EEEI PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1900. !SSTS.iUSS! PRICE THREE CENTS. mcuLuurovi.. GREAT OBSTACLE REXOYED. lag In West Philadelphia, at 12 36 today Senator IJepew and Chairman Odell of In the valley below him were crowds 1 the New York state committee were with TU JD Par Concnrrcnt Action by the Power* ATTACKING 1300 oslegatcs and alternate*, and stretct him, but the crowds had eyes only for By Raul*’* Prank Statement. Ing away to the four corner* of the In the dashing hero of San Juan. No stage CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK Washington, Jane 10.—When the official inenae hail were end lew vista* of peopl * idol ever made an entrance more oppor- day cloned It woe found that a meaeage, WILL BE ROOSEVELT. rising In terraced seats to the walls. U * tunely. But he made no acknowledge- Maine. of Portland, received In the morning from Admiral looked Into the face* of fully 16,000 me mcnt of the ovation his appearance Korney at the navy department touching and women. Opposite,In a brood galler r* elicited. the readiness of the Princeton and Mari- were massed a hundred musicians, thel r His jaw was firmly set and he came on CAPITAL. etta $100,000.01 and Zaflro for Immediate nervloe pre- leader a mere pigmy In the dlstanoe. Th f through the pres# like n soldier perform- Russians Arrived io flick ol sented all the news that hud oome to the platform on which be stood, jutted ou l lng a duty. He did not even remove his Surplus lid Undivided Profits, $29,000.01 government from the East slnoe yester- like a hugh rock Into an ocean of ho hat, but pushed his way through the day. One of the most Important devel- If His Name is Presented to the inanity. Below him and flanking th 0 delegates who swarmed from their piuoeg Solicits tlic accounts of Bank«,Mei> Time. oped, however, namely, that the notice of stage was an embankment throng.ed wit 1 to grasp his hand. Fully two minutes rautlle Firms, Corporation* am the Russian government of Its Intention the of the of th p it took for him to traverse the of Individuals, and Is prepsred to fur representatives press length to despatch four thousand troops to China Above was a riot of the hall to his near the All nlsh Its patrons the beet fucllitleo country. flag! place stage. was an Convention. [* the and liberal accommodntious. nocumpanled by understanding bunting,eagles, shields, the whole schrm of time the roar followed him and tho that them troops were to be used for the of the elaborate decorations culmlnatlni Paid on assistance of the Europeans and Ameri- In a hugh portrait of McKinley mttlln, Interest Deposits. cans and with no of territorial In the folds of the America Chinese Had Renewed purpose graceful aggression on the part of Russia. flag. Above him were the working lend Waitt and Bond's FOR SAVINGS This assurance was received with the ers of his party and behind among th SPECIAL DEPARTMENT on Attack Legations. satisfaction. Is Interviews end Invited. greatest It understood His Friends Persist in dignitaries and honored guests of th Correspondence that In view of Booming Japan, Russia's frank convention were white-haired meji wh CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, Preildenl. declaration will oensent to assume the had been present at the jiarty's birth 1 I BLAGKSTONE same obligation toward the other nations Him for this city, almost half a J HUM AS H. EATON, Cailiier. Vice President. century ago. In which oaee, the greatest obstacle to It was not a rtotlous convention. Ther DIRECTORS: —— effective action, whether concurrent or were no wild bursts of enthusiasm fron CIGAR 1 ■" ^ CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE Were Infuriated of joint by the powers In China may be con- the frenzied partisans of rival candidates E. M. STEADMAN. PERLEV P. 6URNHA.il They by Capture sidered as removed. no entrance of delegations with banner The Lord the British ambassa- to set tho no Leading BRICE M. E0WAR35. JAMES f. HAWKES Taku Forts. Paunoefote, multitudes cheering, flora HENRY S. GSGOOJ WILLIAM M. MARKS dor, oalled at the state department this Want a Man of Flesh and skirmishing and clashing of candidate! afternoon and a half con- tOc »*MP. LEIGHTON. spent hour In They managers over rules of procedure am Londre MW&y(i ference with Secretary Ilay. His Lord- contesting delegations. Tho chieftain li ship hod no news frdm his own govern- Blood for the Ticket. the coming tattle hod a 1 ready been select in the woria. ment beyond that contained In the morn- ed by the unanimous voice of the Re- ing papers respecting the developments publicans of the country, the man wh Known Everywhere. That All In China, and he was partlculary anxious had stood at the helm of the ship o Report Foreign- as to be Informed to the details of the re- state for four years was their unbrokei QUALITY ported battle The state choice. The was the record o ers Were Massacred. Sunday morning. platform COUNTS. department wus without Information on lie Was Given a Great Ovation his administration. The only questloi ; tl.1. T A I. — * ..J si...