Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org -a "sH as» I••>. i -!--< . oa1f0 OH XTimes o o Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 43 No. 21 SUBSCRIPTION I'RICT. $12.00 PKR YHAK Cur. Ri. PS. PRICK 30 CENTS May 26. 1988 Swift Musicians, Vocalists C In Spring Concert Tonight Town Meeting Vote The Swift Junior High School Music Department will present its an- nual Spring Concert today (Thursday) at 7:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. 250 Colonial St.. Oakvillc. The Concert Band, under the direction of Ruben M. Pctlinicchi, will Delayed Until June open v. ith the "'Star Spangled Banner." with Katie Maloncy as the stu- ileni narrator. The band then will perform George M. Cohan's "You're Waterbury Superior Court hearing The big debt is the town's share a Grand Old Flag." followed by the Largo selection from Dvorak's "New Council Awaiting is held May 31 on a temporary in- for construction and future use o\' World Symphony." junction that has ground the annual the city's water nitration plant. Next will be the U.S. Army song "Caissons Go Rolling Along." Injunction Ruling bud»cr process to a halt. Six resident.-, who also have sued "Shakedown." and "Yankee Doodle Dandy." featuring dancers Melissa "We decided to wait and see what the town and various boards and Chasse. Jessica Grabowski. ami Krista Kenncy. and percussionists Scott Due Next Tuesday happens." Town Manager Robert commissioners requested the in- Traver and Mare Verrier. Middaugh said. He anticipated the junction, which was not lifted by Suzanne Dominguc will be the featured flute soloist, and Angela Druan town meeting matter to be on the Judge Healey prior to a town v\ ill be the piano accompanist. The band section of the program will The Town Council will wait un- Council's agenda for its June 6 meeting May 16. The debate is over end with John Philip Sousa's "Stars anil Stripes Forever." with a color til early next month before setting meeting. whether general fund tax revenues guard spotlighting the Swift cheerleaders. a date for a vote on the town's ad- The town was prohibited from should be used to help pay for the (Continued on page Ifi) ministrative and Board of Educa- budgeting $200,000 to help begin filtration plant, which directly will tion budgets. •> paying the community's estimated not benefit many residents of the At a special meeting Monday $3 million water debt to Waterbury Watertown Fire District, which pro- night in the Police Hcadquaaraters, by Superior Court Judge James T. vides its own water supply. the Council decided to hold off pin- Healy. who issued a temporary in- WFD officials contend their ning down a date until after a junction May 9. users in effect will be taxed twice for water usage. The filtration plant, they said, should be Memorial Day Parade Uses designated as a special benefit and paid for by those only directly ;tf- Watertown Route Monday /Cominucd on putic J6i The town's annual Memorial Day the Kvangelisi Roman Catholic Parade will take place Monday. Church, will give the benediction. Office Closings May 30. starting at 10 a.m. at the There will be a short concert The town municipal offices. Watertown Pla/a. Main Street. For- after the ceremonies by the Water- School Department, schools. Falls mation ol" the units will beain ai town Hiiih School band, conducted Avenue senior center in Oakvillc. 9:45 a.m. by Jack Zito. band director. and the post offices v, ill be closed Phillip "Midge" Baitick Jr.. The finalized divisional lineups Monday. May 30. lor the Memorial parade and publicity chairman from and directors have been announced Day holiday. the sponsoring Watertown-Oakville as follows: The lawn Times office also will Veterans Council, said this year the • First Division, Russell Wyiner— he closed Saturday through parade will progress north on Main Police car. Watertown High bund. Monday. Street lor I.I miles and end at the parade marshals and staff. Town The state Department of Motor A FORMAL DKDICATION of the new playground area and equip- war monument and Bicentennial Council members, units from the Vehicles has announced all its of- ment :i\ Jtidson School look place amidst balloons and speeches Mon- (ia/cboon the small green off Town Connecticut National Guard. Aux- fices will shut down tomorrow (Fri- ifcn afternoon at the school. Members of the Walertown Lions Club and Hall Hill and Route 6. iliary Police units. World War 1 day) at 12:30 p.m. tor the weekend. the school's PTO assisted in constructing the equipment tor the youngsters and reopen Tuesday. May 31. ai State Rep. Sean C. Buiierly veterans, the Watertown American in enjoy (Valuckas Photo) 8:30 a.m. to maintain regular hours (D-f)8th District) of Watertown will Legion, and Gold Star mothers. the rest of next week. be the main speaker. The Rev. Dr. Second Division. Arthur Council Approves Funding William J. Zito. senior minister at Atwood—Swtfl Junior His>h School The auto emissions stations will First Congregational Church, will band. Oakvillc VFW Post 7330. he open Friday from 8 a.m.