Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation^ Chaplain, ‘Garbage’ Collector for Orphans, Is Home Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1943 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on Five Denver Catholic Service Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Lt. Col. Henry F. Ford Men Dead or Missing in Action D E N V E R C A T H O L IC Recounts Experiences Gold stars on parish honor rolls was a submarine crew member, op­ Hoskinson, both of Denver. His mark the names of five Denver erating in Pacific waters. was the first death from St-Cath­ service men recently reported dead A son of Mrs. Bertha Bowen, Of Service Abroad erine's parish in the present war. or missing in action. The men 1020 Kalamath, he was a convert. are: Earl E. Bowen, torpedoman’s His interest in Catholic doctrine Marine Pfc. Leonard Thompson, mate, third class; S. Sgt. J. J. was the outgrowth of companion­ killed in action on Tarawa, was a Gomez, Lt. (I. G.) Carl Burkhardt, ship with Catholic boys, and he graduate of S t Joseph’s high school Fed 120 Half-Starved Children in Naples for Marine Pfc. Ernest J. Maes, and was baptized in 1941, He was REGISTER and had been overseas almost two Marine Pfc. Leonard Thompson. married to Peggy Venrick, daugh­ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Greatest Thrill in Unforgettable Tour Three other service men, John H. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Venrick, years. He served with a demolition Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Savoren, Sgt. Otis Cutlip, and Sgt. members of St. Francis de Sales’ squadron. He is survived by his sis­ Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Carl P. Heimberg,. also have died. parish who live at 840 S. Clarkson ter, Mrs. Joanne Lowe, 2530 S. Of Foreign Duty Notices about them appear in the street, April 18, 1942. Since Aug­ Washington street, and two broth­ VOL. XXXIX. No. 31. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MARCH 30,1944. $1 PER YEAR Requie.scant in Pace column on ust, 1942, he had been in the navy. ers, James J. Thompson, chief (By Rev. John Cavanagh) page to. Before entering the service he had According to a War department been employed by the Public^ Serv­ petty officer in the North Pacific, The highest ranking “ garbage” collector in the United message received by his wife, Mrs. ice company. Besides his wife, and Pvt. Edward W. Thompson, States army, Lt. Col. Henry F. Ford, returned to Denver who makes her home with her par­ Silver Wings From Fiance Abroad Peggy Yen rick Bowen, March 17, statione"S in Fort Knox, Ky. this week after two years of foreign service in England, Mr. Bowen, 22, died of injuries ents, and his mother, he is survived Marine Pfc. Ernest J. Maes, 20, received in the line of dutv. He by three sisters, Mrs. Edith Coats, died in the Mare island naval hos­ Africa, Sicily, and Italy. Father Ford, a priest of the Arch­ + -r + Mrs. Jackie Salaco, and Mrs. Virgie pital of wounds received in a South diocese of Denver, who has been a CCC chaplain and army Greer, and two brothers. Art and Fly Catholic Qirl Into Air-WACs Pacific battle. Funeral services officer since the summer of 1933, voluntarily and unoffici­ ; Ray Bowen, all of Denver. were held in Sacred Heart church, Since March 6, according to a Denver, Tuesday, .March 28, and ally assumed the job of feeding 120 orphans in two asylums War department message to his burial was in Mt. Olivet His fa­ (By Sgt. Charles Lehman) in Naples shortly after he arrived there several month.s ago. parents, Julio and Placida Gomez, ther, John I. Maes, 1023 26th A pair of silver wings sent from Her Qunner-Fiance^s Wings In order to secure provi.siohs for 3625 Inca street, S. Sgt. Gomez has street survives. Olinger service. “ somewhere in England’’ gave Jean ’R'csolaaky, 33, o f 1431 California sired, bcrausc army regula­ Air Colonel Grounded been missing in action over Ger­ the half-starved youngsters, whom Miss Jean Wesolasky all the in- tions prohibit civilian wearing o f C. I. equipment. Rut the young many. Young Gomez, 21, entered woman berame an .Air-WAC this week, and now, while her fiance, he had seen to be hungry after a the service April 29, 1943. He jeentive she needed to become an Sgt. CJarcncc 'Thomas, former Ixiwry armament student, u a tail gun­ visit to the homes conducted by lived in Longmont and attended I Air-WAC. They belonged to her ner on a B-24 (Liberator) somewhere in England, the new .Air-W’.AC the Sisters