ENVILLE MERCURY GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE 20, 1989 CLAIMS TWO Mary Francis and Billy Winnans of Washington. WV. He wa'i a summer employee of E.I. duPont and attended the Fairlawn Baptist Church. Dougwasa I 986grdduale of Parkersburg High School and a sophomore at Glenville Stale College. He was an avid kar,lle student and displayed his lalent by placing 3rd in the kala competition held April 29, 1988 at GSC. Administration, facully members and student'! at Glenville Stale College share in the sorrow of the Mocck, 21. was the son of families of John Jobes and Doug MoecIt of Parkersbu~ and Mocck. FIr.t Play Slated . as the Woman with a Dog; Brandon Krouse as the Silent Boy and the Young Man; Becky Hall as the Young Queen; Freeman Wiant as Father; Dennis Wemm as'Gorky; From left to right: Rita Layfield -Senior Princess; Cheryl Amos -Junior Princess; Carla Cutlip -Queen: Mindi Alida Hess as Mother; Darrell Pickens - Sophomore Princess and Valerie Hill . Freshman Princess. Cheatham as the Wrecking Crew Boss. The doors will open at 7:30 p.m. on September the 21st and Homecoming Court Chosen 22nd. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. Five young ladies have GSC she has been an active member Melinda Kaye Pickens was eleclcd on both nights. The play is about been chosen by the student body to of several campus organizations. sophomore princess. She is the people who come together in an reign over the 1989 Glenville Stale She has served as secretary, daughter of Roben and Patricia abandoned theatre in an altemptto College Homecoming to be held treasurer, and membership rush of Pickens of Mincral Wclls. 19- find life and love. In the end this Sat. Sept. 30. Sigma Sigma Sigma and currently year-old "Mindi" is majoring in PI .., can't PI 4 Reigning as Homecoming Queen serves as president of the sorority. sporl'i management. She is a will be Miss Carla June Cutlip. Rita is also presidcnt of Pickens member of the Ladies of the White She is the 21-year-old daughter of Hall, has been secretary for the Rose and the GSC Cross Country GSC Lowell and Sue Cutlip of Exchange. Ladies of the White Rose and is a Team. Mindi is sponsored by the DECLINES Carla is a business management member of the PanhcUenic Council. Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity. major and has been involved with Her sponsor is Sigma Sigma Sigma Valerie Ann Hill has been chosen UnolTlciai figures at the Olenvillc students. IIiStallC(;oUeae main campus and the many campus activities during her Sorority. as freshman princess. She is a Main campus enrollment is iUOilmc:rsv'1lle showtd four years at Glenville. She was Cheryl Lee Amos was chosen as nursing major from Shady Springs Center strong surpriSUiJ"y strong wilh some da'>...-es this fall, but thc unl'cnaiRty selected as Junior Princess and junior princess. She is the 19-year­ and the 18-ycar-old daughter of enrolling sevcllty or more studen:". the fUlure of the Glenvillc served as 3rd floor representative old daughter of Lawrence and Linda Oscar and Jeanie Hill. Valerie was Such class Sizes are highly unusual I1 I~CI~lCr at ParkersbulJ caused the of Pickens Hall last year. Cwrcntly, Amos of Elizabeth. Cheryl is a member of the tennis, track and at Glenville. Residence hall she is a member of the Ladies of majoring in accounting and 111.lIment IlIere 10 ran signiflC3lllly. occupancy is also up. There are softballleams in high school. She result, the over-elll enrollment the While Rose, VP of Pickens administrativc science and is a more studenlS in theresidcnce h:J1ls served as captain of the cheerleading the collcge dropped slightly to Hall Governing Board, and reporter minoring in economics. She is squad, was chosen as an AII­ currently than during ioiUy other for PBL. She is a member of the active in many campus activities 153, a decline of 2.2 percenL semester since 1984. American Cheerteading Finalist and The on<ampuli freshman class Literary Society, Cultural Affairs including SAS, Pickens Hall Gov. Glenville students at Parkersburg was selected to Who's Who. 46 studoots from last year Commiuee, helps instruct aerobics Board, and secretary for the Ladies up are faced with the uncenainty of Currently, Valerie is the only the Summet$ville Cenler 01& and W<Rs althe Almnni House.. of the While Rose. Cheryl has also Glenville's future there allli freshman on the GSC Cheerlcading nll;mlOltlnCnt is around 400. It would She is sponsored by PBL, Louis served as Pickens Hall Rep. for apparently arc taking a "wait and Team. She is sponsored by PCPB. Ihat the Summersville Bennen Hall, and the Lambda Chi SlUdcnt Congress, secretary for PBL, scc" ·attitude. Approximately 