Annexe 1 publications List of publications for the LabEx OSUG@2020 - Innovative strategies for observing and modelling natural systems This report results from an automated harvesting of the WebOfScience web services using following grant numbers: • ANR10LABX56 • LABX56 • OSUG@2020 • ANR-10-LABX-56 Generated on 2018-11-28 14:38:33.713Z 2018 393 Late Pleistocene - Holocene development of the Tista megafan (West Bengal, India): Be-10 cosmogenic and IRSL age constraints Abrahami, R ; Huyghe, P ; van der Beek, P ; Lowick, S ; Carcaillet, J ; Chakraborty, T ; 2018 - QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 185 pp 69-90 - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.02.001 392 3D electrical conductivity tomography of volcanoes Ahmed, AS ; Revil, A ; Byrdina, S ; Coperey, A ; Gailler, L ; Grobbe, N ; Viveiros, F ; Silva, C ; Jougnot, D ; Ghorbani, A ; Hogg, C ; Kiyan, D ; Rath, V ; Heap, MJ ; Grandis, H ; Humaida, H ; 2018 - JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 356 pp 243-263 - 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.03.017 391 Convergent genomic signatures of domestication in sheep and goats Alberto, FJ ; Boyer, F ; Orozco-terWengel, P ; Streeter, I ; Servin, B ; de Villemereuil, P ; Benjelloun, B ; Librado, P ; Biscarini, F ; Colli, L ; Barbato, M ; Zamani, W ; Alberti, A ; Engelen, S ; Stella, A ; Joost, S ; Ajmone-Marsan, P ; Negrini, R ; Orlando, L ; Rezaei, HR ; Naderi, S ; Clarke, L ; Flicek, P ; Wincker, P ; Coissac, E ; Kijas, J ; Tosser-Klopp, G ; Chikhi, A ; Bruford, MW ; Taberlet, P ; Pompanon, F ; 2018 - NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9 pp - 10.1038/s41467-018-03206-y 390 Integrated high-resolution dataset of high-intensity European and Mediterranean flash floods Amponsah, W ; Ayral, PA ; Boudevillain, B ; Bouvier, C ; Braud, I ; Brunet, P ; Delrieu, G ; Didon- Lescot, JF ; Gaume, E ; Lebouc, L ; Marchi, L ; Marra, F ; Morin, E ; Nord, G ; Payrastre, O ; Zoccatelli, D ; Borga, M ; 2018 - EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA 10 pp 1783-1794 - 10.5194/essd-10-1783-2018 389 Environmental fate and ecotoxicological risk of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole across the Katari catchment (Bolivian Altiplano): Application of the GREAT-ER model Archundia, D ; Boithias, L ; Duwig, C ; Morel, MC ; Aviles, GF ; Martins, JMF ; 2018 - SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 622 pp 1046-1055 - 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.026 388 Belingwe komatiites (2.7 Ga) originate from a plume with moderate water content, as inferred from inclusions in olivine Asafov, EV ; Sobolev, AV ; Gurenko, AA ; Arndt, NT ; Batanova, VG ; Portnyagin, MV ; Garbe- Schonberg, D ; Krasheninnikov, SP ; 2018 - CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 478 pp 39-59 - 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.11.002 387 SPOTS: The Search for Planets Orbiting Two Stars III. Complete sample and statistical analysis Asensio-Torres, R ; Janson, M ; Bonavita, M ; Desidera, S ; Thalmann, C ; Kuzuhara, M ; Henning, T ; Marzari, F ; Meyer, MR ; Calissendorff, P ; Uyama, T ; 2018 - ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 619 pp - 10.1051/0004-6361/201833349 386 Noble gases in micrometeorites from the Transantarctic Mountains Baecker, B ; Ott, U ; Cordier, C ; Folco, L ; Trieloff, M ; van Ginneken, M ; Rochette, P ; 2018 - GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 