izFke 10 feuV esa vH;FkhZ viuh iz'u&iqfLrdk ds Øekad dk feyku vks0,e0vkj0 mÙkj i=d ds Øekad ls dj ysaA ;fn vks0 ,e0 vkj0 mÙkj i=d o iz'u&iqfLrdk ds Øekad fHkUu gSa rks dsUnz v/kh{kd ls fuosnu djds iz'u&iqfLrdk cny ysaA Level : 2 Exam. – 2019 TGT : For Classes VI to VIII PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sub. Code No. : 420 7 iz'u&iqfLrdk Øekad ,oa vks0,e0vkj0 Øekad Question-Booklet Serial No. & O. M. R. Serial No. vuqØekad ¼vadksa esa½ % SET : A Roll No. (In Figures) vuqØekad ¼'kCnksa esa½ % _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roll No. (In Words) ijh{kk dsUnz dk uke % _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Examination Centre vH;FkhZ dk uke % ___________________________________________________________ vH;FkhZ ds gLrk{kj % ________________________________________ Name of Candidate Signature of Candidate bl iz'u&iqfLrdk esa i`"Bksa dh la[;k 32 iz'uksa dh la[;k 150 le; 2½ hours No. of Pages in this Question Booklet No. of Questions Time fujh{kd ds gLrk{kj@Signature of Invigilator : ___________________________________ vH;FkhZ dks 10 feuV dk le; iz'u&iqfLrdk ij Nis funsZ'kksa dks i<+us rFkk mÙkj i=d esa vius fooj.k Hkjus ds fy, fn;k tk,xkA ;fn iz'u&iqfLrdk o mÙkj i=d dh Øe la[;k xyr vafdr gksa rks rqjUr dsUnz v/kh{kd ls fuosnu djds iz'u&iqfLrdk cny ysaA blds i'pkr~ dksbZ nkok Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA bu 10 feuVksa ds vfrfjDr] iz'uksa ds mÙkj vafdr djus ds fy, iwjs 2½ ?kaVs dk le; fn;k tk,xkA• ;fn fdlh vH;FkhZ dks iz'u&iqfLrdk esa fn, x, fdlh Hkh iz'u eas dksbZ =qfV gksus dk lansg gks rks blds fy, vH;fFkZ;kas dks ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr izfrosnu nsus ds fy, volj fn;k tk,xkA vr% vH;FkhZ fu/kkZfjr volj ds nkSjku bl lEcU/k eas viuk izfrosnu cksMZ dk;kZy; eas ntZ djok ldrs gSaA bl volj ds ckn] bl lEcU/k esa izkIr izfrosnuksa ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA ;fn fdlh iz'u esa fgUnh o vaxzsth ek/;e esa fHkUurk gS rks vaxzsth ek/;e dk iz'u Bhd ekuk tk,xkA If there is any variance between Hindi and English Version of any question then English Version would be considered correct. vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, funsZ'k@INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES : 1. vks-,e-vkj- mÙkj i=d bl iz'u&iqfLrdk ds vUnj j[kk gSA tc vkidks iz'u&iqfLrdk i<+us dks dgk tk,] rks mÙkj i=d fudky dj /;ku ls dsoy dkys ckWy IokbaV iSu ls fooj.k HkjsaA (The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Question Booklet. When you are directed to read the Question Booklet, take out the OMR Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars carefully with black ball point pen only.) 2. ijh{kk dh vof/k 2½ ?kaVs gS ,oa iz'u&iqfLrdk esa 150 iz’u gSaA dksbZ _.kkRed vadu ugha gSA (The test is of two-and-half hours duration and consists of 150 questions. There is no negative marking .) 3. vius fooj.k vafdr djus ,oa mÙkj i=d ij fu’kku yxkus ds fy, dsoy dkys ckWy IokbaV iSu dk iz;ksx djsaA vH;FkhZ iz'u&iqfLrdk dk mi;ksx djus ,oa mÙkj i=d dks Hkjus esa lko/kkuh cjrsaA (Use Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars on this page/darkening responses in the Answer Sheet. The candidate should remain careful in handling the question paper and in darkening the responses on the answer sheet.) 4. izFke 10 feuV esa] ;g Hkh lqfuf’pr dj ysa fd iz'u&iqfLrdk Øekad vkSj mÙkj i=d Øekad ,d gh gSaA vxj ;g fHkUu gksa rks vH;FkhZ nwljh iz’u&iqfLrdk vkSj mÙkj i=d ysus ds fy, i;Zos{kd dks rqjUr voxr djok, ¡A (Within first 10 minutes, also ensure that your Question Booklet Serial No. and Answer Sheet Serial No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet.) 5. ysoy&2 ¼d{kk VI ls VIII ds fy,½ 5. Level–2 (For Classes VI to VIII) Hkkx&I % cky fodkl o f’k{kk 'kkL= ¼ç0 1 ls ç0 30 ½ Part–I : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. 1 to Q. 30 ) Hkkx&II % Hkk"kk % ¼ç0 31 ls ç0 60 ½ Part–II : Language : (Q. 31 to Q. 60 ) ¼fgUnh % 15 iz'u o vaxzsth % 15 iz'u½ (Hindi : 15 Q. & English : 15 Q.) III 61 90 Hkkx& % lkekU; v/;;u % ¼ç0 ls ç0 ½ Part–III : General Studies : (Q. 61 to Q. 90 ) ¼ek=kRed ;ksX;rk % 10 iz'u] rkfdZd vfHk{kerk % 10 iz'u] (Quantitative Aptitude : 10 Q, Reasoning lkekU; Kku ,oa vfHkKku % 10 iz'u½ Ability : 10 Q, G. K. & Awareness : 10 Q) Hkkx&IV % 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ¼ç0 91 ls ç0 150 ½ Part–IV : Physical Education (Q. 91 to Q. 150 ) uksV % Ñi;k bl iqfLrdk ds vUr esa fn, x, 'ks"k funsZ'kksa dks i<+saA (Please read other remaining instructions given on the last page of this booklet.) [ 3 ] [ A ] HkkxHkkxHkkx – I / PART – I CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY cky fodkl o f'k{kk'kkL= / funsZ'k % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus ds fy, lcls mfpr fodYi pqfu,A Direction : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option. 1. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu -lk ckY;dky dk vU; 1. Out of the following which is not the uke ughaughaugha gS \ other name of childhood ? (1) çkjfEHkd fo|ky; vk;q (1) Elementary school age (2) LQwfrZ voLFkk (2) Smart age (3) ^fxjksg ls igys* vk;q (3) Pre-gang age (4) fxjksg vk;q/ny vk;q (4) Gang age 2. ^eaxksfyTe* çdkj ds ekufld eanrkiw.kZ ckydksa 2. What is the approximate I.Q. range of dk yxHkx cqf) Lrj çlkj D;k gksrk gS \ 'Mangolism' mentally retarded children ? (1) 20 25 (2) 20 ls ls uhps (1) 20 to 25 (2) below 20 (3) 25 ls 36 (4) 36 ls 51 (3) 25 to 36 (4) 36 to 51 3. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu -lk fodYi 3. Out of the following alternative which lkekftdhdj.k dh çfØ;k ds vUrxZr ughaughaugha does not come under processes in socialization ? vkrk gS \ (1) (1) learning to behave in socially lkekftd :i ls lEer rkSj rjhdksa ds approved ways O;ogkj dks lh[kuk (2) playing approved social roles (2) lkekftd :i ls lEer Hkwfedkvksa dks djuk (3) development of social attitudes (3) lkekftd vfHko`fÙk dk fodkl (4) egocentric behaviour (4) vkRedsfUær O;ogkj 4. cqf) dk ,d çdkj tks lk/kkj.kr;k urZd] 4. A type of intelligence which is mostly visible in dancers, athletes, surgeons ,FkyhV] ltZu bR;kfn esa ik;k tkrk gS] D;k etc., is known as what ? dgykrk gS \ (1) Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (1) 'kjhj -xfrdh cqf) (2) Spatial intelligence (2) LFkkfud cqf) (3) Logical-mathematical intelligence (3) rkfdZd -xf.krh; cqf) (4) Musical intelligence (4) laxhr cqf) Level-2/4207 P. T. O. [ A ] [ 4 ] 5. fuEu esa ls dkSu -lk laosxkRed cqf) dk rÙo 5. Which of the following is not an ughaughaugha gS \ element of emotional intelligence ? (1) m|eh lkeF;Zrk (1) Entrepreneurial competence (2) - vkRe vfHkçsj.kk (2) Self-motivation (3) ijkuqHkwfr (3) Empathy (4) lEcU/kksa dks lapkfyr djuk (4) Handling relationships 6. ,d fo|kFkhZ [kqn ds }kjk tkus x;s dqN 'kCnksa 6. A student learns new concepts such as tSls ck?k] dqÙkk] 'ksj] rsanqvk bR;kfn ds vk/kkj 'Carnivorous animal' on the basis of words known by him such as tiger, dog, ij ,d u;k 'kCn lh[krk gS ^ekalkgkjh i'kq*A lion, leopard etc. This type of learning bl çdkj ds lh[kus dks D;k dgk tkrk gS \ is known as what ? (1) la;ksxkRed lh[kuk (1) Combinational learning (2) v/khuLFk lh[kuk (2) Subordinate learning (3) lglEcU/kkRed lh[kuk (3) Correlative learning (4) egkdksfV lh[kuk (4) Superordinate learning 7. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu -lk lkewfgd v'kkfCnd 7. Out of the following which is not the cqf) ijh{k.k ughaughaugha gS \ type of group non-verbal intelligence (1) vkehZ chVk ijh{k.k test ? (2) vkehZ vYQk ijh{k.k (1) Army Beta test (3) f'kdkxks ijh{k.k (2) Army Alpha test (4) jsosUl çksxzsflo eSfVªDl (3) Chicago test (4) Revence progressive matrices 8. czkWuÝsuczsuj ds fl)kUr ds vuqlkj fu;e ,oa 8. According to Bronfrenbrener, law and jhfr fjokt ckyd ds fdl ikfjfLFkfrd rU= customs are examples of which of the ds mnkgj.k gSa \ following ecological system of child ? (1) ekbØksrU= (1) Micro system (2) eSØksrU= (2) Macro system (3) ehlksrU= (3) Meso system (4) ,DlksrU= (4) Exo system 9. dksgycxZ ds vuqlkj ^^uSfrd fodkl dh ,d 9. According to Kohlberg "a stage of ,slh voLFkk ftlesa dksbZ O;fDr viuh moral development during which uSfrdrk dks orZeku esa çpfyr lkekftd individuals judge morality largely in ekun.Mksa vFkok fu;eksa ds vuq:i vk¡drk gS** terms of existing social norms or rules" dks uSfrdrk dh dkSu -lh voLFkk dgk x;k gS \ is known as which level of morality ? (1) uSfrdrk dk iwoZ ijEijkxr Lrj (1) preconventional level of morality (2) uSfrdrk dk ijEijkxr Lrj (2) conventional level of morality (3) uSfrdrk dk i'p ijEijkxr Lrj (3) postconventional level of morality (4) uSfrdrk dk xSj ijEijkxr Lrj (4) unconventional level of morality Level-2/4207 [ 5 ] [ A ] 10.
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