

AUGUST l?sl REPOSITORY COLLECTION BOX No. p 19 Departaent Hanagers I FOLDER Se?te&er 2&, 1951 for the At&c Anergy Commission . THIS DOCUMENT IS PUZLiCi'f AVAiLA3LE ,--------- - 7 dcute To I Read By li Boiite To 'Scad 3y ikte 1 1 -- --- 1 Date 2-- , ---- ------------_I-- - ~ - I I D. F. Shaw --.-- I THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN SCANNED I I j! IS STORED ON THE OPTICAL DISK DRIVE I I .I I I 1 ,I L I VSPRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED CGZ '7 1 Pollow Co73- Knolls .'.tonic Pmrar kboratov Attention: C. G, Suits .- 3 LTOES -;toric Power ----A. (?Z-J Attention: 'h'. H. I,.-.-- _. , Jr. G. R. bout C. l;. Gross A. 3. SrerLver 7 J, a. 1% k\on 8 - 13 Hanford Oprations Office itter,tion: D. F. zhaw, Manager Huu'ord Oprations Office dtteritioc: Ti. ;J. dLch=rdson, Iiistorizn 12 - 13 7.30 ?ile GeneralSummarg .............................. & st.f .................................. 6 Forae%port .............................. 7 Personnel Distribution ......................... 9 !!anufacturing DeTartnent ........................ 19 Flat Statistics .......................... 21 i'letal Frepsration Section ..................... 2k Reactor Section ........................... 29 Seyrations Sec$ion ......................... 37 FJrboineering Department TechnicalSection ......................... &5 PlleTechnologyUnit ..................... 49 Separations Tec.hnology Unit .................. 75 And.yticdlUnit ....................... 91r Techical Semices Unit .................... 107 Design and Construction Section .................. 123 HedicalDepartment ........................... 139 Radiological Sciences Deyartment. .... .. ..... 15b Financial, Depertment .......................... 183 General &counting Section .....................185 Wmufacturing kcotulting Section ..................205 Eiizineering 4LccouT-tingSection ................... 238 Ccnmnrnity Accounting Section .................... 210 Utilities and General iervices Dqcpaent Plat jecxrity adservices Section. ............ 21-4 ~urchasirw;and itores Section b ... , ......... ... 2b7 Transportation Section ............... ... .. 268 Electrical Distribution md Telephone Section .....e .... 272 EmDlcgee and Public ?elations %pzrtment ......... 277 Comity Eied Estate and Services Ee~-drtx:~.............. 3:1 SontrcctSection .......................... 332 Comnunitg Services Section ..................... 335 Public LJorks Unit .......................306 Prarks and kcreation Unit ................... RichlzndFolice ......................... Richls.dZre ......................... 325 Public Zfety ..........................328 ErqineeringUnit ....................... 329 9eLLEstateSection ........................ 333 Housing cad 3ezl %t;?te Wnteriar::e Unit ........... 33& RciL EsGate LnzLneerixg Unit ................. Cormercid *.a Other Property hit .............. 700. 1103. 3003 .,-ea Services Section ............... 350 Projzct wLd Related Personnel ... Hfu . 355 19;: iI-1 iL1 il , LI BprJFm WORKS MONTHI;P REPORT CENERAL SUMMARY Prodcct ion Operat ions Failures of slugs were reduced slightly to: uraniun - 9 and P-10 target - 3. The resulting loss of production time was reduced from 4.52 to 294 hours. Ooerstions in the various plants attained the ?oUowh~parzexages of fors- czsts : ca?ning 945; pile discharge 102.7%; separations 19:. 