Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague Hana Čamo The impact of ecotourism on chosen tourism destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bachelor dissertation 2017 The impact of ecotourism on chosen tourism destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bachelor dissertation Hana Čamo Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague Department of Hospitality Management Major field of study: Hospitality Management Dissertation advisor: Ing. Stanislava Belešová, PhD. Date of submission: 2017-06-14 Date of defense: Email: [email protected] Prague 2017 Oath I swear that the bachelor dissertation titled The impact of ecotourism on chosen tourism destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina was written by me independently, and that all literature and additional material used are cited in the bibliography and that this version is exactly the same as the work submitted electronically. In accordance with §47b law no. 111/1998 coll. on higher education institutions, I agree to my dissertation being published in its complete form in the publicly accessible electronic database of the Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague. Signature …………………………………… Hana Čamo In Prague on 14.06.2017 Acknowledgments First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor Ing. Stanislava Belešová, PhD. For all the support and advice she has given me. Without her assistance and involvement, this thesis could not have been accomplished. I would also like to thank my mother Nafija Čamo for all the support she has given me and for all of her encouragement throughout these past several years . Lastly, I would like to thank all of the respondents that took part in the questionnaires and interviews. Without their participation , this would not have been possible. Abstract ČAMO, Hana. The impact of ecotourism on chosen tourism destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. [Bachelor dissertation] Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague. Prague: 2017. 69 pages Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country enriched with a preserved natural environment ,countless rivers and springs, clear air, a wide expanse of mountainous areas and because of its geographical position it is exposed to the warm Mediterranean climate from the South and the continental climate from the North, which results in diverse flora and fauna. These are just some of the factors that make BIH one of Europe’s most attractive evolving ecotourism destinations. Seeing that BIH is still considered an undiscovered country, the concept of ecotourism is still an emerging one, but research has showed that it has been developing in the past several years. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of ecotourism on Sarajevo and Mostar, and to give recommendations for further sustainable development and. Data has been gathered in a qualitative approach consisting of semi-structured interviews and with a quantitative approach consisting of questionnaires. Research has found that the development of ecotourism in the cities of Sarajevo and Mostar has had much more advantages than disadvantages, and that locals are enthusiastic about the future improvement of the current situation. The results of the study conducted through interviews and questionnaires showed that there are much more positive than negative impacts but that there is still a lot of work to be done. Namely, the majority of the interviewees stated that ecotourism has brought them more income and more jobs. Additionally, respondents stated people were much more environmentally conscious than before, even though there is still need for a lot of improvement and education. Recommendations are for increasing environmental awareness for businesses, tour operators and residents. Moreover, recommendations for community participation and government involvement are also given. Keywords: Conservation, Development, Ecotourism, Environment, Impact, Residents Abstrakt ČAMO, Hana. Vliv ekologického cestovního ruchu na vybrané destinace cestovního ruchu v Bosně a Hercegovině. [Bakalářská práce] Vysoká Škola Hotelová v Praze. Praha: 2017. 69 stran. Bosna a Hercegovina je země obohacená o zachované přírodní prostředí, nesčetné řeky a prameny, čistý vzduch, širokou rozlohu hornatých oblastí a díky své geografické poloze je vystavena teplému středomořskému klimatu z jihu a kontinentálnímu klimatu Na sever, což vede k rozmanité flóře a fauně. To jsou jen některé z faktorů, které činí z BIH jednu z nejatraktivnějších evropských turistických destinací. Vzhledem k tomu, že BIH se stále považuje za neobjevenou zemi, koncepce ekoturistiky je stále vznikající, ale výzkum ukázal, že se vyvíjel v posledních několika letech. Cílem této studie je zhodnotit dopad ekoturistiky na Sarajevo a Mostar a vydat doporučení pro další udržitelný rozvoj a. Data byla shromážděna v kvalitativním přístupu sestávajícím z polostrukturovaných rozhovorů a kvantitativního přístupu, který sestával z dotazníků. Výzkum zjistil, že rozvoj ekoturistiky ve městech Sarajevo a Mostar má mnohem více výhod než nevýhody a že obyvatelé jsou nadšeni ohledně budoucího zlepšení současné situace. Výsledky studie prováděné prostřednictvím rozhovorů a dotazníků ukázaly, že existuje mnohem pozitivnější než negativní dopady, ale že je třeba ještě hodně práce. Zejména většina respondentů uvedla, že ekoturistika jim přináší větší příjmy a více pracovních míst. Respondenti navíc uvedli, že lidé byli mnohem ekologičtější než dříve, i když je stále potřeba mnoho zlepšení a vzdělání. Doporučením je zvýšení povědomí o životním prostředí pro podniky, tour operátory a obyvatele. Dále jsou uvedeny doporučení pro účast komunity a zapojení vlády Klíčová slova: Ochrana, Rozvoj, Ekoturistika, životní prostředí, Dopad, Obyvatelé List of tables: Table 1. Tourist arrivals and tourist nights 2014-2015 Table 2. National Protected Areas in BIH Table 3. Assessment of eco-labelling criteria Table 4. Criteria that indicates an accommodation is eco-friendly. Table 5. Suggestions from tourism employees & local businesses Table 6. Positive & Negative Economic, Environmental and Socio-Cultural impacts List of figures: Figure 1. Direct contribution of travel & tourism to GDP Figure 2. Total contribution of travel & tourism to GDP Figure 3. Direct contribution of travel & tourism to employment Figure 4. Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP: Domestic vs Foreign 2014 Figure 5. Trave & Tourism Contribution to GDP: Domestic vs Foreign 2016 Figure 6. Arrivals and Nights Spent for Sarajevo Canton 2014-2016 Figure 7. Accommodation capacities for Sarajevo 2013-2015 Figure 8. Tourist arrivals and nights spent 2008-2010 Figure 9. Accommodation capacities for Mostar 2008-2010 Figure 10. Age of respondents Figure 11. Monthly income, allowance, pension Figure 12. Employment status Figure 13. What made you want to visit BIH? Figure 14. How should ecotourism develop in the future? List of Abbreviations AE- Accommodation establishment BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina BAM - Bosnian Convertible Mark EUR - Euro GDRC - Global Development Research Center GDP - Gross Domestic Product IBP - International Business Publications ICMTS- International Coastal and Marine Tourism Society IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature Mn. – Million NGO - Non-Governmental Organization OSAC – Overseas Security Advisory Council TIES - The international ecotourism society WTTC - World Travel & Tourism Council Contents 1.Impact of tourism on tourism destinations .................................................................................... 3 1.1 Ecotourism and its product .......................................................................................................... 4 1.1.2 Ecotourism demand and characteristics of customers of ecotourism ..................................... 7 1.1.3 Impact of ecotourism .............................................................................................................. 10 1.2 Introduction to Bosnia and Herzegovina ................................................................................... 14 1.2.1 Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina ........................................................................................ 15 1.2.2 Contribution of tourism and travel to Bosnia & Herzegovina’s economy .............................. 17 1.2.3 Ecotourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina ................................................................................... 21 1.2.4 Introduction to Sarajevo ......................................................................................................... 22 1.2.5 Introduction to Mostar ........................................................................................................... 24 1.2.6 Assessment of eco-labelling criteria ....................................................................................... 27 2.Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 32 2.1. Research design ........................................................................................................................ 32 2.1.1 Sampling Method .................................................................................................................... 32 2.1.2 Fieldwork ................................................................................................................................. 33 2.1.3 Data Collection ........................................................................................................................ 34 2.1.4 Data Analysis
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