Tft sre4rrfi'mrrr qfu( National Council for Teacher Education (A Statutory Body of the Government of lndia) (sTrrr Hr6'R tr, qm'frft*' vprm) Southern Regional Committee qfffq Efu Hfrft Il..JG-d+ erq NCTE F. SRO/APS02780/D.Ed I AP I 201 2/J1 6sgz t Date:\O I Speed Post 1-q lil1 l' UIl L l SIlEIl I Ll GAZIr I.l ll Qlr INI]! 4 1'AI('l' I I I S I1(l'l' l O N 4 Qlllllil< WHEREAS, Anjani Putra Education Society, Satram Street, Darsi (p), Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh had submitted an application to the Southern Regronal Committee of NC I L seeking permission to starl Smt. Mannaru Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed College, Sri. Vidya Nagar, Chalivendra Village, Darsi (p), Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh for Elementay (D.Ed) course of two years duration from the academic session 2005-06 with an annual intake of 50 students on 07 09 2004 and the institution was granted recognition on 26 0B 2005 with a condition to shift both tl.Ed and D.El.Ed courses to its own premises/ building within three years; from the date of recognition of the B.ED course AND WHEREAS, a letter was received from Govt of Andhra lrradesh, School I ducation (trt:') Department vide letter G.O. Rt. NO. 521 dated 01.07 2011 regardrng PVI t) t,:d Collegr:s; Adirrissions 2O10-2011 certain PVT D.Ed college admitted studerrts more than therr in-take: capacity-request for approval of Extra seats filed by them- Action of the Management in frllrng extra seats-ratified-orders-issued an perusal of the above letter, Private D.Ed Colleges of Andhra Pradesh has submitted representation to the Hon'ble Minrster stating that they have admitted iyear extra students in D.Ed f after completion of 3'd phase DIETCE I 201O counselin-r; durinq tirr: academic year 2O1O 2011 Rut the 4t' phase counselrng, the Convener Dlt-l Ct'f -2010 havr: allotted students to the vacant seats of therr college under category-A seats and had re,qucstcd the Govt to accord permission fcr the extra seats for the year 2010-2011 as a special case AND WHEREAS, after examination of the matter by the State Govt. in view the interest of the students who were admitted in excess by the institutions and are at no fault of them. hence the: Govt ratified the action of the Managements of (28) private D Ed colleges rn filling of excess seati filled by them for the academic year 2010-2011 as a special case wrth a strict warning to the managements of such institution not to repeat such unauthorized /irregular adrnission AND WHEREAS, the State Govt, had requested to take necessary action agarnst thr: It/lanagement as per the rules in force. AND WHEREAS, the SRC in its 209th Meetrng held durrng 3'1't July 20'11 Consrdered the above matter and decided to issue Show Cause Notice to the twenty nine rnstitutions wrth regard to therr admrtting more than the permitted intake in therr D Ed course, which is agarnst the NCTF norms And also decided that a letter be addressed to Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and the affiliatrng body that latter should not have permrtted/condoned the unauthorized/irregular excess admissions T'he; NCTE is not in a position to approve of such unauthorized/irregular excess admissions Ihe institutlons are liable to be derecognized for such serious commissions/omissrons AND WHEREAS, the Committee further decided to request by the guidelines of NC I E Fl'qrs on such matters of omission/commissir'.ln. cornmrtted and followed with the ratification/condonation of the atfrlratrng trody/State Govt. As per direction of SRC Show Cause Notjce was issued to tnr: concerned institution The rnstitution had submitted its reply on 01 112011 Contd P/2 qrnqr-fr, E-rq ffi +rq-€-ts, Jnana Bharathi Campus Road, Opp. National Law School, srrt ter+o m r1-c{. dTatl - tlEo ot3! N:garabhavi Bangalore - 560 072 E-nrail : [email protected] / srcncce201 Plrone 080-23185669170172 Fax . 080,23 1 85673 [email protected] Website : http://www.srcncte.in -2- AND WHEREAS, the SRC in its 21Bth meeting held on 28th February 2012 considered the matter and decided that, in view of the condonation ordered by the State Govt SRC may warn the erring institution and require them to give an undertaking that there will be no recurrence of such a lapse AND WHEREAS, hence, accordingly, the excess admissions was condoned as directed by the State Govt. with a direction to the institution to submit an undertaking that no excess admissions will be made in future AND WHEREAS, on 1Bl08/2014, a letter is received by this office along with documents fronr the Secretary & Correspondent, Sri Anjani Puthra Educational Society, Darsi, Prakssam District stating as under:- "l bring to your kind notice that Smt. Mannaru Yasodamma Memorial College of Education i.e B.Ed College APS? 1313 established in 2003 and D Ed college APS0.27B0 established in 2005 are located