ABBREVIATIONS Arab. Arabic AN Akadamiia Nauk / Academy of Sciences Arm. Armenian b. ibn/‘‘son of’’ BGA Bibliotheca Geographicorum Arabicorum BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies CRAIBL Compes rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Ed. edited EI The Encyclopedia of Islam, 3 editions (Leiden, 1913–36, 1954–2005, 2007– ). EIr Encyclopedia Iranica (New York, 1982–; free online at http://www.irani- caonline.org/) Georg. Georgian Gr. Greek Lat. Latin Pers. Persian REArm Revue des Etudes Arméniennes Tr. translated Turk. Turkish ABBREVIATIONS FOR COMMONLY USED PRIMARY SOURCES Caucasian (Armenian and Georgian) Agat‘angelos, History of the Armenians, ed. and tr. Robert Thomson (Albany NY, 1976). Brosset = M.F. Brosset, Collection d’historiens arméniens I (St Petersburg, 1874). 'DV[XUDQFoL 0RYVĔV'DV[XUDQFoL 3DWPXWoLZQ$øXDQLFoDx[DUKL, ed. Varag Aѻak‘elyan (Yerevan, 1983); tr. C.J.F. Dowsett as History of the Caucasian Albanians (London, 1961); tr. S.B. Smbatyan as ǖǿȀǼǾǶȍ ǿȀǾǮǻȉ ǎǹȁǮǻǸ (Yerevan, 1984). Note that Dowsett’s translation omits the heading of chapter 3.17 so that the numbering of subsequent chapters lags one behind that of Arak‘elyan. ix x FROM ALBANIA TO ARRAN (øLxĔ= (øLxĔVasn Vardanay ew Hayocұ paterazmin, ed. E. Ter-Minasean (Yerevan, 1957), tr. Robert W. Thomson as History of Vardan and the Armenian War (Cam- bridge, MA, 1982). Kұartұlis cұ[RYUHED (= The Life of K‘art‘li/Georgia), ed. 64DX[ăދixvili, vol. 1 (Tbilisi, 1955); tr. Robert W. Thomson as Rewriting Caucasian History: The Medieval Arme- QLDQ$GDSWDWLRQRIWKH*HRUJLDQ&KURQLFOHVWKH2ULJLQDO*HRUJLDQ7H[WVDQGWKH$UPHQLDQ Adaptation (Oxford, 1996); tr. M-F. Brosset as Histoire de la Géorgie I (St Peters- burg, 1849). Koriwn = Koriwn, Varkұ Maxtocұi, ed. 0$EHøHDQ <HUHYDQ )UHQFKWUE\ Jean-Pierre Mahé as “Koriwn, La 9LHGH0DxWRFұ” in REArm 30 (2005–7), 59–97; English tr. by Bedros Norehad as The Life of Mashtots (New York, 1964); German tr. by Gabriele Winkler as Koriwns BiograpKLHGHV0HVURS0Dxtocұ (OCA 245; Rome, 1994); Russian tr. by Sh.V. Smbatian and K.A. Melik-Ogadjanian (Moscow, 1962). P‘awstos Buzand = The Epic Histories attributed to P‘awstos Buzand (Buzandaran Pat- mut‘iwnk‘), tr. Nina Garsoïan (Cambridge MA, 1989). 