INDEX INDEX A prestressing, 6 Roman, 1 Abrasion of flow surfaces, 634, 701, 707-709 shear, 579 Absorption, reservoir bottom, 423, 425, 449-450 slenderness coefficient, 580 Acceleration, attenuation of, 160, 375 static analysis, nonlinear, 503 Accelerators, concrete, 194 Areia Dam, 368, 371, 374, 382,410-411,413-414 Access, emergency, 779 cofferdam for, 234 Admixtures, concrete, 194, 208 Areia Dam spillway, 620, 622, 629-633, 653, 664 Aeration, 616, 620-634, 709 Asphalt Aerator grout, 331-332, 585 modeling, 630 membrane, 11 spacing, 633 Asphaltic concrete, 263 types, 625 Aswan Dam, 153 Aggregate, 193-194, 553-555 Aswan High Dam, 167, 724 Aggregate processing equipment, 554 Attenuation of ground acceleration, 160 Aggregates, RCC, 204 Auburn Dam, 119, 141 Air blows in outlets, 718 Automation of instrumentation, 773, 779 Air bulking, 633, 656 Avalanche, 739-740 Air-entraining agents, concrete, 194 Air entrainment mechanism, 625 Albuera de Feria Dam, 1 B Aldeadavila Dam, 624 Alicura Dam, 336 Backflow, spillway, 635 Alkali-aggregate reaction, 194, 525, 596-600 Bailey, R. D., Dam, 234 Almendralejo Dam, 1 Balderhead Dam, 270 Alto Anchicaya Dam, 368 Baldwin Hills Reservoir, 8-16, 57, 117, 125, 141 Ambiesta Dam, 507 Balsam Meadow Dam, 396, 397, 398 Ambursen dams, 3, 466, 470, 590 Bank storage, reservoir, 728 Amplitude suprema, 158 Batter pile, 472 Analysis of dam performance, 781 Bear Mountains fault, 119 Anchor Dam, 698 Beauharnois Project, 596-600 Anchor force, horizontal, 593 Bench mark installation, 752 Anchors, 591-596 Bennett, W. A. C., Dam, 371, 788 Angostura Dam, 724 Berm, 259, 360 Antecedent precipitation index (API), 97 Blanket Appurtenant facilities, surveillance of, 786 drain, 267, 361 Arch dam impervious, 265 analysis Blowcount (N-value), 302 dynamic, 445-452, 506 Blue Mesa Dam, 700 simplified, 452, 455-456 Boardman Dam, 137 traditional, 444-445 Boldness coefficient, arch dam, 580 boldness coefficient, 580 Borehole extensometer, 772 design criteria, 493-502 Borrow for earthfill, 342 earthquake response analysis, 444-456 Brantley Dam, 637, 725 elastic design, 456-457 Bratsk Dam, 620, 621, 625, 633 evolution of arch shapes, 502 Bridge, spillway, 474 joints, 503 Buck Dam, 600, 607 799 800 INDEX Bucket Cogswell Dam, 411, 413, 414 deflector, 635, 691 Colstrip Effluent Pond Dam, 136 dispersion, 635 Colstrip Surge Pond Dam, 134 flip, 635 Columbia River fault zone, 113 Buffalo Bill Dam, 511 Compaction equipment, 347-349 Bulking of flow, 633, 656 Compaction meter, 6 Buttress dams Compactor, 2, 347-349 design, 470-471 Compressibility of water, 425-426, 450-451, 506 earthquake response, 417 Concrete, 193-215 multiple-arch, 529-538 accelerators, 194 reinforcement, 475 admixtures, 194-195,556 strengthening, 579, 590-591 aggregate, 553, 570 types, 3,466 air-entraining agents, 194 Byllesby Darn, 607 alkali-aggregate reaction, 194, 525, 596-600 batching and mixing, 557 bonding, 521, 600 C compaction, 572 consolidation, 565 Cableway, 562 conventional, 193-197 Cabril Dam, 586 cooling, 567 Calamus Dam, 290-292, 773 creep, 196 Calaveras Dam, 300, 363 curing, 195, 572 Camanche Dam, Dike No.2, 403 delivery, 560, 571 Canelles Dam, 602, 724 diaphragm, 266 Cannelton Dam, cofferdam