THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SIXTY-FOURTH YEAR—No. 28 Entered aa Second Class Matter Published Post Olflce, \aLeatfleH. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1954 Every Thursda 36 P«ge»—5 Cento School Board To Sell Memorial Day Council Candidates' Famous Preachers9 New York Pastor Statements on Page 29 Proposed New Site Committee Lists Statement* by various Service Moved to Shackamaxon Property candidates for nomination Parade Plans to the Town Council in the Larger Quarters Her Recital Sunday primary election, appear Of Firehouse Hit Land to Go To together on page 29 of thii Approve Change In Uiue under the heading McCracken to Speak Highest Bidder Route of March; "Statement* of the Candi- This Evening At Vail Named to Head Residents of May 31 Date Set dates". Presbyterian Church Joint Civic Croup Sale Is April 6 The first meeting of the Memor- Dr. Robert J. McCraeken, pastor Howard B. Vail, representative Tice Place Object At Jr. High School ial Day committee was held Sun- ;er in First of Riverside Church, New York, of the Independent Club, has been day afternoon at the American Le- will preach at the famous preach- named chairman of the Joint Civic At a special meeting Thursday gion Post Home. Albert A. Gray ers' Lenten service to be held this Committee to succeed Mrs. Grover Present Petition the Beard of Education approved was named general chairman. Place on Ballot evening at 8 o'clock in the Presby- Baldwin, it has been announced. To Town Council the sale of the 3.7 acre plot of The committee discussed and ap- terian Church. Because of the ex- Other new officers are: Vice chairman, Howard Bilden of the ;nd it owns on Shackamaxon drive proved a major change in the Council Line-up pected heavy attendance, the ser- About 25 residents of Tice place between Hyslip and Scotch Plains route of the parade. After cere- vice is being moved from the First College Men's Club; secretary, Baptist Church to the Presbyterian Mrs. Thomas F. Jackson, of West- were present at a meeting of the avenues. A public sale will be held monies in Fairview Cemetery, the Determined Also Town Council Monday night, at at the Junior High School, 391 parade will go down Broad street sanctuary. Dr. McCracken has an- field Council of Paient-Teachei- to South Chestnut street, across The name of Councilman Don- nounced that he will preach on the Associations, and treasurer, Har- which time a petition, objecting to Clark street, April 6 at which time the town's earmarking of land in the property will ,be sold to the South Chestnut to Lenox avenue, ald H. Bagger wfll appear in first subject, "The Duty of Being Dis- old Brooks, of the Teachers' Asso- highest bidVler. The Board, how- down Lenox and North avenue to place on the voting machine over content". DR. R. 1. McCRACKEN ciation. hat area for use for a flrehouae, ever, will accept no bid of less the World War I monument. After that of Councilman H. Emerson A native of Scotland, Dr. Mc- The organization which screens was presented. The petition, than $40,000 and reserves the service there the parade will con- Thomas in the primary election Cracken is a graduate of the Uni- candidates for the Board of Edu- odged by Dr. John W. Brumbaugh right to reject any and all bids, it tinue through East Broad street battle for Republican nomination versity 8f Glasgow. After two brief cation consists of two representa- of 877 Tice place, contained 81 sig- was announced. MARIE L. SCHUMACHER to the Revolutionary Cemetery on for mayor, Mrs, Jane F. Jones, pastorates in Glasgow, he was ap- Bailey Backed by tives from each of 17 town-wide natures. —James Abresch Mountain avenue. Upon completion town clerk, has announced. pointed lecturer in systematic the- organizations. New groups recently This property has been held approved include Westfield Village Objections to the proposed lo- since 1931 in order that it might Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock of services at this cemetery, the Drawing in Republican Town ology in the Baptist Theological cation of a fire station at or near marchers will proceed into Mindo- College of Scotland. Republican Group Association and Martin Wallberg be available as a site for a school MU» Marie Schumacher will pre- Council contests determined list- Unit S, Amnrican Legion. Arthur 930 Tice place, were, that "th« or for a practice field. "However, sent an organ recital at St. waslun Park for the Anal program ings in thii order: First ward, In 1938, he was invited to join quiet, deadend street" would no and major address. the faculty at McMaster Univer- C. Kammerman, chairman of the it is now obvious that it 13 too I'aul't Church. She ii the orf an- Charles