i THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 24: 1919 Densation bill come from the house seriousness of the situation and occupy revolution and the reported alliance of Kansas City firsts Market. committee. The Montee bills In the Budapest entente troops. He the new government with the Russian (The ruuge of itricea on gralD futures on 111 EXTRA SESSION HUN BLOCKS MOVE with Kansas City Board of Trade as reported senate never saw the light of day says the only way to save the situa- soviet wlaicb is considered here as a b Myers.- - 801 N. E. bldg.) probably never expected to and the tion is to send American or British grave mena.ee to Europe has given rise Tboa. J. chance for relief lay In the fight forces there, 'but adds: to new criticism here of delays in the Chicago, March 24. Kansas " Labor Organizations which could be made before the house Hungarian Revolt Explains the "Where a battalion would have peace conference proceedings. The committee. The Graves bill was sufficed formerly, a brigade would be Globe referring to the situation in Open High Low Today Sat. amended and substituted as a com necessary now." Hungary says: CORN Want Legislature To Meet. de- Tactics of German Leaders. Mar. ..1515 lOR, l.V. 150H 1HH4 mittee measure. Almost without "That is the natural consequence of - 14BW, it passed the house In the final Disarm Entente Troops. May ..14- 143 14 1474 bate (By Associated is.) the delay of the peace conference in July ..138 140V4 131 139 130 H Plan To AskGovernor Allen To hour for consideration of original They Trj To Hold Up Allies at the Pre making peace and if the delay con- OATS bills. But the measure came too late Berlin, March 28. A special dis- tinues we wilt have worse consequences Mar. 60 69 Call Bodies Back. for consideration in the senate. The Erery Point. patch to the Feiheit announces the still. All this discussion of the league Mar. .. n 6K 67Mt senate voted down every attempt to disarmament of entente troops - at covenant before even July .. 00 Vi 6tHi 65 66 65T4 push the compensation measure to the Budapest. It is unconfirmed, how- a preliminary appears questionable. peace has been reached simply en- Chicago Grain ud Provision Market. front. Paris, March 24. The Bolshevik ever, and courages di- REVISE COMPENSATION BILL Once the fight on the compensation Napoleon thespread of Bolshevik Chicneo. March 24 CORN Cloaet March. movement culminating in Hungary like When Returned. sease and gives our chief enemy oppor- $1.47: July. $1.37 : September, $1.31. bill gets a fair, square start on the OATS G714c; May, floor ought to week setting up a soviet republic and de Paris, March 24. "The situation is tunities for Intrigue." March. USttoSHc; it furnish a full be- as serious as which arose when July. 66c: September, 63c. of oratory. The rights of the em- daring war on the allies, was that Men Are to Allied Work. j t ' it rv May. o.uu; I. Want Entire Law Rebuilt for have ex- the congress of Vienna learned of Na- July, ploye and the rights of the employer lieved today to furnished an - v London, March 24 (via Montreal). LARD May. $27.S0; Julv. $27.36. planation for Germany's dilatory and poleon's return from Elba. SHOUT RIBS May. $24.90; July, $23.00. Greater Allowances. are always in dispute when the com peace "Today, as a hundred years ago, Hungary's adoption of Bolshevism is pensation bill is given a hearing. The obstructive tactics toward the regarded most seriously by the Anglo-Frenc- h house, tho, passed the buck to the conference. negotiators have provoked and have press, chiefly as endangering Kansas City Grain and Prod nee Market, Germany, playing for time, has now been surprised by destiny," writes St. Kansas City. March 24. WHEAT Cash : ffejr V ImSJoWV man Stock.- of which we House Committee Measure senate bill voting for the bill almost the efforts of the entente to build up 2c No. 1 ; reached a point where she will offer Brice in the Journal. "The problem Market higher. hard. $J.49 2.51 NxgffSflras. k. cme of a without consideration or careful read the Rumanian, Polish and Czecho- No. 2, $2.49; So. 1 red, $2.052.70; N 2. VYffivrS have and two ing. to oppose a Bolshevik invasion of before the council of ten todays is not slovak states as bulwarks against Ger- Failed at Last Moment. western Europe in exchange for less the fate of the German cables or the $260265 SiiHBffTi H ilSsS kind, choice the last week Governor tu a- Plea. impera- man domination of central Europe. All CORN Market uncbans-e- No 2 mixed. JaVs Bowman Sale severe peace terms, in