I \ InternationallDecember, 1982 edition HEWLETT PACKARD [Bls~edit ion @ Management Topics HP 3000 Series The ISP Process ..........................3 HP 2608s and Multipoint - What Kind of Performance Can Be Expected? ........................12 X.2513000 and IMAGE Dependencies ............12 HP 70 Series HP 3000 Series I1 and Two-Bay Series 111 Portable Computing Power: Anytime. Anywhere. ... 4 Discontinuance .........................12 HP 80 Series HP 9000 Series Announcing ...Speech Output on Series 80 New Family of HP Computers Puts 32-Bit Computing Personal Computers ...................... 5 Power Right Where You Want It .............. 13 Announcing Data Link for HP Series 80 .......... 5 HP 9000 Users Can Choose BASIC or UNIX Operating Systems ..............................15 Analogic Offers Array Processor for HP 9845 ....... 15 HP 100 Series New CP/M Compatible Software Catalog Available from Digital Research .............. 6 Terminals Two Choices Now Available for 3270 HP System Software and the HP 2700 ............I h Emulation on HP 125 ..................... 6 DTD ISSCO, Precision Visuals & SAS Graphics Software Support HP 2700's Advanced Features ...16 HP HP 2703 Increases QA Productivity ............. 17 250 Series 47F Upgrade Offers What You Need ............. 17 Suggestion Box: What Time Is It? .............. 8 Don't Forget That Cable! .................... 17 HP 1000 Series Peripherals HP Introduces Fastest Available Real-Time Computer.. .......................... 9 Choosing a Line Printer and Tape Drive for the New HP9000 ..........................18 First HP FactorylPlant Automation Packages on the Market ..........................10 The HP Family of Personal Mass Storage Systems .... 18 A-Series Measurement and Control I10 Cards Feature a 20% Discount Value Package ......... 11 On the Cover: Hewlett-Packard announces the HP 9000, a powerful, low-cost family of 32-bit computers designed especially for scientists and engineering professionals. For more information, see articles on pages 13 and 14. Computer News OEM Ed~t~on 2 December, 1982 Management Topics The ISP Process Every time a system is sold to an end-user to be in- Communlcat~onBr~ngs Success stalled and suvvorted11 bv an office other than the one making the sale, it is essential t~oestablish a dialogue Supporflng between the two offices. The In~stallationSupport ISP Process Planning (ISP) process has been designed to aid this by the simple and rapid communication of Selllng oH~ceprepares tentative SlSP and information. presents 11 to customer Customer The ISP process consists of several steps tracked from Customer Purchas~ng + the initial inquiry through the iinstallation by the OHlce After customer OK, sell~ngoH~ce prepares Pre-ISP System Implementation and Supp~lrtPlan (SISP) and the and sends 11to supporllng oH~ce Preliminary ISP (Pre-ISP). 1. HP's new SlSP is ideally suited for preparing and Supporflng oH~cerevlews retirements and reporls on presenting a tentative support plan to your cus- any dlHlcultles In supply~ngthe speclfled supporl to the selt~ng tomer. This plan contains information on the pro- oH~ceand to HP vla Comgram posed configuration, hardware and software sup- port, key HP and customer contacts and a Supporling oHlce able to provlde suggested implementation plan. the requested level of supporl Once you have reached a tentative agreement with NO HP works wlth sell~ngand supporllng YES your customer, the comgram-based Pre-ISP may '- oH~ceto resolve supporl Issues be used to rapidly communicate the proposed plan to the supporting office. Always send a Pre-ISP for Sell~ngoH~ce prepares f~nalPre-ISP installations outside of your territory. Even if you and malls 11to the Supporllng oH~ce know that standard support services can be pro- Selllng offlce makes flnal mod~f~cat~ons vided, this will inform the supporting office of the to SlSP and presents to customer potential shipment and the subsequent demands on their resources. Customer places an order. 3. The Pre-ISP provides the supporting office with an opportunity to review the plan and confirm its abil- + Selling oHlce sends copy of SlSP to the supporllng oH~cefor lncluslon In the~r ity to perform the requested support. Should dis- lmptementatlon Plan Revlew Meetlng crepancies exist, the Pre-ISP comgram may be used to negotiate the differences. 'This is an iterative pro- cess which continues until all HP parties agree on the proper approach. 4. Once agreement on a final plan is reached, the sell- ing office should revise thh~l~~to reflect the agreed-upon plan and present it to the customer. Upon receipt of the order, a clopy of the SlSP should be forwarded immediately to the supporting office. The supporting office can then present the SISP at their implementation planning meeting, finalizing work assignments and the PI-oposedimplementa- tion timetable. Hewlett-Packard was represented ot the Cotndex '82 shozil in Alnsterdam. Computer NewsOEM Ed~t~on December. 