H. Cassell and A. turney Local Chapter to nominating committee, was assist- longer be quiet, or safe for, the small for a school site and the loca- iit and choirmaiter there. The The parade will be held Monday, Savage; second, George J. Wilson, sity in Hamilton, Ontario, where more than 50 children In the neigh- for eight years he taught theology Elect Officers ed by Mrs. Edward G. Bourns and tion is not the best for either a public u invited, May 31, starting at 9:45 p.m. and Alan Bruce Conlin and Council- Mrs. Charles R. Mayer. borhood, property value would be school or a practice field," F, A. concluding with the final program man Arthur D. Bauer; third, and the philosophy of religion. In The candidacies of Westfield's lowered and the town could more Ketcham, president of the board, at 11:10 a.m. Councilman Herbert R. Welch Jr. 1946, he was installed aa minister profitably build on an already im- stated. Mr. Gray announced that the »nd Isaac E. Traylor and fourth, of the Riverside Church as suc- Mayor Charles P. Bailey and Lay Committee Mayor L. Thoma3 Daub of Gar- proved through street, Mr. Ketcham announced that in 50th Reconnaissance Battalion of William. A. Bowen and John E. cessor to Dr. Harry Emerson Fos- PTAs Conducting the New Jersey National Guard Williams. dfclc. Because of the importance of wood for the Board of Chosen The petitioners also pointed out order to provide a site for these Freeholders have been given the that proceeds from the sale of the future needs, the board plans to will participate this year as a com- The order in Republican muni- the pulpit, the church literally Hears School Plans plete unit. Under a new policy searched the world. During his endorsement of the Good Govern- Town Canvass town-owned property in the area request the approval of the voters cipal committee contests is as fol- ment Republicans of Union Coun- n question could be used toward to purchase property on Rahway started last year, the National lows: Second ward, first district, New York pastorate, Dr. McCrack- Guard is sending the complete bat- en has distinguished himself, and ty. This announcement was made .he purchase of a lot on the north avenue across the street from the Junior High Annex Arthur Kammerman and William at a meeting last week of the Register Pupils of side of town. The Town Planning present athletic field. "The loca- talion to a different community in Spach; Joan Spach and Lillian has become an unofficial spokes- Topic of Discussion Union County each year. Westfleld man for Protestantism. Westfield Chapter of the new Re- Board haa recently recommended tion is ideal from the standpoint of Ebert; second, fifth district, Cor- publican group. At the same time, Kindergarten Age ;hat the Tice place property be set the needs and in addition, consid- has been selected this year. nelius Thomas and Charles A. Many colleges have honored him As an outgrowth of the an- 1 the group's backing of Clifford P. aside for use as a fire house loca- erably more acreage can be pur- The next meeting will bo held Doerr; third, first district, Fred Case, GOP candidate for U. S. A house to house canvass of all tion. The petition was referred chased for the amount that should nouncement of the Board of Edu- Sunday afternoon, April 26. Cleveland Jr. and Georges Ferni- (Please turn to page 2) children of kindergarten age is be- cation at a recent meeting that Senator, was also revealed. to the town property committee be realized from the sale of the The committee, representing cola and fourth district, David ing conducted by the members of and the Planning Board. Shackamaxon property," he said. the Elm Street School would bo- town and service organiutions Trimble and Jack Kqtzenco. Jack J. Camillo, acting chairman the PTAs of the elementary schools come a Junior High School Annex participating in the parade, con- of the Westfield chapter, said: "It n Westfteld. This registration and None of the residents present Mr. Ketcham pointed out that for 160 seventh grade pupils in Listed as "Good Government Dr. Laird Next spoke during the session, but a "it is particularly urgent that Republican" are: Mr. Doerr, John is a real pleasure to announce our summer round-up is an activity 1954-55, a lay committee met Tues- (Please turn to page 1) endorsement of Case, Bailey and designed to "arouse the interest number conferred Informally with property be acquired to provide a day evening with members of the W. Glendening Jr., unopposed in councilmcn after the meeting. suitable football practice field. the first ward, second district; Daub, whose records of outstand- of parents of kindergarten age Board of Education.
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