A.ll.Star Clmlh Fair, Warmer National and American Leacue IOWA-Fair today and tomoi­ Aces Ready for Bame Today row; warmer toda.y and In cen­ See Story, P~e 4 tral and east tomorrow. -I bUdge~ - govern. I 0 UJ a City'. Morn.in.g NeUJ,paper r higher lnd then FIVE CENTS [OWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1939 VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER ~ I utmOst .·e is lil. ~ udmin. Extensive Opposition Forms As ['oughout lime in City Council Acts On Congre8s Gets Administration~s Striking Workmen Slay 1 a real. standing ea lly is. Two Billion Lending Proposal )['oblems the pre. Franchise Ordinances; Minneapolis Policeman reaSOn. Sponsors of Measure thnt the ! enler • In A Rush! Claim Projects Will ." Final Vote Next Week Pilot Dashes to British Pay for Themselves In 'WPA Demonstration Engagement WASHINGTON, July 10 (AP) , ·-President Roosevelt's new lend­ l.cers Officials Use Lie Detector To Test SAN DIEGO, Cal., July 10 (AP) ing Jl'l'ogram, reduced to writing Chamberlain Plainly Asserts Intention Crowd of 1,000 Proposal Will - In less than 30 seconds today, Il nd introduced in congress, Of Protecting Baltic Port From, Reich ~ Legton Cl eve I an'sd Con f esse d T orso Sl ayer Pilot Russell Rogers lilted a 15- aroused such extensive opposition will be Reduce Utility ton flying boat off San Diego har- today as to leave the tate of the Hisses Police., Ie group CLEVELAND, July 10 (AP)- posed of the head." He referred \ bor waters and headed across the n easure in doubt. LONDON, July 10 (AP)- Prime support the Poles if they fought Minister Chamberlain told Fueh- to protect their independence, ~ Legion Scores of questions were put to- to the missing skull of Mrs. Flor- continent on a prOjected one-stop The bill, presented by Senato~ reI' Adolf Ritler today, through ihamberlain said : Non-Strikers ;Y build. Rates $40~OOO night to Frank Dolezal, confessed elncei,,~olillO, 42, No.3 in the torso Iflight to Felixstowe, England. Barkley (D-Ky), t..'1e democratic SQ_L . a carefully·worded statement he "The Vistula (river) is Poland's slayer of one of Cleveland's 12 "When we learn that to our Rogers was determmed to keep lender and Chairman Steagall read in the house of commons, only waterway to the Baltic, and ~ (D-Ala) of the house banking Patrolman Receives Proposed Measures "tOI'SO murder" victims, in a lie satisfaction, we wlll have enough a dinner engagement Wednesday that Britain would fight along· the port at its mouth (Danzig) I committee, called for loans total­ side Poland if necessary to pre- is therefore of vital strategic and detector test after officials re­ of a case to present to the county at a London hotel, (Claridge's) ;ng $2,800,000,000 th'Cough the Fatal Head Injury Given First, Second ported they twice kept Dolezal vent Germany from taking the economic importance to ber." prosecutors," added O'Donnell. despite a 24-hour delay in get- HFC and the import export bank, free Baltic port of Danzig back Members rushed from the house Alter Rescuing Man Readings at Meeting from hanging himself. The sherill said Dolezal twice ting away from California. for the purpose of revltalizing Sheriff Martin L. O'Donnell into the reich. of commons to the lobby as soon \ ,tried to hang himself today. The The only scheduled stop for the business. Hitler was not mentioned by as Chamberlain finished, and MINNEAPOLIS, July 10 (AP) Two proposed ordinances grant· handed a list of 100 questions to first time,. abo~t ~2:30 a.m., he, huge Consolidated Model 28-5 Pay For Themselves name, but there was no mistaking there apparently all parties agreed -A policeman who helped rescue ing 15·year franchises to the Iowa Paul Beck, operator of the poly­ knotted his shirt mto a make- craft, built lor the British air Sponsors of the measure said that lhe statement, approved in that it was a clear, unequivocal a non-striking WPA worker from graph. City Ught and Power company to shift noose but it broke. The sec-I ministry, was Botwood, Bay of Ihe advances would go for pro­ advance by both Poland and statement which could be inter­ a crowd of demonstrators died late "I don't know how lon, this ond time, about four hours later, I ExplOits, Newfoundland, 3,300 jects Which over a period of today from the strain after he furr'Ash gas and electricity to Iowa France, was written for him. Ipreted only as a warning to the test will take," 'said O'Donnell, he tried to use his shoestrings and I miles from San Diego. years would pay for themselves, Reiterating Britain's promise to German fuehrer. was beaten by angry strikers. CJ:ty- and carrying cate reductions "but