6HEĔRV= 6HEĔRVPatmutұiwn, ed. G.V. Abgaryan (Yerevan, 1979); tr. Robert Thom- son as The Armenian History attributed to Sebeos, Part I (Liverpool, 1999). NB Part II contains Historical Commentary E\-DPHV+RZDUG-Johnston (indicated by Hist. comm. in this volume). Širakac‘i, $x[DUKDFoR\Fo>/RQJ@= $x[DUKDFoR\Fo0RYVĔVL;RUHQDFowR\>/RQJ5HFHQVLRQ@, ed. A. 6RXNU\ 9HQLFH 7KHZRUNZDVLQLWLDOO\LQFRUUHFWO\DWWULEXWHGWR0RYVĔV Xorenac‘i and so it has sometimes been referred to as Ps-Xorenac‘i’s Geography. —— $x[DUKDFoR\Fo>6KRUW@ = Anania Širakac‘u Matenagrut‘yunʠHG$xRW$UVHQL$EUD hamyan (Yerevan, 1944). —— $x[DUKDFoR\Fo>8QLTXH@ = $x[DUKDFoR\Fo 0RYVĔVL;RUHQDFowR\>8QLTXH5HFHQVLRQ@ (Ven- ice, 1865). —— Geography = 7KH*HRJUDSK\RI$QDQLDVRIkLUDN$x[DUKDFұoycұ, the Long and the Short RecensionsWU5REHUW+HZVHQ :LHVEDGHQ Step‘DQRV$VRøLN = Step‘DQRV$VRøLNRI7DUňQHistoire universelle, part 1 (= Books 1– 2), tr. E. Dulaurier (Paris, 1883); part 2 (= Book 3), tr. F. Macler (Paris, 1917). Step‘anos Orbelean = Step‘anos Orbelean, Histoire de la Siounie, tr. M. Brosset (St Pe- tersburg, 1864) in vol. 1 with commentary in vol. 2. T‘ovma Arcruni = T‘ovma Arcruni, Patmut‘iwn tann Arcruneac‘, ed. K. Patkanean (St Petersburg, 1887); HG9UH{9DUGDQ\DQ (Yerevan, 1985); tr. Robert Thomson as History of the House of the Artsrunik‘ (Detroit, 1985); tr. Brosset, 1–266. ;RUHQDFoL 0RYVĔV;RUHQDFoLPatmut‘iwn Hayoc‘, ed. M. Abeøean and S. Yarut‘iwnean (Tbilisi, 1913); tr. Robert Thomson as History of the Armenians (Cambridge MA, WU+(PLQDVIstoriia Armenii Moiseiia Khorenskago (Moscow, 1858). Greco-Roman 1%/RHELQWKLVOLVWVWDQGVIRUWKHVHULHVSXEOLVKHGE\+DUYDUG8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV ABBREVIATIONS & SOURCES xi Aelian = Aelian, De natura animalium/ On the Characteristics of Animals, ed./tr. A.F. Scholfield (Loeb, 1958–1959). App. Mithr. = Appian, Mithridatic Wars, vol. 2 of Appian’s Roman HistoryHGWU+ White (Loeb, 1912). Aristotle Meter. = Aristotle, MeteorologicaHGWU+3'/HH /RHE Arr. Anab. = Arrian, $QDEDVLVRI$OH[DQGHU, ed./tr. P.A. Brunt (Loeb, 1976–83). RG = Augustus, Res Gestae, ed./tr. A.E. Cooley (Cambridge, 2009). Dio = Cassius Dio, Roman History, ed./tr. E. Cary (Loeb, 1914–27). Eutr. = Eutropius, BreviariumWU+:%LUG /LYHUSRRO Fest. Brev. = Festus, Breviarium, ed. M.