DEMOCRAT FOUNDED IN 1939f THE PAPER THAT SHOWS THE WAY FORWARD No. 349 JULY 1973 7p NOW THEY ARE FISHERMEN HOLD DUBLIN CONFERENCE ISHERMEN from all parts of the F country met in Dublin in May 10 organise against the E.E.C. hreat to their livelihood. The secre- tary of the National Fishermen's Defence Association, Mr Jimmy 0 Conor, said that the meeting in- dicated the beginning of an aware- ness among Irish fishermen of the »ery real danger to our fishing waters caused by E.E.C. member ship. A message of solidarity was sent 10 the Icelandic fishermen engaged n the so-called "Cod War" on be- half of their stand for a 50-mile INFLATION limit to protect theirsource of live- Six girls in Armagh Jail lihood. The message stated that Irish fishermei of the EMPTIES ALL 'act that the le were H E infamies of the Heath Government in the six counties have totally depen Ns in" iustry for nd we T seemingly no end. OUR POCKETS wish to expi it «n# They have six young Irish wash for several days, and Margaret Shannon's. When she - BUT NOT THEIRS sledge our si in their women incarcerated in Armagh Stowed her hideous photographs heard the fracas she tried to reach spirited efforts their Jail without any charge o* thft of young |$ft whose bodies the other girl, bujt was seized, her main national THE rate of inflation which is were horribly ntlrtilated, imply- head banged on the wall, and • the greatest in Europe is to be The message" a trial. ing that die was responsible. kicked on an ankle by soldiers. She found In the Republic of inland. was "a small, fills is hot under the Unionist temporarily lost her sight but re- ike oursel "Special Powers Act" but under Miss Margaret Shannon (18), covered it. Only the big farmers stand to ng mass was interrogated for three days gain, and the immense rite Hi the Of Tor. fishing after arrest in March this year. Miss Marie Delaney was 17, when pricftot feodkdue te joining the sophisticated arrested m my J^-; W*>m the Common Market, minster. Me i&T rakon-vaway without leets. We wish you suooess *n British Army conducted a raid, to female escort by troops at two >1* .WCjtettiwSo • •' In priced Si> *iope that you emerge victorious Did th* NI.P.S who voted for her family home they said they in the ntorning. She complains England is only marginally less, irom this David and GotlatlWIke it realise that they wore voting would take her to the barracks to of the "no sleep" treatment. and the "Irish Democrat" has been struggle." v for the internment of women? be photographed. During interro-" ; notified of a substantial increase gation she was told that she would The secretary of the Association Worse than this, they have When allegations were made in printing oosts by our prints*. be released if she admitted respon- stated that by Joining the E.E.C. complained of being tortured, against her by a person hidden Don't, blame the poor man too sibility for various incidents,, She we have left ourselves wide open or, as the Tories prefer to say, much. He is oniypasslng on what behind a screen she pulled the refused to admit what she was not to exploitation by foreign interests, "ill-treated." is done on hint &y others. Who wins <ind while I cannot see any great screen down and recognised a responsible for. Miss Elizabeth McKee was lieutenant in the British Army. then? Those who inflate first- •wove among Irish fishermen for an banks, insurance firms, industrial- extension of our fishing limits, I arrested on December 29th, and For this she was beaten un- Miss Angela Nelson (17) was ar- served with fl detention order a rested on May 17th. She was held ists, 'land^ra|IMra, 'lirivsrljijf. specu- can forsee a massive consolidation conscious by soldiers while lators. They are reaping bigger month later She was beaten up nearly 90 hours at Townhall Street by fishermen to fight the inevitable female wardresses Screamed at profits than ever fh history. v influx permitted by E.E.C. regUla- by male warders afte^ attempt- police barracks. While she, Was in them that they rait the risk of custody a policeman spat on her ":ons." ing to escape—natural enough, O here's the bad news. The "Irish Killing her. and called her a "murdering Provo S Oxford Civil. Rights Campaign one would imafitit, in; some- Democrat" will have to do bastard." some passing : on. for sent a telegram of support express- body neither chared nor tried. LOST SIGHT <ng admiration for the N.F.D.A.'s £500 