* to ask the invocation, while the Rev. Oakvillc VFW Ladies Auxiliary. 12:30 p.m.. but will be closed For Town Hall Site Fees Eugene Ciarlo. pastor at St. John Saturday through Monday. All sta- (Continued W page- Despite objections from the of Sapack. Ames and Whitakcr to tions will reopen Tuesday ai 8a.nl. Democrat minority, the Town perform the design work. The firm " • " • •..- i -.,•.-• , ,..' v ;• •-:--: Council in a 5-3 split vote went beat out two other architectural ahead and appropriated $20,000 to businesses for the job. Dancer Member Of Circus pay for arehiteciural tees associated Town Manager Robert Middaugh with a study to find a site for a new said in a memo to the Council the Town Hall. firm's work primarily will be Life And Unique Mystique The town, on the recommenda- assisting the town in site analysis By Tommy Valuckas daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fran- tion of the Public Buildings Com- and selection, developing a space The circus is coming to town. cis Hayes. Shannon Avenue. "It was mittee, already has selected the firm needs analysis, and doing What child—or even someone in the morning, and I had to get up preliminary building design and young at heart—could resist the fan- early!" cost estimates for a likely tasy of leaving everything behind Miss Hayes was attending the referendum. after hearing about and then seeing Clark Center in New York on a Inside Most of the work should be com- the glitter, glamour, and entertain- dance scholarship when a notice c plied by July I. he noted. However, ment of the "Greatest Show on was posted the circus was seeking the $20,000 appropriation, to come Automotive .page 22 Earth?" Make people laugh, fly dancers. Twenty-five women at- from the general Rind balance, does through the air with the greatest of Bethlehem News... .14 & //i tended that May. 1986 audition. not cover property appraisal costs, case, or get to be chummy with the Kathy recalled, to perform a com- Births IJ or soil testing or boring services. Hook Review IX lions and tigers. bination of jazz and ballet routines. Democrat Councilman Eric Book\ . IV Then there's Watcrtown's Kathy "One of the choreographers had Palladino. who later voted against Hayes, a bonafide member of the steps from the (circus) show" there, Calendars ..7 & '•) the study with party colleagues Ringling Brothers. Barnum & she continued. "They thought 1 was Churches ..H & 9 Charles Fisher Jr. and Denise Russ. Classifieds .30 & 31 Bailey show who isn't quite sure a little on the short side, though." objected to there being no cost what it all means yet. Kaihy brought to the audition ex- Dining Out .IX * N breakouts included in a services John Rowland 20 "I was happy, but 1 never wanted tensive training in dance, however. report from Sapack. Ames and to run away and join the circus." she The 1981 Miss Watertown and a l.cgal Notices 31 Whitakcr. He also asked if space in- Music Notes IX confessed during a recent interview Watertown High School graduate. formation already wasn't available while on hiatus from touring. Put she took dance lessons at the Water- Nanty Johnson... 1(1 to the town from a previous study. Obituaries . -! 1 the blame—or credit—tor Kathy"s town School of Dance, and receiv- Mr. Middaugh said a previous Personals :<2 unexpected career on a bulletin ed her bachelor's degree in fine arts J1 study undertaken by Kacstlc Boos board notice at a New York City in dance from Rutgers University in Realty News was not a "precise" analysis, but Sen-icemen dance school asking for girls to 1985. n only established a "ballpark audition for the circus. Attending the Clark Center on a Showcase Of Homes 29 framework" of space needs tor the Sports .24 to 26 "I really didn't feel like going" town administration. Dancer Kathv Hayes to the audition, said the 24-year-old (Continued on page 211 (Continued on page 23) Page 2 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) May 26, 1988 Property of the WatertownLynam. "Children iearn to be mor Historicale and Mrs. Robert McGough o fSocietyon display at the open house, as Twice a year the school district Region 14 Names selects two teachers to receive its accepting of themselves and their Watertown. well as many new fire trucks, highest recognition.
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