State Department coup in the· Philippines Who Said it First? EIR Did! How did the U.S. State Department destroy Ferdi­ nand Marcos, America's long-term ally in the Pa­ cific? EIR on-the-scene reporters had the story. seven months before the Philippine tragedy unfolded. and President Reagan succumbed to the State Department conspiracy: they documented how traitors in the U.S. State Department and Senate had a/read\' plotted a coup against Marcos. By August 1985. Philippine traitors Lt.-Gen. Fidel Ramos and Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile had been tapped to lead the coup. Subscribe to Executive Intelligence Review. the most comprehensive. and accurate political intelligence service in the world. 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All other countries: 1 yr. $490, 6 mo. 1 $265, 3 mo. $145 1______ -------------- Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche. Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: Nora Hamerrnan Managing Editors: Vin Berg and Susan Welsh Production Director: Stephen Vann Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart-Henke. Nancy Spannaus. Webster Tarpley. From the Editor Christopher White. Warren Hamerman. William Wertz. Gerald Rose. Mel Klenetsky. Antony Papert. Allen Salisbury Science and Technology: Carol White Special Services: Richard Freeman Advertising Director: Joseph Cohen Director of Press Services: Christina Huth INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: W hy is Gorbachov srniling? Not only has he won a central corn­ Africa: Douglas DeGroot rnittee 50% cornposed Agriculture: Marcia Merry of military engineers at the 27th CPSU Con­ Asia: Linda de Hoyos gress (Feature, page 26), but the U. S. adrninistration seerns to be Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg. Paul Goldstein following a Krernlin-authored script for handing over every world Economics: David Goldman choke-point to the Soviet Navy. President Reagan on March 7 narned European Economics: William Engdahl. Laurent Murawiec Philip Habib as his new special arnbassador to Central Arnerica. Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos Habib, fresh frorn the role of undertaker for Lebanon and the Phil­ Ibero-America: Robyn Quijano. Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus ippines, is hirnself a rnessage to the region, that it is going to be sold­ Medicine: John Grauerholz. M.D. out by the United States, and destroyed. Middle East: Thier,.,. Laln'ee Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: The destabilization of Panarna which we exposed last week is Rachel Douglas. Konstantin George going ahead full force. The United States is fully backing IMF United States: Kathleen Klenetskv. Stephen Pepper dernands for irnplernenting labor austerity, ordering the governrnent INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: Bangkok: Pakdee and Sophie Tanapura there virtually at gunpoint to rip the country apart. Under this pres­ Bogota: Javier Almario Bonn: George Gregor.·. Rainer Apel sure, the governrnent has conceded, thus giving labor no choice but Chicago: Paul Greenberg to go out on strike (see page 47). Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen Houston: Harley Schlanger EIR is focused on stopping this latest giveaway to the Soviets. Lima: Sara Madueiio We rnade available, for use at Sen. Jesse Helrns'sMarch 10 hearings Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas Mexico City: Josefina Menendez on Panarna, explosive new docurnents on the past of the rnan Helrns Milan: Marco Fanini ' is pushing to "dernocratize" Panarna, Arnulfo Arias. Even the En­ New Delhi: Susan Maitra Paris: Christine Bierre cyclopedia Britannica calls Arias "pro-Fascist"; the record shows , Rio de Janeiro: Silvia Palacios hirnas a Hitler-saluting Nazi. (We'll print the docurnentsnext week.) Rome: Leonardo Servadio. Stefania Sacchi Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy A letter frorn EIR editor-in-chief Criton Zoakos to Helrns on the United Nations: Douglas DeGroot salient facts of the case, was run on March 7 in the Panarnanian Washington, D.C.: Nicholas F. Benton. Susan Kokinda. Stanlev Ezrol press. Wiesbaden: Philip Golub. Mary Lalevee The pace of the destabilization planned for Central Arnerica has EIRIExecutive Intelligence Review (ISSN 0273",(,314) is everything to do with irnpending econornic blowout (see page 4). published weekly (50 issues) except for the second week ofJuly and first week of Januan' b\' New Solidarit\' All of the Ibero-Arnerican nations but Peru and Mexico rnay have International Press Service 16/2 K St. N. W. Suite 300. