VOLUME 2013.04 April 2013 CUHP CHRONICLE The Mirror and Voice of the Central University of Himachal Pradesh [Established under the Central Universities Act 2009] PATRON: Prof. Furqan Qamar Vice Chancellor Editor’s Desk CHIEF EDITOR: Prof. Arvind Agrawal Dean, SoSS & SoFA&AE Dear Reader Govt. of India; Justice R. S. Chauhan, EDITORIAL ADVISORS: Rajasthan High Court etc., gave a Prof. Yoginder S. Verma Warmth swoops the Dauladhar PVC & Dean, S0BMS and SoTT&HM rare opportunity for the CUHP family Prof. H.R. Sharma Ranges and the Kangra valley as Dean Students’ Welfare & Provost to interact and get illuminated. Prof. I.V. Malhan days become sunny. The summer Dean, MC&IS Pearls of wisdom are formed in the has set-in. Academic ventures at Mr. B.R. Dhiman whirlwind of brainstorming academic Finance Officer & Registrar (Addl. CUHP also get heated up in view of Charge) efforts. When the Schools and De- the approaching examinations. The EDITORS: partments become vibrant, our Uni- FACULTY truth that learning does not always Dr. Asutosh Pradhan versity will contribute to the treasure Assoc. Professor, Social Work need the confinement of four walls of enlightened knowledge. This Dr. M. Rabindranath of the class rooms or labs is exem- Dean, JMC&NM dream is getting gradually material- Dr. Pradeep Kumar plified by the study tours taken up Head, Dept. of MC&EM ized, witnessing to which is a joy in Dr. Khem Raj by various departments in April. Asst. Professor, English itself. Public lectures by eminent person- Prof. Arvind Agrawal STAFF Mr. Sanjay Singh alities from various fields like Shri With best wishes, Chief Editor Hindi Officer Ashok Thakur, Secretary, MHRD, STUDENT arvind agrawal Ms. Aditi Sharma Mr. Akash Aggarwal Ms. Alka Lalhal Mr. Ankit Mahajan Ms. Isha Negi Hon’ble Mr. Justice Raghavendra S Chauhan: A Profile Mr. Jaspreet Singh Ms. Parul Kaul Mr. Raghav Manocha Versatility is hallmark of persons Judge at an early age of 45 in Inside this issue: who are a genus unto them- 2005. selves. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Address by Secretary, MHRD 2 Currently serving as Justice at Raghavendra S Chauhan is such Study Tour of Dept. of Physics ... 2 the Rajasthan High Court, a genius, who has left mark on 8th AC & 11th EC Meetings 3 Jaipur Bench, Justice R S fields that rarely converge. Condolence Meeting 3 Chauhan’s presence in the Schooled and graduated in the Lectures by Justice RS Chauhan 4 academic field related to Law Justice R. S. Chauhan Unites States, got Bachelor De- Earth Day Celebration 4 is internationally well known grees in Fine Arts and History Lecture on Rural Connectivity to 4 and appreciated. He is the from Arcadia University, USA tise. Though overburdened World Book Day Celebrated 5 author of a number of journal with Gold Medal and took LLB with the duties of a High Visit to IHBT 5 articles and had served as from Delhi University. Justice Industrial Visit of SoBMS 5 editor-in-chief of Rajasthan Court Judge, the Justice finds Chauhan got enrolled as advo- time to study and write HIMSPARK’13 6 Criminal Cases (1994 - 96). He cate in 1983. Specialized in about art and history. He is Workshop of Media Society 7 also enjoys membership of Criminal Law, Service Law, Con- currently engrossed in the Students Council & Central 7 various societies, academies stitutional Law etc., Advocate R Purchase Committee Meetings and associations which are process of writing a scholarly S Chauhan was elevated to be ‘Parisamvad’ 8 related to his field of exper- book on Kangra Paintings. Study Tour of Dept. of Econom- 8 Placement Camp 8 A beautiful university nestled amongst snow clad mountains. A cosmopolitan faculty, a small student Complete Lecture of Justice R.S. 9 Chauhan population is a great blessing. The interactive session with the faculty and the students was an exhila- Shri Ashok Thakur: A Profile 17 rating experience! Please do keep up the great work. - Justice R.S. Chauhan Central University of Himachal Pradesh Secretary, Higher Education, MHRD addresses Faculty and Research Scholars th Sh. Ashok Thakur, IAS, Secretary (RUSA) as part of the 12 Five dates who are technically eligible to the Government of India, Year Plan will tackle the issue of for the posts were extremely Department of Higher Educa- contractual labour in the univer- poor in their communication tion, Ministry of Human Re- sities in the state and elsewhere skills and conceptualisation abili- source Development, New through the RUSA programme. ties”, he said. He also suggested Delhi, addressed the faculty of “Presently funding of the state that the Department of Higher the university in the Seminar universities from the respective Education may conduct mass Hall of the Temporary Academic states is either stagnant or de- training programme for improv- Block of the University at Shah- clining, which in turn force them ing the skills of the qualified