for, 223, 232 durability, 195 Carbonate rocks, 724 expansion, 596-601 Carlson meters, 771-773 fiber reinforced, 198, 644, 649 Caron Compactor Wheel, 348-349 forms, 565 Carsington Dam, 350, 360 insulation, 568 Casitas Dam, 309 lift, 565 Castaic Dam, 147 mixing, 570 Catapulting of gates, 717 modulus of elasticity, 195 Cat Creek Canyon arch dam, 738 Poisson's ratio, 196 Caverns, 129 polymers in, 200-201, 644, 649 Cavitation, 506, 616, 620-634, 650, 701, 705, 708-712 porous, 583, 584 Cavitation index, critical, 623 pozzolans, 194, 556 Cavities, 129, 148 production, 555 Cedar Springs Dam, 119, 138 roller compacted, 202-215, 469-470, 472, 508-509, Cement 544,569-577,644-645 availability, 555 silica fume, 198, 644 grout, 329 special, 198-201 natural, 193 strength, 196-197,501-502 portland, 193 temperature control, 195, 567-569 slag, 193 tests, 559 types, 193 thermal properties, 196 wet milled method, 4 tolerance, 642 Cethana Dam, 410, 411,413 tremie, 266 Channel erosion, 619, 635 vibration, 565 Cherry Valley Dam, 411 water reduction, 195 Chichester Dam, 591 Concrete dam construction, 540-577 Chicoasen Dam, 2, 368,411,414 Concrete dam performance, 578-608, 782 Chief Joseph Dam, 556 Concrete stress cell, 758 Chivor (Esmeralda) Dam, 2, 339, 368, 412 Construction Choke Canyon Dam, 341, 761 concrete dam, 540-577 Churchill Falls Project, 414 embankment, 321-353, 388-408 Clark Canyon Dam, 760 Construction joints, 473 Clark unit hydrograph, 85 Construction records, 351, 546 Claytor Dam, 596, 603-606 Contraction joints, 472 Cloverleaf cell, 223 Contractive state, soil, 297 Cofferdam, 219-238 Conveyor, 563 cell types, 225 Copperfield Dam, 573, 575-577 dewatering, 229 Corbara Dam, 586 diversion, 233 Corrosion of anchor, 591 earth and rockfill, 233-237 Cottonwood Dam No.5, 680 steel sheetpile cellular, 219-232 Cottonwood Project, 725 Cogoti Dam, 287, 411, 414 Cougar Dam, 368, 411, 413 INDEX 801 Coulomb equation, 483 Douglas Dam, 148 Counterfort, 532 Downie slide, 113-116 Courtright Dam, 411, 413, 414 Drag, coefficient of, 92 Cow Green Reservoir, 724 Drainage Coyote Dam, 287 borrow, 342 Cracked base analysis, 491 concrete dam, 606 Cracking, 118,285,359,491,578,583 earthfill, 270-275 Cracking mode, 505 foundation, 266-270, 328, 552, 574 Crack measuring microscope, 772 Drawdown, rapid, 281 Crack-stopper filter, 119 Drawings, as-built, 352 Crane Valley Dam, 411, 413 Drilling, 338 Creager envelope, 61, 97 Dworshak Dam Crest pressure, spillway, 618, 634 construction, 420, 473, 556, 560-562, 567 Creter Crane, 564, 571 gates, 695, 717 Crippen, J. R., envelope curve, 61, 97 instrumentation, 794 Critical path method (CPM), 545 remedial work, 606, 649-652 Crossarm settlement device, 753, 757, 765 Dynamic analysis Crumb test, 179 concrete dam, 416-465, 476, 506, 534-538 Crystal Dam, 773, 775 embankment, 239-240 Crystal Springs Dam, 117, 457, 458 Dynamic soil properties, 244-245 Cuber Dam, 724 Dynamic strength of concrete, 196-197,501-502 Culimo Dam, 287 Curing, concrete, 195 Currant Creek Dam, 761 E Cutoff, 266, 358, 637 Cutoff wall EACD-3D computer program, concrete dam, 417, 455, concrete-element, 358 457,461 concrete-panel, 358 EADHI computer program, 459, 460 sheetpile, 358 EAGD-84 computer