the opinion of Teschen commission but the these three states are menaced by ad- $159; No. 3. $1.50gl No. 2 white. $1.60; ffftt t H of the organizations A demand for a special session is manj delegates. tive necessity of having Poland and 3, xso.56;z yellow, tLOUUloo; Kansas labor want the ht vancing Bolsheviki armies. io. i.DiaLK; legislature to come back, according to based on the hope that adequate time This is not such a preposterous sit- Rumania rebuild the water-tig- According to a Vienna dispatch It No 3. $1.5S. will be given lor consideration of the uation as at first appears, according to compartment which has collapsed," he was OATS Market unchanged to ie lower. latest gossip. Ru- compensation the establishment of the neutral No. 2 white, 70HU71c: No. 2 mixed, 70 bill and that under the the opinion expressed in some quar- continues. zone on the Hungarian-Rumania- n mors in state house circles are to the call the legislature would be com- ters; The entire situation south of the "Otherwise, Germany, declaring peace 014c: No. 2 red, 072c pelled to a. new bill. Gov- dyna- alone in a position to save frontier which the conference ItYE 1.55. effect that the demand is to be made consider Baltic is chaotic and "full of herself had decided upon whioli precipitated KAFIR AND MILO MAIZE $2. 53 2.70. 410.00 message civilization, lay upon ses- ernor Allen sent a special to mite." It may possibly grow entirely western will down her HAY Marker hieher. Choice thnothv. Governor Allen for a special peace of al- the crisis. This zone was intended to the legislature late in the session out of allied control, it was pointed terms instead those the make the Hungarians desist at- $30.0038.0() ; cuniee prairie, $38.50 40.00; sion next winter. it-i- from when it was apparent that no compen- out, unless met squarely at once. lies propose to dictate to her or will tacking the Rumanians to close choice alfalfa, $37,500 38.00. jttevision of the workmen's com- would be by to threaten to take the lead in the Bol- and S.4o(iu -.-iHI. sation act written the One solution apparently will be the gap between Rumania and Po- BRAN $2.00lg2.10. pensation act is the big demand of the lawmakers. He provision inter-allie- d expeditionary sheviki movement." This extract asked for raise an land. The note -- labor leaders. They sought to jam the appointment of a commission with to from an editorial accurately reflects entente defining this WHEAT Receipts 74 cars. leg- force. The alternative is allow the zone was dated March 19, the Vienna BUTTER-Market hieher. Creamerv. 60c: v. the house committee bill thru the power to investigate and report at the Germans, who are in a much better the views of the foreign editors of 57Ve; packing, in closing of newspapers. ex- advices state. The zone was fixed as firsts. seconds. 5514c: 40c islature the hours the next legislative session. A measure strategic position to deal with the sit- French Some 'may a belt 140 miles long 40 miles witia AiarKet Tirm. at yc. session. But their efforts failed. Some was offered providing for such a com- uation. Germany would thus virtual- press reserve as to hew far the move- and POULTRY Hcua, 29c; roosters, lG21c; of the trouble which the Kansas em- by Germany wide, virtually shutting Hungary be- broilers, 33c. mission and appropriating $12,000 for ly become the allies' mandatory in ment is or is not inspired hind the rivers Theiss, Szamos ployers met in an attempt to pass the the work. But the bill did not re- eastern Europe. but they all generally agree in plac- and CORN. Close : March. $1.564: Mav.$1.49; new labor board bill fell in the path of central ing events Maros and including the towns of July, $1.39; September. L31(jjl.33. ceive action. Germany Blocking Allies. the principal blame for the Grosswardein, Dezreczen, en- ShoW the labor lobby. Both tried to come consequence lobby on procrastination peace and the Big Style In the labor the the of the country The under the wire too late. largest and most industrious the Germany, in the meantime, is conference and in insisting upon im- tire behind? them. The note Chicago Produce Market. According to many authorities the blocking the allies at every point pos- required the withdrawal of the Hun- Chicago, March 24. BUTTER Market The Big Style Show last week would have been a bigger nt.lons ever sent to Topeka received tak- mediate steps to fight Bolshevism. garian troops present compensation law is fair and neithei a new law nor a commission sible.
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