-P. Arnaud-Lindet as Abrégé des hauts faits du peuple romain (Paris, 1994). Flor. = Florus, Epitome of Roman History, ed./tr. E.S. Forster (Loeb, 1929). Front. Str. = Frontinus, Strategemata, ed. M.B. McElwain, tr. C.E. Bennett (Loeb, 1925). +HFDWDHXV)*U+LVW) +HFDWDHXV'LH)UDJPHQWHGHUJULHFKLVFKHQ+LVWRULNHU Frg. 1 F 291, ed. F. Pownall in Brill’s New Jacoby (Leiden, 2013). +GW +HURGRWXVThe Histories, tr. R. Waterfield (Oxford, 1998). +RUCarm. +RUDFHCarmina, ed./tr. N. Rudd (Loeb, 2004). Joseph. A.J. = Josephus, $QWLTXLWDWHV-XGDLFDHHGWU/+)HOGPDQet al. (Loeb, 1930– 65). Joseph. B.J. = Josephus, Bellum JudaicumHGWU+6-7KDFNHUD\ /RHE–28). Justin = Justin, Epitome of Trogus, ed. O. Seel (Stuttgart, 1985). Livy Per. = Livy, Periochae, ed. P. Jal as Abrégés des livres de l’histoire romaine de Tite-Live, (Paris, 1984). Pliny N.H. = Pliny the Elder, Naturalis historia/Natural HistoryHGWU+5DFNKDPet al. (Loeb, 1938–63). Plut. Luc. = Plutarch, Vitae parallelae, Lucullus, ed./tr. B. Perrin, vol. II (Loeb, 1914). Plut. Pomp. = Plutarch Vitae parallelae, Pompeius, ed./tr. B. Perrin, vol. V (Loeb, 1917). Pomponius Mela = Pomponius Mela, De situ orbis, tr. F.E. Romer as Pomponius Mela’s Description of the World (Ann Arbor, 1998). Ptolemy = Ptolemy, Geographia, ed. A. Stückelberger and G. Grasshoff (Basel, 2006). Sen. Med. = Seneca, Medea, ed./tr. J.G. Fitch, vol. I (Loeb, 2018). Sen. Thy. = Seneca, Thyestes, ed./tr. J.G. Fitch, vol. II (Loeb, 2018). Serv. Aen. = Servius, Commentary on the Aeneid of VergilHG*7KLORDQG++DJHQ vol. I (Leipzig, 1881). 6+$Had. = 6FULSWRUHV+LVWRULDH$XJXVWDH, Hadrian, ed./tr. D. Magie, vol. 1 (Loeb, 1921). Suet. Ner. = Suetonius, Nero, ed./tr. J.C. Rolfe (Loeb, 1914), vol. 2. xii FROM ALBANIA TO ARRAN Strabo = Strabo, Geographica, ed. S. Radt (Göttingen, 2002– WU+-RQHV /RHE 1930). Tac. Ann. = Tacitus, Annales/Annals, tr. C. Damon (London and New York, 2012) Tac. His. = Tacitus, Historiae, ed. R. Ash and tr. K. Wellesley (London, 2009). Vell. Pat. = Velleius Paterculus, Historiae, ed./tr. F.W. Shipley (Loeb, 1924). Muslim (Arabic and Persian) %DOćGKXUĪ = $ʘPDGE<Dʘ\ćDO-%DOćGKXUĪ, .LWćEIXWŠʚ al-EXOGćn, ed. M.J. de Geoje (Leiden, 1866); tr. as The Origins of the Islamic State E\3+LWWL YRO1HZ<RUN 1916) and F.C. Murgotten (vol. 2; New York, 1924). ʙXGŠGDO-oćODP = ʙXGŠGDO-‘ćODP ed. Manuchihr Sutudah (Tehran, 1962); tr. V. Mi- norsky as the Regions of the World, a Persian Geography, 372 AH-982 AD (Cambridge, 1982). Ibn al-)DTĪK= Ibn al-)DTĪK0XNKWDʜDUNLWćEDO-EXOGćQ, ed. M. J. de Goeje (Leiden, WU+0DVVÆDVAbrégé du Livre des pays (Damascus, 1973). ,EQʗDZTDO= ,EQʗDZTDO.LWćEDO-PDVćOLNZD-l-PDPćOLN, ed. M.J. de Goeje (Leiden, HG-+.UDPHUVDVʛXUDWDO-DUʘ /HLGHQ WU-+.UDPHUVDQG* Wiet as Configuration de la terre (Paris, 1964). ,EQ.KXUUDGćGKELK= ,EQ.KXUUDGćGKELK.LWćEDO-PDVćOLNZa-l-PDPćOLN, ed. M.J. de Goeje (Leiden, 1889). Ibn Rustah = Ibn Rusta, .LWćEDO-a‘OćTDO-QDIĪVD, ed. M. J. de Goeje (Leiden, 1892). ,ʛʜDNKUĪ= ,EUćKĪPE0XʘDPPDGDO-,ʛʜDNKUĪ, .LWćEDO-PDVćOLNZD-l-PDPćlik, ed. M.J. de Goeje (Leiden, 1870). 