- ~ ~~ Turks? The Turkish zone now Ron Paul for ginning to spread here: e.g., -is almost totally Turk, and that information and commu- likewise for the Greek zone. President! nication seems to be freer in The big problem, however, is by M.N.R. and Russia, where we could all that when the Turks invaded L.H.R., Jr. watch the coup and the revo- Cyprus in 1974 they were, as 1991 was a remarkable lution, than iri the US., where usually happens in these mat- year for human liberty. In the our media were puppets of the Pentagon displaying a phony ters, interested less in ethnic three days of August that Nintendo war in the Gulf. justice than in helping out their shook the world, the whole Here at home, President own ethnic comrades. As a world watched on TV as ideas Bush, who licd so notoriously result, they grabbed far too triumphed over guns, as the much territory, ensuring that peoples of Russia and the about “read my lips” on taxes, who has been blithely ex- the excess land would be !soviet Empire, wielding the panding government spend- Greek-free by forcibly eject- idea of liberty as a mighty ing 200,000 Greeks from their banner, brought down the ing and deficits at a rate un- precedented in northern zone. Justice would cr ue I, seem ing I y American his- require the Turks allowing the impregnable to- tory, who is Greek expellees back into talitarian despo- bringing even their homes, compensating tism of Soviet more burdens them for their losses, and even Communism. and regulations reducing the extent of North- Seventy-four to American ern Republic territory and years of brain- business and transferring the excess land washing and to American into the Greek zone. The ‘t e r r o r c r u mbled life, this same chances of the Turks agree- in the face of George Bush is ing to any such plan-they who popular devo- waltzing toward are deeply convinced that the ,lion to freedom a coronation in only good Greek is a dead of speech, press 1992. He faces Greek-are of course minimal. and assembly, no opposition in The chances, indeed, are to privatization the Republican not good that George Bush and free mar- primary, and will somehow blunder into a kets, to devolu- the contending solution to the Cyprus tion and decen- Democrats are a bunch of problem. Already the New tralization of imperial power fourth-rate clowns who will York Times reports that “Mr. into national republics, and to offer Bush no real opposition. Bush seemed taken aback secession. In short, to the No wonder, since the Demo- when he was asked by a Greek ideas of libertarianism. reporter why he did not But at the same time as cratic party is dead from the neck up, offering nothing of ‘liberate’ Cyprus from the liberty triumphs in Eastern substance on any issue, for- Turkish troops, as he Europe and in the Soviet eign or domestic-nothing but ‘liberated’ Kuwait.” But while Union, what is happening here more of the :;ame statism that the Cyprus Question might not at home? In a cruel irony, the get closer to a solution, we outlook for liberty in its home- is not so slowly and surely bringing us down. can be assured that before land and former heartland- Our major problem is that this episode is over, a lot of the United States-has never US. taxpayer money is going been grimmer. Those percep- there is, at this moment, no political opposition to these to get funneled into all tive but not very funny jokes statist trends. We are con- countries involved. 0 that used to circulate in Com- vinced that large numbers of munist countries are now be- 10 November 1991 Americans are instinctively need such a movement and Even those who are generally libertarian, or “paleo-libertar- such a standard-bearer, that -pro-Bush will be happy to ian,” to be more accurate. But we now strongly endorse, and seize the opportunity to “send most people are not full-time urge our readers to get be- George a message,” and by political ideologues; they have hind, the growing movement piling up the votes for Ron their daily lives to live. So they to enter Ron Paul in the Re- Paul, push Bush further to the can’t be expected to pay per- publican primaries for Presi- right in the election campaign manent, continuing attention dent. Ron Paul is the most or during his second term. In to politics-that is the job of important and most persua- short, even steadfast Repub- ideological and political lead- sive political standard-bearer licans will not have to feel that ers, of political movements. In for liberty in our generation. they are betraying the Repub- our social division of labor, it As a four-term Republican lican Party or even President is up to people who are inter- Congressman from Texas, he Bush by giving him a sharp