pur. to stick to practices like contrac- candidates as part of raising the Release of Prospectus for Addressing the gathering, he tual employment and affiliation quality of higher education in the the Academic Session 2013-2014 said that the quality of higher programmes. However, with country. education should be improved RUSA, we are planning to ad- Mr. Ashok Thakur also released and in the 12th Five Year Plan dress these issues which are the Prospectus of the University stress has been laid on highly affecting the quality of educa- for the academic year 2013-14. “It has been an eye opener for trained faculty, use of ICTs and tion in the country so much,” he me seeing the way the univer- Ms Sarojini Ganju Thakur, Chair- software in addition to mone- said. man of HP-Private Education sity is unfolding itself in terms tary and infrastructural devel- of the academic inputs and the While discussing with the fac- Regulatory Committee and Pema opment. ulty and research scholars about Chonjor, Minister for Religion framework being created here. “Faculty is the source or the how to improve higher educa- and Culture of Tibetan Govern- The VC and his team of dedi- kernel for providing higher edu- tion in the country, he said, ment in Exile were also present cated faculty is striving hard in cation.” he said. Stressing on “Basic education should be im- in the function. achieving the vision of this the need to provide access to proved to enhance higher edu- Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Yog- Central University. I wish all content, he said interconnectiv- cation system”. inder S. Verma, Registrar, B. R. my best wishes in the great ity needs to be provided among Addressing the gathering, Prof. Dhiman, Prof Arvind Agrawal, endeavour of nation-building” various universities and institu- Furqan Qamar, Hon’ble Vice Dean, School of Social Sciences tions. Interacting with the fac- Chancellor, said that finding and other Deans and Heads of - Shri Ashok Thakur ulties and research scholars in quality candidates for teaching the departments, faculty mem- the campus about the ways to Secretary Education, jobs in higher education is very bers and research scholars of the improve quality of higher edu- difficult. “For recruitment, we university were also present in Govt. of India cation, he said that Rashtriya found that most of the candi- the function. Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan Educational Tour by the students of the Department of Physics and Astronomical Sciences Wonderful to be at the Central The students of the M.Sc. accelerator centre and gave various attractions of Science University of Himachal Pradesh. Physics (4th Semester) visited details to the students about City like, Flight Simulation, La- Congratulations to the VC & Fac- the Inter-University Accelera- the construction, functioning, ser Show, 3D Show Digital, ulty Members for your commit- tor Centre (IUAC) New-Delhi applications and future plans Planetarium Show and Dino- ment & dedication. - Kalon Pema Chinjor and Science City Jallandhar of the IUAC. It may be noted saurs’ Park etc. Deptt. of Cultural & Religion, during a four day Education that IUAC is an accelerator Altogether, this tour enlight- CTA, Dharamshala Tour program (17-04-2013 to facility instituted by the UGC ened the students with the 20-04-2013). for the Indian university stu- latest updating in the respec- A group of seventeen (17) stu- dents and teachers to do re- tive fields and the international dents was led by Dr. B.C. Chau- search in the frontier areas of level facilities available. They han, Associate Professor. Dr. Nuclear Physics, Material Sci- certainly got a feeling of the Dalip Singh Verma, Assistant ence, Condensed Matter Phys- phenomena studied in the Professor and RD scholar Ms. ics and Medical Physics. classrooms. Overall the trip was Jyoti Bhardwaj also accompa- On the way back from New- highly beneficial for educational nied the group. The group Delhi, the students visited Sci- purpose and proved to be ex- visited IUAC on 18th April. A ence City at Jalandhar on 20th hilarating, recharging and re- senior scientist Dr. Pankaj April 2013. The group visited freshing for all the students. The Group in front of IUAC Baghel led the group to the Page 2 VOLUME 2013.04 8th Academic Council & 11th Executive Council Meetings Held Eighth Meeting of the tus for admission dur- sense that they were Academic Council of ing the academic ses- the last meetings of the the University was held sion 2013-14. The Ex- first Academic Council on 4th April 2013 at the ecutive Council, and the first Executive India International Cen- amongst other impor- Council which had been tre, New Delhi. The tant agenda, approved constituted by the Gov- 8th Academic Council meeting of the Aca- the recommendation of ernment of India.
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