THE VOICE «W Bbcfcyi* Blvd., Miami *», fte. Return Postage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South. Florida Vol. II, No. 7 Price $5 a year ,.« 15 cents a copy May 6, 1960 Diocesan Pope John Says His Heart Weeps Men Hailed Women End For Misguided Who Support Reds On Success 3-Dcry Rally May Day Address Workers' Strife, Of Census (Pictures, other stories of Census workers of the Dio- DCCW convention Voices Sorrow on pages Discord Deplored cese of Miami completed their 12, 13, 14 and 15.) i VATICAM-CITY (NO — Pope Joseph the Worker on his feast door - to - door survey this By MARJORIE L. FILLY AW John XXIII has said his "heart week. weeps" because so many honest day, and fo "receive the blessing Election of officers by the Mi- Christian workers have subscrib- of the Vicar of Christ. Clear weather on Saturday ami Diocesan Council of Catho- ed to an ideology of "strife and HEART 'WEEPS' and Sunday enabled the men to lic Women'highlighted closing discord." It was estimated that 100,000 finish calling at homes to de- p sessions -of the second annual workers came to St. eter's termine the number of Catholic The Pope expressed his sor- convention of the organization square to hear Mass and re- families in South Florida. Work- row in a May Day radio mes- ceive the Pope's blessing, while held in Miami, Sunday through ers also gathered personal data sage to workers of the world. 60,000 workers assembled ^it. the about individual members of Tuesday. His reference to the ideology communist rally in Lateran each household. of "strife and discord" was square. Mrs. Julian J. Eberle of Lit- seen here as clearly a refer- tle Flower parish," Coral Ga- IFather Lamar J. Genovar, ence to communism. While the workers gathered, census moderator, called the bles was named president; Pope John expressed his sor- census "very successful" and Mrs. James Rawlings, St. Pope John urged everyone row over the "exaltation of "who has the responsibility extended congratulations to the Patrick parish, Miami Beach, erroneous ideologies which, by men of the Diocesan Council of treasurer and Mrs. John Pick, through power or means" to unbridled freedom on the one guarantee every man a "stable Catholic Men. He said results o£ little Flower parish, Holly- side and by suppression of the and dignified occupation," He the census ought to be available wood, recording secretary. personality on the other, have in several weeks. - also called upon those in power sought to uncrown the great- • to help bring about better liv- ness of the workers." v "God of love - Love of God.'V Richard B. Roberts, Jr., gen- ing and working conditions. the theme of the convention, . eral chairman of the census, ex- PEACEFUL COMPETITION He said: was emphasized by Bishop Cole- tended congratulations to the As the Pope spoke from the man F. Car oil in a sermon "Our heart weeps when it con- volunteer - workers who carried desk of his private study during Pontifical Low Mass cel- siders that so many of Our chil- out the project, the first major through the facilities of Vatican ebrated in. St. Mary_ Cathedral dren, though honest and upright, undertaking of the DCCM. Monday morning. During the Radio and the Italian national have allowed themselves to sub- NC Photo three day sessions, members radio network, communist and scribe, to such theories, for- He also urged parishes to con- heard religious and lay leaders Christian workers were waging IN A MAY DAT TALK, Pope John XXm said his "heart weeps" getting that an approach to the solidate their returns quickly so from parish, deanery, diocesan a peaceful competition in the for those Christian workers who think that communism is a means solution of all their problems is that statistical information can and national levels review top- streets of Rome. to a better life. The radio message was addressed to workmen contained in the Gospel and il- be forwarded to census head- ics pertinent to leadership, spir- everywhere in the world. The Pope asked laborers to imitate the lustrated in the social documents quarters. Mr. Roberts advised Trucks loaded with men, itual development, foreign relief virtues of St. Joseph the Worker whose Feast Day was May 1. of^the Roman pontificate." the census committee of each women and youths, wearing and the recent White House parish to mail or deliver its red bandanas around their In his address the Pope envis- emblazoned with the hammer 100 buses converged on St. Pet- ' (Continued on Page 14) necks' and carrying red flags (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) and sickle, sped through the er's square with workers of the streets to mass for their com- Italian Christian Workers Un- munist workers' demonstra- ion from every part of