program, gravity dam, 433, 442, Cyclic loading, 292-293, 300-301, 311-316, 318 457,459-461 Earthfill dam abutment details, 264-265 D berm, 259, 360 borrow, 342 Dam break analysis, 102-103,496,498 compaction, 343-349 Dam-foundation interaction, 426-429, 452 construction and foundation treatment, 321-353 Damping, 245, 246, 507 cracking, 285 Dam types, 3 crest details, 258-259 Dam-water interaction, 422-423 deformation, 285-287, 298-299, 301 Daniel Johnson (Manicouagan No.5) Dam, 530 density tests, 345 Darcy's law, 372 design and analysis, 256-320 Dashields Dam, 222 design features, 258-270 Data acquisition system (DAS), 774 foundation preparation, 263-264 Data entry device, 787 freeboard, 258-261 Debris flow, 739-740 moisture control, 344 Deer Flat Dam, 760 performance and remedial measures, 354-367 Deformation during cyclic loading, 301 seepage analysis, 270-275 Deformation gage, 757 seepage control, 265-270 Deformation of embankment slope protection, 261-263 during seismic loading, 316 stability analysis, 275-285 Jansen equation for, 287 Z-condition, 300-301 Makdisi-Seed method, 286 zoning, 256, 258 Newmark method, 276, 286 Earth-gravel mixtures, 346 separated from stability, 298-299 Earthquake simplified estimating of, 286-287 Alaska, 163 steady state, 293 Assam, 169 Degree-day method, snowmelt, 81 Aswan, 168 Demec strain gage, 757, 758 Chile, 155 Dentates, 651 controlling maximum, 120 Dewatering, 328 design, 456 Diamond-head buttress dam, 470 El Centro, 158 Dilation of rock foundation, 595 floating, 123 Dilative state, soil, 297 ground motion, 243-244, 498, 500 Directivity focusing, 155 Hebgen Lake, 118 Dispersive soils, 5, 176-182 Hsinfengkiang, 162, 169 Displacement, foundation, 119 Imperial Valley, 158, 160 802 INDEX Earthquake (Continued) jet diffusion, 691 Iran, 155 plunge pool, 618, 691 Kariba, 162, 742 roller bucket, 618 Kern County (Taft), 158 sleeve valve well, 691 Koyna, 162,431,462,743 sudden enlargement, 691 Kremasta, 162,742 Englebright Dam, 461 Lisbon, 163 Environs, surveillance of, 787 loading, 284 Epoxide resin grout, 586 maximum, 120 Epoxy mortar, 649 maximum credible, 120, 288, 498-500, 534 Erosion Michoacan-Guerrero, 117, 155 channel, 619, 635 Nurek, 162 reservoir, 733-735 Oroville, 142, 167 stilling basin, 649, 652, 653, 691 Parkfield, 158, 160 Esmeralda (Chivor) Dam, 2, 339, 368, 412 reservoir-induced, 153, 161-162,498,742-747 Evacuation of threatened areas, \00 San Fernando, 118, 155, 158, 168, 239, 462 Evaporites, 724 San Francisco, 117, 119, 154, 160,457 Extensometer, 125-126,752,757,758,772,784 Santa Barbara, 118, 239 South India, 118 Taiwan, 158, 161 F West Yellowstone, 133 Earthquake design criteria, 499 Facing, concrete dam, 589-590 Earthquake response analysis of concrete dams, 416-465 Facing, RCC, 574-577 Earthquake response analysis of embankment dams, 239- Failures 255 Baldwin Hills Reservoir, 8-16,57, 117, 125, 141 Earth, reinforced, 366-367 Calaveras Dam, 300, 312 East Branch Dam, 357 Fort Peck Dam, 292, 312 East Canyon Dam, 511 Malpasset Dam, 17-27 East Fork Dam, 234-237 Puentes Dam, 1 Eklutna Dam, 153 St. Francis Dam, 28-34, 138- 139 Elastic modulus, concrete, 195 Teton
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