Drug and Gene Delivery in Biomedicine Introduction Jeoung Soo Lee, PhD Deprtment of Bioengineering Clemson University EDUCATION: B. S. Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University, Korea M. S. Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University, Korea Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University, Korea Post-doc, Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Utah Post-doc, Bioengineering, Clemson University Professor, Bioengineering, Clemson University https://cecas.clemson.edu/4DLab/LeeHome.html Clemson University • Founded in 1889 • Land-Grant University of SC • >25,000 students (undergraduates and graduates) • 9 Colleges • College of Engineering, Computing & Applied Sciences (~8,000 students) • Department of Bioengineering • BS, MS, PhD, Meng • MD/PhD, DMD/PhD Drug Design, Development and Delivery (4D) Lab Drug coated balloon for Nerve regeneration preventing restenosis • Traumatic CNS injury • Degenerative disorders Dr. Eugene Langan Vascular Surgeon, GHS Dr. Michael Lynn Neurosurgeon, GHS Drug loaded electrospun CNS cancer fiber for vascular suture • Spinal cord tumor Dr. Robert brown • Brain tumor Breast cancer H & N Surgeon, GHS Dr. Wendy R Cornett Breast surgeon, GHS Course Objectives Describe the relationship between drug physico-chemical properties and pharmacokinetics /pharmacodynamics. Describe the fundamentals of drugs, drug delivery systems, and pharmacokinetics /pharmacodynamics according to delivery route (e.g. oral administration, systemic injection, topical administration) Select and design appropriate biomaterial-based strategies for controlled and targeted drug delivery. Integrate drug delivery principles with tissue engineering strategies. Analyze the strengths and limitations of recent peer- reviewed publications in the field of drug delivery. RECOMMENDED REFERENCE TEXTBOOKS (NOT REQUIRED). *Drug Delivery: Engineering principles for drug therapy; by M. Saltzman, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001. *Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews: Journal, 1993-present *Biomaterials for delivery and targeting of proteins and Nucleic acids: by Ram I Mahato CRC Press *Controlled Drug Delivery: Kinam Park, ACS COURSE MARKING SCHEME 1. Mid term exam 30 % 2. Final Exam 35 % 3. Journal Presentation 20 % 4. Assignment/Homework 10 % 5. Attendance 5% A - 90-100% B - 80-89% C - 70-79% F - <70% Grades are not negotiable. Week 1 July 2 (Mon) : Introduction July 3 (Tue) : Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics July 4 (Wed): Biomaterials for Drug Delivery System (DDS) I July 5 (Thr): Biomaterials for Drug delivery System (DDS) II July 6 (Fri): DDS I –Prodrugs and Macromolecular delivery system DDS II-Controlled Release System Week 2 July 9 (Mon) : DDS III- Target-specific Delivery System, Review July 10 (Tue): Mid Exam July 11 (Wed): DDS-IV: Particulate Delivery System July 12 (Thr): Drug Delivery in Gastrointestinal Tract July 13 (Fri): Protein Drug Delivery Week 3 July 16 (Mon): Gene Therapy July 17 (Tue) : Drug and Gene Delivery in Tissue Engineering July 18 (Wed) : Review July 19 (Thr) : Journal presentation July 20 (Fri): Final Exam Journal Presentation • Oral Presentation Grading Rubric The oral presentations will be evaluated as follows: Organization (20%) Content (40%) Slides &/or Handouts (15%) Conceptual Level & Reasoning (15%) Delivery (10%) History of Medicine Ancient Egyptian Medicine (2600 BC): introduction of the concepts of diagnosis, prognosis, and medical examination Edwin Smith papyrus: the world's oldest surviving surgical document (1600 B.C.), the text describes anatomical observations and the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of 48 types of medical problems. Treatments described are closing wounds with sutures, preventing and curing infection with honey and moldy bread, stopping bleeding with raw meat, and immobilization of head and spinal cord injuries. Traditional Chinese Medicine: based on the use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage and other forms of therapy has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Folk medicine: China, Korea, Japan, India, etc Drugs isolated from plants Qinine: Anti-malarial agent Isolated from Cinchona (China bark) Morphine and codein: Isolated from Opium Ephedrine: Asthma treatment, Isolated from Mahoung Salicylic acid: Precusor of Aspirin, Pain reliever, Isolated from Willow bark Aspirin (Bayer, 1897): Acetylsalicylic acid Universal pain reliever 1st synthetic pharmaceutical drug Charles Frédéric Gerhardt (1853) History of Medicine Hippocrates (460 BC) : “Father of modern medicine” first described many diseases and medical conditions - Hippocratic Oath is taken by doctors today Galen: Greek Physician and surgeon in Roman Empire. Many surgeries including brain and eye