0DVoŠGĪ= o$OĪEDO-ʗXVD\QDO-0DVoŠGĪ, 0XUŠMDO-dhahab/Les prairies d’or, ed./tr. C. Bar- bier de Meynard and Pavet de Courteille (Paris, 1861–77); revised by C. Pellat (Paris, 1962–71). 0XTDGGDVĪ= Shams al-'ĪQDO-0XTDGGDVĪ, .LWćEDʚVDQal-WDTćVLPIĪPD‘rifat al-DTćOĪP, ed. M.J. de Goeje (Leiden, 1877); tr. B.A. Collins as The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions (Reading, 1994). 4D]YĪQĪ= =DNDUĪ\ćE0XʘDPPDGDO-4D]YĪQĪ, Kosmographie/.LWćEćWKćUDO-ELOćG, ed. F. Wüstenfeld (Göttingen, 1848). 4D]YĪQĪNuzhat al-4XOŠE = ʗDPGXOOćʘ4D]YĪQĪNuzhat al-4XOŠE, ed. G. Le Strange (Leiden, 1915). 4XGćPD= 4XGćPDE-D‘far, .LWćEDO-NKDUćMZD-ʜLQa‘at al-NLWćED, partial ed. M. J. de Goeje /HLGHQ HG0+=XED\GĪ %DJKGDG ʝDEDUĪ= MuʘDPPDGE-DUĪUDO-ʝDEDUĪ, 7DpUĪNKDO-rusul wa-l-PXOŠN, ed. M.J. de Goeje (Leiden, 1879–1901). <DoTŠEĪ, 7DpUĪNK = AʘPDGE:ćʡiʘ al-<DoTŠEĪ, 7DpUĪNKHG07K+RXWVPD /HLGHQ 1883). ——, .LWćEDO-bXOGćQ = AʘPDGE:ćʡiʘ al-<DoTŠEĪ .LWćEDO-EXOGćQ, ed. M.J. de Goeje (Leiden, 1892). ABBREVIATIONS & SOURCES xiii ——, Works = Matthew Gordon et al., eds., 7KH:RUNVRI,EQ:ćʘLʚDO-Ya‘TŠEĪ$Q English Translation (Leiden, 2018), vols. 1 (includes the .LWćEDO-EXOGćQ) and 2–3 (the 7DpUĪNK). <ćTŠW= <ćTŠWDO-ʗDPDZĪMu‘jam al-EXOGćQ, ed. F. Wüstenfeld (Leiden, 1866–73). ABBREVIATIONS FOR COMMONLY USED SECONDARY SOURCES Albania Caucasica = A.K. Alikberov and M.S. Gadjiev, eds., Albania Caucasica, vol. 1 (Moscow, 2015). Akopyan, Albaniia = A.A. Akopyan, Albaniia-$øXDQN Y JUHNR-latinskikh i drevnearmi- anskikh istochnikakh [Albania-$øXDQNLQ*UHFR-Latin and Old Armenian Sources] (Yerevan, 1987). Bais, Albania caucasica = Marco Bais, Albania caucasica: ethnos, storia, territorio attraverso le fonti greche, latine e armene (Milan, 2001). Laurent-Canard, Arménie = Joseph Laurent and Marius Canard, L’Arménie entre Byzance et l’Islam depuis la cRQTXeteը arabe jXVTX’en 886 (Lisbon, 1980). Mamedova, Politicheskaia istoriia = F.D. Mamedova, Politicheskaia istoriia i istoricheskaia geografiia Kavkazskoi Albanii >7KH3ROLWLFDO+LVWRU\DQG+LVWRULFDO*HRJUDSK\RI Caucasian Albania] (Baku, 1986). Marquart,
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