in Chalivendra village, Darsi mandal, Prakasam district, Ancthra Pradesh. Due to shorlage of water, I am requesting your good offices to give permission to shift the above said colleges to the new own premises of the Society which is tocated 4.8 km away. The land and building are owned by the Society and they are accorcling to the norms of NCTE. Please consider our request and take necessay sfeps for shifting of premises." AND WHEREAS, in the meantime, on 12.01 2015 a letter received from the Correspondent, Smt. Mannaru Yasodamma Memorial B.Ed. College. Addankr Road tlarsi (P O & M) Kandukur Revenue Division, Prakasam District, Darsi-523247 Andhra Pradesh stated as under - "Smt. Mannaru Yasodamma memorial B.Ed college(APso1313) and Smt. Mannartt Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed college (APSO27B0) run by sir Anianiputra Educalional Society are siluated at chalivendra, Darsi (Post and Mandal), Prakasam Districl Antlhra Pradesh. Due to scarcity of drinking water we are requesting you to shift the above said two colteges to the new premises owned by the samc' socie ty in the same town I he land and bttitcting are according to the N.C.T.E norms-2014 We are also requesting your good offices fo sancfion two units of intake in Sml Mannaru Tasodamma memorial B.Ed college and Smt. Mannaru Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed Coltege. The premises is according tothe new N.C.TE A/ORMS -2014 Wr: will abide by the new rules and regulations proposed by N C T E. We are requestirtg you kt take necessa4y steps for inspection. We are also enclosing the affidavits irt tl'tr: prescribed format along with this lettel'. AND WHEREAS, as per records, the documents have been submitted by the institution for Shifting AND WHEREAS, the Southern Regional Committee in its 283'd meeting held during 2nd & 3"' March, 2015 Considered the Shifting matter and decided as under - "SCIV for BCC approved by competent authority". AND WHEREAS, rn the meantime, On 06.03.2015 before issuance of Show Cause Nottce to the institution. on seeing website a reply to the Show Cause Notlce received by thts office from The Correspondent, Smt. Mannuru Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed College. Sri Vidya Nagar Chalivendra(P O ) Darsi Mandal, Prakasam District Andhra Pradesh AND WHEREAS, the Southern Regional Committee in its 284th rneeting held cluring consiclerr:cj the matter, reply from the institution on 06.03.2015 relevant documents ol the institution and decided to qqqSetnSp-eelpl of the said institution.^, , t}ltt-' Contd . P/3 -3- AND WHEREAS, as per the decision of SRC . the inspection of the institution was scheduled during 23'd to 25th April, 2015 and the same was intimated to the institution on 20 042O1s lnspection of the institution was conducted on 25.04.2010 and VT Report was receiveci by this office on 02 05 2015 AND WHERAS, the Southern Regional Committee in its 2B7tf' meetrng held during 2Otl' May. 2015 considered the VT report and decided as permit shiftinq to new premises. NOW THEREFORE, permission Is hereby accorded by SRC to Smt. Mannur Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed College, Sri. Vidya Nagar, Chalivendra Village, Darsi (P), Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh to shift its premises to the new location / building at Smt. Mannur Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed College Sy.No.458/1,45813, Addanki Road. 14th Block Darsi Prakasam District -52324, Andhra Pradesh lf the institution contravenes any of the conditions or the provisions of the NCTE Act, Rules, Regulations and Orders made or issued there under, the Regional Committee shall withdraw the recognition as under the provisions of Section 17(1) of the NCTE Act By order. Y feu$-bt^; {--&-1\ (Dr.P.RevathiReddy) CS-- Regional Director I'he Manager Government of lndia Press Depa rtment of Pr.rbl rcations (Gazette Section) Civil Lines, New Delhi - 1 10054. To: The Principal, Smt. Mannur Yasodamma Memorial D.Ed College Sy.No.45811,45813, Addanki Road . 14th Block Darsi Prakasam District -52324, Andhra Pradesh Copv to. 1) The Secretary, Dept. of Elementary Education and Literacy, Minrstry of Fluman Resource Development, Govt of lndia, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 001 2) The Education Secretary, lncharge of Higher Education, Department, 'J' Block. ll'u Floor, Secretariat Building Hyderabad-500022, Andhra Pradesh 3) The Director SCERT, Aliya Compound Near L.B Stadium t-lyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 4) The Secretary, Anjani Putra Education Society, Satram Street, Darsi (P) Prakasam District Andhra Pradesh. 5) The Under Secretary (CS), National Council for Teacher Education, Hans Bhawan Wing-ll, Bahadurshah Zaf ar Marg, New Delhi - 1 10 002 6) Office Order file/institution file.
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