JUSTICE LEAGUE Written by Dominik Roderburg Based on characters owned by DC COMICS. Contact: E-Mail: dominikroderburg at gmail.com For more information about Dominik Roderburg and his work, please visit: dominikroderburg.wordpress.com FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - DAY Earth, seen from space. We zoom in. EXT. SKY - DAY We fly through the clouds. EXT. OCEAN - DAY We fly over the ocean, we see a city in the distance. We fly towards it, onto - EXT. METROPOLIS - STREET - DAY We fly through the street filled with busy people. We see a cafe in the distance and we slow down while flying towards it. EXT. METROPOLIS - CAFE - DAY We slow down even more, focusing on a man behind a newspaper, which he holds in front of his face, hiding it. We stop in front of him, a few people walk by. The wind folds the newspapers right corner, revealing only his right blue eye. We zoom onto it and it FLASHes from blue to red for a second. The wind blows the paper away, revealing a huge grin on his face. He stands up, we pan to his right profile, as the man walks up the street. We are behind him now. We pan to his right profile again, making an alley visible behind him. Two man are molesting another one, our man walks by, they stay static for the second, one pulls a gun, we walk by, pan back to his head from behind, only HEARING a gun shot. We pan to the left of his profile, the man walks by, a car crashes into another, an man comes out of the crashed car, wielding a baseball bat. We pan back, walking by, only hearing a woman scream in a high pitched voice. - TOK - And a sound of baseball bat hitting a human body. The man walks on, we see a helicopter in the far distance. We pan a bit lower, focusing on him. The man walks around the corner, out of the screen. We zoom a bit closer to the helicopter, a huge wind blow makes him struggling being straight in the air. We zoom back, as the helicopter draws near us very fast, crashing almost onto the street directly in front of us. We walk around the corner, the man is gone. We pan to the right, seeing him in the reflection of the windows on the other side of the street. The sound of the helicopter blades, are almost inside our ears - FFffffrrrrrm. Another woman screams with a high pitched voice. We jump to the right. SUPERMAN, holding up the helicopter. He puts it slowly onto the street. PASSENGER #1 SUPERMAN! EXT. STREET OF METROPOLIS SUPERMAN keeps on his poker face, as he walks the street over to the crashed cars, he kneels down, looking closer at it. He sees a crowd over the alley, he walks towards it, and casually jumps over them, landing in front of the three dead men. SUPERMAN Mhpf. EXT. METROPOLIS - ALLEY - DAY SUPERMAN looks around, rushes out of the alley, off screen. He runs around the corner. We follow him, slowly, around the corner. A telephone booth. We hear someone dialing. Someone hangs up. BATMAN (V.O.) Yes? SUPERMAN Batman. It has happened again. BATMAN (V.O.) Details. SUPERMAN 3 people being shot. Obviously shot one another. A car crashed into another one, the driver killed the other one with a bat. And a helicopter almost crashing into a busy street of Metropolis. BATMAN (V.O.) I'll investigate. SUPERMAN Yes. And do.. Batman hangs up. INT. TELEPHONE BOOTH - DAY SUPERMAN looks annoyed, while rising up his eyebrow and lowering is lips. CUT TO: INT. BATCAVE - DAY We slowly wander trough the cave environment. We see a bunch of monitors mounted up like a wall. We are behind the monitors, seeing slightly two people behind it. ALFRED Master Wayne, who was on the phone? BATMAN SUPERMAN. ALFRED Again? BATMAN Yes. The phenomena again. One stranger than the other one. A man kills his wife all of a sudden, cooks killing his guests with a knife. A paper FLASHes over the screen, headline reading: "New phenomena! Sudden madness rises around America!" Second headline reading: "Husband kills wife after 45 years of marriage." BATMAN (CONT'D) Completely sane people going insane. One after another for apparently no reason. Another paper FLASHes over the screen, headline reading: "Insanity level rising in U.S.!" BATMAN (CONT'D) Mass hysteria. Pictures of people fighting each other in football jerseys, on a demonstration, in sales of malls. ALFRED Did you come to a conclusion, Master Wayne? BATMAN No, Alfred. (beat) (sighing) No. CUT TO: INT. BARRYS ROOM - DAY We zoomed on a clock. Ticking from 6:59 am on 7:00 am. - Ride The