Anatomical reports based on dissection of Monkeys and pigs Leonardo Da Vinci dissects the corps (1489) Andreas Vesalius: Published De humani corporis fabrica (1543), Founder of modern human anatomy Rogerius: A surgeon who was pioneered anatomy and surgery. Surgical practices inherited from the ancient masters were improved and then systematized in “The Practice of Surgery” . Universities began systematic training of physicians in Italy. Invention of microscope Zaccharias Janssen :spectacle makers (1590) Antony Van Leeuwenhoek : One of pioneers of microscopy develop 1st microscope Discover blood cells Discovery of Microbes during the Renaissance => led to cure many infectious diseases Open the era of “Modern medicine” Louis Pasteur (1857): French Chemist and microbiologist Founder of medical microbiology “Germ theory of disease” Created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax Pasteurization-a process to treat milk and wine in order to prevent it from causing sickness Robert Koch: Found germs of Anthrax and Tuberculosis B. anthracis (1877), Tuberculosis bacillus(1882), Vibrio cholera (1883) ⇒ awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905 Alexander Fleming and Penicillin (1928): Open the era of antibiotics: “Penicillin- the wonder drug” Howard Florey and Ernst Chain: Isolate the substance from penicillium notatum ⇒ Fleming, Chain and Florey were awarded the Nobel Prize (1945) Watson and Crick: discover the DNA double helical structure (1953) ⇒ Watson, Crick, and Wilkins won the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine in 1962. * Rosalind Franklin (1920 – 1958): “Franklin uses X-ray diffraction to study the structure of DNA. X-ray diffraction images of DNA, particularly Photo 51, while at King's College, London, which led to the discovery of the DNA double helix. Wilkins shared her data, without her knowledge, with James Watson and Francis Crick, ultimately publishing the proposed structure of DNA in March, 1953.” =>Open the “Era of modern Medicine” => recombinant DNA technology, and molecular cloning Dolly the sheep becomes the first clone by Keith Campbell (1996) Gene Therapy : intracellular delivery of genetic material to generate a therapeutic effect Stem cell therapy: stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition. Gene editing: genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted or replaced in the genome of a living organism using engineered nucleases, or "molecular scissors". History of medicine timeline http://www.datesandevents.org/events-timelines/10- history-of-medicine-timeline.htm What is a drug? What is a drug? Definition of Drugs : Chemicals which have a therapeutic effect and be safe However, all chemicals have the potential to produce undesired side effects => In the development of drug, it is essential to select the chemicals that have a margin of safety between the dose that produce desired (therapeutic) effect and the dose that produces undesired (toxic) effects Therapeutic Effect of Drug Therapeutic window Introduction Therapeutic window: the range of drug dosages which can treat disease effectively while staying within the safety range Therapeutic index (TI) : a comparison of the amount of a therapeutic agent that causes the therapeutic effect to the amount that causes death (in animal studies) or toxicity (in human studies). => TI = LD50 / ED50 LD50 : lethal dose of a drug for 50% of the population ED50 : the minimum effective dose for 50% of the population Fate of Drug by administration route Blood circulation PK/PD Pharmacokinetics (PK): The dynamics of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME) in the body Pharmacodynamics (PD): The mechanisms of drug action and the relationship between drug concentration and effect => Drug’s pharmacological effect on the body Pharmacokinetics/Pharmakodynamics Drug delivery system (DDS) Goal of drug delivery : Designing a delivery device or system that achieves a desired drug concentration in plasma or a desired concentration profile to provide its maximum therapeutic activity with maximal safety and reliability. Drug delivery system (DDS) Drug delivery technologies: Formulation technologies that modify drug release profile, absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination (ADME) for improving drug efficacy and safety as well as patient convenience and compliance. Drug delivery system (DDS) Criteria for designing effective delivery system : Understanding of physico-chemical properties of drug Understanding of diseases Understanding of target sites Understanding of drug administration routes Drug delivery system (DDS) Five delivery systems: 1. Prodrugs 2. Soluble macromolecular drug carrier system 3. Particulate carrier system 4. Controlled Release System 5. Site-specific
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