37;; concentrstion 1015; isolation loo$. Certain transportaticn and utilities functions were transferred from zhe Maaufacturing Department. Within Manufacturing sections xere esta3lished reaponsi51e, resTectively, for Netal Preparation, Reactor an6 &?antions @eratiom. Within the latter two, Sadiation Monitoring is now a fwc%ior, of these sections. Control of radfosc2ive icdine emission from the separations plants was improved significantly. In a controlled ca-bon-dioxide atnos+ere, bulvollt of graphita samples in th2 F pile was greatly decrecssed by a small addition of csrbon monoxide. Since 5 02 11 recem slug failures oxurred in the end caps, a stEdg Is 1.1 prog~dssucilizing lot.ger (3") sl~swith thicker end caps, a6 well as heavier walls. Addition of mercuric nitrate to tke mica nitrste solution on a production tsst basis has effJctivaly reduced the evoktior, of radio-iodine subsequent to the dissolving opera-'"&on. A rapid, convenient spectrogr%?hic method for determination of silicon iL aluminum-silicon dip-baths (for uranium slugs) was developed, and found to be precise and accurate enough for routine applichtion. Design of Redox f's-aalfiical line" equipment is rirtually cnrzplete; design is undezway on multi-curie cell equipment for solvent process research. Eqansion and Corstruction The Redox Production Tlant (82-S)wr,s fonnally trensferred to the Manufactur- ing Department August 16. The 241-4 t~nlifarm was essentially completed. Design of "C" reactor VLS 775 coqlcte; &si- cf l'sste Metal Recovery Facilities is essentially corplete, and ccnstr-xtion on schedule at 45% c omplet i on. Personnel and Services The plant turnover r!te dropped from 2.485 in .July to 2.054 in August. Total emloyment rose from 8,805 to 8,909. Total housing applications increased from 659 to 714. Hanford Guards' Union ratified its contmct with the Couipmy. A proposed contract was presented to the Firemen's Union. The electrical linemen returned to work August 14. 'Rx supply of ironworkers and 3liibers has been increcsed. One ujor (no sub-major) Injury occurred during August. Medicd De?artmeat costs dropped 17$ from June to July, th2 July costs being 165 under budget. Economies accounted for loqb, delayed billing for 65. A new high electricel demand for process work resched 70,650 EIW. The area bus system carried 150,858 pcssengers, a new record. A new agreement with Rorthern Pacific Xsilwzy provides free pickup and deliver3 of L.C.L. freight to 2nd from Richland. --Financ ial Fi-cial reaoA-ts for Guljr operctions of the Nuclaonics Division reflect changes in cost accounting which beczae effecttv? Julg 1. - 5 1 2 i ', , ._ .J Gcnerd i'hage . , . , . , , . , . .. , , . G, 9. Prout ?mager, Schenectady Offlce , . , , . a. 2. Prsnticc Assistant General Nanager , . , . , . GI. 5. Johnson Assistant to the Genom1 kagcr, Gencrd Adninistr&ion . 3, G. Lzil Assistant to the Genera .Manager, Technical. , . Id. I. htnode hsistcmt to the herd. Hanag=, Salary AdministrF-tion , . J. R. Rue Mtvlllger, Employee and Public Relations . , . , . H. %.CULz.. DFrector, Radiological Sciences , . , . , . II. M. Parker Director, Medical . , . , . - . ti. D. Korwood lhagcr, Engineering . , . , . , . , A. B. Grenirger Nanagcr, Mcvlufncturing . , , . , . , . C. 3. Gross byqer, Ctilitios ad Generd Scnriccs . -P. E. Bdccr hager, Community Red Estcto and Services . , , , . , L, F, Puck --FOXE REPORT- CI3EFLlL 24 159 -L .Gi 2 11 EW1. D7QT DrsiFn & Conet. Section Const. 