we hope it will clear up failed again because of deputies' I and thus reimburse the govern­ Patrolman John B. Gearty, 40, amounting to nearly $40,000 were the question of how Dolezal di~- vigilance, the sheriff said. ment. The money would be raised was the victim. Dr. G. W. Caller­ given their first and second read­ through the sale of bonds by the strom, who conducted a post­ ings last night by the city coun­ Legion Elects F.FC to the public. In that way Hint New Deal Job for McNutt mortem tonight, said Gearty died it Wa:<! planned that the entire from coronary sclerosis. He was cil. CIO Pickets Withstand Police operation should be kept apart unable to stand the excitement The' council members voted to Dr. G. Maresh {':om the regular budget of the With Federal Security Agency and beating because of a poor hoW a special meeting next Tues­ At Body Plant; Strike Spreads treasury. While administration heart condition, the physician said. day, at 7:30 p.m. at which time Commander men said the program would Former IndJillna Man Patrolman Paul Larson, his the ordinances will be given their not increase deficit or national companion, said Gearty was pum­ third ceadlngs and the council Automobile Workers debt, their critics disputed them. Better Hurry May Be N am.ed By meled over the head and should· will vote on their passage. Robert Barry Named While it was planned that ers by at least a half dozen men Only one objection was raised Assemble To Block The 'Iowa' both house and senate commit­ 2000 Students Get Roo evelt Today as they tried to put Frank Fisch· at last night's council meeting Back·To· Workers Vice-Commander In tees should start work on the er, 45, the WPA worker, on a when the proposed ordinances Battleship Named For n,eaSLrl'e this week, the immed­ Tibbett Tickets WASHINGTON, July 10 (AP) streetcar for home. were considered. After the ordi­ Meeting Last Night iole battlefield and danger spot - An authoritative Teport that Gearty died in General hospital nance granting a 15-year iran­ DETROIT, July 10 (AP) - Hawkeye Slate {or the bill appeared to be in Paul V. McNutt has accepted an with a head injury. Fischer was chise for electricity was given its Solidly massed CIO pickets with­ Dr. George Maresh was eJected the house. Tbere, republican About 2,000 student tickets to appointment as head of the new X-rayed for possible head injuries Iirst reading, Sam Whiting Jr., stood efforts of police to clear WASHINGTON, July 10 (AP)- commander of the Roy L. Chopek leaders were privately claiming tlie Lawrence Tibbett reei tal federal security agency developed and released from the hospital. third ward alderman, made a mo· them from entrances of t."Ie post of the American Legion fo r enough votes to defeat the pro­ Tuesday, July 19, have been dis­ congressiona I speculation today Larson was struck across the neck Pontiac, Mich., Fisher body plant The navy's latest 45,OOO-ton bat- gram in the banking committee. tion that the length of the pro· the coming year at the annual tributed so far, a check up ycs­ that the former Indiana governol' but not seriously burt. today as a strike of General tleships were named today the Too Much Power dofi nitely had tied his political F1ght Breau Out posed franchise be cut from 15 terday revealed, years to 10 years, but the motion Motors skilled workC'l'S spread to Iowa and the New Jersey. election of officers last night in They based their opposition destiny to that of the adminis­ Thirty traffic pollce were was lost for want of a second. corporation units in Cleveland, The Iowa, hitherto known only the Legion quarters of the Com­ upon a contention that the meas­ Students have until tomO'frow tration. escorting a hundred or more wo­ E~plalns Clause 0., and Saginaw, Mich. as "battleship number 1," is buiJd- munity building. Dr. Maresh serv­ ure improperly delegates con­ to secure their tickets. Every Friends of McNutt, now high men and men from a sewing proj­ The cro united automobile ed last year with George P. Zeilh­ gressional powers to President Roscoe E. Taylor, vice-president person enrolled in the summer commissioner to the Philippines, ect at Second avenue north and and general manager of the local workers assembled the pickets to log at the navy yard, New York. amel on the executive committee. Roosevelt. already are working actively to Second street when the fighting light company, was called upon block what union leaders said It'is the fourth naval vessel to be Robert Barry was name vl~e­ The total of $2,800,000,000 in session i:s entitled to a ticket and broke out.
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