IO RC-MR 126 e MINISIS USERS' GROUP MEETING 1985 Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the MINISIS Users' Group Washington, DC, USA, 28 October -- 1 November 1985 Host: United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Program Policy and Coordination, Centre for Development Infonnation and Evaluation, Washington, DC, 20523, USA The papers presented at the meeting are published in these proceedings in the original language of presentation. They are produced as submitted and have not been subjected to peer review or rigorous editing by IDRC Communications Division staff. Mention of proprietary names does not constitute endorsement of the prod11ct and is given only for infonnation. The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to stimulate and support scientific and technical research by developing countries for their own benefit. The Information Sciences Division of IDRC has developed MINISIS, a multi-lingual, generalized data base management and information retrieval software package for the Hewlett-Packard 3000 family of mini-computers. The complete package-- software, training and on-site implementation-- is made available free of charge to non-profit-making organizations in developing countries, and for a fee to other organizations. When they acquire MINISIS, these organizations become members of the MINISIS Users' Group. The members of the MINISIS Users' Group meet annually to share their experiences and expertise with the MINISIS system, and to participate in discussions with IDRC over the future development of the system. The first meeting, in 1979, took place at IDRC. Since then, other users have taken turns at hosting the annual Users' Group meeting. The host for the seventh annual meeting of the MINISIS Users' Group in Washington, D.C. was the Agency for International Development (AID), the United States' international development cooperation agency. A MINISIS user since 1981, AID uses MINISIS for the management of their Development Information System (DIS). They have recently developed a menu interface system for MINISIS (described elsewhere in this volume) which they are offering to other MINISIS users as a contribution to the community at 1 arge. The meeting was planned and organized by a special committee made up of staff from the AID Document and Information Handling Facility and other MINISIS users in the Washington area. We would like to thank all the members of the MUG '85 Committee, particularly Lee White and Virginia van Brunt, for ensuring that all the arrangements went so smoothly, from the booking of the conference facilities to the organization of local tours. In addition to their other tasks, this group was responsible for the preparation and publication of a MINISIS Applications Inventory based on responses from a questionnaire mailed out with the registration information. We would also like to thank Hewlett-Packard for providing computer equipment used during demonstration of MINISIS and MINISIS-related·software to the meeting participants. Finally, we would like to thank all of the participants at the meeting for their presentations, their questions, their criticisms and suggestions. It is in answer their needs and desires, and in large part because of their efforts, that MINISIS has continued to develop and change. T.A.G. Ga"in Associate Director Information Science Computer Systems International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Ottawa, Canada Le Centre de recherches pour le developpement international est une corporation instituee en 1970 par le Parlement du Canada pour encourager et subventionner des recherches techniques et scientifiques realisees par les pays en developpement pour leur propre benefice. La Division des sciences de l'information du CRDI a mis au point MINISIS, progiciel multilingue qui combine la creation d'une base de donnees, les fonctions de gestion et la recherche de l'information et qui s'exploite sur les mini-ordinateurs de la famille Hewlett-Packard 3000. Le progiciel complet-- logiciel, formation et installation-- est offert gratuitement a des organisations sans but lucratif de pays en developpement et contre paiement d'un droit aux autres organisations. Quand elles se procurent MINISIS, ces organisations deviennent membres du Groupe des usagers de MINISIS. Les membres du Groupe des usagers de MINISIS se reunissent chaque annee pour se faire part de leur experience et de leurs connaissances en rapport avec MINISIS et pour discuter avec le CRDI du developpement du systeme. La premiere reunion, en 1979, a eu lieu au CRDI. Depuis lors, d'autres usagers ant, a tour de role, servi d'hote a ces reunions. L'hote de la septieme reunion annuelle du Groupe des usagers de MINISIS, qui a eu lieu a Washington, D.C., a ete l 'Agence pour le