§ 10.109 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–18 Edition) offshore drilling unit (MODU), under- that an individual holding a valid MMC way means that the MODU is not in an with this endorsement is qualified to on-location or laid-up status and in- serve in that capacity and the endorse- cludes that period of time when the ment has been issued under the re- MODU is deploying or recovering its quirements contained in part 11 of this mooring system. subchapter: Undocumented vessel means a vessel (1) Master. not required to have a certificate of (2) Chief mate. documentation issued under the laws of (3) Second mate. the United States. (4) Third mate. Unlimited means an annotation on an (5) Mate. MMC authorizing service on vessels of (6) Master of towing vessels. any tonnage or any propulsion power. (7) Master of towing vessels, limited. Vessel personnel with designated secu- (8) Mate (pilot) of towing vessels. rity duties means a person, excluding (9) Apprentice mate (Steersman). the designated security officer (e.g., (10) Apprentice mate (Steersman), Company Security Officer (CSO), as de- limited. fined in 33 CFR chapter I, subchapter (11) Assistance towing. H, and Vessel Security Officer (VSO)), (12) Offshore installation manager having specific security duties and re- (OIM). sponsibilities in accordance with the (13) Barge supervisor (BS). ship security plan. (14) Ballast control operator (BCO). Vessel Security Officer (VSO) means a (15) Operator of uninspected pas- person onboard the vessel accountable senger vessels (OUPV). to the Master and designated by the (16) Master of uninspected fishing in- Company as responsible for security of dustry vessels. the vessel, including implementation (17) Mate of uninspected fishing in- and maintenance of the Vessel’s Secu- dustry vessels. rity Plan, and for liaison with the Fa- (18) Master (OSV). cility Security Officer and the vessel’s (19) Chief mate (OSV). Company Security Officer. (20) Mate (OSV). Western Rivers means— (21) Chief engineer. (1) The Mississippi River; (22) Chief engineer (limited). (2) The Mississippi River’s tribu- (23) First assistant engineer. taries, South Pass, and Southwest (24) Second assistant engineer. Pass, to the navigational demarcation (25) Third assistant engineer. lines dividing the high seas from har- (26) Assistant engineer (limited). bors, rivers, and other inland waters of (27) Designated duty engineer (DDE). the United States; (28) Chief engineer (OSV). (3) The Port Allen-Morgan City Al- (29) Assistant engineer (OSV). ternate Route; (30) Chief engineer MODU. (4) That part of the Atchafalaya (31) Assistant engineer MODU. River above its junction with the Port (32) Chief engineer uninspected fish- Allen-Morgan City Alternate Route in- ing industry vessels. cluding the Old River and the Red (33) Assistant engineer uninspected River; and fishing industry vessels. (5) Those waters specified in 33 CFR (34) Radio officer. 89.25. (35) First-class pilot. Year means 360 days for the purpose (36) Chief purser. of complying with the service require- (37) Purser. (38) Senior assistant purser. ments of this subchapter. (39) Junior assistant purser. [USCG–2004–17914, 78 FR 77882, Dec. 24, 2013] (40) Medical doctor. (41) Professional nurse. § 10.109 Classification of endorse- (42) Marine physician assistant. ments. (43) Hospital corpsman. (a) National officer endorsements. The (44) High-speed craft type rating. following national officer endorse- (45) Radar observer. ments are established in part 11 of this (b) National rating endorsements. The subchapter. The endorsements indicate following national rating endorsements 112 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:07 Nov 08, 2018 Jkt 244204 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Coast Guard, DHS § 10.109 are established in part 12 of this sub- 12 or 13 of this subchapter as well as chapter. The endorsements indicate the STCW Convention and STCW Code that an individual holding a valid MMC (incorporated by reference, see § 10.103 with this endorsement is qualified to of this subpart): serve in that capacity and the endorse- (1) Master. ment has been issued under the re- (2) Chief mate. quirements contained in part 12 of this (3) Officer in charge of a navigational subchapter: watch (OICNW). (1) Able seaman: (4) Chief engineer officer. (i) Unlimited; (ii) Limited; (5) Second engineer officer. (iii) Special; (6) Officer in charge of an engineering (iv) Special (OSV); watch in a manned engineroom or des- (v) Sail; and ignated duty engineer in a periodically (vi) Fishing industry. unmanned engineroom (OICEW). (2) Ordinary seaman. (7) Electro-technical officer (ETO). (3) Qualified member of the engine (8) Rating forming part of a naviga- department (QMED), including the fol- tional watch (RFPNW). lowing specialty endorsements: (9) Able seafarer-deck. (i) Oiler; (10) Rating forming part of an engi- (ii) Fireman/Watertender; neering watch in a manned engineroom (iii) Junior engineer; or designated to perform duties in a pe- (iv) Pumpman/Machinist; and riodically unmanned engineroom (v) Electrician/Refrigerating engi- (RFPEW). neer. (11) Able seafarer-engine. (4) Lifeboatman. (12) Electro-technical rating. (5) Lifeboatman-Limited. (6) Wiper. (13) Basic training (BT). (7) Steward’s department. (14) Advanced firefighting. (8) Steward’s department (F.H.). (15) Proficiency in survival craft and (9) Cadet (deck or engine). rescue boats other than fast rescue (10) Student observer. boats (PSC). (11) Apprentice engineer. (16) Proficiency in survival craft and (12) Apprentice mate. rescue boats other than fast rescue (c) The following ratings are estab- boats—limited (PSC—limited). lished in part 13 of this subchapter. The (17) Proficiency in fast rescue boats. national endorsements indicate that an (18) Person in charge of medical care. individual holding a valid MMC with (19) Medical first-aid provider. this endorsement is qualified to serve (20) GMDSS at-sea maintainer. in that capacity and the endorsement (21) GMDSS operator. has been issued under the requirements (22) Advanced oil tanker cargo oper- contained in part 13 of this subchapter: (1) Tankerman-PIC. ation. (2) Tankerman-PIC (Barge). (23) Advanced chemical tanker cargo (3) Restricted Tankerman-PIC. operation. (4) Restricted Tankerman-PIC (24) Advanced liquefied gas tanker (Barge). cargo operation. (5) Tankerman assistant. (25) Basic oil and chemical tanker (6) Tankerman engineer. cargo operation. (d) STCW endorsements. The following (26) Basic liquefied gas tanker cargo STCW endorsements are issued accord- operation. ing to the STCW Convention, the (27) Vessel Security Officer. STCW Code, and parts 11, 12, and 13 of (28) Vessel personnel with designated this subchapter. The endorsements in- security duties. dicate that an individual holding a (29) Security awareness. valid MMC with this endorsement is (30) High-speed craft (HSC) type rat- qualified to serve in that capacity and ing certificate. the endorsement has been issued under the requirements contained in parts 11, [USCG–2004–17914, 78 FR 77887, Dec. 24, 2013] 113 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:07 Nov 08, 2018 Jkt 244204 PO 00000 Frm 00123 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB.
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