of St. Joseph and the e i n i s r i the junior high school there. His proudly holds her sweetheart's wings next to her heart, Sgt. Thomas (DUCffllS F I fiance, Sgt. Clarence Thomas, an Sisters of Mary, he conceived the family are members of Our Lady of aerial gunner with the Eighth air is pictured Below. Guadalupe parish, Denver, and in­ plan of salvaging the leftovers in force, who wrote that he was too clude, besides his parents, his sis­ the mess halls of the camp where busy going on bombing missions he was stationed. From then on ters, Veneida Esparza, Grace Her­ in a B-24 (Liberator) over Europe E nandez, Elsie, Mary, and Connie the “ kids” began to lose their sal­ to bother wearing the wings. low complexions and undernour­ Gomez. 07916211 Lt. Burkhardt was killed in a “ And you might keep them until ished appearance. bomber crash in the Southwest Pa­ II get back,’’ Sgt. Thomas added. Father Ford relates that the cific. A memorial Requiem High , The new Air-W.AC, a comely 33- task required the commandeering OP LOSi IE Mass, followed by absolution, was year-old restaurant cashier in Den­ of an army truck and the extraor­ sung for him in St. Catherine’s ver, left for WAC basic training dinary good ■will of several mes.>; A photographer who was trained church, Denver, W'ednesday, March The meeting of the North-Cen­ in Fort Des Moines, la., last week. sergeants. As a matter of fact the at Lowry Field, Denver, now a 29. He enlisted in the navy in tral Association of Colleges and One of 10 children reared on a soldiers co-operated to such an ex­ veteran of more than 125 camera August, 1935. Besides his moth­ Secondary Schools in Chicago small farm near Stephen, Minn., tent that it became customary for missions on speedy P-38 aircraft er, Mrs. Rose Burkhardt, 2611 March 22-25 and of the Midwest Pvt. Wesola.sky said she is the only the commissary to consider the or­ over both Japanese and Nazi ter­ W. 46th avenue, he is survived unit of the National Catholic Edu­ member of her immediate family phans a part of the camp person­ ritory, was grounded recently be­ hy his wife, Mrs. Margaret Burk­ now in uniform. nel when orders were placed for Earl E. Bowen cational a.s.sociation there March cause his commanding general "just hardt, and his two-year-old daugh­ 21 drew a number of Catholic edu­ “ My five brothers and four sis­ supplies. In the kitchens the cooks wouldn't let him go on another ter, Hobby Jean; a brother, Frank, cators from Colorado. These in­ ters are all farming now,’’ she estimated the amount of food neces­ mission.” Phoenix. Ariz.; and two sisters, cluded the Rev. Hubert Newell, said, “ and most of them are too sary for the soldiers, and regularly He is 33-year-old Col. Karl L. Mrs. Billie Keen and Mrs. C. J. superintendent of schools; the old for service. I wanted to join were heard to say: “ It will take Polifka, one of the air force’s top- Very Rev. John Flanagan, S.J., some branch of the service for a more than that if Chaplain Ford’s ranking reconnaissance pilots and and the Rev. Bernard Karst, SJ., long time, and, when Clarence sent orphans are to eat tonight. Better one of the most outstanding, stu­ K FEL to Broadcast president and principal of Regis me his wing.s, I got a lump in my peel another bushel of potatoes.” dents to be graduated from the de­ college and high school; Dr. Paul throat as big as a bullet— I knew Even more significant, and a mil partment of photography at Lowry Pro-Easter Musical Ketrick, president; Sister Francis right off that I wanted to back itary phenomenon, the men on KP| Field. Marie, regent, and Sister Fran- up Clarence as an Air-W.AC.’’ actually peeled the spuds with a Cof. Polifka. a Catholic, studied smile Program Saturday cetta, dean, all of Loretto Heights Sgt. Thomas, a Catholic boy at Lowry in 1940, and completed college; the Rt. Rev. Abbot Leon­ from Marshfield, Ore., was sta­ Asked what he considered the with honors the six months’ course A special pre-Easter musical ard Schwinn, O.S.B., of the Abbey tioned in Lowry Field until Octo­ neatest thrill he had while on that at that time was given pho­ program has been scheduled by school. Canon City; ber of la.st year. As a student in foreign duty. Chaplain Ford, who tographic officers. He was hailed, station KFEL, Denver, for this The Rev. Gregory Smith, pastor, the bombardment armament school has been through bombings and even then, as a "superb photo pi­ Saturday, April 1, at 2:15 p.m.
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