i o A i u r ( n a w » — nml hitherMi drorch win held T D m m who delta TD reclatar- KUatammoh IMha No. Od. I. 0.1 Coe UJKM. A ttar ahowtay la the 1 at II. n. Ita eimiial weettni Sundejr en«r> ad automebOe aarhMn nuiat have R. tL i win iKrid Ita layolar maattnc w who wfll hUar ho put to week. iw n nee* et S:M, In ofder that all ot a card £rom the local prealdent, local eahlHUaii. tha palntlny waa a"‘ and taataDatlda o f eOleara In Tinker laGHiB Disnacrs huay in tha Grand Central Oal- S IO M D SHIFT STAKRD H w cempany haa bem arotkiay cn CMk Mb^ S m i held the church pet^a majr attend. Re> Bert Moaalajr. dial 4906. T h tr majrl haU tonlfht at I o’clock. Reftaak- radncad houra. but there are n iw larlaaL New Tork, from which place 5,841 mw W c temgkt at I ftWhnMntB and a aodal time win apply any day hetwaan 8:10 and 7 manta wiU ha OMTOd aRer the moat-i J^Cera that Indicate that there la to i t . U.O.A. (enow the hudniw eemtni. p. m. lay. _ tlM. purchaaa waa made. ATflIUJ/UtDIlUS be an Ineraam In the worklny houra SPEOALKNaGHT TboM who vIMtod ftho 1 and In the number amployad. Mra. Howard Paya and har bnotb-i hflCtket win remember tha beautiful MANCHESTER— A Cm r OF VILLAGE CHARM I ar, Paul Cada e t Oochacton, M: T., oolora e t tha Aaderaca eaaaaa. The jklC t haa hem put Co The Touny Poopu e t the Bwadlah paintiny daplctad a yroup at drcua work at tha B. B. Hiniafd Oonynyatloaal church wOl Rold V0ULVL,N0.97 fw in S S M .k ■ are vialtlay thdr coualaa, Mlao taHtmardania. M m lathapra^ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRI CE TH R O iLiOiilae and IClaa Roaamaiy PaU tel W31 Act Plropcsal It performbra waltlay outalda the their monthly meetlny tomorrow bciyhtiy Uabtad tent fo r their en­ Uon dapartmmt and apianera are erenlny inatead cC tonight, at tha o f Waat Mlddla Tumpiko. worklny on tha U mI fcr AM iher Dispot-j trance cue. Mb. Aaderaoa haa aee- aacood ahltt aa thair wort; la to pro. k m a at Mlm EUm Johnaon, IB l OUSE’S Bunaat O rda e< Paat MbMo eral aotaUa edaraam to hla credit. para warpa and fllU iv fo r th « wear- M ^a atraat All are nryod to ba His^way Cmmbles'iii Flood Path Oraade Of Sunaatltabokah lodyawiu praamt JAPAN CABWET I moat Monday araniny mth the a l P h i . 17 FORMER RUSS Ipraaldeat, Mlm Kdith Walah ef 9 •-jj ••'V'*. •< .vf Plaaaaat atraat Mlm Emily Klaa- GOES OUT UNDER mann la alca preeldeat and Mlm There la to ho a apodal maattny I LEADERS GO ON OVER 270,000 HOMELESS Brallna Pentland aecratary ^ tha Blyhth Schou^ud traaaurer. Diatdct held In the Holllatar atraat acted at 8 e^clock tonlyht w h ^ ^ Tailored PRINTS . DIETS AH ACK TRIAL FOR LIFE Playera from tha Pollah church In dietrlct officara win oak the rod- 1 •7T, I Wara, Mam., will praaent the 8-aet <^ta to ylvo them power to our- comedy, "SkalmlBankl’* at Pulaaki d land for a m h w f ’f n a A Attempt to a baU, Sunday eaanlny, under tha nitration plant that youll wear Karl Ridek, Famoit Joir- AS FLOOD DANGER EASI aua^em o f S t John'a PoUah church. T te dncera ham bean SH RTS •died by tha atata board of haalth ' Cm ItoI Next Om to Meet S t Maryarot’a Ctavle, Dauyhtera to taka atapa to oeareoma the piao- nalist, and 16 M aj Plead at Taaballa, arin bold Ita monthly ent condition ' In itlaiinml Trottay from now on •. ^ there la a demand that thia ba done. Great-Oppoiitioi; Eartih meetlny TUaiday erenlny at S dlatrlct ofScera haea aacurad aa GaHtr, R®ick Expected to Save HouSehold GoodS in Delude o’dock in tha K. o f a dubrooma. tethm on tha land and In buylny the I Tha apaakar wUl bo the newly U acrm now It win ytea the o3leo] p a k e M a r b the C r in i Figare in AnthSofiet Plot Red Cross Starts Drive hx " I' pointed cb^dbla. Her. Jamm P. an opportunity to buy tha land. 1 Timmlaa and hla aubject "The Alin totor erect a dlapoaal plant on the ^ S-. of a Fraternal Sodety.” A aodal yroumta and take care o f the naada $ 3 . 9 8 win follow In charge of the rayent of the dlatrlct for many yam to Tokya Jan. 28.— (A P )—Japan’S Moocow, Jan. 28.