Italy. tionsrlVIIS. TheJ.11C7JyT CU1andU UU1Cother1 workerWU1AC1Os assemdOOdll-- At the sarnie time more than bled in the square to honor St. * Support For Mission Work In Diocese Asked In May Support your home missions projects are being assigned to- — those activities being car- give talks in 39 parishes on spec- ried oh for the spread of the ified Sundays during May. They will explain the great task which Faith in South Florida itself. God placed in their hands and That is the appeal being made will, make an appeal for con- to the people of the Diocese of tributions to help them carry Miami during May. The all- on this work. " important and vital missionary PASTORS TO TALK endeavors which require im- In other parishes of the dio- mediate and continued help are cese the pastors themselves will three-fold in nature: talk on the work and needs of - i. The Spanish - speaking the missions and the second apostolate, w h i c b> includes collection in those churches on both the migrant workers and Sunday, May 15, will be taken those Spanish-speaking people up for that purpose. who settle here permanently. Principal support is requir- ed for the Spanish-speaking 2. Work among the Negro Vofco. FboUk : people of the diocese, apostolate because of its wide- spread activities and growth. A RED MASS will be offered tonight (Friday) at 6 p.m. in con- 3. Extension and aid to In bade County alone it has junction with the Miami Beach convention of the Florida Bar ' small -parishes in outlying been estimated that there are Association. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll will officiate at the Mass communities where the spread more than 100,000 Spanish- ' in St. Joseph's Church. Shown above making, preparations for / Voice Photoi of faith and care of souls is so speaking men, women and the ceremony are, (from left): Joseph J. Jennings, president of NEW OFFICERS of the Miami DCCW are, clock-wise, Mrs. Julian important. children. the Catholic Lawyers' Guild; Judge David J. Heffernan, and J. Eberle, Coral Gables, president; Mrs. James Rawlings, Miami C. Clyde Atkins. Mr. Atkins will be installed as president of the 'Beach, treasurer and Mrs. John Pick, Hollywood, recording sec- Priests now actively engaged That figure does not include Florida Bar Association at the convention. The Mass is open to retary. Mrs. Mark A. Theissen, NCCW president, is at right. in strictly diocesan missionary (Continued on Page 26) the public. Pope John Says Heart Weeps For Misguided Backing Reds (Continued from Page 1) v ioned "the guardian of Jesus and the most pure spouse of the Holy Virgin" bent over, the work- ers of the world to encourage, comfort and support them. He envisioned, too, what a blessing it would be for the world if the family of every Christian worker might "mir- ror the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth, in which constant labor, • even, amid the difficult circumstances of Me, was joined with the most ardent love of God and with generous compliance with His lovable will." The basic significance of the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the Pope said, is to remind working men of their great dig- Mty and to repeat to them that their labors are "a powerful NO Photo means of personal perfection and of eternal merit." He de- OUR LADY'S shrine in the Vatican gardens is a scene of prayer for the Pontiff as he takes an afternoon stroll. If weather clared: ~ does not permit a walk, he usually browses in the fine library. "The true dignity of man is B»t measured by the tinsel of sensational results, but'by the CubarTParfy Vows Campaign interior- dispositions of order and good will." He pointed to St. Joseph as "the heavenly For Free National Election model of the attitude and dispo- sition that should be taken to- HAVANA TNC) — Leaders of ty and only aims at creating a ward work." Cuba's Christian Democratic civic conscience among Cubans. Movement have vowed to con- In lamenting communism, RETURN OF EXILES ASKED which the Pope described as tinue their struggle against all erroneous ideology, , he communism and for clean elec- SANTIAGO, Chile (NO — eharged that it "seeks to sow tions despite the flight of their The Christian Democratic Or- strife and discord, setting the president. ganization of the Americas has various categories of society petitioned Cuba's revolutionary one against the other. It at- They said in a statement tempts even to separate the that the president of the government to allow the safe return of two Cuban Christiart masses of labor -from that movement, Dr. Jose Ignacio Democratic leaders Who fled the God who alone is the protec- . Rasco, had taken refuge in tor and vindicator of the hum- country.
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