ing 44 of the 102 settlers before six months had passed these people continually thanked God for the blessings they had. Their mature Christian experience helped them to sense the blessings attached to pres ent, though calamitous, circumstances. Consider their landing place. Because of storms which drove their tiny ship far north EDITORIAL of their original goal, they landed at a spot where Indians formerly had lived and cul tivated the land for years. Some unknown disease two years before had caused the en tire tribe save one to die. This fact in itself is remarkable. Of the thousands of miles of primitive wilderness coast line where they could have landed, the Pilgrims cast anchor at a place where land had already been cleared and cultivated! Are A second blessing came in the form of a mild winter for that region. The end of December on the Massachusetts coast line is not the best time to start building houses, but the winter weather of 1620 permitted We building to go forward. Another remarkable blessing was the friendship of certain Indians whose names, like Cyrus©, were known by God before birth. In the spring of 1621 an Indian Thankful? named Samoset walked boldly into their set tlement exclaiming in good English learned from British fishermen, "Welcome! Welcome!" The Pilgrims were naturally terrified. Samoset©s next visit proved to be a RECENT visit to Massachusetts© restored miracle blessing. He brought with him A Plymouth village brought God©s leading another Indian named Squanto. Some his of pioneer men and women in past years torians claim that Squanto was the only one into focus. A casual survey of the early events left of the wiped-out tribe that had once connected with the founding of Plymouth lived at Plymouth. Furthermore, Squanto Colony discloses two seemingly unrelated had been carried as a captive to England, elements prevalent among these stalwart where he learned a good amount of Eng settlers. One was an unrelenting wave of lish. After his return he joined Massasoit©s hardship, disappointment, privation, and tribe some thirty miles to the west. Squan- persecution which consistently plagued to©s visit brought together Massasoit and them. The other was a spirit of praise and Governor Carver which resulted in a solemn thanksgiving which permeated their lives treaty that endured for more than fifty in spite of outward adverse circumstances. years. This treaty declared that Pilgrims One gets the impression that the more trou and Indians should live as brothers, doing bles these people had the more praise and everything possible to aid one another. gratitude they gave to God. Squanto along with Hobomack, another In spite of betrayal and persecution in Indian, made his home with the colo England; in spite of leaving homes and pos nists and practically saved them from de sessions behind when they fled first to the struction by acting as their guide and in strange country of Holland; in spite of be terpreter. He taught them how to plant ing forced to learn new trades; in spite of a corn with a shad "as soon as the oak leaves forced landing on the cold forbidding coast were as big as a mouse©s ear." of New England rather than the more ac Recapitulate a moment. A cultivated commodating climate near the mouth of spot in the wilderness! One Indian survi the Hudson River; in spite of death claim vor who had learned English as a captive THE MINISTRY in England joining the Pilgrims, bringing that He stood up and declared, "If any about a peace treaty, then teaching them man thirst, let him come unto me, and how to live in a strange new land. I won drink." A spirit of praise and thanksgiving der how many times the Pilgrims praised was evident during the entire feast. God for His direct leading in small but ex tremely important details. Conscious Effort Necessary If the early colonists had counted only The thanksgiving spirit need not be lim the hardships during that first year, a sol ited to a particular day or days. Conscious emn funeral-type memorial meeting would effort is necessary to cultivate a spirit of have been held rather than a joyous thanks consistent thankfulness. Ministers of the giving service. gospel ought to be leaders of this type of activity. How often do we thank God for Feast of Tabernacles the privilege of being a minister of Christ? Other countries for centuries have had What work is more rewarding than dealing harvest festivals similar to the American with souls? I have never met a man who Thanksgiving Day. God©s Word is not with left the ministry voluntarily or involun out precedent for these special Thanksgiv tarily who claimed to be much happier ing seasons. The Feast of Tabernacles and contented in some other line of en (Feast of Booths, R.S.V.) sank its roots deavor. True, we are pummeled by prob deeply into the platform of joyful praise lems, frustrated by enormous amounts of and appreciation. This happy festival was activities shunted our way, and disorgan celebrated at the end of harvesttime. Moses ized by emergencies. But thank God for describes this seven-day celebration in Exo such a wonderful variety of problems dus 23:16: "And the feast of harvest, the which usually end in blessings. firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingath Even Ingathering Becomes Delightful! ering, which is in the end of the year, when Have you ever stood by a mass produc thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the tion assembly line and watched a slave- field." This was one of the three festivals like worker tighten four or five nuts on which required the attendance of all He each successive machine as it slowly trav brew males. Jesus attended this feast (John eled by on a conveyer belt? Think of dedi 7:2, 14). It came at the close of the agricul cating your life to this type of work eight tural year and also was commemorative hours a day, forty hours a week, and for of the children of Israel©s wilderness wan forty years the minimum number of years derings. After the Babylonian captivity for maximum sustentation! Compared to rather elaborate rituals were developed in this even Ingathering becomes a delightful connection with this feast. The morning occupation. This may sound a bit face hour of worship found the people marching tious, nevertheless it is factual. Why let our round the altar holding willow branches in minds fool us into thinking that the minis their hands, praising God. This was done ter©s work is largely drudgery? If it be once each day and seven times on the sev drudgery it is because we make it so by enth day. One of the priests would take wa thinking it is so. ter from the Gihon spring which flows Life is a series of comparisons. Black is through the Kidron valley to the Pool of black compared to white. A man is tall only Siloam. To the chanting of the words, by comparison. Why not try comparative "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water tactics on your own life? But make sure that out of the wells of salvation" (Isa. 12:3) you do it with the masses, not the minorities. the water was mixed with sacrificial wine Follow this formula and you will be startled and poured out beside the altar into a at the numerous blessings coming your way. conduit which flowed down to the Kidron valley. This act was accompanied by in From. Curtains to Fly Swatter strumental music and the singing of psalms. On Friday evenings our family worship It was during Christ©s visit to this service centers on praise and thanksgiving. Each THE MINISTRY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED MONTHLY FOR THE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS BY THE REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, D.C 20012, USA. S4.00 A YEAR; 40C A COPY. PRICES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CANADA. ADD 25C FOR YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS TO COUNTRIES REQUIRING EXTRA POSTAGE. SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT WASHINGTON, D.C. EDITORIAL OFFICE: 6840 EASTERN AVENUE NW., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20O12. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: WHEN WRITING US ABOUT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS, PLEASE ENCLOSE THE ADDRESS LABEL FROM YOUR COPY OR FROM THE WRAPPER IN WHICH YOU RECEIVED THE JOURNAL. NOVEMBER, 1965 member of the family is called upon to Ministers of the Advent Movement, into state several blessings received during that our hands God has committed the greatest week. When my children were younger it and most glorious message ever given to was difficult to stop them from enumerating His servants. The marvelous prophecies, a large number of blessings. One daughter the hope of the soon coming of Jesus Christ, in particular would begin expressing the blessed Sabbath truth, the invaluable thankfulness for the knives and forks, counsel of the Spirit of Prophecy all of dishes, rugs, curtains, beds, fly swatter, this plus more are ours to communicate blinds, windows, ad infinitum. I never to those who are lost in sin. How can we stopped her, for this all-inclusive inventory help praising God with grateful hearts that of past, present, and future blessings we are ministers with Him! Think of being agitated my own soul into a thankful mood. privileged to do the same type of work After all, how many of us ministers have Christ did a work which will vibrate ever gone to bed hungry? From a weight through eternity, not perish in the post- standpoint perhaps many of us should! But millennial purification fires.
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