Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 199 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, October 24, 1988 Energy Awareness Week, Oct. 24-30 'Energy makes America work' AW Editor'sNote: Energy Awareness Week is tion and support our defense systems. Any imported oil. It seems simple. Why then definitely the way to go; however, it takes October 24-30, not October 17-23 as re- major or prolonged disruption in our im- doesn't the United States produce more major investments of time and capital. The ported in an earlier Gazette issue. ported oil supply will affect our way of life crude oil? Why don't we use other forms of United States has huge resources of coal, dramatically as it did in the 1970s. energy instead of oil? Why would other oil shale and geothermal energy, aside Energy Awareness Week, which be- There is an urgent need for appropriate countries supply us with less oil than we from renewable like the sun, wind and gins today, is an annual event held at all action on energy problems, but this need is need? ocean. Technologies are being developed Navy and Marine Corps units and activities not being met due to complacency and lack It is when you gobeyond the simple and to harness the energy from these sources as part of the Department of the Navy's of understanding of our nation's depend- obvious factofU.S. dependence on foreign and make it usable for many energy needs. energy program. Its purpose is to provide ence on foreign energy sources, primarily sources of oil and try to answer the many But it will be many years before any of facts about the national energy security petroleum. questions provoked by this fact, that you these alternative forms of energy can re- problem and the Navy energy situation, to The Department of the Navy depends begin to see how complicated the energy place substantial amounts of oil. outline the Navy energy program, to high- on petroleum products to supply 82.5 per- problem is. Today's related low cost and abun- light Navy energy conservation and re- cent of its total energy needs. It uses oil for Only a finite quantity of oil remains in dance of oil have made many forms of search accomplishments, and to encourage fueling ships and aircraft and for operating the earth, some probably yet to be discov- energy sources uneconomical. So, in the energy conservation throughout the Navy shore bases. More than 90 percent of the ered. However, mostoftheremaininglarge meantime, we are vulnerable to reduction and Marine Corps community. petroleum products used by the Navy are deposits of oil are found in less developed in oil supplies and the disruptions they The theme for this year's activities is for mobility purposes, to fuel weapon sys- countries. cause. What we can do now about the "Energy Makes America Work," empha- tems, ships and aircraft. This is the key to understanding the situation is conserve energy. Every barrel sizing our awareness of how energy effects Although other forms of energy, such answers to two of the questions asked of oil, gallon of gasoline or kilowatt hour of our daily lives. as natural gas, coal and solar, are used above. The United States can and is trying electricity conserved means that much The United States produces more crude wherever possible, (mainly for shore facil- to produce more oil, but it is a rather small energy will be available in the future. Not oil than it consumes. Today, imports from ity requirements), there are no ready sub- reserve. Discoveries of oil in the United everyone can help discover new oil re- foreign sources account for over 40 percent stitutes for liquid petroleum fuels that States are not keeping pace with the U.S. serves or develop alternative energy of the petroleum required to fuel our indus- power Navy weapons systems. consumption. sources, but every American can reduce tries, heat and cool our homes and office The solution to secure our energy The question remains of using other energy demand by using energy wisely and buildings, power our means of transporta- sources is to reduce our dependence on forms of energy instead of oil. This is conserving wherever possible. DoD observes Drug-Free America Week October 24-30 By EVELYN D. HARRIS epidemic proportions in our country. The ing our country and to eradicate them at civic, social and youth groups. AFIS Correspondent effects of this abuse on our families, com- their source." munities and society are devastating in The campaign will run along with The Department of Defense is joining terms of the loss of human lives, the fear of National Red Ribbon Week, organized to other government agencies, Congress and unsafe streets and the decline in productiv- mobilize family and community drug pre- private organizations to observe National ity. The Department of Defense has been a vention programs. President Ronald Re- Drug-Free America Week, October 24-30. leader in the fight against drug abuse." agan