Lightning from Metallica starts playing - A hand FLASHes from off screen onto the snooze button. We pan to the side, a moaning man. This is BARRY ALLEN. IRIS (O.S.) BARRY!? Beat. Get up already! He moans again. We hear feet walking upstairs, drawing nearer. A door gets slammed open. IRIS (CONT'D) (annoyed) BARRY, get up! BARRY Yeah, honey. No hurry. IRIS You hit the snooze button three times already. You will not make it in time to be at your job. BARRY Being a scientist may give you ohs, and ahs from not scientists. IRIS steals the sheet, making BARRY freeze. He curls up. BARRY (CONT'D) But it won't make you rich, nor - Beat. - gives it enough social prestige like (arrogant) Batman, to get you up in the morning. BARRY sighs. IRIS Stop glooming, BARRY. You do love your job, don't you? BARRY Yes, IRIS. I do... I do... BARRY suits up quickly, looking a bit scruffy. INT. BARRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY IRIS cooks scrambled eggs. BARRY enters the kitchen. IRIS You want some eggs? BARRY You know I'm already late. IRIS looks onto the clock on the wall, we pan right, zoom onto the clock. IRIS You got 5 minutes left. So? BARRY Okay. BARRY sits down at the table. IRIS takes the frying pan and puts the scrambled eggs onto it, she walks over to the table and puts it in front of BARRY. He begins to eat. IRIS Cooked with love. BARRY smiles. BARRY As always, honey. IRIS And how's the work doing at the moment? BARRY Great. The crime rate in Central City is lowering with each year. It's amazing. IRIS That's good to hear. Crime is always bad. Glad my genius husband works for the good guys. IRIS giggles briefly. BARRY You think I may one of the bad guys? What? Like cooking meth or something? IRIS No - I meant you may be a criminal mastermind who tries to maintain a drug empire. But - forget it. I'm just being silly. BARRY And that's why I love you so much. IRIS Quite charming this morning, aren't we? BARRY Just the best - just the best for my wife. IRIS Oh - Barry. I'll never regret marrying you. BARRY I hope so. IRIS Will you come back in time this evening for our small rendezvous? BARRY finishes his eggs and wipes his mouth with a napkin. BARRY I'll try! We pan back to the clock. BARRY (O.S.) (CONT'D) Okay, honey, I gotta go. BARRY gets up and kisses IRIS on the cheek. BARRY (CONT'D) Bye. IRIS Bye. IRIS looks a bit worried about him, as he walks out the kitchen. He opens the door, letting all the buzz and busyness of Central City in. EXT. CENTRAL CITY - STREET - DAY He looks on his watch. We zoom on it; 7:09 am. BARRY Crap... He starts to sprint. He runs over the street, along the block, over another street, around the corner. EXT. CENTRAL CITY - BUS STOP - DAY Looks again on his watch, as we pan forward, seeing a bus leaving as BARRY arrives on the bus station. He shortly hesitates and runs further. Around the block into - INT. CENTRAL CITY - SUBWAY - DAY The subway, es sees the train in the station, opened doors. He runs down the stairs, leaping into the train, - FLUMP -, the door closes, him clashing against the door. He lies on the ground, looking on his watch again. 7:14 am. BARRY Oh, not late again. Not today! He grumbles and grunts slightly, gets up out of the station, onto the street again. EXT. CENTRAL CITY - STREET - DAY He calls a taxi, it arrives in front of him. He gets in. INT. TAXI - DAY BARRY (breathing heavily) To Central City Police Department! Quick, please. The taxi drives off. He opens his case, a file lies in it. He opens it. It is a file about a murdered man. We see a picture of him; cause unknown. He flips through the pages, picking a sheet of paper with a headline reading; The Anomaly Deaths. It is scattered with unreadable personal notes. He goes through his papers, puts them back together into his case and closes him. He looks out of the window, thinking. Something is going on in his mind. RADIO (V.O.) Three more dead people today in Metropolis. The cause is still investigated, but all signs indicate that anger issues led to the horrible incident. CUT TO: EXT. CENTRAL CITY - POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY The taxi arrives, stops at the curb. INT./EXT. TAXI - DAY He pays the taxi driver, and gets out of the taxi. EXT. CENTRAL CITY - POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY He looks on his watch. 7:24 pm. BARRY (to himself) Too late anyway.
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