G€OFF J€RMV'S AUSTRhLINN INSTRUM€NTAL N€WSL€TTER EDITION #3 _ OCTOBER 2OO4 SIIADOZ 2OO5 Plrnning is w€ll under way for "Shadoz 2005". The organisers are hoping for an even bigger and better show The venue will again be "Ths Bridge" in Richmond. on Sunday 12 June 2005. Mark it in your diaries now!! Again, the music will not be rcstricted to just Shadows, but will include a selection ofilstrumentals we all W€ are still hopi[g to hav€ a video tape of "Shadoz 2004" available soon. Details should be in the next newsletter. KIM HI'MPHREYS Kift was "amused" to receive the following review ofhis "Big Tvrang Theory" CD ftom Yuzo Sasaki (Japan): "We received a new album by Kim Humpkeys ftom Australia (in the middle of i\dnter). Ttis guit2rist was once called as Australian "Dick Dale", but obviously Kim has wider range, such as surfin& Spadsh guitar, and country rock, and all ofthe 12 songs are very well done- I think th€ country rock arrangement of"You Really Got Me" (Kinks) are very well played. The quick playing of "El Cumbanchero" has an elrormous impact and I connocted with Takeshi Terauchi's young trme, and this males listeners scream "wow!". Kim tried bottle neck and violin technique with surf ballad "Sur:fside" and he finished with very conrfoftable sound. Album title song "Big Twang Theory" sounds like country rock rather than surfing, and it shows his high standard playiq skin. lf I can say one thing there is I1o music this guitarist can't play, but ifhe ffeates his own field ihal he (only he) can play, his existence will be more closed up- l'm looking forward to his further actiyities in the Aussie surfng tadition like The Atlantics and Joy Boys." Kim is planning a rcw sirgle, foliowing some airplay on ABC 666 in Cabona oftracks ftom "Big Twang Theory". The single will contain MERCEDES (edited version and acoustic version) plus a fack called CINNAMON TEARS, recorded with Ted Mulry prior to his passirg. Also included will be an altemative version ofRETURN TO SURF CITY featuring dobro ard Harmnond, plus ar acoustic version ofGOOFY FOOT. The hack GUNSLINGER ftom "Big Twang Theory" shoulal appear on a tribute album before Christmas, from the U.S. TI{E ATLANTICS The Atlantics appeared as "speciai guests" on Cbris lsaak's Australian Tour 2004. I was unable to attefd the conceft due to work commitnents, but from all accounts the shows were a sell-out. Thariks to Martin Cilia for providing the sel list - Big Swell, Thundor Down Under, Flight OfThe Surf Guitar (rsplacEd on some shows by Point Zero), Night Star, Chatterbo\ Hawaii Five-), Rumble And Run, Saturday Night and Bombora. A reminder that the Atlantics' music is featued on a new DVD "Fliglt OfThe SurfDogs". Detaiis o[ their websito www.theatl antics.com SIIADOWS NEWS The DVD, video and double CD release of"The pinai Tour" are duo for release in the UK on 8 Novembsr, so shorild appear here shofily th€I€after. The DVD and video also includes behind the scenes footag€ (in these days ofmetdcs, why doo t they call it meheage?) plus Brian Bennett's "Diary OfA Drummer". As expecte4 "The Final Tour" wasn't exactly final - thero ztre morc dates announced for 2005!! These, ar1d many oth€r Shadows and Shadows-related items, are available fiom L€o's Den Music Dircct in the UK. They a.re at P.O. Box 4088, Sturminster Newton, Do(set DT10 I YP, UK. Tel: 01258 820134 Email p4@l99!d9u9.l& Website is l[rllgqslbjglk Worth checking out. JOHN X'ARRAR A new publication, "MUSIC MAKES MY DAY" celebrates over 40 yeds in ousic, deatcated to the music ofJohn Farrar. The book has 40 pages, illushated throughout, a fuIl colour cover, discography and an intervi€w with John. Available iom November, it is a limited edition of 1000 copies. Get it ilom Tony Hofrnan, 48 Oak Tree Lane' H:rxby, YoIk YO32 2YL, U.K. at €5.99 c ln class postage (UK), ort7.00 (or l0Euros) (Overseas) ilrc postage. TOMMY EMI4A.NUEL I hope you all saw Tommy on "This Is Your Life". The episode was telecast on Channel 9 on Thunday 28 Octobel. It was fiLned in February. Guests included Col Joye, Troy Cassal-Daley, Nathan Cavalqi and of cotlrsq his 'big brothe.'Phil. Sorry 1 couldnt advise you ofthe date earlier, but I think I managed to get the word arou d to most. His tour dates (in Decemb€r) were listed in the last newsletter, and frllther details can be found at www.tommvemmanu€l,com ED MATZENIK Remenber Ed Matz€nik? He played for The Atlantics in their "prc-Bombom" days, al1d is presendy the bass player