ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA ISSN 2410-0226 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg ▪ https://www.zin.ru/journals/zsr/ [ onl ine] 0320-9180 Vol. 28(1): 51–87 ▪ Published online 30 April 2019 ▪ DOI 10.31610/zsr/2019.28.1.51 [ print] RESEARCH ARTICLE The cricket subfamily Phalangopsinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in Peru Сверчки подсемейства Phalangopsinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) в Перу A.V. Gorochov А.В. Горохов Andrey V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. At present, 58 species and subspecies of the cricket subfamily Phalangopsinae are registered in Peru, and 25 of them are found in the territory covered by the Peruvian project on invertebrate fauna of the Ene and Tambo River Basins. From this country, ten taxa are here described as new to science: Aclo- gryllus ashaninka sp. nov.; Rumea minispeculum sp. nov.; R. pacaya sp. nov.; Izerskya minutissima gen. et sp. nov.; Kevanacla orientalis zigzag subsp. nov.; Adelosgryllina subtrib. nov.; Adelosgryllus parasimi- lis sp. nov.; Luzara venado major subsp. nov.; Uvaroviella (Holacla) izerskyi multa subsp. nov. Previously unknown male is described for Modestozara satipo Gor. and for U. (Euacla) grandis (Des.-Grand.). New data on distribution and systematical position of some taxa as well as a brief discussion about Phalango- psinae classification are also given. Резюме. К настоящему времени в Перу зарегистрированы 58 видов и подвидов сверчков подсе- мейства Podoscirtinae, и 25 из них обнаружены на территории, покрываемой перунским проек- том по изучению фауны беспозвоночных бассейнов рек Ене и Тамбо. Десять таксонов из этой страны описаны здесь как новые для науки: Aclogryllus ashaninka sp. nov.; Rumea minispeculum sp. nov.; R. pacaya sp. nov.; Izerskya minutissima gen. et sp. nov.; Kevanacla orientalis zigzag subsp. nov.; Adelosgryllina subtrib. nov.; Adelosgryllus parasimilis sp. nov.; Luzara venado major subsp. nov.; Uvaroviella (Holacla) izerskyi multa subsp. nov. Ранее неизвестный самец описан для Modestozara satipo Gor. и для U. (Euacla) grandis (Des.-Grand.). Даны также новые сведения по распростране- нию и систематическому положению некоторых таксонов и краткая дискуссия о классифика- ции Phalangopsinae. Key words: crickets, faunistics, taxonomy, Peru, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Phalangopsinae, new taxa Ключевые слова: сверчки, фаунистика, таксономия, Перу, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Phalangopsinae, новые таксоны ZooBank Article LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:53FF9D32-91C6-4617-877F-E961D778F4A1 Introduction and is based on a series of my previous articles (Gorochov, 2007, 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2014) as This paper is the second publication containing well as other literary sources and new material preliminary synthesis of data on the faunistics and collected in 2017–2019. The latter paper is also taxonomy of the cricket family Gryllidae in Peru. the next step in a large project on the invertebrate The first publication was devoted to the subfamily fauna of the Ene and Tambo river basins under the Podoscirtinae (Gorochov, 2018c), but the second general supervision of the well-known Peruvian one is devoted to the subfamily Phalangopsinae and Ukrainian entomologist Volodymyr Izerskyy. © 2019 Zoological Institute RAS and the Author(s) A.V. Gorochov. Phalangopsinae in Peru This project is founded by the National System of In 2016, the paper about “multilocus phylo- Natural State Protected Areas (Servicio Nacional genetic analysis” of Grylloidea was published de Áreas Naturales Protegidas) of Peru (Proyecto (Chintauan-Marquier et al., 2016). It contains de Conservacion de la Biodiversidad de la Selva phylogenetic cladograms of crickets belonging to Amazonica: Identificacion taxonomica de la fauna numerous genera and higher taxa of this super- invertebrada en la cuenca del Rio Ene y Rio Tam- family from different regions of the Earth. Among bo). Peruvian territory in the framework of this these cladograms, the “phylogeny of crickets based project is mainly covered by primary and second- on 205 terminals and seven DNA markers…” ary tropical forests, but there are also numerous (Chintauan-Marquier et al., 2016: figs 2–6 ) looks anthropogenic and mountain landscapes. All spe- most interesting. cies registered from this territory are marked with Firstly, it is useful to note that the Schizodac- asterisks in the text. tylinae (Stenopelmatoidea), selected as one of The American fauna of Phalangopsinae in- out-groups, is represented in this cladogram by cludes representatives of two tribes: Paragryllini two indoubtedly related genera which fall into and Phalangopsini divided into several subtribes different families and even infraorders: Comicus, (Gorochov, 