VOLUME X. NO. 28. DETROIT, MICH., NOVEMBER 18, 1892, WHOLE NO. 497. we believe in, so turn the rascals durned thing up so tight that in. it will take a yoke of oxen to loosen Petersburg Herald;—The election is dt! Gimme hold of that end ag'in!" over. Settle down. Go to work He got it and pulled till his HJRAVER and prepare for the responsibilities tongue ran out and his eyes grew The Eepublican Party Will Ever na they come to you day after day. The Genial Gentleman Attempts to as large as dollars, and when the The Most Important Politieal (itiur Uortt might give as good /values Stick to the soil and you will be Handle Mrs. Bowser's Trnrk. tongue of the buckle found a hole be the Party of Progress* at least independent if not wealthy. he had gained an inch over the old Event Since 1860. W they don't. We do not say titty -can't Arkansas Despatch:—Apathy and - one. He fondly figured that he had • derision In our party is the cause of -imply that they DOX'T. YOM can lifted one side of the house at least EDITORS ON THE BE€ENT DEFEAT, It. PERVERSITY 'OF A TRUNK KEl a foot, and his face wore a grin as DEMOCRACY'S RETURN TO POWER jrvtt it by 5 minutes comparison. __ The Ferret:—Senators Walcott, Tel­ Mrs. Bowser came part way up ler, Quay, Stewart and Cameron, are stairs and queried: Defeat Will Not Demoralize tte Party.— not without some respomsibi.ity for "Do you think you can get it the defeat of the Republican party. The Fortieth Attempt to Murder the Dear The Principles Which Cleveland Eepre- VacillatiDg Policy of Party Lead­ Pails and He Sends for Lawyers down alone?" These gentlemen dad not want votes "If I can't I'll ring up the fire 8enis no Different from those of Oal ers Largely Responsible. of the colore dmen of the South fair­ for Two. department," he growled in reply. houn and Buchanan.—The Outlook. ly counted, because of social inter­ "Well, be careful. How do you course with affable Southerners and The Cleveland Gazette:—We have been "I have 'my. trunk all packed, and expect to get a trunk down that From the Inter Ocean:—The elec­ free silver. They will find the beaten, and badly, too. There is I wish you'd lock and strap it," way? It will surely get away tion of 1892 is, iinfortunately, the Southtarners more affable now, but said Mrs. Bowser, who was ready from you." no doubt of this to anyone's mind. free silver is a vanishing dream. most important political event whkh for a journey, to her liege lord the '"Mrs. Bowser, I was getting has occurred in the United states In 1884 the Republican party lost New York Echo:—The battle is still other evening. "I suppose I ought trunks down stairs before you were by pushing almost out of sight the sance the presidential contest of on. Democratic domination, perma­ to have called in a man this after­ bam! When anything on the face 1860. It Js the return to unre­ issue of manhood rights, the protec­ nently, in this republic should be noon to do it, but it slipped my of the earth gets away from the stricted power of the party which' tion which should have been the made impossible. The Republican mind entirely." undersigned he'll notify you by tel—" was then defeated, advocating the most prominent issue throughout the party though defeated is not van­ "Called in a man." echoed Mr. He was following the trunk as quished. Its flag still waves, it same economic principles and main­ campaign just closed with such dis­ Bowser in the hearing of a New it slid from step to step. Just taining the same theory of Nation­ floats in the Iweeze above the smoke York Sun man. "If it's got so that in the middle of the stairs he made astrous results. The experiment of conflict, and assuredly will yet al and State go\Ternment which it was tried again this year with an I can't buckle a strap and turn a slip, let go, and the trunk went then expounded. Yree trade, State float over victories as great and as a key I'd better hang up for a sign end over end down into the hall. Mr. banks, and State rights were the even worse and more unfortunate memorable as any of the triumphs somewhere." Bowser also went end over end af­ fruits of Democratic ascendency, and Tbe v. ry proper captr with conect ending. which the Republican party has "I know, dear, but last time you ter it. The last he remembered was free trade and State sovereignty, Chicage Free Speech:—The election achieved in the past. a feeling of floating in the air. When