~~· .VAUXHALL . VICTOR ~- ·Canada's Import SaltH . Leader. ~lt\f •. \\\\•'. ' THE DAILY·NEWS \\'\ ~~\ A~:~. Terra Nova Motor. ,.· ....;.. .....;... ~--------- __ __ _________ Vol. 67. No. 119 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NflD., MONDAY, MAY 23, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons oun.ter' ----- ----- ----------- ---------------• • ¥ U.S. PLANE STILL U. N. May Call For ' IN SOVIET HANDS BERLI:-1 CCPl - Communist plonc and its personnel. leaders in East Germany con-! First American inquiry about, !erred Sunday on whether to step: the missing plane was answered . into t:ansfer neg6tiations for nine i q;tlckly by Russia~ Gen. I. ~-! Amencans who s e plane was 'i akubovsky who satd the Amert-: Revival Of Summit forced down Inside the East Get·· : cons landed safely and were well. : t::\ITED X:\Tlf'XS, ~. Y.-:\P-. :me members ol may border Friday, informed : Informed sources noted that thl.' Security ( .unci! propose sources reported. this Russian reply made no ref· t'nit~d :\~tions m11y that If the East Germans take· erence whatever to the Incident· '' call for re,·h·al of the blg fo1u summit conference. 54 DI1E IN charge of the Americans - at being handled by the East Ger· · . ..... ~ - This was rcporlt'd Sm. ·1 y or the eve of a meet· present reported to be in Russian . mans. ! hands-it could mean an indefin· 1 One of the plane passengers,! -~- ·.·~ ·: m;: of the 11-country· ~ounci! Ill :;.. e op a Soviet com· ' ... 1 EXPLOSION ite delay In their release. · Capt. Paul K. ~IcC ash 25, is nn. ·_.- .:·. .l 11l~int ag:tinst l"ni!cd State~ s:• ·pim1e flights. Sources said· an announcement air force doctor. His 24-year-old PRAGUE, Czechoslovaki-a ICPl , was expected within a few days 11·if~-the woman in the case-i~ DiplomD!ic sollt"L"t'~ said somt• of the six bon-per· Fifty-four miners were killed by. di~closing w h ~ t h e r East Ger· a nurse. Based at Wheelus field 1.1:mcnt mrmhcrs of tht• rouudl wen• talking about pnt· a. methane ~~plosion at the Hlu·; many-whkh the. United 11 States : in Lihyn. Xorth Aft·ica .. they were tialg fnr.,·:ud a n·sn:utiun nn lust wt•ek's \Hecktod sum· I bma coal mmc In O>trm·a Sun·. refuses to recogmre - 11'!11 tnkc . on n Em·opcnn \'acatiOn. mil t-onft·renn·. Tht·~· sa~d Jill)" mch resolution prob­ II day, the Czech news agency Ce· :_charge or whether the Ru.ssinn~ · In .Tun('. J9oR, a helicopter wit!1 ai•lr would dt•plorl! tlw f:tilurc uud the causes for thr tekn reported, I will release the Americ:ms di· ei~ht t:.S. officers was forced. Ceteka s.ald the cause of the' rectly to the l'.S. Armr. · :down in East Germany, The l':\HIS-Scrions-fm:cd French President Charles de Gaulle (left). BritLn l<nlurc ami tlll'n t·all fnr early l'forts to set up another. : ga~ explosion was unknow. Res-' FORCED DOW:'\: · Rw:.,ian, left the announcement Prime ~linistcr Harold ~lacmill:m and President Eisenhower (ri~ht), a~ Drlt•gatt•s cmmectt•d with the council, howc\·er, snid I cue teams took safety measures The nine Americans. inclurlin~ to the East Germans, who im- they l<'ft the Elysee Palace here after their final nwctin!( ~lav 17th. The '•Jrr4 ,.·( IJ'"'n ll"cl,..sion ,_... t to present an.v resolu- . and further danger was pre- a woman, fell Into So1·iet hands, mediatrly c t aim c d exclusil-e II f tl .1 nf I f 1. tl I f I t . t r ' 11 " 1 .. 110 ' • 1 vented. when their military plane was ri~hts to den! with the affair. r.o apse o. 1c summ1 co crenrc e t 1! c mpc or an en< o Ill t·rna- tinn other than the onl' thl' Russians have promised, Communist party, government\ forced down hy warnin" hnrsts of The t~nit~d States refused to honal tcnsmns. thou!!h another mi!(ht go in Tuesday or Inter. and labor union officials hurried gunfire from several Soviet jet~.: deal with the F.ast German reg. ----- - · · - to the scene and a special com- : An American spokesman In imr. After a six-week standoff, 1 1 Jl A h 1 ·. g.,,. 