2014). The both tribes are not endem- into Rhaphidophoridae (Tettigoniidea: Stenopel- ic for America, but majority of these subtribes are matoidea); Schizodactylus, into Myrmecophilidae endemic for Neotropics (maybe except for Nemo- (Gryllidea: Grylloidea). These phylogenetic posi- zarina). All these tribes as well as some of these tions are in strong contradiction with all the mor- subtribes are recorded from Peru and include nu- phological characters of Schizodactylinae, and merous species living in tropical forests: on bark are clearly erroneous. Therefore, positions of some of trees, on leaves of bushes, among dry leaves on other taxa distinctly contradicting their morpho- forest floor or stones near brooks. They have ovi- logical characters also may be erroneously deter- position in soil, but some of them probably lay eggs mined in this cladogram. in tree bark. The new material used in this paper In this connection, it seems most interesting is deposited at the Zoological Institute, Russian (and useful) to look for cases of similarity between Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg (ZIN). All morphological data and molecular cladograms. For the specimens are dry and pinned; photographs of Phalangopsinae, such cases are numerous (Fig. 1): their morphological structures were made with a the subtribes of Phalangopsinae after Gorochov Leica M216 stereomicroscope. The internet-cat- are almost completely according to the holophy- alogue Orthoptera Species File (Cigliano et al., letic groups by Chintauan-Marquier et al. (2016: 2019) is here cited as OSF. fig. 4). Differentiation of Phalangopsinae into the tribes Phalangopsini and Paragryllini are also Brief discussion on classification more or less supported in the latter cladogram, of Phalangopsinae but the positions of some subfamilies are different in the schemes of all these authors and, thus, need Until 2016, some preliminary proposals for im- additional study. proving the supergeneric classification of Phalan- However, the subtribal rank of Luzarina first- gopsinae Subfamily Group were published (Goro- ly grounded by Gorochov (2014) is supported by chov, 2014, 2015). They contained division of this the both investigations (contrary to the authors group into four subfamilies (Pteroplistinae, Pha- of OSF who consider this subtribe as a separate loriinae, Cacoplistinae and Phalangopsinae) as subfamily different from Phalangopsinae); oth- well as subdivision of these subfamilies (except for erwise and based on the both investigations, we Pteroplistinae) into nine tribes and 13 subtribes; must consider Phalangopsina, Nemozarina, Am- however, subtribal position of several little known phiacustina and some other related subtribes as genera was left in uncertainty. At present, some of subfamilies also. So, I recommend the authors of these genera are included in two subtribes: Indo- OSF to include their “subfamily Luzarinae” in zaclina Gorochov, 2018 and Adelosgryllina sub- the tribe Phalangopsini, and save this “subfamily trib. nov. name” only as subtribal one (Luzarina); also it is 52 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 51–87 A.V. Gorochov. Phalangopsinae in Peru Fig. 1. Comparison of cladogram after Chintauan-Marquier et al. (2016) [modified] and supergeneric classifica- tion after Gorochov (2014, 2015) for Phalangopsinae subfamily group (excepting Pteroplistinae). Most doubtful positions of some branches in cladogram are indicated by question marks; taxa marked with asterisks were de- scribed (Indozaclina) or replenished (Subtiloriini) in later papers by Gorochov (2018a, 2018b), but taxa marked with crosses tentatively contain here some unclear representatives (Phaloriinae sp, Megacris, Protathra, Caltath- ra, Socotracris). ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 51–87 53 A.V. Gorochov. Phalangopsinae in Peru necessary to include in OSF the species Paragryl- with large brown central area on disc and dark lus minutus Gorochov, 2009 described from Brazil brown posterior area behind previous one; teg- and missed in this useful catalogue. mina with semitransparent some sound-produc- ing membranes as well as light brown to yellow- Annotated list of species ish veins in lateral field and some veins in dorsal Tribe Paragryllini Desutter, 1988 field (Fig. 3); visible parts of hind wings almost dark brown; legs light greyish brown with dark- Subtribe Paragryllina Desutter, 1988 ened two (subdistal and subapical) areas on fore Genus Aclogryllus Gorochov, 2009 and middle femora, distal halves of fore tibia and fore and middle tarsi, most part of middle tibia Type species Paragryllus crybelos Nischk et (but with two lightish spots: in subbasal and mid- Otte, 2000 (Ecuador). dle parts), three transverse bands on hind femur, Note. This taxon was originally described
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