and Nancy Reagan are honorary The campaign theme is "What Works - Carlucci mentioned the dramatic de- chairpersons for that week. Next Steps." cline in therate ofdrug abuse in the military The primary goals of the campaign are In a memorandum urging top military and DoD initiatives to require contractors to strengthen existing education programs and DoD civilian officials to support the to establish a drug-free work force. He also and to stimulate new, community-based campaign, Secretary of Defense Frank C. notes DoD's assistance to law enforcement activities through nationwide mobilization Carlucci noted, "Drug abuse has reached agencies "tohelp prevent drugs from enter- of concerned parents, business leaders and PWD civilian employees CAPTAIN'SHOTLINE get Performance Awards 4800 At a recent ceremony, Capt. T.W. Roberts, Robert Aven, Donald King, Delio (Navy Resale ACTIONLINE, 4355) Bone, honored the following PWD civilian Perez Jr., Valdie Brown, Horace Hen- l im llli employees with Outstanding Performance dricks, Clement Lodge, Michael McLean, Awards: Keith Spencer, Evon Taylor, John Walker When calling the Captain'sHotline, beach. Felix Wilson, Dennis Johnson, Ken- Sr., Ansel Murdock, James Veloz, Jimmie please leave your name and phone drick Williams, Clifton Mowatt, Clinton Kerns, Hupert Dare, Desmond Foster, number. Anonymous calls will only be Query: I was wondering if a person Barclay and Roland Annakie. Leeward Hamilton, Gilroy Kennedy, answered in the case of fraud, waste the age of 13 can enter the Captain's Delroy Logan, Wilbert Morris, Victor and abuse. Hotline calls will be Cup Archery competition? * The following people received Per- Smith, Clement Thomas, Phillip Baker, published in the newspaper or formance Awards: Robert Yeagley, Simon Tejada, John Car- Richard Carter III, Laurie Leitsch, raway, William Humberson and Oden answered by phone to the caller. Reply: The Captain's Cup program is MelcherRhem Jr.,SheilaCampbell, Shad- Hughes. open to students in grades 7 through rick Jackson, Rupert Bambery, Percival Robert Edwards, William Fraser, Mi- Query: I am a Leeward resident. Our 12. In the interest of safety MWR Brown, George Harris, Maximillian chael Hay, Luis Larosa, Dennis Wilson, electricity was off Monday, Columbus requires a parent to be present during McTaggart, Lloyd Parsons, Linda Michael Weber, Benny Powell, Karen Day, with our husbands and children archery practices or competition. Copeland, Louis Anderson, Herbert Sparks, Derrick Anderson, Balton Carney, at home and all the commands not Campbell, Lloyd Dixon, Florizel Fearon, Walter Dallas, Wilford Hibbert, George working. This is very inconvenient. Query: I am calling about the two- Evan Grant, Clement Garrick, Linton Jones, Earl Munroe, Berisford Murray, hour limit on trick or treating. I think Mills, Clifton Miller and Vincent Riley. Leonard Whitehorne, Donald Weir, Edna Reply: All outages are scheduled to this is terrible. Also receiving the award were Alty- McKlveen, Richard Felci, Errol Harvey, cause as little inconvenience as pos- mont Thomas, William Bowers, Dockey Sandra Tulloch, Rupert Francis, Dianne sible. This outage required Reply: I certainly don't want to be the Lee Warren, Richard Peglowski, Edward Gundrum, Julian Cordova,Richard Harris, all power Brickhouse, Tommy Smith, RogelioEsco- Luther Washington III, Tommy Collins, at the hangar, galley, supply areas, person who stole Christmas or bar, Aubrey Allman, Edward Brown, Barbara Adams, Bonny Jones III, Michael etc., to be secured. Had the outage Halloween, but this time frame has Doriel Drysdale, Seymour Francis, Robert Cusack, Milton McDermott, Frank Stec, been held any other day it would have been used for a number of years here Harvey, Clement Lennox, Granville Mar- Robert Marshall, Clement Jones, Eric had a major impact on the operation with no problems. A lot of ground tin, George Pollack, Anthony Small, Francis, Delbert Gardiner, Ishmael Ben- of Leeward. The power was off at 8 can be covered on this base in two Durcell Stewart, Newton Carter, Antonio nett, Thomas Davis, Vernon Manus, a.m. and back on between 12 and 1 hours and I do see a safety benefit in Leal, Kingsley Bolt, Charles Dacres, Nev- Carlton Shaw, Derrick Stephens, Neville p.m. It was great day to go to the trick or treating before it gets dark. ille Jackson and Lloyd Monroe. Ford, Hervin Clarke and Lincent Adlam Additional awardees include Derrick also received awards. Marine Barracks sets Northeast Gate tour BAY NEWS GBOWC logo contest apply, in writing, for spouse preference, be in the The Marine Barracks Ground bus to and from the North East area of consideration and be included among Officer's Wives Club is Force will be Gate. There will be absolutely no The Guantanamo Bay persons determined to behest qualified for the Defense/Security logo to be used on official stationery.
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