1982 3 HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. HP 70 Series Portable Computing and programs can be read from or Software Provides stored quickly on the computer's Quick Answers Power: Anytime. magnetic cards. Also built into the Software currently available for the Anywhere. HP-75C is the HP-IL interface, in- HP-75C Portable Computer in- tended primarily for battery-pow- cludes 11 solutions books, com- The HP-75C Portable Computer is ered devices, which enables the plete with magnetic card media a lightweight (26 oz.) battery-pow- user to connect up to 30 peripherals and program listings, covering ered computer that fits easily into to the computer. Current HP-IL such topics as Finance, Statistics, a briefcase. Designed for profes- peripherals include battery-pow- Real Estate, Math and Electronics. sionals on the move, the HP-75C's ered cassette drives, thermal print- The highly successful Users' Li- trim-line dimensions (10" x 5" x erlplotters and modems. Desktop, brary will also be expanded to in- 1.25") make it the ideal traveling AC-powered peripherals include clude programs submitted for the companion. But the capability of three full-page printers, multimet- HP-75C. Several ROM-based pacs the HP-75C isn't compromised by ers, video monitors and more. will be available in 1983 providing its small size. Packed into it are the There are several HP-IL converter quick and easy solutions in the fol- tools professionals need to collect, interfaces available for the HP-75C lowing disciplines: real estate, fi- process and transmit information as well: video, GPIO, RS-232, HP- nance, data analysis, surveying, and to perform computation IB, and an interface that allows and electrical engineering. whenever and wherever they go. communication between the HP- The HP-75C will offer unique OEM The Decision-Maker 75C and Series 80 personal on the Move opportunities through its small size computers. and portability. The HP-75C can easily become The Tailor-Made your customers' most valued tool. The Essentials Are Built-In Portable Computer When purchased for a specific ap- A 48Kb ROM operating system is One real strength of this portable plication, users soon discover that built-in for maximum convenience. computer is its ability to be cus- this portable computer has a This includes powerful HP BASIC tomized with software. When thousand uses. As they turn over with 147 instructions and 41 OEMs develop their own software, more and more of their problems numeric functions for maximum they have three software mediums to an HP-75C portable computing user efficiency. In addition, 16Kb to choose from: magnetic cards, system, they can take advantage of of user memory are built into the cassettes and ROM. If the user re- its information processing computer, and an optional 8Kb defines the keyboard for a custom capabilities by making faster, more memory module will boost user application, keyboard overlays will informed decisions. RAM up to 24Kb. The HP-75C also identify new key assignments for has three module ports that enable easy reference. HP-75C Portable Computer users to plug in up to 48Kb of ap- The powerful built-in BASIC lan- HP 82161A Cassette Drive plications software ROM without HP 82162A Thermal Printer utilizing user memory. guage, module ports, card reader, and redefinable keyboard all con- HP 82163A Video Interface Other friendly features include a tribute to easy customization for HP 82168A Modem - multiple file structure which pro- specific user applications. Custom Available Spring 1983. vides users with instant access to software developers can choose to Series 70 Solutions Books their most commonly used pro- develop their software using either HP 82905B Opt. 248 Printer grams. The computer's touch-type BASIC or assembly languages. The HP 82912A 9" Monitor keyboard is typewriter-like for fast Plug-In Module Simulator (PMS) HP 82913A 12" Monitor data entry. A "hidden" numeric provides ROM-based software de- HP 82938A HP-ILISeries 80 Interface keypad can be activated for fast and velopers with the ability to develop ED easy entry of numeric data. Virtu- and field test software prior to ally every key on the HP-75C's manufacture of the ROM. The keyboard can be redefined (more Cross Development System (CDS), than 190 combinations) for one- an assembly language pro- button execution of programs, fre- gramming system, is currently quently used commands or recall under development. CDS will pro- of commonly used phrases. vide a host environment for writ- The HP-75C boasts a built-in card ing, testing and debugging assem- reader for convenient and inex- bly language programs. pensive mass storage. Information Computer News OEM Ed~t~on I 4 December, 1982 HP 80 Series Announcing. Easy Implementation of Speech Announcing in Your Applications. Also in- Speech Output on cluded with the Speech Synthe- Data Link for Series 80 sis Module are the necessary bi- HP Series 80 nary drivers that add several Personal Computers new "keywords" to your Series On December 1,1982, HP an- nounced its new HP 82966A Data HP Series 80 Computers can novv 80 com~uter- the "SPEAK" Link Interface for Series 80 Per- "speak your language" - literally! command, for example.
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