* A J 1 that remained for tho convention to de will l>e heard from within a was wo Kcmpff day Yesterday. clde the Vice Presidency and it -- or two. The difficulties In the way of a not a sufllclent bone of contention to pru »|— speedy communication between the navy duoe the tumultuous scenes which usual those •Ji is a true tonic for *i» and are department Admiral Kempff Il- ly attend tho assembling of a nutlonu who feel the rlja enervating Worst To Be Feared at Celestial lustrated In the series of messages that /invention. THEY ARE « j, effects of the approach- have oome in the last 18 hours from the The convention today was the dignilh* T ing warmer season. City. cable ollloe8. Yesterday the department gathering of the representatives of thi INDEED BEAUTIES! was Informed while BrcciAL to tui muj There Is of a It is prepared from the that the wire system something revolt against Republican party to ratify formally th< t Foo and Chairman Hanna In all this. It Is our "** most select and ma- "** beyond Chee leading up to Tau Philadelphia, June 10.—The Boosevelt New Y ork wishes of the millions whose authority belief (hat you will agree pure I with us when you look at our line of and Tien Tsln had lieen out, U had been boom Is now anil Pennsylvania are not all the states held. + terials and put up in full just very hnulthy, although they that a steamboat should Is more that have felt under constraint becau se Ladies’ arranged dally the Long boom also flourishing It was undemonstrative at first Golf Boots, ££»&£ measure 16 ounce bottle very NEW, VERY NOBBY and carry messages for these points at Chee than at time since the convention be- of his highly oentrnllzed and thoroughly OUlte COM- for each. any While the crowds and delegates wen ,! PORTABLE. 50c Foo and take them to their destination business-like which ho has used are the tor ^ gan. But If the Boosevelt brush fire Is system crowded into the liall before the hour foi They Just thing i.ady goi,p June 30.—3 a. m.—"The Rus- PLAYERS, I>lak Sola. auil Jjondon, the river. this It must so successfully, but having np Though arrangement to be quenched be by strenuous which, many fear, ar- ituaata * sian relieving force arrived outside of calling the convention to order had CalfTupa. Trice, 9 ,.oo. Involved a day's delay, it was acceptable, efforts of both and Dolllver’s Is raising the business reputation of the H H HAY & SON, Middle St. the Long rived, there were no wild greetings oi Pekin this morning," says Shanghai too J and the authorities were disappointed at friends. But the Dolllver boom seems party high. They feel thut by put- of the "and party leaders. A scattering applaust Shoes.o'e. * correspondent Dally Express, In a man Outing + -fr i-eoelvlng today the following notice from to be lu The of the ting Roosevelt, of tlesh and Leal her and ** * * *fr * **** to attack the city on collapse. delegates met Mr. llanna as he made his way tc Canvas bound for 9*4.no. immediately began the cable office: blood who stands for Ideas and Also a VKKY KINKTHAI'E In ItURNia great State of Illinois came on with actions the two sides, employing numerous artillery. stage.Gen. Groove nor, Senator Lodge, Calf, with Lubber Soles. Trice 9d.oo. “Cable offloe reports Chinese adminis- Dolllver banners. They have furled them rather than business, they can help the The force apparently arrived In the nick Senator Foraker, ex-Senator Quay and a tration cancelled arrangements for postal and are for Boosevelt. "Illinois Is for party and at the same time show the of time for the Chinese assert that the at- few others aroused a fluttering of hand- servloe from Chee Foo to Tien Tsln and oountry that the National Boosevelt," said Unde Joe Cannon of Republican a center & tack upon the legations had been success- kerchiefs and round of hand clapping, mcdowell, Tsku. The Gr.»»t Northern route through to all he met In the oorrldors convention Is doing business for ltaelf. fully renewed. On the night of June 16, Illinois, but men of national reputation whose 539 Congress §lrrH.
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