a month «r: t*o ago was two- Miss Ann Walsh was arrested on Full particulars of the internment courageous stand" In"'Its' fight to MUTILATED of these six-young women are ob- cessful in holding thingthings steady for March 8th. She is 18. Arrested in v *iave the 1972 Fisheries Order re- Miss Theresa Holland was 17 tainable from Belfast N.LC.RA,, a a time. But soon we will have to August last year she was given the put up «ur prioek tp' eightMws^' j' scinded. The meeting oalled for the when arrested on February 14th. Marquis Street, Belfast. They youch nationalisation or fnftttijl fisheries "noise treatment" and was attend- She was a student at Lisburn for the accuracy of the statements Indeed, to break even (tor th and for the oompiete revision Of the ing Royal Victoria Hospital after ; Technical College. Interrogating losing the hearing of one ear. Her made. printer's bill is by no mearie the system of operation of boards of only, one tohavecttMt ' staff refused to allow her to case came up at the same time as (Continued on Bach JSMRjl conservators. is going up) we noed to go eightpence, increase our tin by 1,0««, and maintain our i fund at the admirable lot ~ a menttr,M4'. BjW^jfli . * my for the BOOST, and -. PRESIDENT Erskine Childers he has left the Presidency he people would have thought be- It also looks from the elec- tion"" figures as ' * < took office as Head of will be free to speak out once forehand. The total valid poll fund. State in a ceremony before the again on current political and was 1,224,000 or 62 per cent of numbers of Labour voters It goes uaTea tiw Chief Justice in Dublin Castle controversial Issues and there is the electorate. ally went to the polk from that .seww»S*N5ElP5 on June 25th, the day after the some speculation as to whether There wire clearly huge num- port of Mr Childe&Wl mush as 'Ms. would like. W country's third President, Mr he will in fact take advantage of bers of people who did not adds to this the fact that-in ', de Valera, left office. this to fnake his views known bother to vote at all, due to the last general electior continue their genereelty at it it Mr de Valera intends to retire on the rapidly changing political lack of essential difference in bersof traditional L With his wife to Linden, Con- scene in contemporary Ireland. policy between the two candi- turned away from Labour •anBIMVf' • descent Home, Bldckrock, s dates, and there were also large gave their votes to Fianna which is run by an order of ^S was forecast in last month's numbers of spoiled votes. in the i Our best thanka. to: E. and Q. nuns and where a-set of rooms "Irish Democrat," Mr. Er$- considerable degree of Shields £2, D. Mulholland £8.50, F. have been set aside for him. kine Childers won the presi- J*HE presidential election result to the Coalition conde H. O. Nuheaton £5, JT. Whelan 84p, This will be near his old home dency as the Fianna Fail candi- was a bad blow to the portant sections of the T. K. (Camden Town) £i. central • class. ^ CA £20, South London in Cross Avenue, Blaekrock, date, even though at the outset National Coalition, and particu- 1 C.A: £26.25, P. Browne 8*. C. where he lived for many years of the election campaign, Mr larly to the Labour Party ele- TOm O'Higgins, who was origi- TN the presidential election the O'Donnell 80p, Q. O'Reilly £3 P j before mqying to the Phoenix ment within it, for Childers's 1 Cunningham £4.60, P. Woplin fii Park nally the Fine Gael candidate National Coalition made* it It is understood that Mr victory was largely the result of clear that they regarded tl p. O'Connor Mp, T. Manrinan £1, and was later backed by the de Valera did not wish to set thb refusal of Labour Party as a vote of confidence In D. Mac Amhlalgh 60p, B. O U P a wholly new establishment Labour Party, seemed the dost voters, especially in the Dublili formance and stability ai nessy £l, D. Oiddens £5, b m a new house became of the likely to win. area, to give their votes to £1, M. Kavanagh £1, J. 0 trouble involved and the difflc- Mr Childers had majorities O'Higgins. The turnout of voters 9'Leary May Day Readers £6, J. _ C Ulty of getting domestic help. over Mr O'Higgins in 27 of the was lowest in the constituencies themselmselvei s with £1. M. O'Donoghue £6, 3? ftp, ao^vT-tiiat'^cKfc •• Both Mr and Mr* de Valera, 42 constituencies in the State, of maximum Labour Party dajwxe.
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