scene of an ac- Education rules. drove past him at a high rate of PHIlI'lI BY DARIN OSWAJJlfI'HE IDAHOSTATESMAN cident, which carries a maximum Another man police say was in- See Hall [page5J Cam Hall, right, and Mark Laztnka, In background,at the 5eptem 1 speed, the Perfect's car pulled into prellmlnarylJearlng. ". Politically affiliated clubs Motorcyclists concerned about parking. BY JESSICA CHRISTENSEN "Out at Towers, not everything Is abound at BSU News Writer perfectly square. Werelocated them to the end of the rows, because it BY MICAH MCLAUGHLIN While SOmeare excited about the was literally dead space, because News Writer new parking lots for automobiles on legally this space is too small for campus, it Is unclear whether mo- cars," Everett said. Boise State offers many different torcycle parking on campus may be Motorcycle parking near Chaffee ways for students to get Involved In getting less convenient. Hall has been moved 'closer to the campus activities and the commu- Boise State University Campus building, and motorcycle parking nity. One of the best ways to do this Parking and Transportation near Towers Hall has been moved is to join a politically affiliated or- Services are working to create new . to a different location on the lot and ganization. parking spaces and have recently is not as close to the parking struc- BSU has four prominent po- Cleated a new lot Just south of the ture as it once was. litically affiliated groups: the Student Recreation Center. "Motorcycle parking might have College Democrats, the College' As a result, students are won· 'changed, but we're definitely nQt- Republicans, the Idaho Progressive dering If the amount of motorcycle reducing. If anything. we try to Im- -: Student Alliance, and Students for could be reduced. courage students to ride thelr rno- Liberty. Each ofthese groups has its Motorcyclist Mark Winehart ex- torcycles. From a business stand- own goals, both on campus and in pressed concern. "It's really frus- point, it's more efficient. They re- the broader community. trating to think that parking my quire less space, and we almost The College Democrats is a motorcycle might soon be getting view it as an alternative way of group aligned with the National just as complicated as it is to park transportation," Everett said. Democratic Party and as such sup- my car, especially in the midst of Students may also switch to rid- pori government aid and action as the gas price increase," Winehart ing their motorcycles to campus well as the protection of civil rights said. because they average better fuel ,and liberties. This year, the College Officials say changes have been economy. 'Democrats are putting their efforts made to motorcycle parking In a "It's so much cheaper for gas. It's into educating students. few locations. "The motorcycle still pretty nice outside, so why not "[Students] are the largest group parking has not been removed, ride my motorcycle instead of drive with voter apathy; said Nichole but some have been relocated," my truck," said BSU student Matt Koehler, president of the College said Jared Everett of Parking and Williams. Democrats. "Our primary goal is to Transportation Services. Aparking map Is available online educate and involve students in the "Per code, there were some areas at www.boisestate.edu/parking. political process." in the west area parking lot where Asterisks on the map represent mo- With that in 'mind, they will torcycle parking. Overall, parking is ..: . PHIlI'lI BY IUCHAE SWANBECI\!I1lE ARBITER no vehicles could be in the area be- Motorcyclists at BSU have expressed concern regarding the number of available parking spaces. Motorcycle be hosting "Pizza and Politics: cause of electrical transformers," available to motorcyclists In 12 lo- parking Is avallable at 12locat1ons across campus. a chance for students to meet Everett said. cations across campus. Alternative Democratic state senators and rep- The motorcycle locations that modes of transportation are also Ride, call 336-1011),and to learn of the Bronco Shuttle offered to all p.m. on Friday during the fall and resentatives, said Koehler. The time have been changed have been the available through Valley Ride and more about Commuterlde, call 345· students on campus. The shuttle spring semesters only. BSUParking and location are to be announced. ones near both the Chaffee Hall Commuteride. POOL. runs from 7 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday and Transportation Services can be There are also plans for a similar and Barnes Towers dormitories. To find out more about Valley Students also should be aware through Thursday, and 7a.m. to 5:30 reached at 426-PARK. activity at Rollerdrome in Nampa Commentary ------ that will be disco-themed. The College Republicans are running ail internship program Talkin I Broncos receive honors with the Idaho legislators in order What if every BSU to build a relationship with them. BY EMILY POITEVIN Lastly, team members who re- University In Missouri. "We have about 35 people set up ceive honorable mentions must Rammel-O'Brien stressed how in the legislature. They're looking News Writer score in the next 10percent. hard the team worked together to for young conservatives they can student gave $lO? trust to help run their offices, be- Thirteen of thel7 members on Michelle Beck, Jared Cook, and come out with the win. cause they don't have any paid staff Boise State University's speech and Tracy Glass were honored with this "It. was a team effort and ev- BY M. GRACE LUCAS cratic barriers that stand like flood ....now we just need to find students debate team were named to the award . erybody really pulled together," £dltor In Chief walls against relief efforts. to fill those ranks," said College 2004-05 Division I All-Northwest In the spring of 2005, the Talkin' O'Brien said. "We all did our part, As the situation unfolds, people Republican President Bra~don Forensics Conference Team. Broncos took home the national and It was a success." The Arbiter Is.hereby calIing on around the country are wondering Stoker. Awards are calculated based championship at the Pi Kappa Delta The forensics program has been BSU students, staff and faculty how they can help the hundreds of More broadly, the College on the number of points a student National Tournament In St. Louis. at BSUfor more than six decades members to each give just $10 to thousands of victims of Hurricane Republicans support many of earns in an NFC tournament com- They successfully dethroned· and offers students an opportunity help care for victims of Hurricane Katrina. the'same goals as the National petition. the six-time defending national Katrina. We want to help you do Many arecoming to the realiza- Republican Party. Thefirst team is comprised ofthe champions from Southwest Baptist justthat. tion that the opportunity to help That Is;.they support privatiza- top 10percent of all competitors in As .a former resident of Slidell, is embedded in all of this tumult, tlon of Social Security, tighter bor- a division.
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