ested and who care full time defied the Republican party rap on the knuckles in the pri- about politics to provide lead- bosses by voting for liberty maries and voting for Ron ership, to sound the trumpet, and against statism on every Paul, and then shifting to back to raise the banner, to point vote, across the board, on Bush against the Democrats out the grave problems and economics, personal liberties, next November. There is no the libertarian solutions, and and for a pro-American for- downside in a Ron Paul cam- to gather the troops for battle. eign policy. In 1988, Ron ran paign for either conservatives Many politicians, even some for president on the Libertar- or libertarians. For libertar- libertarian ones, have decided ian Party ticket. In 1992, by ians, think of it! We will be that it’s smarter to do nothing, running in the Republican pri- working in a mighty across- to avoid challenging the mary, in the big leagues, Ron the-board coalition, across the mighty champ in the White can take libertarian ideas and entire Right, headed by a man House, and to maneuver policies into the mainstream who is unimpeachably liber- carefully, and position oneself of American politics. He can tarian, educating both the for ’96. But this path of cau- make a tremendous impact, party and the country in the tion is not going to work be- get enormous publicity, raise libertarian message! cause people forget. Presi- the banner and educate a And secondly, Ron would dential elections are the times massive public, and build a make an enormous impact in when most Americans get in- cohesive movement which can this particular election be- terested in politics, and are then be poised and ready to cause the poor media are all receptive to political ideology. go to take over the Republi- dressed up with no place to Passing up this opportunity can party for liberty in 1996. go. Crack reporters, in the and waiting another four Ron has a unique oppor- press and TV, are all geared years, risks people forgetting tunity to make such an impact up to report at length on “The about the cause, getting in- for the following reasons. Road to the White House, ’92,” ured to existing evils, and not First, he can mobilize the and what have they got to write caring any more when 1996 votes of not just libertarians, or talk about? What do they rolls around. but all conservatives and anti- do to overcome the looming The ideas of liberty are taxers who are disgusted and boredom among themselves, now common in the United fed up with George Bush. This and still worse, among their States, but they are scattered, is especially true because readers and viewers? So far, disorganized, liable to disap- supporting or voting for Ron nothing; the Democrats are pear, because no political Paul in a few primaries does nowhere, and there is no Re- leader or movement is giving not require a permanent or publican opposition. The me- it substance and cohesion. lifelong commitment from dia, in short, are desperate, It is because we desperately conservative Republicans. and so a primary challenge to November1991 11 Ron with messages and calls former Republican Con- of support. A Ron Paul for 1988, and intends to run again gressman, a credible and ar- President Exploratory Com- next year. Outgoing national ticulate candidate, will be mittee (legally, a “testing-the- LP chair David Walter wel- lapped up by the media. waters” committee) has been comes the idea of Libertarian It is remarkable that al- formed to try to achieve this Republicans as deeply ready, even at the merest hint goal. The committee would complementary of LP efforts. that Ron might run in the Re- greatly welcome your que- Moreover, new LP national publican primaries, he has ries, message of support, and chair Mary Gingell, as soon gotten enormous attention: financial support for this task as she learned of the possibil- not only from his hometown (The Ron Paul for President ity of Ron’s running in the Re- Houston Post, but also from Exploratory Committee’s ad- publican primary, issued a the Washington Times, and dress is 875 Mahler Road, press release (September 17) even from the nation’s most Suite 150, Burlingame, CA strongly welcoming his pro- respected political reporter, 9401 0, and its phone number posed race. Ron Paul’s race David Broder of the Wash- is 415-692-8548.) We need against Bush, said Gingell, ington Post, who was fasci- to convince Ron of a basic could “introduce voters to lib- nated by the idea and called truth: that his leadership is ertarian ideas,” and “deliver a up Ron to interview him for an desperately needed now, for message” about the “harmful hour.
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