T he City Record. Vol. XL. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL 4,1912. Number 11828. THE CITY RECORD. Thomas J. Bergin, Telephone Operator, Serle, Fred. Brutschy, Paul Greenspan, at $900 per annum. David Gordon and James Conway, tem­ Removed—Sylvan H. Bischoff, Wm. C. porary Inspectors of Meters and Water Buschner, Thomas J. Clarke, Francis J. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YOU. Connor, John A. J: Dunn, Maxwell Gold­ Consumption; one Laborer. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the stein, Frederick Greenfield. George W. Brooklyn. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Kieman and George D. R. Norman, tem­ Appointed—One Blacksmith’s Helper porary Clerks; Mary J. Moffitt, Expert at $3 per day. WILLIAM J. GAYNOR, Mayob. File Clerk; Samuel C. Brooks, W. D. J. W. F. BENNETT, Deputy Commis­ AprinnA f.n j, WATSON, Cokpoiatiom Council. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Co m p t io l u i. Corcoran, Jr., Harry W. Meyer, Elias H. sioner. DAVID FERGUSON, Sum vuoi. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF Buperrlsor’s Office, Park Bow Building, l*-tt Park Bow. N EW YORK. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays at Nos. 96 and 98 Reads street (north side), STATED MEETING. between West Broadway and Church street, New York City. Tuesday, April 2, 1912, 1.30 o’clock p. m. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol< In the absence of the President, the Vice-Chairman took the chair. lira: official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Liao, 5 cents eachassemUy du- S et; Law Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents Present: each section; postage prepaid. Aldermen ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the City Ricoan must be received at least TWO (2) Ardolph L. Kline, Edward Eichhorn. James J. Molen. am before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before Vice-Chairman. O. Grant Esterbrook. Jesse D. Moore. publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. William Fink. George A. Morrison. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least Niles R. Becker. THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Daniel M. Bedell Ralph Folks. Otto Muhlbauer. Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. John A. Bolles. John S. Gaynor. Thomas J. Mulligan. John H. Boschen. Otto C. Gelbke. Courtlandt Nicoll. Robert H. Bosse. Edward V. Gilmore. James J. Nugent. TABLE OF CONTENTS. William D. Brush. Henry F. Grimm. George M. O’Connor. Michael Carberry. John W. Hagenmiller. John J. O’Rourke. Aldermen, Board of— , _ . _ , Instruction to Bidders for Work to be Done Charles P. Cole; James Hamilton. William H. Pendry. Hearing on Proposed Increase in Sal­ or Supplies to be Furnished........ 2850 ary of Firemen and Engineers in Manhattan, Borough of— Daniel R. Coleman. Joseph M. Hannon. Charles A. Post. the Fire D ^artm ent....................... 2811 Local board Meetings, March 26, 1912 2836 Frank Cunningham. Abram W. Herbst. John J. Reardon. Proposals ............................................... 2843 * Minutes of Stated Meeting of April Henry H. Curran. William P. Kenneally. W. Augustus Shipley. 2, 1912 ............................................ 2811 Municipal Civil Service Commission- Notice of Examinations ..................... 2839 Percy L. Davis. Francis P. Kenney. James J. Smith. Assessors, Board of— „ . , Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build Charles Delaney. Nathan Lieberman. Completion of Assessment, Notice o f.. 2841 Michael Stapleton. 2839 ings, etc........................................... 2850 James L. Devine. John Loos. Board Meetings ........................................... Official Directory ........................................ 2836 Frederick H. Stevenson. Bridges, Department o f - Parks, Department of— John Diemer. John McCann. John F. Walsh. Auction Sale ........................................ 2°41 Auction Sale ........................................ 2840 Frank T. Dixson. John F. McCourt Jacob Weil Bronx, Borough of— Proposals .......................... 2840 Frank J. Dotzler. William P. McGarry. Louis Wendel, Jr. Public Notices ...................................... 2839 Police Department- Brooklyn, Borough of— Frank L. Dowling. Michael J. McGrath. James R. Weston. 2844 Auction Sale ........................................ 2840 Proposals ............................................... Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop­ Robert F. Downing. Samuel Marks. John J. White. Changes in Departments, etc.........••:•••• 2836 erty ................................................. 2840 William Drescher. James F. Martyn. Bryant Willard. Change of Grade Damage Commission- Proposals ............................................... 