1 ~ 1 F~r~i:;n ~!ini~trr _Andrd , _ This wa~ understood to refer to mis~lon has been appointed to in·: West Berlin sa iii !her~ .was still : t~e R,r.d Cross obtain~ the of·: , t ~ E t 1 ·'·. ... Gromyko i$ expe~t:rl to sub-. r.romyko's charge that by mak-1 veshgate, Ceteka said. I no reply from the Rus~JUns to a' fleers re~ease. I~ a couple of. n0 PD!: a.r ar . ~j q~ ~ ~.:lllli,lf p, mit lhf Russian r~>o1~t:on wht•n ing spy nl~hts Ol'er the Soviet demand made by ,;he l.~. Army i plane Incidents smce then, the • • 1~ Ill U ~II ~ !he council m~ct.s thh ml.•rnoon. : L'nion. the u.s. Air Force hnd D• d Frid,~~· for the ' 1mme?,1atc ,rc- 1 ~a~e procedure has been fol· In an ellpian3tory m:morandum,. committed "aggressive act&" ISOr er 1y turn of the old C-47 tiiJO•en~me lolled. be !las dem~n~cd thnt th~ coun· · that threatened universal pt>ace. H• ( h .. ·. otherCll condemn countrtes r.s.and calir;~ht~ for theirOI'Cr . Lodgethat there was hadIn no been pos!tion 5UCh tofl!:;hts, deny On Plane Nlilk.lta .Gets ... it·s _':~.. f~ ou· . ~ t. er· nrl~- ,. re.<sation. ' sint-c Herter hns conceded they 1 ~ Ill . - ..,. · de 1ega t c Henry Cabot hnd been going on intermittently: MONTREAL CCPl-Se1·en men . .. r.s. ., Lodge, ber.t f1 down;ratling the I for lour years. i were charged on Saturday B~- TIIO)L\S J. STO:O.:E • The Sun:by ~hock, which !O;J· mil~"-'· howw.er. A st~'i''' has .. 1 I .......-": w .. Sol·ict c:t.<e. i> prcpming n reply: !Herter's stntehmenth !hollowed! So-! Iwk ith dlscreabatlng • I rowdy, ,d,runt·'. a·lg: e co me thSA:>l'~L\1 GO, Chtilh~ (-~I'l - lAnd- pl~:id' many I oj t,~c -~'IOnt~c·o I ntnl,d :.~.~,'·.',\,"_:rf,O.Gl~l)~.,~. lliln.:::;·:. out uf t':" coal .. that may take less tl:an half an v et Premier K rus c ev's cam. en tur nee a >oard a "on ·I o cr no ent car qua..;e r,,,. :c oto:, m~s 11· 11 c 1 w:, 1.- co: :e - , ··" bo~r. :that on May 1, a Soviet anti-air·! real-bound aircraft from New' southern Chile Sunday foi!uwin~ a S~:t:Ird:J)' q::a>. re~iotcrr-d r'::ht The !bl q~n,::• took at le.~;t 74 .. ~...: . craft rocket hAd brought down an 1York Friday night. night of spasmodic tremors that on an int.,,·naLonal S('".ic of :~. li\'c' in the po:·t city <·f C, :::21~ . ~ Lodge flew back Sunday from. American U·2 photo • reeor.mlis·l The pilot o£ the Eastern Air·, ~IOSCOIV <AP) - Nikita S. and threw them down." ! srnt residents oi a dozen ;:t;·i~ 1 ;en. acconiin~ to t:.~ mu1:,try. Tiw <on. ~o:J m;k., ~''~1 !h cf .':';,· ·::.gc . ......... ·: WMhingion conferences with· snnce plane nenr S1•erdlovsk. Ilines flight, unidentified, sent n: Khrushchev · acled his w:ty · There was no need for him to communities mili't•g through the fir.:t jolt . rc~i,llTcrl 7''· \mor~ Iii:• 'i:·:i:-r.s .,,,_, c :·.;o ~ -:. "t ' Pre:.idt>nt Ei>~nhower and State: :llost diplomats agreed prlv·l rndlo m~s.qage while nlrborne1 through an exultant pantomime make any speech explaining that· stn·ets in ncar panic. n~:orc :1 came·. tht• earth I rem- l:om::;t C:ltl·olic llllr.s ."·:rl :i,.._. -· ~ Secretary Ch:-istian Herter. : ntely that n Soviet resolut!on to and the etpl:t were arrested on\ of catching and punishing spie~ he referred to the American U·2 The interior mini;try s:Jid nt bled on ~n·l off t:~rou·"llout U:c '''"n~rn inmcle.; of a cor-· •: · :.. 1<:;! At Laguar:lia airrort, he told cond~mn the U.S. flights and calli arrival at Montreal nlrport. , as he arrived home Saturday. He· reconnaissance plane shot down noon the d~ath toll from s~:tur- night in hotl1 ~f~l!t•ro and Cone• ,,. i:·. 't'l ~:~ i•J!J. ·r::cy wen• '". ~~- ; tn reil(lrters. "I think we .!.'an show; for ressat!on would never get the I All pleaded nol rullty when nr·l received an unusiJally large und. ol'er Soviet t~rrit?ry on l\lay ?ay.' day's sercre qual; e. still _..t.~'"l ::t eion. 'fhous:w:b. igr.crir~ c•1:d r:C"':1 I\ hen th<! r~of t! 3 ;~.,:;, 'r.~ tbe So\·i~t charge agamst us Is j ~even votes necc.'ISary for adop., ral~tned ~ were committed for elaborate public welcome.· ·· : >\ crowd of lt\!$Sians gaw ~>lin a t-!9, ll:tt the ft.~lll'l 1s <'X:H·cted to :u;L>tol!l we ai!n·r. bclcii.•<i ont ,,,;~ cn'.:m>d. fallacious." ! tlon. trial May 'J:'I, Amerioon diplomats weren't· big cheer and he went through: rise as report, trick]:· in throu~h to al'oid tht' <!nn~er N he in:! Tl;~ minHr·' ;;!so r:·c., .
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