— (A P )—Seven­ For Two Million Fun Mra. Beaaia Lappen, aadatad by nf tha land that la ntary political partim over­ teen men. moSt o f them fallen from I Mra. Hden McCarthy, Mra. Mar- la $4,000, which la oonaldered threw tte eablaet o t Premier KMd high truSt In Communist RuSSia, yu a t Donahue, Mra. Bathei Gorw by tha dlatrlct offlcera aa low aa U Sizes 14 to 44 Z&rota today, forcing tte govei man and Mra. Francm SuIUean. tber were to wait It would coat aov- were called to trial today on chargeS ment t o reetgB under tbelr bitter at- o f betra ring the revolution. eral tlmm that amount t k; 3 Freezink Weather, Hanger, Lack Of Water And Group 4 o f tha Menwrlal Hoapital No oppodtion to the recommenda­ tocka againSt the army. Speedy convictloa and death with­ auxiliary, Mlm M aty Hutchlaon. tion la expected tonlyht Tlta premier, unable to reach in four or five daya waS all they tK leader, will meet Monday tftemoon eompromim between the angry mili­ could look forward to, obaervera Tkreatets Residents OfEigkt Stateo--0U i at tha Cmtar churoh houm. tary laadare and the political predicted, aa the faSt wheels o f JuS­ tice In the Soviet Started to iptn. partieS, pmssntSd tte cabinet'a^aam .-.'ICti:' Rise Slows Op And Cold SpeO May Ease The reyular m eetlnye_____ t the Tan IpAINTING SHOWN HERE mSlgnatloa to BSmperar Hlrahlto aft­ Karl Radek, dismissed aS an edl- I Cedara o f Lebanon wlU be held to- er a final seeslon o t biS minister*. tor of the government newSpaper nlyht at 7:80 In the Maaonlc Tem- SOLD IN NEW TORE I Ha waa expected to requeSt tte 'T’. 4 ^ ISveStla and In disrepute after hav­ Lawrencebirg, In i, b Completely Isobted; ple. tbrono to extend tte pieeent anopan- ing been accepted for a Score of slon of the Diet to allow tlma for yean aa a BolSheviSt oracla, waa the most widely known Sgure aum- , Ih e epidemic o f colda and dmllar Victor C. Anderson’s “The I formation of tte new cabinet He b i the Sooda raging acrom nearly a doaen StateS, taking toll o f FLOODS A T A fHLANOB aUmoita bad reached the Municipal would remain In offloe. It waa ex­ Ufa and cauSing extenaive propeity loSS, this waS one o f the acorm of moned to the priaonera bench. BWDIS TWO BUNX8 Circns” Brings 11,500 nt| BeSide him In the luxurious, pil­ By A eeeriatod PreSS I buildiny today. Chairman Bmil L- pected, during the four or five daya paved roads w^uhed out by the Swirling torrentS. Near thiS Spot ON BU81NBS8 I I O. H oh en th rJ r., ot tha Board ot Central Galleries in N. T. neeemary for the governmental re- on Highway 81, outSide BrownStown, Ind., one motoriSt waS drowned lared courtroom in the Labor Unions WABHDfGTON — CHAIRMAN ■ Mlm Marlon Framr, erganlmtlou. wbm the road crumbled and plunged hla car Into ttie Swollen waterS Temple’, once the ariStocratic club of Cary T. Orayabn marshala 8,700 NaShville. Tenn., Jan. clerk In the welfare department and *Tbe arcua", a beautiful peitittny It waS tte flrat time In Japan's of White river. the nobles, where Gregory Piatl- Red CroM chapterS In campaign (A P )—H. A. MooreS, 18, .... and koff, former aasiatant rommlemr fo r 82.000,000 to aid 270,000 IMlm Jeaate — ■ — M.— • RaLruolda,— ^ I ■ I %rweeeep^eMinmcontagfoua by Victor C. Anderaon, which waa I parliamentary hiStory that tte fewer be IS one of tbe fow taca diaeaae nurae, were confined to thdr ou exhibition in the S t M aryal houm bad succeeded In SrreeUng for heavy InduStry; Gregory Skol- temSleSS or needy in eight Stetee nikoff, former ambaSSador to Great to Swim two Mocha afeag homea today. wbUe acrom the atreet Pariah Houm laat faU, waa aold ra-1 tte govarmnent Sriileh ahvaya be­ t .m hardeet hit by'floodS—AriunaaS, NaShville boSlaera Street. Police Lieutenant WUllam A. Bar­ cently in New Tork to a drcua «"«««I they’re fore had reatored to dlamluttoB and Britain, and I a Serebtyakoff, former MiSSouri, IllinoiS, Tennessee, Ken­ aSSistant commiaaar o f communica­ He won a wager ron and Policeman Rudolph H. Wlr- a general election when tte Diet’S tucky. Indiana, Ohio and WeSt that he could not Swim 200: talla were abaent from work becauae oppoSltloa became too Strong. HOPE WANES FOR QUICK tions. ^^TginlK* Fancy Pnttems ONLY I along a flooded Of inneaa. Army SeekS New Oantrcl OtterS Are'NotableS. OOrOINNATI—OHIO RIVBB RISK washable! Among the htheia were N. L Mur- while clad In overalla.
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