with Johrry Grcen's Blu€s Cowboys a great group to see ifiheyte in your area. And they do some (great) instrumentals tooll Ed is a stickler for punctuation, and claims I include too many aposhoph€sl! So h€re are a few 'spares' for yoU Ed's letter is too good to edit, so I includ€ it in fuIl: "Hi Geofl Just drov€ 4150 miles and got home after a month away ard thsre it was waifing for mo ... the newsletterl 2cood4words is a great tide atrd so was the newsletter (well, exc€pt for a few aposhophes ...) (Told you so, Ed.). No, it's the most fantastic thhg - I su.e wish I'd seen Shadoz 2004. I bought Volume I ofthe Aussie lnstros go4 they should have shot most ofthe sou[d engineels ... the bands all knew it too, but you couldn'i tell the recold companies. But even the worst tracks on it are still real irteresting. Got it like you said ftom Denys @ Hormd Dog s. Before I went away I bought some home recording gear but I've only had a few days in the iast couple of months to play with it. Maybe one day you'll get to hear some ofihe instros I'm working on but it will take years I expect. Your Newsletter. NGD and the like really keep me inspir€d to keep going and I know you must be doing that for heaps ofPLAYERS and INSTRO Collectors. Keep 'om coming, Ed. P.S. Here's a story you migit not kno*': Dave Bridge's SAN FERNANDO VALLEY was originally put out by loe Maphis as "San Femando Va{ey Stomp". Thidgs osed io happen pretry quick in those drys, Dave decided to remove "STOMP" j}om the title. Unfortunately by fie time the record came out (only a few weeks) this new dance craze had come out yeah, the STOMP!! Poor Dave missed out th€re. Anoiher time he was a shoe-in for the #1 spo! at least in Sydney, with SKIP TO MY LOU but the record compaly went on smke'll Another ore I should tell you is about the Joy Boys. QANTAS 107 is SOUTHERN 'RORA rcpackaged for Japan (with iet airplane engines replacing the train homs - ed.). And how about this - "Boots Saddle & Surfboard" by the Joy Boys was odgirally going to be cau€d WARANORA BOMBORA then shortened to just BOMBORA- They had the song for quite a while before they put it out then one day Nonn Day told me it would be olrt in a month or so as BOMBORA. "Don t do that" I wamed, "The Adantics have got a song called BOMBORA coming out next week!" (WARANORA is a creek in Sydney definitely no surf, no Bombora). I Fobably sav€d them having to reprint all the labolE and other embarrassmentsl So the[ they pd the horse noises arld all thal shrff on it." Thanks Ed for tie hteresting anecdotes and news. NEW GANDY DANCER - THf, MAGAZINE F'OR ROCK INSTRTIMINTAL MUSIC IS THE WORLD'S LONGEST RtlllNING ROCK INSTRUMENTAT MAGAZINE. Now up to issue 72, containing "The Deovermen Story" - an extensive article written by Kim Hurnplueys. Coming soon is an all- colour "Shadoz" special!l SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE FROM GEOFF JERMY AT 8/52 Harding Shee! Cobur8, Vic. 3058. Tel: (03) 9386 1972. Email: [email protected] RTVIEWS: NWESTERN AUSTRALIAN SNAI'[, PIT ROCK IN' ROLL VOL.IN Coll€ctor Records (Ilolland) CLCD 4484 32 ulha{are tracks mostly previously unreleased. The CD contahs a 34 page book with unique pictures and extensive notes. Only ttfee instrum€trtals are f€atured but worth havingl The insrro's are: CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO - The Hi-Fivq BONGO ROCK - The Rhphmaires, and CARAVAN - The Hawaiian Troubadores. Ifs interestirg to find out that theie was so much stuff&om our "Wild West". The secold series offive rare A[straliar hsrumentals is now available. A fascinating se]ection ofiare itelns, mostly not previously available on CD. Of coulse, the rarity ofsome hacks means that ihe quality is not so greal but the chances are that th€se tracks will never be released elsewhere. The indjvidual CD's are "themed", ard contain a wide vari€ty of sounds and styles. NANCY SINATRA & LEE HAZLEWOOD - "NANCY & LDE 3" Boots Enterprises / Warner Music 5046726452 One ofDuane Eddy's rare appearances these days. OK, the CD is all vocal, but it's raique in some respects. The CD was frst released in Australia only, and may not yet be issued overseas. lt contains Nancys version ofKasey Chambffs' "Barricades And Brick tralls" among the 14 varied facks. Track 12, "SIIE wONrT" f€aturcs Duane with Nancy and Lee, and was co-written by Billy Falcon with Duane- A gleat fiack, with lots of the good ol' .
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