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 955·5930 signed with the IMF, but the situation is still out of control frorn the Distributed by Caucus Distributors, Inc. international bankers' standpoint. Mexico is threatening to act uni­ European Headquat1ers: Executive Intelligence Review Nachrichtenagentur GmbH. Postfach 2308. Dotzheimerstrasse 166. D-6200 Wiesbaden. Federal Republic laterally to protect its sovereignty, and the labor rnovernentin various of Germany Tel: (06121) 44-90-31. Executive Directors: Anno nations is threatening sovereign action in the spirit of Peru's Alan Hellenbroich. Michael Liebig Garcia. III 0.11"""*: EIR, Haderslevgade 26. 1671 Copenhagen (01) 31-09-08 Perhaps the rnost explosive blowout, however, is set for the In Mexico: EIR. Francisco Dias Covarrubias 54 A·3 United States. The irnpact of the oil price collapse is being felt Colonia San Rafael. Mexico DF. Tel: 705-1295. JIlplJII subscription sal.s: OTO. Research Corporation. beyond Texas now, and for the firsttirne in sornetirne, sorneglirnrner Takeuchi Bldg .. 1-34-12 Takatanobaba. Shinjuku-Ku. Tokyo 160. Tel: (03) 208-7821 of econornic reality is being reflected in official figures. Copyright © 1986 New Solidanty International Pres� S�rvice All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part Without Texas Governor Mark White sees parallels to 1929. Look for his pennission strictly prohibited. Second-clas\ postage paid al, Washington D.C.. and at an additional mailing office\. 3 exclusive interview in the next issue. months-SI25, 6 months-S225. 1 year-S396, Single issue-$IO Academic library rate: $245 per year Postmaster: Send all address changes to EIR, 1612 K St. N.W., Suite 300, Washington. D.C. 20006 (202)955-5930 • TIillContents Departments Economics 55 Report from Rome 4 London and Zurich debate Andreotti exposed in Qaddafi trial. merits of financial crash 56 Report from Madrid 7 Brazil's new 'cruzado Gonzalez creates anti-NATO plan': how to do nothing wave. about debt 57 Report from Bonn 9 Curtain drops on the farce A debacle in Schleswig-Holstein.. of the Brazilian experiment in 'gasohol' 58 New Delhi India, South Korea expand ties. 13 'Privatization' to ravage German economy 59 Southeast Asia 14 Currency Rates World Bank says own plan failed. 15 Agriculture 72 Editorial Not the man for the job. Rule of Law murdered in Manila. 16 Labor in Focus Pilots, attendants warn on safety. Investigation 17 Africa Report Preparing for a debt conference. 36 AIFLD: It's not labor, nor is it for freedom 18 Business Briefs A dossier on the American Institute for Free Labor Development, friend of the drug­ pushers in Ibero-America. Science & Technology 40 AIFLO's origins: Subversion by Grace, 20 Disastrous cuts in 1987 Romualdi, Rockefeller budget for fusion power Charles B. Stevens reports on the conseq�ences of amputating America's most promising energy source of the future. Volume 13 Number n. March 14. 1986 Feature International National 42 NATO elite is told: We 62 Russian demands defense must keep economy strong cuts, U.S. lawmakers The Wehrkunde meeting of comply defense experts in Munich discussed sensitive issues in 64 LaRouche candidates Alliance relations. which are define issues in March 18 hardly ever mentioned in pUblic . minois primary 44 Investigating the Palme 66 Robert Penn Warren: killing: investigative Southern secessionist hypotheses A blood-and-soil anti-industrialist APlWide World By Lyndon H. LaRouche. becomes the first U.S. "poet Why is this man smiling? Since his summit meeting laureate." with President Reagan, shown here, Mikhail Gorba­ 47 Central America: chov has consolidated his power to build up the Soviet war machine. Contadora seeks war on 67 Eye on Washington narco-terrorism GOP presidential hopefuls gather. 26 Gorbachov mobilizes for 48 Aquino government in the 68 Congressional Closeup war-as West's economy Philippines faces the Int'l falls apart Monetary Fund test . 70 National News Heads are rolling in the Soviet bureaucracy. but there' s more to it Documentation: President than the Kremlinologists think. Marcos's letter to the Filipinos.. 29 'Russian Party' drops 50 Queen backs New Yalta in river diversion plan Pacific 30 The new Soviet scheme for 52 French Socialists plot world debt reform against Tunisia 31 Build up science, 53 Trilateral Commjssion technology being put to the test in French elections Speeches to the Party Congress by Prime Minister Ryzhkov and KGB chief Chebrikov. 60 International Intelligence 33 Trilaterals otter Soviets help in war economy mobilization �TIillEconomics London and Zurich ,debate merits of financial crash by David Goldman Just before the spot oil price sank below $12 per barrel, City activities are relatively fe w. There are many more· Standard Chartered Bank's chief economist, Jan Toporows­ in Britain who would stand to gain from a revival of ki. broughtto the surface the subterranean debate concerning trade , investment, and production which are currently the merits of a financial collapse, in a Feb.
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