2840 Alexander Dujat John J. Meagher. Frederick H. Wilmot. Time and Place of Meetings............... 2843 Public Charities, Department of— John T. Eagan. Docks and Ferries, Department of— Auction S a le .......................................... 2841 Proposals ............................................ 2845 Proposals .............................................. 2841 George Cromwell, President Borough of Richmond. Education, Department of— Public Service Commission, First D istrict- Maurice E. Connolly, President Borough of Queens. Proposals ............................................... 2845 Calendar of Hearings for Week Com­ mencing April 1, 1912................... 2811 Cyrus C. Miller, President Borough of The Bronx, by Thomas W. Whittle, Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Queens, Borough of— Commissioner of Public Works. Franchise Matters, Notice of Hear­ Proposals ........................ 2845 Alfred E. Steers, President Borough .of Brooklyn. ings on ........................................... 2846 Sinking Fund, Commissioners of— George McAneny, President Borough of Manhattan, and by E. V. Frothingham, " r Public Improvement Matters, Notice Public Notice ............. 2847 of Hearings on................. 2846 Supreme Court, First Department— Commissioner of Public Works. Finance, Department of— Acquiring Title to Lands, etc............ 2847 The Clerk proceeded to read the minutes of the stated meeting of March 19, Confirmation of Assessments, Notice Supreme Court, Second Department- 1912. Of ............................... 2841 Acquiring Title to Lanas, etc.............. 2848 On motion of Alderman Folks, further reading was dispensed with, and the Corporation Sales .............................. 2843 Supreme Court, Ninth Judicial D istrict- Interest on City Bonds and Stock.... 2841 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc............. 2850 minutes were approved as printed. Notice of Sales of Tax Liens, e tc ... 2841 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De­ MESSAGES FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR. Notice to Taxpayers ............................. 2842 partment of— The Vice-Chairman laid before the Board the following message from his Sureties on Contracts ......................... 2841 Proposals .................. ............................ 2839 Honor the Mayor: Fire Department- Report of Transactions for the Week Proposals ...................... 2840 Ending December 30, 1911........... 2811 No. 641. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to B. A. Meyers to parade with a steam calliope on wheels through the streets and thoroughfares of the THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF Borough of Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department; such per­ mission to continue only for the period of thirty days from the receipt hereof from his N EW YORK. Honor the Mayor. HEARING ON PROPOSED INCREASE IN SALARY OF FIREMEN AND City of New York, Office of the Mayor, March 26, 1912. ENGINEERS IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. l To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen—I return herewith disapproved proposed resolution No. 641, entitled: Public notice is hereby given that the Committee on Salaries and Offices of the “Resolution to permit B. A. Meyers to parade with a steam calliope on Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall, wheels.” on Thursday, April 4, 1912, at 1.30 p. m., on a resolution recommending an increase This resolution is even worse than those which would permit advertising wagons. of two hundred dollars per annum in the salaries of Firemen of the first, second and Very truly yours, W. J. GAYNOR, Mayor. third grades and Engineers of steamers in the. Fire Department Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full All persons interested are respectfully invited to attend. in the City R ecord. __________ P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. No. 698. New York, March 19, 1912. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION-FIRST DISTRICT. The Honorable Board of Aldermen, New York City: No. 154 Nassau S treet, New Y ork City . Gentlemen—As a citizen and taxpayer of this City, I respectfully beg to protest Calendar for Week Commencing April 1, 1912. to your honorable body against allowing the request of Hon. Rhinelander Waldo, Thursday, April 4, 1912-10.30 a. m.-Room 305-Case No. 1485-Brooklyn Commissioner of Police, in which he asks for “an issue of special revenue bonds Heights Railroad Company—“ Investigation under Order No. 615 as to compliance with for the amount of ninety-five thousand dollars ($95,000) to pay the salaries of one Order
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