fcescrs this Fa'l and Winter is the know what trouble you had and its distinctive principles then as they is over and Mr. Harrison and the Huntsville Gazette:—The sun stiil how mad you got before -" he came to he was laid out on his are now. After thirty-two years shiines alike for us all. teg cut Djubie Iirens'ed Sack Suit Republican party have been defeat­ "Never had the least bit of trouble hack, and there was a taste of gin the whole power of the government ed. If this has been a campaign Southern News:—The defeat of the and never got mad. If all husbands in his mouth and a strong smell of save only the judiciary, returns to B,i tic eitra long: cut 8 nglo and of education the Democrats knew a Republican party may l#e a blessing were as even-tempered and good-na­ camphor in the air. the hands of that party whose long in disguise; while we sincerely regret great deal more than the Republi­ tured as I am wives would have "I'm so sorry—so sorry! 6ighed ascendency had brought to the vir­ Doub'e Breasted Ove-coat like tbe one cans. that many of our friends will have mighty little to complain of in this Mrs. Bowser, gin fields and unimagined resources to give up their places to Demo­ 'Do you feel better, kere Miowti. Boston Courant:—We are not dls- world. I might as well bring it dear?" of the Nation only bankruptcy and > lieartened. The Republican party crats, yet we have never seen a man down, too, while I'm about it. If After several efforts, in which he rebellion. With the some tneories has met worth defeat before. And, thrown over board, who was worth I don't, do it the expressman will refused her aid, he reached his feet which ripened into these results— with this defeat it will not lie saving, who djd not. swim. bang, the house all to pieces." and made his way to the library the same denial of constitutional pow­ down for good. It will come up The Appeal:—In regard to the Mr. Bowse r trotted upstairs whitt­ door. As he stood a moment, she er to prevent impoverishment, which again, with renewed strength, meot recent election we have not much to ling "The Old Oaken Bucket," and asked if she should send for the doc­ then brought bankruptcy, this same and defeat the present victors. It say as th? American language i« hard­ had been gone about a minute tor. antipathy to National banks of is­ has nothing to apologize for in this ly extensive enough for us to fully when h e called over the baluster: "No, ma'am!" he whispered as he sue, which then brought confusion defeat. And, we feel that the great express ourselves. The situs t ion can "Mrs. Bowser, if you intend to waived her back. "When my law­ and uncertainty, and the same de­ American public which seems to however be tersely expressed ns take all the bureaus, bedsteads, yer calls admit him! Later on, when nial of National power to secure have gone in other ways will re­ follows: "We have met the enemy mnttfesses and springs, you've for­ your lawyer calls, bring him to the the rights of the individual against turn to the party which has fought and we are theirs." gotten some of them!" library! When your signature is class domination and the action for American principles and has fallen New England Torchlight:—Were it not "What do you mean?" needed I will notify you! This is of the State, which then brought only temporarily. for Democratic Incompetency there "Just like a woman! You've gone the fortiic-th attempt to murder me rebellion, the Democracy comes again The Richmond Planet:—We accept might be a long reign of bourbon- in my own house within a year, and into possession of the Executive, the and Jammped and filled in till no Senate and the House. the defeat as the logical outcome of ism; but Washington is not a fit forty men could lock this trunk!" the limit has been reachedf Admit the vacillating policy of a large pro­ place for theorists and therein lies "Why, dear, the trunk isn't hard­ the lawyers, Mrs. Bowser; admit the portion of our party leaders. Our our consolation. ly halt full! I am only going to stay lawyers!" It needs only the change of a few flag is nailed to the staff. No pow­ The Mirror:—The fact is the Re­ a week, and so I took only what •names to enable one to realize how er on earth can cause us to haul it publicans went before the people I might need for the few days." complete and absolute is this res­ down.
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