12 40 Dc sign *? 5?6 Yo. Richlznd E;c&lty 17 128 ?roJect Ewr. --MJ 25 43 Pro_;ect Engr. --MD 50 139 Techiccll Section .-,dmini strnt ive 7 9 PFle Tech. 14 9 255 Separations Tech. 117 162 Techniccl Servicee 76 174 linclgtical 150 37e K~,.IVXl'-CTC,IIGDEFT. Genera 1 35 29 Industrial En:%r. 10 17 Production Diva. "P " 0 275 "S" 0 759 PLSnt Utilitiee & hint. Power 3 569 Ma Intennnc e 0 ,174 Electrico 1 0 314 Instmerit 0 3 15 Trnnsportation 0 599 New Sections Reector Section 171 0 Metcl Prep. SectioE 55 0 SeFzrations Section 216 c, m1c:LL mnms 42 281 RIDIOLOGICAL-- SCIENCES DEPT. Cencrcl 5 9 0;crat Ional 58 2?6 Dev e lo?ment 4e 134 Biology 32 80 F IRIJTCILL DIQp1-m D. & C. i,cctc. 10 98 Mfg. fccte. 9 79 Gcn. Acct,. -Acctg. (1nc.Med. 22 120 Gen. r.cct;;. -Payroll li: ll1 Corn. 'cctg." 6 0 EMPLOYEE & PUBLIC REL;.TICIIOS 38 37 120 +Totals for 7-31-51 shown with Corn. Reo1 Estate & Scrv. Co-t. ?age i' 2 ,-. i -- p, I2 i <, 1 c c Page # 2 UTILITIES & GmLmms Elcct Dist. & Tslephone Sectfon 0 30 0 150 0 180 Trcnsportatfon Scction 0 46 0 44 8 0 4 94 ---Plant Sec. & Sem. Section Petrol & Security 5e 57 Sc-fcty & Fire 41 42 Office Services 27 2e Parsheair!!- & - Stores - Section-- ?xrchcs In: 68 67 Etorcs 20 19 COW. RE?L ESTlil2 & SEEV. DEPT. 207 192 4 61 4 34 666 626 TUTAL 2034 . ._. 8 111I 1 i Ill I ' I 'I' IllI I 1 I!I I I' I I I1 I I I Ill I 9 . - I <- _I_ II II I cU d I I, I I /1_ w0 al 111 'I I I I I 111 I II $ i I i I I1 I I I It I 1 III I ik ICJ i I I cum I I Y I I rl #+ I Ill I I I I 111 I Page # 4 4.3 I c. PI?: fLj I I 1.1 I i I I Ill i i-c. h: 1 I 1.1 8- I I I Ill! 1 I 1 I I1111 i I i III I 1 I Ill i i Y Y I I 1 1111.1 ! C‘.El 1 I I Ill i c, P&& i!8 k .. IIIIlllllll .I.Fca ut I 1 I I I/ I I I I I I I I I I Il]' 05 "1kl I I I I I I I I su74F!ARY Lffective August 1, 1951 the Ilanufacturing Deyrtxent was orgariized, contiiuirg the activities of the previous Mamfacturin~Divisions, exce7t for ccrtai? transportation and utilities r"unctlons. The area activities were established as the responsibility or' a Section %mater for: the Metal Preparation .Section, the Reactor Section, and the Separations Section. Each sectim was subdivided into agpropriate units en5raci.q the orzanizatioml components of Werations; Plat 3.ginPer!,?g, zxi Prozess. Arrar,gments were conik21eted for the irxlus'ion of iladiaticn H3ii'itcrinZ Unics *witfin the Reactor and Seyrations. Sections, with similar work being done as a staff function in the ?Ictal Ireparatior! Section. A Xanufacturkg T-lanager' s Staff was created. Concurrently, %!!e orzanization nonenclature was revised in com?liance uith insxuctions from "the Office cf the President regarriin~applicaticn of organiza- cion nonenclature to the Ceneral Electric Conpny, The ?letal Preparation Section prodtlctlon 03 classzied slup was 94 per cent cf fcrecasb due to lass t:an eqecteci yield during training OZ new 7ersomel. The significant yields were: c?,zi.ng, 71.5 ?-?rcent; mschining, 76.7 2er cent; melt plant, 9C.2 per cent; ar~dsclid metal, 93.3 ner cent. h-oductisn of the Reactor Section was aclversellr a;'fi-.ctied by .dr~cfailure 3f nine uranixn and three P-10 target slugs, nakin~a totaL of L2 urmi'~??and 12 P-10 tarFer, slugs to mcnths end. Des?ite the 2FL-h hczs ~~'Vayzfar correction of slug faihres, input iroductlon x.7~lO6,L pzr ceiit 2: fcrec.zsI; =id ;aterial discharged was 102.7 aer cent.

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