180 The train bearer for the 1989 Clmllln1eDl is limited only by the Alpha Fraternity. a page-designcr for the Homecoming Coon will be Brittany Glenville students arc enrolled at of resources that are Rita Jo Layfield was selected as Kanawhachen and was selected as Paige deRosset. She is the 4-year­ Parkersburg, compared to 269 last lIi1iCa1ICdIIOUlleccnler. Evcryclass senior princess. She is a business an Outstanding Young Woman. fall. This drop represents the only old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne is otTwed al Summersville administration major from Cairo. Currently, she is Student Congress downward trend in Glenville's deRossct of Glenville. Briuany is a fuU COIIIfJlemcnl of Rita is the 21-year-old daughter of Junior Rep. and VP for PBL. Her currently enrolled in the' GSC enrollment Rex and Jo Ann Layfield. While at sponsor is Student Congress. Hornecomng can't PI 4 Wednesda'l, S~tember 20, 1989 ~ Page 2 The Glenville Mercury WHllr IF Letter CE.ILtNfr Dc.JRJNcr TNt DISco ~AZe:. to the Editor Dcar Editor, This letter is an urgent cry for Sees It help from my stomach to all other stomachs who feel the same on this By Paul Biser campus and to those who can do somethmg about it. The subject I Colleges' and Unlversitics' soul purpose is to provide studenl.~ a am talking about is cafetcna meals highcr education. Without students to teach, faculty mc;:mbers would at GSC I have been a vegetarian not have jobs. Wnhout faculty, admmistrators would not have jobs. for over one year and have enjoyed Evcryoneconnected with a college relics on the student body -'why then eatmg nutritious, well-balanced should bodies of the students be hot, sweaty, miserable, and sapped of meatless meals. My boyfnend is energy? Has the admmistration forgotten how detrimental the heat of also a vegetarian and when we clas~rooms can be, robbing students of thelI concentration and a1crlness~ transferred to GlenVille thiS year Do admmistrators think that they are the only ones who suffer from the and went to the cafeteria for our heat? Students arc glad administrators have air conditoned offil:es, but first meal, we were disgusted. First students would appreciate the sharing of air conditioning m their we had to wait about 20 minutes in classrooms. Cool rooms arc more conducive to learning. line before we could get to Ihe food How bad is the heat problem? Classrooms located on the top floors - by then we were thinking "Boy of Clark Hall and the Administration BUilding and above in the Pioneer thiS had better be worth it!" Need­ Center are unbearably hot and humid. Night dasses in these rooms are less to say we were very put out killers. Students have measured the temperatures in these rooms and when we finally got there and found the results arc shocking - 95 - 100 degrees. The extreme humidity in there was no vegetanan dish - like these rooms are even more devastatmg to learning conditions. we were used to at our prevIous Increa~ingly, classrooms m sister msUtutions are air conditioned colleges. There was simply one and we need to add this nel:essny at GSC to promote a better learning environment. That's the responsibility of our administrators. 14, 1989 at the pavillion on starch, one meat dish, some melted Sycamore Run. Only a small looking rice cookies, and the only Delta Zeta number of students turned out for thmg leflto drink was pop or wa­ The Theta Xi Chapter of the Delta the meetmg, but the ones who did ter. Smce we Will not cat meat, my THE GLENVILLE MERCURY STAFF Zeta Soronty held a formal meeting are enthusiasuc about the club. boyfnend and I have been forced to subsist on salads and icc-cream. on September 11, 1989 atthe Delta For those persons interested in Sure we could ask for Just noodles Zeta House. the club and could not make the Editor-in-Chief Paul Biser or nce, but that is sull not a bal­ We would like to remind all sisters meeting, applications can be picked Associate Editor Lynne Jeffrl!V anced (or very appetizing) meal. about the swim party Tuesday up at Eberle Hall on M meral Road. Managing Editor ----- Marilouise McNemar Sometimes I wonder if there even September 26th from 9-10 p.m. The next order of busmess was to Copy Editor Cifora Araya IS a nutrnionlst employed at thiS We would like to inviteall women determine an amount for dues. It college. I seriously thmk that Sports Editor Michael Hart to a Video/pizza party Wednesday was suggested that a dues of $5.00 somethmg needs to be done about Typists Monica Hanks, from 7-11 p.m. Also on October annually for active members and meals at GSC Cafeteria to make Tracy Legg, 5th at5 p.m.
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