PROGRAMME PART 2 PERFORMANCE The services rendered by the Cultural Commission are aligned with the duties and powers of the Commission as set out in the Western Cape Cultural Commission and Cultural Councils Act, 1998 (Act 14 of 1998). G o a l K ey Perf orm an ce Ta rg e t Perf o rman c e Re s ul ts Rea s on f or Va r i a n c e I n d i c a t o r Letting cultural facili- Optimal use of Facilities in use for at least Facilities used for appro x i- N o n e ties placed under the facilities by org a n i- 45 000 people-days mately 67 479 people-days supervision of the sations for the Commission by the p reservation, pro- Minister for the motion and devel- p res erv a tio n , p ro m o- opment of culture tion and develop- in t h e We s t e r n ment of culture in the C a p e We s t e r n C ape I n c re as ed u se of A ff o rdable facilities Accessibility to seven cul- 7,3% increase in number N o n e f ac i lit ies b y g ro u p s for all communities tural facilities of groups and 2,7% f rom previously dis- in t h e We s t e r n i n c rease in number of peo- advantaged commu- C a p e ple making use of facilities nities. Advise Minister on A ff o rdable facilities 10 % increase in tariffs of 10 % increase in tariffs of N o n e t a r i ff s f o r l et tin g o f for all communities f a c i l i t i e s f a c i l i t i e s cultural facilities in t h e We s t e r n C a p e Management and Upgrading of seven Optimally maintained facili- Maintenance done at all N o n e maintenance plans f a c i l i t i e s ties adhering to mainte- f a c i l i t i e s for facilities nance manuals and plans U ser a gre e m e n t s between the Commission and the Department of Public Wo rks an d P ro p e r t y M a na gem en t r e g a rd - ing facilities placed under the C o m m i s s i o n ’s s up e r- v i s i o n Advise the South S t a n d a r dis ed g e o- Backlog of 11 000 geo- 4 140 names pro c e s s e d Work area a n d pro c e- African Council for graphical names in graphical names to be administratively but not d u re of committee not Geographical Names the We s t e rn Cape s t a n d a rdised and new pro- submitted to committee c l a r i f i e d and local authorities posals for geographical on the standard i s a- n am es to b e p ro c e s s e d tion of geographical names in the We s t e r n C ape E ffe cti v e, e ff i c i e n t Compliance with N o u n au th o ris ed, irre g u l a r, No unauthorised, irre g u l a r, N o n e and transpare n t the applicable fruitless, and/or wasteful fruitless, and/or wasteful financial and corpo- norms and stan- e x p e n d i t u re e x p e n d i t u re rate management d a rd s ANNUAL REPORT – JAARVERSLAG – INGXELO YONYAKA 7 G o a l K ey P erf o rman ce Ta rg e t Pe r f orm an ce R e s u lts Re as on f o r Va r i a n c e I n d i c a t o r P res e r v e, p ro m o t e To provide assis- Annual re c u r rent expendi- 189 applications supported C o r rec t d o cu me n ta- and develop culture tance to arts and t u re grants for ongoing arts f i n a n c i a l l y tion not submitted by in th e We s t e r n C ape c u l t u re o rg a n i s a- a nd c u lt ure p ro j e c t s o rganisations re q u e s t- tio n s to p ro m o t e , p rocessed and 200 appli- ing assistance p reserve and devel- cations supported op culture Consultation with Al l a pp l icat io n s re c e i v e d E igh t appl i cat io ns re c e i v e d N o n e role- players; f rom re g i s t e red c u ltu ra l f rom cultural councils and Advise on and councils processed p ro c e s s e d implement policies Cultural tourism enhanced Seven professional per- N o n e by supporting seven pro- f orm in g a r ts o rg a n i s a t i o n s fessional performing arts supported financially o rganisations Develop and main- A P ro j e c t Integrated database includ- Database of Geographical N o n e tain databases P r i o r i t i s a t i o n ing applicable fields Names and Annual Grants Database to man- applications maintained age, prioritise and mon it or p ro j e c t s E ffective and efficient eval- All a p plic ati on s r e s e a rc h e d N o n e and funding appli- uation of project applica- and evaluated cations received by t i o n s the Commission G en aden d al r e s t o r a- Th e p re s e r v a t i o n , Implementation of second Seco n d p h a se of p ro j e c t N o n e tion an d re h a b i l i t a- rehabilitation and phase of the project in implemented in accor- tio n pro j e c t restoration of a c c o rdan c e w it h agre e- dance with agreement and G e n a d e n d a l ment and business plan business plan t h rough Dutch donor funding Perform functions Special events, Successful completion of All celebrations completed N o n e assigned by the 10th year of celebrations adhering to adhering to financial man- Minister to the democracy / financial management agement norms and stan- C o m m i s s i o n F reedom Day Event norms and standard s d a rd s 2.1 THE CONTROL, MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES (a) Melkbos Cultural Centre and Melkbos Oppiesee, near Melkbosstrand The Melkbos Cultural Centre, just south of Melkbosstrand, is very popular as it is only 32 kilometres north of Cape Town. It is surrounded by well-preserved coastal fynbos, has access to the beach and offers a view of Robben Island across Table Bay. This facility forms part of the Blaauwberg Conservation Area. The second facility situated at Melkbosstrand is known as Melkbos Oppiesee. This centre, just south of and adjacent to the Melkbos Cultural Centre, has a panoramic view of Table Bay, Robben Island and Table Mountain. The upgrading of the ablution facilities at Melkbos Oppiesee will be done later in 2005. (b) Schoemanspoort Cultural Centre near Oudtshoorn Situated some 15 km north of Oudtshoorn in a narrow kloof along the historic old pass leading to the Cango Valley through Schoemanspoort, the Schoemanspoort Cultural Centre consists of a number of rondavels and has a large hall equipped with a kitchen. This facility is mostly utilised by the communities of the Southern WESTERN CAPE CULTURAL COMMISSION – WES-KAAPSE KULTUURKOMMISSIE – IKHOMISHONI YENTSHONA KOLONI 8 Cape and Little Karoo. At the beginning of 2005 a small open storeroom was closed at a cost of R38 611 while closing of the swimming pool pump amounted to R18 607. (c) Koekenaap Cultural Centre near Lutzville Situated on the northern bank of the fertile Olifants River Valley, between Vredendal and Lutzville, the Koekenaap Cultural Centre is housed in a disused farm school and is surrounded by vineyards. The facility serves the needs of the rural communities in the West Coast region. The Koekenaap Cultural Centre was paint- ed in March 2005 at a cost of R39 928, as well as the facility manager’s house at a cost of R19 541. (d) Okkie Jooste Cultural Centre in the Jonkershoek Valley near Stellenbosch Situated on the banks of the upper region of the Eerste River in the picturesque Jonkershoek Valley east of Stellenbosch, this is the most popular of the facilities under the management of the Cultural Commission.
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