242 pp 266-297 - 10.1016/j.gca.2018.08.027 385 Assimilation of ground and satellite magnetic measurements: inference of core surface magnetic and velocity field changes Barrois, O ; Hammer, MD ; Finlay, CC ; Martin, Y ; Gillet, N ; 2018 - GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 215 pp 695-712 - 10.1093/gji/ggy297 384 Trace element analysis by EPMA in geosciences: detection limit, precision and accuracy Batanova, VG ; Sobolev, AV ; Magnin, V ; 2018 - EMAS 2017 WORKSHOP - 15TH EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS & IUMAS-7 MEETING - 7TH MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF MICROBEAM ANALYSIS SOCIETIES 304 pp - 10.1088/1757- 899X/304/1/012001 383 What is controlling the reflectance spectra (0.35-150 mu m) of hydrated (and dehydrated) carbonaceous chondrites? Beck, P ; Maturilli, A ; Garenne, A ; Vernazza, P ; Helbert, J ; Quirico, E ; Schmitt, B ; 2018 - ICARUS 313 pp 124-138 - 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.05.010 382 Lithospheric architecture of the South-Western Alps revealed by multiparameter teleseismic full-waveform inversion Beller, S ; Monteiller, V ; Operto, S ; Nolet, G ; Paul, A ; Zhao, L ; 2018 - GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 212 pp 1369-1388 - 10.1093/gji/ggx216 381 Generating Coherent Ensemble Forecasts After Hydrological Postprocessing: Adaptations of ECC-Based Methods Bellier, J ; Zin, I ; Bontron, G ; 2018 - WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 54 pp 5741-5762 - 10.1029/2018WR022601 380 Preferential Water Infiltration Path in a Slow-Moving Clayey Earthslide Evidenced by Cross- Correlation of Hydrometeorological Time Series (Charlaix Landslide, French Western Alps) Bievre, G ; Joseph, A ; Bertrand, C ; 2018 - GEOFLUIDS pp - 10.1155/2018/9593267 379 Observations of fast-moving features in the debris disk of AU Mic on a three-year timescale: Confirmation and new discoveries Boccaletti, A ; Sezestre, E ; Lagrange, AM ; Thebault, P ; Gratton, R ; Langlois, M ; Thalmann, C ; Janson, M ; Delorme, P ; Augereau, JC ; Schneider, G ; Milli, J ; Grady, C ; Debes, J ; Kral, Q ; Olofsson, J ; Carson, J ; Maire, AL ; Henning, T ; Wisniewski, J ; Schlieder, J ; Dominik, C ; Desidera, S ; Ginski, C ; Hines, D ; Menard, F ; Mouillet, D ; Pawellek, N ; Vigan, A ; Lagadec, E ; Avenhaus, H ; Beuzit, JL ; Biller, B ; Bonavita, M ; Bonnefoy, M ; Brandner, W ; Cantalloube, F ; Chauvin, G ; Cheetham, A ; Cudel, M ; Gry, C ; Daemgen, S ; Feldt, M ; Galicher, R ; Girard, J ; Hagelberg, J ; Janin- Potiron, P ; Kasper, M ; Le Coroller, H ; Mesa, D ; Peretti, S ; Perrot, C ; Samland, M ; Sissa, E ; Wildi, F ; Zurlo, A ; Rochat, S ; Stadler, E ; Gluck, L ; Origne, A ; Llored, M ; Baudoz, P ; Rousset, G ; Martinez, P ; Rigal, F ; 2018 - ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 614 pp - 10.1051/0004-6361/201732462 378 Multi-Annual Kinematics of an Active Rock Glacier Quantified from Very High-Resolution DEMs: An Application-Case in the French Alps Bodin, X ; Thibert, E ; Sanchez, O ; Rabatel, A ; Jaillet, S ; 2018 - REMOTE SENSING 10 pp - 10.3390/rs10040547 377 The GJ 504 system revisited Combining interferometric, radial velocity, and high contrast imaging data Bonnefoy, M ; Perraut, K ; Lagrange, AM ; Delorme, P ; Vigan, A ; Line, M ; Rodet, L ; Ginski, C ; Mourard, D ; Marleau, GD ; Samland, M ; Tremblin, P ; Ligi, R ; Cantalloube, F ; Molliere, P ; Charnay, B ; Kuzuhara, M ; Janson, M ; Morley, C ; Homeier, D ; D'Orazi, V ; Klahr, H ; Mordasini, C ; Lavie, B ; Baudino, JL ; Beust, H ; Peretti, S ; Bartucci, AM ; Mesa, D ; Bezard, B ; Boccaletti, A ; Galicher, R ; Hagelberg, J ; Desidera, S ; Biller, B ; Maire, AL ; Allard, F ; Borgniet, S ; Lannier, J ; Meunier, N ; Desort, M ; Alecian, E ; Chauvin, G ; Langlois, M ; Henning, T ; Mugnier, L ; Mouillet, D ; Gratton, R ; Brandt, T ; Mc Elwain, M ; Beuzit, JL ; Tamura, M ; Hori, Y ; Brandner, W ; Buenzli, E ; Cheetham, A ; Cudel, M ; Feldt, M ; Kasper, M ; Keppler, M ; Kopytova, T ; Meyer, M ; Perrot, C ; Rouan, D ; Salter, G ; Schmidt, T ; Sissa, E ; Zurlo, A ; Wildi, F ; Blanchard, P ; De Caprio, V ; Delboulbe, A ; Maurel, D ; Moulin, T ; Pavlov, A ; Rabou, P ; Ramos, J ; Roelfsema, R ; Rousset, G ; Stadler, E ; Rigal, F ; Weber, L ; 2018 - ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 618 pp - 10.1051/0004-6361/201832942 376 Inversion of deformation fields time-series from optical images, and application to the long term kinematics of slow-moving landslides in Peru Bontemps, N ; Lacroix, P ; Doin, MP ; 2018 - REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 210 pp 144-158 - 10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.023 375 Atmospheric nitrate export in streams along a montane to urban gradient Bourgeois, I ; Savarino, J ; Nemery, J ; Caillon, N ; Albertin, S ; Delbart, F ; Voisin, D ; Clement, JC ; 2018 - SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 633 pp 329-340 - 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.141 374 Tracing the Fate of Atmospheric Nitrate in a Subalpine Watershed Using Delta O-17 Bourgeois, I ; Savarino, J ; Caillon, N ; Angot, H ; Barbero, A ; Delbart, F ; Voisin, D ; Cleement, JC ; 2018 - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 52 pp 5561-5570 - 10.1021/acs.est.7b02395 373 The fluctuation-dissipation theorem used as a proxy for damping variations in real engineering structures Brossault, MA ; Roux, P ; Gueguen, P ; 2018 - ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 167 pp 65-73 - 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.04.012 372 Ice cliff contribution to the tongue-wide ablation of Changri Nup Glacier, Nepal, central Himalaya Brun, F ; Wagnon, P ; Berthier, E ; Shea, JM ; Immerzeel, WW ; Kraaijenbrink, PDA ; Vincent, C ; Reverchon, C ; Shrestha, D ; Arnaud, Y ; 2018 - CRYOSPHERE 12 pp 3439-3457 - 10.5194/tc-12-3439-2018 371 Comparison between five acellular oxidative potential measurement assays performed with detailed chemistry on PM10 samples from the city of Chamonix (France) Calas, A ; Uzu, G ; Kelly, FJ ; Houdier, S ; Martins, JMF ; Thomas, F ; Molton, F ; Charron, A ; Dunster, C ; Oliete, A ; Jacob, V ; Besombes, JL ; Chevrier, F ; Jaffrezo, JL ; 2018 - ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 18 pp 7863-7875 - 10.5194/acp-18-7863-2018 370 Investigating the young solar system analog HD 95086 A combined HARPS and SPHERE exploration Chauvin, G ; Gratton, R ; Bonnefoy, M ; Lagrange, AM ; de Boer, J ; Vigan, A ; Beust, H ; Lazzoni, C ; Boccaletti, A ; Galicher, R ; Desidera, S ; Delorme, P ; Keppler, M ; Lannier, J ; Maire, AL ; Mesa, D ; Meunier, N ; Kral, Q ; Henning, T ; Menard, F ; Moor, A ; Avenhaus, H ; Bazzon, A ; Janson, M ; Beuzit, JL ; Bhowmik, T ; Bonavita, M ; Borgniet, S ; Brandner, W ; Cheetham, A ; Cudel,
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