developpement international (AID), soit l 'agence de cooperation en developpement international des Etats-Unis. Usager depuis 1981, l'AID utilise MINISIS pour gerer son Systeme d'information sur le developpement (DIS). Elle a recemment mis au point une interface a base de menus pour le systeme MINISIS (decrite plus loin dans ce document), au profit de taus les usagers de MINISIS. La reunion a ete planifiee et organisee par un comite special compose de membres du personnel du Centre de manutention de l'information et de la documentation de l'AID, et d'autres usagers de MINISIS de la region de Washington. Nous voulons remercier taus les membres du Comite d'organisation de la reunion de 1985, plus particulierement Lee White et Virginia van Brunt, qui ant tot fait pour assurer le ban deroulement de la reunion, de la location des salles de conferences a l'organisation des visites locales. Ce groupe a ete charge, en outre, de dresser et de publier un inventaire des applications de MINISIS (MINISIS Application Inventory), a partir des reponses aux questionnaires qui ant ete envoyes en meme temps que le formulaire de participation a la reunion. Nous tenons egalement a remercier la compagnie Hewlett-Packard qui a bien voulu fournir le materiel informatique qui a servi a faire, aux participants, des demonstrations, des programmes de MINISIS et des programmes connexes. Enfin, nous remercions taus les participants pour leurs exposes, leurs questions, leurs observations critiques et leurs suggestions. C'est en reponse a leurs besoins, et en grande partie grace a leur contribution, que MINISIS continue d'evoluer. Le Directeur associe Systemes informatiques des Sciences de l'information Centre de recherches pour le developpement international (CRDI) Ottawa (Canada) T.A.G. Gavin CONTENTS Paqe Opening Remarks Mr. Haven W. North............................................... 1 USAID Development Information Program Mr. Kenneth Lee ~Jhite... .... .... ...... .... ....... ....... ... ...... 7 MENUDIS User's Guide (Version 1) Ms. Chris Wolter ................................................. 19 MICRODIS Mr. Paul Howard, Mr. Brian Bohall ................................................. 34 The Computer operations and Application Section, IDRC: The Team's Role and Activities Mr. Alain Lamirande .............................................. 36 Micro Data Entry Packaqe Ms.EllenRuygrok ................................................ 45 Hewlett-Packard's Intercontinental Support Mr. Paul Balnys ... ............................................... 51 ILO MINISIS Systems Mr. Robert Wal f.................................................. 84 AGRALIN Utilities Mr. Age Jan Kuperus .•.•..••....•.....•.•....•....•.•............• 102 Library Automation in the National lk1iversity of Singapore Library: A Progress Report Mrs. Ong Gim Honq ................................................ 112 MINISIS Applications at the Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development Mr. Julius L. Manalo ............................................. 120 The Activities of the Arab Centre for Agricultural Docllnentation and Inform at ion Mr. Sargious Ramiz ............................................... 128 MINISIS Application - The Philippine Experience Dr. Irene D. Amores ..••.........•..........•...•...............•. 140 Full-Text Implementation at the National Conference of State Legislatures Ms. Pamela Lewark ...•.....•...•......•....•....•.......•.....••.. 144 Paqe MINISIS at the Joint Bank/Fund Library Ms. Susan Turner .......•.....•.................•.......•......... 149 MINISIS Full Screen Data Entry System Mr. Hans Hjelm .................................•................. 157 RESADOC: One Year of MINISIS Experience in the Sahel Mr. L.B. Guindo ........................................•......... 166 Conversion of the International Register for Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) Databases from an AOABAS t1 a MINISIS Environment Ms. Ruta Whittaker .....................•..•......•.....•......... 174 The Indian Subcontinent: A Case for Networking Information Mrs. Nivedita Namboordiri ..........•..••.....••..••....••........ 185 L'Experience Zairoise sur l'utilisation du MINISIS Cit. Mananga ma-Mbumba .....•.......•.....••..•••........•.•...... 218 MINISIS System Application, Problems and Future Applications at the Hong Kong Productivity Council Mr. Nelson Tse .................•.....•..•...••.....•............. 225 Tipobibliotecografia Sr. Max Diaz, Inq. Luz Marina Quiro~a •.......•.•••••••••...••...• 231 MINISIS in the Caribbean Ms. Audrey Chambers.............................................. 242 National Energy Information Center in MINISIS Mr. Ukrit Soontornsaratune •....................•••.•...•........•
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